The Story of Us (Fili/The Hob...

By Bilbos_Acorn

327K 9.3K 2.5K

Every story has an end, but in life every ending is just a new beginning. More

1. The Wizard's Request
2. An Unexpected Party
3. Fili And Kili
4. The Quest Begins
5. Three Trolls
6. Holy Ground
7. Orcs and Wargs
8. Rivendell
9. A Thunder Battle and Goblins
10. Goblin Town
11. The Defiler
12. His Name is Beorn
13. Revelations
14. Mirkwood
15. Spiders and Elves
16. The ElvenKing
17. Bilbo's Plan
18. The Orcs and the Bowman
19. Lake Town
20. The Bowman's Home
21. The Master
22. Splitting Up
23. Healing Kili
24. The Orcs Are Back
25. The Dragon
26. Journey To The Mountain
27. Arkenstone
28. Greed
29. He Will Have War
30. Pretend It's Okay
31. Bad Blood
32. The Battle Begins
33. Ravenhill
34. Sweet Despair
35. One Last Time
36. The Final Showdown
37. If I Die Young
38. Nightingale
39. Bilbo's Departure
41. The Great Feast

40. Distant Relation

4.5K 121 49
By Bilbos_Acorn

With one last wave, we all solemnly crept back in the mountain and walked towards the Great Hall again. I dragged my fingers near my eyes and across my cheeks to make sure there weren't any tears left to fall. Fili locked his eyes with mine, they were full of sympathy and care. "You'll see him again, I swear to you. Tell me when and I'll arrange for you to be taken to The Shire."
I slowly nodded my head. "Thank you." Of course I planned on using Bilbo's offer of visiting him one day. Though, anything can happen within the time I actually do go and it frightens me. My heart races with just the thought of it. Bilbo was safe in The Shire. I knew that for sure. Still, a lot has changed in the blink of an eye that I still have to comprehend and let it all sink in.

"I'll see you later, all right? I still have to take care of all this." He said as he gestured around him, the dwarves were still going to and fro, shuffling with things and continue to prepare this place to look cheerful. "Okay." I replied. He turned his back and began to walk away. I watched him leaving, then I turned around to walk to the Library. Figuring that books could keep me occupied until the time of the feast, I decided to walk there. However, I accidentally bumped into a Dwarf woman, who looked a couple of years older than me, who had jet black hair, various braids in it, and a small beard on her face. Me being my clumsy self had made her drop the plates she was carrying. They all scattered on the floor, clanking loudly. Luckily, they didn't draw attention, it was too busy in here for anyone to look at fallen plates.

"Hey!" She shouted angrily, "Watch where you're going!" I cringed at her harsh tone, but I mostly showed some embarrassment on my face for being so awkward as I helped her with the plates. "I am so sorry! I didn't see where I was walking." I quickly gathered up the plates and rose up to hand them to her. "Ya' don't say." I heard her mumble under her breath.

Her expression when she saw me took me by surprise. She probably expected to see another Dwarf. Shock was written on her but then her features soften. Her face twisted to a slight grimace afterwards.

"Oh. Look what the cat dragged in." She said under her breath. She didn't think I heard that, but I certainly did. Well, that didn't hurt at all. "It's you, the half Elf that Fili is betrothed to. It's Erin, right?" She said quite rudely.
"Uh, no. It's Eleanor." I answered her. "And your name is...?"

"It does not matter. I simply want to say a few words to you, Ellen." Seriously, my name isn't that hard to remember. She sent me a scorching look as she took a few steps to meet my eyes, her face hardened. I wanted to sink back and run away but I wasn't going to have her win so easily.

"You better watch your back, half Elf," she spat coldly,"us Dwarves are very protective of our kin and if you do anything to hurt our future King, we will not hesitate to end you. You've already failed with keeping Thorin Oakenshield alive." Then she stepped back and bowed mockingly, "Have a good day, your majesty." Her lips curled with disgust one last time before leaving.

Talk about 'Highlight of the Day'. I'm not saying I want to sink back into a dark hole and stay in there forever, but I am and I do. I was completely appalled to hear how blunt that woman was, and yet I still didn't get her name. Would going back to Rivendell be a good thing? After all, it seems as if I am not needed or wanted here. Who am I kidding? I don't belong here! With a bunch of Dwarves! I was practically Elven raised. Even with the Dwarven blood that is coursing through me, I still did not have a place amongst them.

As much as I do want to leave this place, I cannot bring myself to forsake Fili and the rest of my friends. Just because there is one awful Dwarf doesn't mean they are all bad. Don't give yourself too much hope, you fool, I told myself. But then a spark of fear and worry arose in my chest: What if Fili's mother does not like me? What if she reacts the same way that woman did? I might as well flee right now to save me from the inevitable humiliation.

I didn't know what to do now. I stood dumbfounded in the midst of the preparations. I couldn't stay in this area though, I was nothing but a heavy burden here. With a silent sigh, I walked to the Library and quietly prayed that I wouldn't stumbled upon anyone else that had a 'few words to say.'


I lost my way to the Library. This damned mountain is so large, I don't know how anyone could find their ways. I guess I need more time to get used to Erebor. Thankfully, I ran into Gloin and Bifur and they kindly showed me where it was. I felt so stupid because I had happened to pass by there. Twice. I thanked them with a quick nod and proceeded into the rather large library. Oversized, tall Walnut bookcases were lined up against the exquisite walls of the mountain, which Dwarven tapestries were also hung at every corner.
I noticed most books were out of place and scattered on the floor, with an immense amount of dust on them. There was one that caught my eye. Carefully, I picked it up and wiped some dust off of it. I flipped through the first few pages, immediately recognizing the book. When I had nothing to do at my time in Rivendell, I liked to have my back against a tree and cozy up to a good book. And this one was one of those books. A small smile formed on my lips as I reminisced, just like a mother would as she remembered the times she shared with her young child.

"That is an excellent book," a kind voice spoke from behind, startling me back into reality. The book slipped from my hands and landed on the floor with a loud thud. Oh for goodness sake, Eleanor, you clumsy fool!

I picked it back up and faced another Dwarf woman. Anyone with eyes could see she was a very beautiful Dwarf. She looked as if she was around my age. Her honey-blonde curls cascaded down her shoulders as her bright, hazel eyes stared into mine, pulling her full lips into a polite smile. Oh I hope this won't be what I think it is, I said to myself. Here we go again.

"My apologies, I did not mean to startled you." Her soft voice spoke as she let out a small chuckle. Shock took over me for a moment. I have never met anyone like her and yet she seems so comfortable around me. She does not have that hatred in her eyes, the curling disgust of her lips, the acid that she spits in her words like what I have gotten a few times lately.
Instead, a bright smile shines on her features as she continues.

"Oh do not act like you don't know me! It is I. Zaryn? Your long-lost cousin?" She questioned outgoing-ly.

Zaryn. Her appearances don't seem familiar. Her voice, her attitude, her name. Nothing rings a bell.

"I-I think you have me confused for someone else. I do not remember anyone named Zaryn." I answered her. I figured this is the only solution. I had no clue what she was talking about.
"And I certainly think you do not remember me, cousin Eleanor. Hence the term, long-lost. But I do. My parents did not let me visit you often because of well, what you are. I never cared what you were though. I just wished we could have spent more time together."

That is understandable. No wonder I did not recognize her. She knew about me but I just couldn't remember who she was. In a way, I felt the feeling that I know her somehow but it's not all the way there. Some things seemed too clouded and unclear. Missing gaps that need to be filled in. But nonetheless, I felt a sense of comfort and ease, like a cat curling up on your lap on a bitter, frigid evening. Relief washed over me in a refreshing way.

"And since we never got the chance to do so, how about we start now? We can go back to my chamber and I'll make us some tea..?" Zaryn asked
"That sounds lovely." I smiled at her.

"Well then, let's get out of this dusty library." She chuckled as I put the book back in its spot in the bookcase from where I grabbed it and we walked out.
"Ever since this mountain was reclaimed, I was given a job as the librarian. Not that I'm complaining but," she stopped briefly, "I expected more."
"What did you have in mind, then?" I questioned Zaryn.

"Oh, not like it matters." She waved the questioned off.
"No, seriously. I could help you. I have those...connections."

"Nah, it's quite all right. I'm afraid this is something you won't be able to help with." I was about to open my mouth once again but she cut me off.
"Anyways, how has it been lately?"

I hesitated before answering. Should I give that answer that everyone gives? That one little word that holds a thousand lies? Oh yes, I am fine. Everything is great. People shun me, I still think about that terrible battle, and I believe I'll never fit in with this world? Yes, it's all just peachy. Or should I just tell her?
I shouldn't.
I don't care who she claims to be. She may be a long-lost cousin but it feels as if I just met her. I won't be an open book that easily.

"Fine," I lied.

"I'm glad it's been fine, Eleanor. Because of that battle you and the others went through, I couldn't imagine the pain you must have been in. Physically and mentally."
Oh it's a challenge all right.
We continued walking and chatting throughout the corridors. We passed through the Great Hall to see how things are going since we've last been in there. It were beginning to look like a grand celebration in there.
"Eleanor!" I heard Fili call.
I saw Fili with another Dwarven woman. I could see a slight resemblance between the both of them. Is that his mother, Lady Dis? Judging by the way he was glowing just looking at her, I think it is.
He beckoned for me to come towards them.
"Excuse me, Zaryn." I said. She nodded as she leaned on a column. I tucked in my hair behind my ear and continued on. Fili smiled brightly as he extended a hand for me to take.
"Mother, I would like you to meet my beautiful betrothed, Eleanor. Eleanor, this is my mother, Lady Dis."
Fili's mother was a beautiful Dwarf. I couldn't help but admire her majesty. She had a certain glow in her. But I believed she had received the news of her son and brother, for she looked stressed, bags under her eyes, and in a state of unease.

The next action took me by surprise. I was expecting a simple hello, but instead she pulled me into a bone-crushing embrace.
"My, have you grown to be absolutely stunning, Eleanor." She said whilst still in the hug.
"Thank you very much."

"Are you coming to the feast tonight? It would be wonderful if you could." Dis asked. Now was not the time to complain about my personal issues. I had to go now. I was planning on going either ways. Or was I?

"I sure am!" As soon as I said that, Fili gave me a Are-You-Sure type of look. I nodded.
"Great!" She exclaimed. "And if you don't mind me asking, Eleanor, but who is your friend over there?" She subtlety looked over my shoulder.

"That is just my cousin Zaryn."

"Your cousin?" She gave me a disbelieving look. I nodded.
"Long-lost cousin, I should say."

"Oh. Well I will see the both of you later then," and then she stepped closer to me so just us two could here, "and Eleanor, be careful." And then she was gone.

Be careful.

What could have she meant by that? I pushed the thought away from my already troubled mind.

"It is like she read my mind. I was wondering who that Dwarf was too." Fili stated.
"I am going with Zaryn to her chamber for some tea. I'll be here as soon as the feast begins."

"You don't have to-" he said but I cut him off.
"I know, I know! " I snapped but then quickly regretted it from seeing his hurt features. "I'm sorry. I'll see you later." I swiftly kissed his cheek and proceeded towards Zaryn.

"Took ya' long enough." She said.

"Yes, I apologize. It was my first time meeting my betrothed's mother."
"Whoah, the future King Fili is your betrothed?" She asked, eyes widening with shock.
"Yes, he is." I grinned a little bit.

"So should I start calling you Queen then?" She smiled in a cheeky way as she nudged my side with her elbow.

"Do not start with the formalities." I chuckled.
"All right, all right. Shall we, Queen Eleanor?" She asked as she gestured towards the corridors.


"What type of tea would you like?" Zaryn shouted from the kitchen. I was comfortable sat in her sitting room, on a cozy burgundy armchair.

"Raspberry, please!" I shouted back.

She came back in the room smiling and walking with a tray that held our teas. She set it down on her small coffee table.
I grabbed my tea and blew on it a couple of times. Then I took a short sip.
"This tea is simply de-li-cious, Zeryn."

"Thank you! Only the best for you, my dear. So where ever did you go know. If you do not want to talk about it, it is fine with me." She continued on.
"No, no it's fine. Where should I begin? From then on, I lived with the elves in Rivendell. Lord Elrond was kind enough to take me in."

"You lived with elves? That's so amazing!" She exclaimed, almost spilling her tea. "Wait. You like elves? I thought you would be the typical Elf-Hating Dwarf." I laughed.
"Nah. Unlike everyone else, I have nothing against them." This statement caused me to smile.

"Anyways, I lived with them for most of my life. Lord Elrond was like another father for me. He taught me everything. Fighting. Life. Anything, everything. One day, a wizard paid me a visit and asked to go on a quest to help Dwarves reclaim their homeland. At first, I was stubborn. But eventually I said yes and well, here I am."
"And that is how you met Fili, right?" She questioned.
"Indeed. As a matter of fact, I've been talking about myself since we've met. Tell me things about you now."

"Me? You want to know about me! No, no, no. Why would you want to know anything about silly ol' me? You are my cousin and the future Queen Under the Mountain. I could listen about you all day!" Zaryn rambled on.
"That is very sweet of you. But I insist."

"Well I-I always lived in Erebor. My father didn't escape the fires of Smaug but your father's sister, Arvia did, which was my mother in case you were wondering. But since she was so grief-stricken by the loss, she passed away as well."

"I'm so sorry to here that." I laid my hand on hers in a comforting way. I never met my father's siblings, all I knew is that they died before I was born. I suddenly was feeling very tired and almost sleepy. The tea probably made this effect on me. After all, tea is very soothing. At this point I could barely keep my eyes open. I yawned multiple times while talking.
"Excuse me but I'm really tired all of a sudden and-"

"Oh don't you worry. Go on, take a nap if you would like. Want me to walk you back to your chamber?" Zaryn asked.
I nodded.


I opened the door to mine and Fili's chamber. I turned around one last time and faced Zaryn. "If you don't mind, but could you wake me up before the feast starts? I'm suppose to go and I'm sure I'll wake up late anyways."

"Of course! I was going to it also so I'll make sure to wake you up." Zaryn said.
"Thank you so much." I said.

"Don't worry about it. Have a good nap, El. Sweet dreams." And with that she was out the door faster than I fell into a deep sleep.



*victory screech*

*starts twerking to african tribal music*

I'm so sorry for the long wait, I've just been really busy lately and for a couple of days, I lost the urge to even write anymore but hey!!! I got it done. 😎

I hope this chapter is good enough for y'all. Thank you so much for waiting and since I only have three days of school left I'll be updating more frequently. Yay me!1!

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