Painted Moments

By Firefly1085

1K 294 12

Cordeliah Vita never thought much of the need to live a double life. Raised on the secrets of her family's he... More

2 United Conflict
3 Growing Pains
4 The Inner Office
5 The Histories
6 The Price for Silence
7 Back to Normal (kind of)
8 Not the Best Reveal
9 Sincerely Confused
10 Trying Normal
11 Normal is Fun
12 Truth or Date
13 Calmly Panic, Then Run
14 Safety and First Aid
15 To Much Truth
16 Purged Seal
17 Debriefing on Chaos
18 Friendly Slap Back
19 An Innocent Interaction
20 Better Fighter
21 Good Sport
22 A Remedy for Awkward
23 Fiddle and The Library
24 Ivy and Grace
25 A Therapeutic Vacation
26 I Hate Playing Damsel
27 Looking into War
28 Heavenly Redo
29 Facing Reality
30 Trip the trap
31 The Best Laid Plans
32 Mason's Loss

1 Mostly Normal Day

113 10 4
By Firefly1085

Chapter 1
Mostly Normal Day

Remember. Create only what you know.
Never be seen creating life by a Cog.
Destroy all mistakes.

These are the rules of the Vita family. They were never to be broken. Well, we all make mistakes. After all, we are mostly human.
In all fairness it wasn't really my fault. That started two hundred years before I was born. History never was my favorite subject; which is ironic considering...
"Cordeliah Vita!!!"
Ugh... I hate when they call my full name. I look back towards the room where my history teacher is once again looking at me with obvious contempt. It figures that the one day out of the week I manage to snag a window seat she jumps on my case for zoning out on her lesson like everyone else.
"Would you like to tell everyone what happens next in today's lesson Miss Cordeliah... since you obviously have no need to pay attention to more than your flighty companions outside the window. "
Her face looks so twisted with glee. I'm starting to worry it will stick. Private schools certainly are better academically than public schools, but at public schools at least you can hide in the overcrowded room. Here it's almost guaranteed a 50/50 chance on whether or not the teacher in each class screws you over or not.
I don't have the energy for this. The birds outside are more entertaining than her lesson even on a good day. I quickly look down and glance across the notes scribbled on my notebook.
I can't help but smile as my stick figures on the page have continued to work hard transcribing the teacher's lecture.
"Miss Cordeliah I don't have all day!"
"Apologies Mrs. Rander, I was just referencing my notes."
With this statement her face fell. With my full explanation of the next events corresponding with her lesson she turned red. With embarrassment or anger I can't tell nor do I care anymore as she turns back to the front board to gain the class's attention again.
As I explained before, history is not my favorite subject. However, that doesn't mean I'm not well versed in it. It's just gotten old, and no one can teach history as well as my Grandmother. Not to mention Mrs. Rander has been our monotone, bore you to tears, history teacher since freshman year.
Suddenly I feel a gentle tug on my braid. Mason giving me a job well done sis, in our own way. I'm not sure when pulling on each other's braid changed from trying to annoy the heck out of each other to silent encouragement, but it works for us.
It's not long until the lecture is over and we are trying our best to rush out of the class before we are held back for more monotony. Safely out in the hall we quickly make our way to Lucas's car.
The old clunker was a classic according to Lucas. To us it was a huge no name brand build. Every part was put together in a mad scientist manner by Lucas and his dad. Each seat was pulled from a different car. A Huge leather two seater in the back, a bucket seat as a passenger seat and an old luxury seat in the driver side. It was an unspoken rule that everyone had permanently called dibs on their spot. Regardless of the fact that the inside was literally brass tacks, the hatch back was hippy by definition. We made a lot of memories as kids riding around with Lucas's dad. He was the uncle we always wanted regardless of how many we already had.
When he died last year we were devastated, but pleasantly surprised that his will completely emancipated Lucas as long as he stayed in school and graduated. Since the end of the school year is two weeks away and he is valedictorian of his year he will officially inherit the business and the fortune that jump started it.
Since Uncle Trevor had no other living relatives the board of his business tried to cause a stink. Uncle Trev was ready for that though. He made it clear anyone who contested his will would lose all rights to inherit anything. They got what they got, or they got pot.
That's how it should be anyway. Lucas's new fortune belonged to his mom; not his dad at the beginning of their marriage, and she had no other family besides Lucas and Uncle Trev.
Seeing Lucas leaning against the driver's side; I latched my hand onto Mason's wrist as I started to pull him at a faster pace through the crowd. I admit I was a little over excited. Lucas promised to take me to the bookstore today. The new installment of a Siren's treasure came out yesterday and my hands were practically itching to have a copy for myself!
Once Lucas saw us coming he smiled ear to ear. We have been friends for almost a lifetime. The three of us are always so inseparable.
"Hey Mason, Cori!"
Seeing him wave I picked up my pace again.
"Slow down Cori he isn't going to run away!"
Hearing Mason's grumbled words I relented a bit.
"I'm sorry."
Mason rubbed at his wrist as if I had strong armed him.
"I just know the sooner we are in the car the sooner I can get my book!"
"Yeah yeah you and your books!"
Mason meant it to tease me for my obsession with a good story. Yet, the sarcasm couldn't quite reach his eyes. Smirking, he tickled my side before jogging off towards Lucas.
Mason didn't much like to read himself. He has made a habit of coming to find me though, and dragging me to the sunroom to read my beloved stories to him while he sculpts his new piece.
I could tell that's probably how we would spend the rest of our day. You could often find all three of us in that sunroom. Lucas would probably be rebuilding some part for his latest restoration project. Mason would be working at his wheel. While I paint or read aloud to them adventures from one of the many books in my collection.
I have been reading Siren's treasure for most of the year. So he can't fool me. He is interested in how things end in the series as well. I simply smile at him as we finally make it to the car.
"Come on guys, we've got more than one stop to make before we can chill out at home."
Lucas, as usual, was having trouble finding the key on his massive key ring.
"Where else do we have to go?"
I was only mildly curious as I was more concerned with purchasing my book.
    "Don't worry Cori. I'll take you to get your book first, but there is a car part I need to pick up after from Old Man Sims. I promise It won't take long."
With that said he unlocked the car while we piled in.
"The sooner I can pick it up though; the sooner I can get this car restoration done and get paid by the owner. Besides I was running out of small projects to work on in the sunroom, and I wouldn't want to miss you reading today right?"
I guess I could convince mom to let us eat dinner in the sunroom this evening if that was the case. Mom was usually in the inner office as we called it on week days anyway. She always encourages our creativity too. So even though she is strict as far as moms go she has never been unreasonable or unfair.
As such, if we have a legitimate reason for our choices and actions she usually goes with the flow.
On weekends though you can basically forget it. Everyone is at the table for dinner Saturday and Sunday night. While she understands special occasions or schedule conflicts, if you're in the house you're spending the evening with the family. Since no one can really make a true excuse as to why they can't make it. It's rare that anyone misses a family meal.
Once my father was in Europe for a business deal and came home out of habit. Lucas was there that night and was so confused since he had waved goodbye to him the day before as he boarded his fourteen hour flight.
Explaining that his flight had touched down before leaving the country and that he had to start from scratch the next day while we were in school was a headache that everyone panicked over. At least until clear headed Mason stepped forward with that cooked up excuse.
Since today is a Friday, mom will be more flexible. Lucas knows this as well since he is treated like family even though he isn't allowed in the inner office. Never be seen creating life by a Cog. Unfortunately, unless Lucas joins the family through marriage and blood ties, that is what Lucas is. He is like all the others outside of the three Vita families.
That is why Lucas has never seen any of Mason's and mine's finished artworks. Always a spot unpainted here, a clump of uncarved clay there. He has never noticed as far as I know. Any art Mason and I finish must be completed privately. It's safer that way.
"So you're almost done with the Charger restoration? Do I get to see it before you present it to the owner?"
Mason has never been afraid to get his hands dirty. You could often find him in the shop with Lucas and Uncle Trev over the years. Mason still helps Lucas out when he has the time between school and other family academics.
"Of course you can see it! Once I get the part installed we'll take it for a test drive around town this weekend."
I gave a mental sigh. Here it comes. For the next twenty minutes the guys did nothing but talk shop.
Blessedly we reached the bookstore. The guys knew I would be lost to the aisles for at least half an hour before I made a purchase. So they made a quick getaway to the coffee shop housed within the building.
By the time I was done browsing I had found the book I was looking for and several others that piqued my interest. I was walking on air towards the coffee shop after making my purchases when my bliss bubble was abruptly popped.
"Well what do we have here!! The little bookworm found some new fantasies to munch on."
Ugh... I began to fidget immediately with this horrid woman's interruption. I hate that voice. I hate that face. I hate that we are related!!!
"Hello Vivian."
Please God Creator, I can't handle her right now. It was too late though. Vivian has already planted herself in my path. Cousin Viv is five years older than me. Yet she acts like a new debutante brat.
"I talked to your mom the other day, you know?"
Her voice was snide as she shifted her weight like a snake about to strike and flicked her hair over her shoulder. Her body language simply screams pompous witch.
"She seems so proud that you're strong enough to imbue an entire room space in one of your little paintings now. I can't tell you how happy I was to hear that my little cousin is finally making progress. I was so worried since I could of course imbue an entire house space by the time I was your age."
"Vivian! You know that kind of talk is supposed to be restricted to the office! I whispered harshly to her."
I couldn't hold my panic at some Cog over hearing my loud mouth cousin. It took me a moment to realize how petty she was being.
Vivian was well aware that as a member of the main branch family my abilities were unstable due to the fact that I have both attributes! Every main branch family member had to go through slow grueling training before being allowed to practice freely. It wasn't that I couldn't compete with her. It was simply that I shouldn't until I come of age and stabilize. Opening only a single room space in one go is for safety's sake not a limitation.
If she had said such haphazard words to a younger member causing them to act out; that person could flame out; worst case is death, best case; life as a vegetable locked up in a medical painting to control your will spilling from your unharnessed mind.
"Please these Cogs will probably just think I'm speaking geek to the local dust bunny. Someone has to get my gloomy cousin to socialize with more than useless fabricated stories written by other socially awkward geeks."
Unfortunately for the world, Vivian was a psychology major. It's not that she is dumb. She just has a rotten personality. Only made more rotten as she uses her knowledge to cause trouble. Then she talks her way out of it; leaving behind the poor Cog, that was stupid enough to fall for her mental traps, holding the bag and taking the fall.
The last poor sap was convinced that his crush liked him back. All on Vivian's word. I'll never forget his crumpled face as Vivian laughed at him when he came to her holding the restraining order the girl had put on him.
It was too late at that point. His reputation was ruined. He had to leave town and transfer colleges.
"What are you doing here anyway Vivian? You're supposed to be at the Main house when you're not at school because of your probation. Are you trying to tick off Grandfather!"
"Oh what can that old coot do to me. He doesn't even leave his retirement frame!"
"I wouldn't worry what Grandfather will do to you. More like you should worry about me; if you keep harassing my sister."
Mason's sudden appearance startled me, but I didn't show it. He is known for his light feet and almost nonexistent presence. If he wanted to he could simply stand in a room of statues looking right at you, and you would never know he was there.
Vivian's face flushes completely red at the appearance of my brother. She may be five years older than him, but our life spans make that pretty inconsequential. Another problem is even though she is classified as a cousin from the Partum family. We are not actually blood related anymore according to modern science. We used to all be from the same source, but so many generations have occurred since then that there truly is no blood relation between the main family and the branch families anymore. Just a deep history that starts at the beginning of creation and a rigid set of traditions and rules hold the families together now.
"Mason, how could you think that of me! I was just congratulating your sister on her progress."
She tried to pout in that pretty model way, but honestly it just looks like a fish gobbling plankton.
"She is the one harping on me for running a simple errand. A girl needs her resources to excel the way I do in college right?"
Watching this brat flush prettily for my brother, and flaunt her education like a prized Dutch hound was making my stomach roll. Mason continued to stare her down. His face was blank and cold. I know that look. I have always been uneasy when it plasteres itself to my gentle brother's face. Mason should never have to make that look. The awkward silence was only broken by Lucas as he barreled his way into the tense atmosphere.
"Cori I got you a latte since you were taking so long chatting. Seriously though we gotta get to Old Man Sims before he closes. You know how stubborn he is. He won't wait on us."
Well Lucas has had coffee. He is going to be hyper and jittery for the next two hours at worst. I gratefully took the beverage from Lucas giving him a wide smile.
"Thanks Lucas! Why don't you go get the car? We will be right behind you."
    "Oh uh okay... I'll go get the car. See you around Vivian."
He looks a bit disappointed when Vivian doesn't even look at him, but in true coffee influenced Lucas fashion, he quickly shrugs it off to bounce away at light speed. Once Lucas was out the door I turned to Mason. His temper seems controlled yet it is anything but.
"Come on Mason you can glare at tawdry riffraff later. We are making Lucas late."
I ignore Vivian's gasp of outrage as I grab Mason's arm and head for the door.
"Now wait just a minute little girl you can't talk to me like that and....."
"Enough Vivian!"
Mason practically growled the words.
"Come near my sister or me again without invitation and I'll see to it that you are to drop all of your classes and are restricted to the main house for re-evaluation."
Vivian turned completely ashen at the threat. In less than six months my brother and I will reach adulthood and stabilize. On our eighteenth birthday we ourselves will be evaluated and instated as the new official heirs of the family.
No one is aware of the fact that we will share the role. They assume the more powerful twin will take the reigns. That's their foolishness. I will never fight Mason, and Mason has made it clear he feels the same.
Surprisingly Grandfather and Mother didn't put up much resistance to our announcement. They simply stated that in that case our spouses would receive no political station within the family, and the next generation head will be selected by power and merit from our individual offspring.
We agreed to the conditions happily. We have no intention of marrying within the family anyway.
Thanks to the blood ties ceremony, why would we need to? It's the only good thing to come out of that nasty war two hundred years ago. With it we can fall in love, reveal our true selves, and marry a human turned Nephilim without contestation. The branch families get to stop losing their power as well. Since there is no need to water down the blood with humans to incorporate new genetics.
Mason and I left the coffee shop to meet Lucas as he drove up to the curb. Jumping in the back seat; I stretched out over the sun warmed leather of the two seater. My purchases are sitting in the bag on the worn upholstery floor. I have taken the best naps in my life on this seat. It sounds like Lucas has distracted Mason from his temper with more talk about mechanics.
I wish I could honestly enjoy this moment more, but Vivian's behavior disturbed me. How could she be so blasé about our family in public like that.
Her lack of discretion for our traditions and secrecy was so disrespectful on so many levels. Which meant I was going to have to talk to mom about her again.
It's moments like this when I almost just want to drop the whole kit and caboodle mess in Mason's lap and run for a tropical island by myself. The responsibility we have grown up with has made it clear we had to grow up fast. Immaturity means mistakes and all mistakes must be destroyed. My brother and I learned quickly that we had to reach, beyond our age, towards a higher level of mental control at the sweet age of five.
Most kids imagine a villain to fight and play hero with, but when playtime is over that villain is forgotten.
Imagine our surprise when our gifts of creativity were projected onto children's drawings in our room.
When we went down to dinner that night we had no idea about our family's talents. When we went back to our shared nursery room to find it ablaze and destroyed with life size versions of our hero and villain fighting it out amongst our plushies and building blocks; you could say shock and terror are extreme understatements to our reactions.
My brother and I still can't openly speak of that night without getting choked up. Destroying those two creations was extremely difficult for my parents. The fight was brutal. Two superpowered beings with the mentality of the five year olds that created them. I honestly couldn't tell you which one was worse out of the hero or the villain.
My father broke his ribs and fractured his hand. My mother's left side of her face was purple and blue for a month, and she still walks with a slight limp.
No one expected us to develop so young. The youngest child before us was ten before showing the signs. We were immediately pulled from preschool and sent back to the main house for homeschooling and to learn basic control. After that night I can't honestly say I was a child anymore.
At some point I must have dozed off and got that nap I wanted after all. I woke up to Lucas knocking on the window my head rested against with that goofy grin spread across his face. Apparently I slept through picking up the part and the ride home.
"Hey Sis, you might want to get those sinuses checked out. I couldn't tell if old hippy's shocks went out again or if you really do just snore that loud."
That comment earned him a well placed punch to his arm as we walked up the porch steps to the front door of our house. He knows I don't snore that bad, but he also knows that at one point in our young life he got me so worked up over the idea that I decided to record myself over night. What I found was a few cute little piggy grunts and snuffles but mostly silence. When I came running, fussing at him for lying to me he practically rolled on the ground in laughter. I still haven't lived it down

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