The Coldhearted Prince & Prin...

By BL_Fan_62

39K 1.1K 597

This is a Vanitas no Carte fanfic a College AU. Vanitas is known as the Coldhearted Prince for being cold and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Vanitas & Dante
Vanitas & Amelia
Vanitas & Johann
Vanitas & Luca
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 5

1.4K 44 49
By BL_Fan_62

Amelia finally found Vanitas "There you are!" Vanitas looked to see that it was Amelia. He didn't say anything to her just stared at her with a stoic look.

Amelia needed to take few deep breath's to calm her breathing down. After a few seconds she did, she looked at Vanitas straight in the eyes. "I'm sorry for what I said Vanitas. I shouldn't have said anything about that. I know you dislike talking about it." Amelia apologized to Vanitas.

Vanitas sighed "Fine I'll forgive you just this once but you got to make me something delicious to eat for lunch tomorrow." Vanitas tells her as Amelia smiled and nodded.

"Of course! I'll make something that you would love!" Amelia says happily making a small smile appear on Vanitas. But then Amelia stopped looking happy which made Vanitas raised an eyebrow.

There was silence between the two of them for a few moments. "Vanitas." Amelia voice sounded serious, that got Vanitas full attention now. "What is it Amelia?" He asked her.

Amelia spoke up "Louis De Sade tried to get a lot of information about you, I was able to block him out but he managed to get your age and the other small stuff especially your IQ. But nothing of your background."

Vanitas crossed his arms feeling so pissed now "Urgh. Nothing we can do about that, at least he didn't get any other information. You at least did good on that, I'll let Dante and Johann know." Vanitas tells her.

Amelia nodded "I'll keep making sure they don't find any other information on you Vanitas." Vanitas lifted her chin up and grin a little. "Keep doing a good job my little pet. If you keep doing well I'll reward you." Vanitas says as Amelia blushed. " master." She whispered.

With that the two went their separate ways, Vanitas went to find Dante and Johann right away. He found them "Hey baldy!" Dante and Johann turned to see Vanitas.

To them their was an intense aura around him, the girls looked at Vanitas with hearts in their eyes. "I'm not bald you quack!" Dante shouted as Johann spoke nexts "Is something the matter Vanitas?"

"We need to talk somewhere less crowded."

Dante and Johann glanced at each other, they knew that it was important. They followed Vanitas up the roof where it's off limits to students. "How in the hell do you have a key Quack?" Dante asked Vanitas.

Vanitas smirked "I got my ways. Don't worry none of the teachers will come up here." He told them.

They all stayed silent for a few moments then Vanitas spoke. "Prince Charming lover is being a bother. He's looking into me, Amelia managed to block Louis from looking further into it. He only got the simple stuff." Vanitas told them.

Johann put his hand on his chin "I see. Louis De Sade. I knew that Louis De Sade and Noé Archiviste was an item but never thought that Louis would look into you. Vanitas did you do something to him." Johann asked him.

Vanitas scowled at that "Why in the hell would I do something to him. If I did then he would most likely hate my guts." Vanitas says crossing his arms.

Dante looked at Vanitas "The quack is telling the truth even though he's good at lying this time he isn't." Dante says as Johann nodded.

"Do you want us to keep an eye on him?" Dante asked Vanitas. The Cold-Hearted Prince smirked "Yes. And of course I'll pay you two. Amelia is going to look into Louis and the others just in case watch them all closely, got it." Vanitas tells them.

They nodded "Of course quack. I hate to admit it but we really all owe you our life's." Dante says with a small smile, Johann adjusted his glasses "We will do our best Vanitas." He told Vanitas.

Vanitas grin at them "Good. Make sure you update me about them especially Louis and Prince Charming. I'm actually quite curious about Noé Archiviste." Vanitas tells them.

They nodded wanting to make Vanitas proud, they left Vanitas on the roof since he still wanted to stay. From the roof Vanitas could see Noé with his group of friends.

Noé was laughing and talking with Louis, Jeanne and Dominique. "What a bunch of idiots. They are all just bugs to me. Pest. Garbage. Trash. Filthy creatures." Vanitas says with a frown.

"You shouldn't be saying that especially to Jeanne."

Vanitas didn't say anything he knew exactly who it was. "Luca." A small boy who looked like the age of twelve stood at the entrance of the roof door. "I came to tell you that Louis asked me about you and to get all the information I can." Luca tells Vanitas. "He wants to ruin you that is what he told me."

Luca looked at Vanitas waiting for his reply "Give him the small details about me that he already knows. My name, age, IQ and just simple little stuff." Vanitas tells Luca.

Vanitas walked up to Luca and patted his head "Your doing a great job for me. Especially erasing my crimes from the system. I'll make sure to reward you." Vanitas tells Luca.

Luca smiled with a slight blush "Of course master Vanitas! You saved me and helped me out! So I'll do anything for you." Luca tells Vanitas, he didn't react or show emotion.

"I know you care about Jeanne like she's an older sister to you. But remember if she tries to harm me or the others then I won't hesitate to harm her."

Luca gulped but nodded "I understand master Vanitas. I do hope she doesn't though." Luca says, he wasn't against Vanitas because like the others Vanitas saved him.

Luca is twelve years old, he skipped grades for being smart. He goes to the same college as Vanitas, Amelia, Dante and Johann. He's studying business so he can own his own business and work with Vanitas one day.

Vanitas whispered something into Luca ear so only he can hear. Luca was surprised at first but nodded with a smile. "You think you can do that if you run into Prince Charming?" Vanitas asked Luca "Of course! I won't disappoint you!"

"Let's go now."

Vanitas walked out with Luca following him "I'll be going this way master-I mean Vanitas." Luca says with a smile as Vanitas nodded "I'll see you later. Make sure to tell me anything you learn." Vanitas says as he goes to the opposite direction.

To be continued

The next few chapters will be about how Vanitas saved Amelia, Dante, Johann and Luca.

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