Their Lost Hidden Sister

By Anonymouswriting1617

16.3K 397 10

Valentina Sage a name that she had been called all her life. But that wasn't her name. She got her name from... More

bonus chapters??
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2
Bonus Chapter#3


340 11 0
By Anonymouswriting1617

Adriano didn't know what the next move was supposed to be they had yet to figure something out. "She isn't going to talk to us?"

Lorenzo didn't know how but they needed to find a way that they could get there sister to talk to them. He had a way in mind but he knew for sure that his brothers weren't going to be on board with it. But if they wanted Valentina back they were just going to have to work with it. "We have to-"

"There is nothing to try we need to figure out another option because she is not going to talk to us any other way." Adriano knew that they had broke her trust and she had every right to hate them. His sister was already short tempered and stubborn and they had just set her off. "You didn't hear how angry at me she was. We got a DNA test on her and we didn't tell her we broke her trust."

"Well we need to figure out a way to regain it." Leonardo wasn't sure how they were going to do that but he knew that it had to be done and soon. They had only just gotten their sister back and they couldn't lose her now.

Adriano looked between his brothers they had been having this conversation for two days debating what they were going to do and they still hadn't reached a conclusion. "And how do you expect that we do that?"

"I don't know but we are going to figure it out and we are going to do it soon." Leonardo knew that they were going to have to think this out they could not just run into this without a plan.

Lorenzo took a breath he knew how they got her back but they weren't going to like how they were going to manage to do it. "We have to make her hate them even out the playing field." More so they weren't going to like who they had to call in order to accomplish this.

"You sound like you have a plan?" Adriano was all for any plan that meant he would get his sister back. He had wanted his sister for so long and when he got her he lost her not long after because he was stupid.

Lorenzo nodded his plan was gong to require them to be patient something none of them were good at. "One that you guys are not going to like let me go make a call." He knew that this person would help without a doubt. It meant they were getting what they always had wanted.

"You better be right about this Enzo." Leonardo knew that his brother could make it happen he didn't like that he was saying they weren't going to like It though.

"Just trust me on this." Lorenzo knew that they had this in the bag if his brothers just put there anger aside for the sake of getting their sister back.

"Whatever." Adriano didn't care what they had to do as long as Val came back home.


Lorenzo went to his room dialing the all to familiar number. He knew that his brothers wouldn't approve but he hoped they would do it for Valentina. When the ring stopped he heard his mom's voice. "Hello."

"We need help?" Lorenzo didn't care what they said they should have never kicked her out.

Elena took a breath she had known that he would call her and she knew why it had to with Valentina. "Of course what is it?" She knew what it was but she wanted to see how much her son would tell her.

Lorenzo knew that this had been his mom's dream to get the daughter that was always supposed to be hers. "It looks like you are finally getting what you have always wanted."

"Which is?" She was happy he called that meant the next step of her plan was in motion now she had to wait for Valentina to anger her brothers which she knew would be

"We got her back and then we did something stupid and Mario Moretti took her from us. I know you always wanted a daughter and she was your chance. We want her back any means neccasary."

"Legal action or illegal." She already had a plan in the works that was legal but she didn't need them to know that they wouldn't agree to what she was planning until they had absolutely no choice.

"Legal you know Mariano will pull all the stops." As much as he would prefer if they did it the illegal way he knew better when it came to the Moretti's.

"I'll be there in 10 do not tell your brothers." She knew how they would react to her showing up at the house they wouldn't like it and she needed them to let her in on this and that would be easier if she just showed up. She wanted her family back and it was time she got it. "It's better if it's a surprise they won't like it."


Adriano was on his phone sitting on the couch when there was a knock at the door he got up going to open it to find his mother. And while he hadn't seen her in the last few years he didn't intend to ever see her again. "Hello, Goodbye."

He was about to close the door until. "I'm here to help get Valentina." She knew that would change how he felt if he knew that she could help he'd take it over the waiting game.

Adriano stopped opening up the door looking at his mother. He wasn't sure how she found out but he didn't care at the moment help was help. "Valentina what can you do."

"I'm a lawyer." Elena reminded she was already in the works of drawing up a contract so that they could get Valentina back and that the war between the families would finally come to an end.

"Yeah, the same lawyer that got my father thrown in jail and now you're telling me that you want to help the offspring that he had out of wedlock." He knew how to hit his mother where it hurt even if she was supposedly back to help he didn't trust her one bit he had learned from the past. "The one that was supposed to be yours, you sent him to jail because you lost your one chance at a daughter then he died in there"

Elena took a breath she knew that her son was a lot like her he knew where to hit her. And while she'd love to return the favor it would just end in them going at it until one of them said something they couldn't take back. She just wanted to focus on what she was here for helping them get Valentina back. "Please Adriano I'm just here to help Lorenzo called me and told me about what happened you guys know the Moretti's blame y'all for their mother leaving they will not just give her up so easily."

He groaned stepping aside to let her in as much as he'd love to pick a fight with his mother he knew it wouldn't end well. "Fine come in." He closed the door behind her crossing his arms over his chest if he was going to trust her to handle this he needed to know what she had in mind. And if his brother was trusting her to do it he could too. "What can you do?"

"Arrange a meeting, Leo has legal guardianship correct?" It was easier said than done but she could make anything possible and the contract that she was making was going to be airtight no one could attest it once it was signed. Except of course Valentina.

"Yes." Even with legal guardianship it didn't matter because they were still blood relatives to her.

"You're not going to like what i have to say." She was positive that none of them were going to like it but she knew that it was for the best. Not only would it stop the war it would be better for Valentina. She would get to have all of her brothers in her life. "But right now if they have made it to the level you had before they turned her you may have to consider sharing her."

He scoffed shaking her head now that was something he refused he wouldn't share his sister with them. "No."

"Adriano its not going to be stealing her back your brother said it had to be legal or only an adult that is not her brother has to keep her. So you choose do you want to see her half the time or none." She knew that was the only and best way for Valentina now that she had met both of her brothers she wasn't just going to want to see one set of them. She would want all of her brothers in her life.


They turned to see Leo walking in and he was not happy to see her either.

Lorenzo ran downstairs he had wanted to be down before she had arrived knowing that neither of his brothers would be happy to see her. "She is here to help i called her. "

Leonardo looked at his little brother he didn't believe that she would actually help them she had a long history of trying to help and it not turning out for the best. "Help she got dad killed."

She scoffed she hated when people said that she got him killed when they didn't know what was really going on. "I did no such thing i loved him and that whore tried to take him from me. I would have done anything for him and the thing I wanted more than anything a daughter got taken from me." She didn't care whoelse tried to get in her with this was her last chance to get her daughter and she wasn't losing it and she was really hoping that the third times a charm and that she would finally get her daughter once and for all. "I'm just here to help you get Valentina."

"How do you know her name?" Lorenzo purposely hadn't told her Val's name for safety reasons.

Adriano looked at his older brother he had thought he had told her when he called her. "You didn't tell her."


They all pulled out a gun aiming it at her maybe they didn't trust her completely. "How do you know her name none of us told you? Her name was a rumor no one actually knew what Alyssa had named her daughter."

"That was not her daughter that was my daughter and if you want to know your dad did he found out about her in jail." She didn't care if they didn't believe her she knew her children and even if they wanted to kill her they wouldn't. Once she found a lead she followed it until she finally found Alyssa. "Someone, sent her a letter saying they were going to kill his only daughter Valentina Moretti-Romano with a picture of the two."

"Word for word Elena"

She didn't mind telling them the letter she knew that they would figure it out sooner of later. But her past wasn't one that she liked to recount"Dear El I know you don't want to hear from me but I want to talk to you. I know I messed up you were right i didn't listen to you and we both lost the daughter we never got. It seems history always has a way of repeating itself. I choose you in the beginning and i will choose you until the end I've always loved you and that will never stop now. I knew what i was signing up for when i got you back. I found something that i know you'll want to know. Valentina's alive the crash was a set up. I got from my brother that before the accident even Alessia never knew the location of Alyssa and Valentina she was able to remain in contact with her. I know you'll have better luck at finding her. Valentina deserves to know more than a mother who only wanted to use her for her advantage. She deserves to know all of them. Always your husband Valentino Romano."

"I thought dad hated you." All of them thought after everything there dad couldn't have still been the fondest of their mother.

"We may have had our issues but your dad and i loved each other and nothing will ever change that. Back to what i was saying you are all her brothers you want to see her may i suggest sharing her?I" She knew that Valentino had been right Valentina deserved to know all of her family and that was the best way for it to happen. "If it wasn't for your father the thought never would have crossed my mind but he was right you all deserve to know her. You all get to see her and you can finally put this stupid war to rest."

"No." They didn't want to share there sister.

"I'll figure it out but you guys will get your sister back." Elena was going to make sure that they got Valentina back they weren't going to like how it happened but it was going to happen.

"We trust you with this." This was there mother even between what happened and they knew that she was going to make sure that she got Valentina back for them.

Elena already planned on getting her back now she was even more motivated to get her back so that she could finally start piecing her family together. "I'll get her back for you guys I'm just going to need some time."


She already had a plan one that they weren't really going to agree with but it wasn't about them it was about Valentina.


Valentina was going through photos that she had tricked her brothers into taking with her. She was mad at him at them but she still missed them.

Mario went and sat down next to her he was trying to get her to open up to him to tell him anything. But she just seemed out of it that she didn't want to be bothered. "Hey can we talk."

"Not really in the talking mood." She didn't know what to say she was just tired of everything she was tried of the lies she was tired of everyone hiding things from her and for once since she'd been in Italy she wanted the truth even though she was sure she wasn't going to get it from them.

Mario was starting to regret it now he was wishing that he would have gone a different way to get her. "Val-"

"Don't." She didn't want to hear it she didn't want to hear that she should talk to them to open up that was over with at this point.

Mario knew that this wasn't the easiest transition for her house to house dealing with the loss of their mother. "I know that this is a lot but i just need you to tell me something instead of ignoring me at all stops."

"I don't want anything but to be left Alone. Our mother was selfish i could have known all of you she could have worked something out but she didn't care I don't know what she hoped to gain from that but she was trying to use me to do it." Valentina didn't know what even to do anymore she just knew that she wanted it to end she wanted the secrets to stop. She wanted everything to just finally stop. "And no one wants to tell me anything everyone is keeping everything from me. And I am tired of I am tired of being left in the dark while y'all play out this stupid war over something that mainly involves me. "


Adriano went into his room closing the door and locking it before going to lie on the bed. He had a lot on his mind with everything and finally getting his sister back and feeling like he was losing her already. He grabbed his phone dialing Sofia's number. "Hello."

"She's still mad at you." Sofia knew that he had wanted his sister back and knew that this had to be hard for him.

Adriano took a breath he did wish that his sister would finally talk to him say anything but he had to remember that he was damn near the same way. 'She refuses to talk to me."

Sofia knew that this had to be hard just getting her back to turn around and lose her to the family that he hated the most. "You have to give her time Adriano it's not something that is going to need to process all of this."

Adriano had already gotten so used to having her hear and even when they got into it that was his little sister and the end of the day and he would do anything for her. "I know she was here a month and i already just hate her being gone."

"She's your sister i expect nothing less." Sofia knew that this was hard and she knew that it wasn't going to get any easier until he got her back. "You'll get her back I know you will. For now it'll just take some time."

"I know even if I wish I didn't." He would wait however long it took for him to get her back.

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