The Coldhearted Prince & Prin...

By BL_Fan_62

39K 1.1K 597

This is a Vanitas no Carte fanfic a College AU. Vanitas is known as the Coldhearted Prince for being cold and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Vanitas & Dante
Vanitas & Amelia
Vanitas & Johann
Vanitas & Luca
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 12

1.2K 38 7
By BL_Fan_62

Vanitas was on his phone while Noé was sitting down in silence. They were at Noé apartment room right now, it was very awkward for the both of them to be in the same room.

Noé kept glancing at Vanitas and of course Vanitas noticed "Hey. Will you stop staring at me." Vanitas was irritated now, he sighed and looked at Noé. Noé looked away "Well I don't know what to ask..." He tells Vanitas.

The light piercing blue eyes stared at gentle purple eyes "Why don't you just make up something. It's not like I'm actually going to tell you anything about myself." Vanitas tells Noé.

"But lying is bad! And we have to tell the truth in this assignment." Noé yells with a worried face not liking the idea of lying. Vanitas sighed already wanting to leave here. "I can tell you about my major but don't get your hopes up on me telling you about my life." Vanitas says to Noé.

Noé nodded with a smile "Right!" Noé happily says, Vanitas scowled 'Why couldn't I get Luca or Dante or Johann or Amelia! Why this guy of all people. I'm going to have to talk to the headmaster of this school.' Vanitas thought to himself.

They both have paper and pens in front of them. "So why do you study medicine and stuff?" Noé asked Vanitas.

Vanitas needed to answer him "So I can become a doctor." Vanitas gave him the most obvious answer. Noé sweat drop at that reply. "Why do you study writing and journalism?" Now Vanitas asked Noé.

Noé already has a response ready "I love writing and I hope one day I can write my own book." Noé tells Vanitas with that big smile that he hates so much.

Vanitas wrote that down "Why do you want to become a doctor Vanitas?" Noé decided to ask another question making Vanitas freeze from writing or moving. Being a doctor was one of Vanitas personal life decisions.

Seeing that Vanitas wasn't going to answer him, Noé decided to change the subject. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?" Noé asked Vanitas with a awkward smile.

Sighing and looking up, Vanitas spoke "Yes. I'll take anything but sweets." Noé nodded with a smile, he knew Vanitas didn't like sweets. Noé mostly had sweets and frozen food since he was terrible at cooking.

"Your a terrible cook aren't you?"

Noé turned to see Vanitas with his hands on his hips. Noé blushed in embarrassment "Yeah. I am..." Noé said as he was so embarrassed as Vanitas sighed. "Can I use your kitchen?" He asked Prince Charming.

That surprised Noé but he nodded, Vanitas grabbed whatever ingredients he found and started cooking. About an hour later Vanitas set two bowls and two cups of tea down on the table.

Noé eyes sparkled as the delicious scent went to Noé nose. "It smells so delicious better then Louis cooking." Noé didn't realize what he just said as he covers his mouth.

Vanitas was surprised but laughed "I'm better then your lover! Haha!" Vanitas laughed, Noé pouted as he crossed his arms. "He's not my lover he's my ex now." Noé tells Vanitas.

Of course Vanitas knew this since Johann sent him their little break up show. "Ah! What a sad thing for you~only if I actually felt bad for you." Vanitas says with a grin. Noé frowned at that as he sat down and took a spoon full of the soup.

Vanitas cleaned up the mess he made well he didn't really make a mess. Once he finished he sat down and began to eat "This is so delicious! What is this?!" Noé asked with sparkles and excitement in his eyes and tone.

It just made Vanitas scowl at that "It's called vichyssoise. You had the ingredients so I just decided to make it." Vanitas says taking a sip of his soup like it was nothing special.

Noé never tried anything like this before "Can you make a dessert called Tarte Tatin?" Noé asked Vanitas, Vanitas scowled at that. "That is too sweet but yeah I can make it. Sadly Dante, Johann and Amelia like it so I make it for them."

That made Noé face lit "Can I try your Tarte Tatin?" Noé asked Vanitas with a smile, that surprise Vanitas. I wanna try your sweets one day big brother!

Vanitas eyes slightly widen, his hair covering his eyes. Why? Why? Why are you making him your sweets and not me? It was the voices that Vanitas always hears in his head. He needed them to disappear from his mind right now.


Why of all places was Vanitas hearing that voice at Noé apartment especially with him in front of him. Vanitas gulped not knowing what to say to Noé right now.


Suddenly a voice snapped Vanitas out as he looked up. About an inch away was a worried Noé, Vanitas backed his head away. "I'm fine. I was just lost in thought." Vanitas tells Noé.

Vanitas finished his soup and it seemed Noé finished his a while ago. Vanitas stood up getting both their dishes "Wait I'll pick them up. Your the guest." Vanitas looked at Noé.

He sighed and handed them to Noé "Wow I'm the guest you say. Hahaha! Yet you allowed me to cook but not clean hahaha!" Vanitas laughed at that.

Noé blushed, he already knows that he was a terrible cook. "S-Sorry! I'll make sure to cook you something in return! I promise you!" Noé promises to Vanitas as Vanitas waved it off "It's fine. No need to repay me."

Noé took the dishes to the sink, Vanitas packed his stuff up. Noé came to see Vanitas getting ready to leave "Your leaving already?" Noé asked Vanitas as he nodded "It's getting late." Vanitas says.

Vanitas was walking towards the entrance, Noé wanted to stop him but didn't. Vanitas left the apartment and was now headed to his and Amelia shared apartment.

It was dark and cold outside and Vanitas was freezing since he didn't have a jacket. "I should have asked that Prince of Niceness to lend me one of his jackets." Vanitas mumbles as he was shivering.


To be continued

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