A image can cover so much pai...

By littlebabyeverything

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NOTE - I sometimes go back and add more/update previous chapters so keep eye on that He came across as confi... More

At the start
Trying and pretending
Alcohol and lies, dont look at me
A bad day
Do i tell? Or Do i hide?
Here we go
Do i have to?
Not intrested, but try
The 1st appointment
Not sure where i'm going.. except maybe off a cliff
He's my Brother/2nd appointment
Trying to carry on
Touring and playing
Maybe i've got a friend
I must have fucked it up
A high and a low
Missing in Action
Coming Home
Another Day, Another Job
Happy for now
Playing shows, missing you & depression
Are we doing the right thing?
Your not here time to see Dr again
Kelly's POV - holiday
Why am I falling apart when i have you?
What do i say to Noel?
Escape but maybe time for the truth
Brothers, Talk Tonight
Brothers, Talk Tonight. Part 2
Wake up, this is me
Home to Mum
Time To Talk
Where the fuck is he?
Time To Talk Part Two
Oh God What Do I Do?
Fucking Shit, I'm screwed
I Survived
Piss Off, I'm Not Fucking Going
Let's Roll With It
Pass Me Down The Wine
I'm Outta Time But Going Nowhere
Take Me Away
Go (on) Let It Out
(It's Good) To Be Free
The Shock Of Lightning
The Nature Of Reality
Where Did It All Go Wrong
Let's All Make Believe
Just Gotta Be Normal
The Talk Then I'm Alone
Counting The Days
Back To It, For Now.
It's Finally Here
Here We Go

Home Again

36 0 0
By littlebabyeverything

Dave drove Liam home from the airport, Liam kept falling asleep, he was ill he had been drinking on the plane he had decided the best way to avoid a hangover was to just keep drinking but he was feeling it now. They pulled up outside Liam's house but Liam didn't seem to have noticed "come on Liam ya home now let's get you inside" Liam began to stir. Dave watched him for a minute then went to get the bags out the boot and opened the car door for Liam "come on let's get ya to bed you need some sleep" Liam took his backpack an a pulley bag while Dave got the hold-all and other pulley bag and they walked up to the door and inside "just drop shit anywhere I'll sort it out tomorrow, I need some sleep" Liam headed straight to his bedroom and collapsed on the bed Dave stood in the doorway "ok Liam get some sleep, relax and take it easy remember you've got appointment with dr Emilie day after tomorrow, Don't forget to take your pills and I'll check in with you tomorrow afternoon" Dave left him too it but wrote a note and stuck it to the tv just in case Liam hadn't heard him or forgot what he'd just said, he left quietly in case Liam had fell asleep. Dave wondered how Liam was gonna feel going from the craziness of tour to two weeks with nothing to do but all he could check in on him, maybe try to get him out now and then and keep him straight with his pills and appointment's. Liam woke up and looked at the clock, it was nearly dinner time he wasn't too bothered he missed the morning he wasn't a morning person and he still had the afternoon. He went through to the living room and began to unpack. He had just thrown stuff in the bags without organising it. He was half way through when his phone rang, he got such a shock he dropped the bottle in his hand. Who would be ringing him, Noel wasn't speaking to him, he'd just seen the band, Dave wouldn't ring till tonight and he spoke to his mam yesterday. He slowly answered "hello?" A girl's voice spoke "hi Liam, you said to ring if I was gonna let you say sorry" she laughed "oh you're the girl from the bar in Paris, I didn't think you'd call" "you forgot about me didn't you? I thought you might" she sounded disappointed "no, no I didn't I just didn't expect you to call I thought you'd throw me number out" again she laughed "I nearly did but I decided to keep it, heard you'd be back today so thought I'd let you say sorry" Liam wondered was she gonna hang up the second he said sorry but he said it anyway "I'm sorry" "that's ok you were drunk an high and I was in a bad mood as my friend had stood me up" "you're friend was stupid I mean who in their right mind does that to someone as beautiful as you" he quickly realised he probably sounded creepy again but she laughed "anyway hi my names Alicia" they talked for the next two hours, just about normal stuff it was nice before she hung up she gave him her number and made him promise to call later in the week. Liam was really happy, he couldn't believe she'd called he spent the rest of the day happily sorting stuff out in the flat later that night his phone rang again, he knew that it would be Dave, he picked it up. "Hey Dave" "hey Liam just checking in to see if your ok" "I'm ok, well I'm great actually" "so you been up to much today?" "Just sorting out the flat, I talked to a friend" "oh cool, not like you to tidy up" Dave laughed "friend from Manchester?" "I just felt like sorting stuff out, and it was a girl I met on tour" "oh right" Dave didn't know if he should worry or not, Liam very rarely tidied up and Dave always worried about girls he met on tour. "It's ok Dave it's the girl who gave me the brush off in Paris, she's not after nowt" "ok well get a good nights sleep you've got appointment with dr Emilie tomorrow, I'll pick you up at eleven thirty" Liam hung up, sat down and switched the tv on, after flicking channels for a while he decided there was nowt decent on so he grabbed a beer and started sorting the clothes that he'd left hanging up everywhere, he folded them up, put them away, he put his washing on, put his empty cases under the bed and put his pills in his bedside table he'd already cleaned the kitchen, hoovered and put stuff away in the bedroom he was proud of himself. The tour had been good, he'd enjoyed it but Alicia calling had really made him smile, part of him was thinking well I'm a good looking fucker so who wouldn't want to call me the other part thinking maybe she just wanted to get to know him as a person but at this moment he really didn't care he was just happy she called. He looked at the clock it was past midnight he should really get some sleep if he wanted to be ready in time for Dave picking him up in the morning or at least half ready anyway. He went to bed and fell straight asleep. Liam's alarm went off, he looked at the clock 9am, he had two an half hours getting up slowly he made his way to the kitchen and put the kettle on, he needed coffee he sat down and looked around, the flat was so tidy he wondered where he had got the energy from cos he definitely didn't have any now. Right what do I need to do before Dave gets here probably shower, find clothes, maybe eat, have more coffee and take my pills. After the shower he felt a bit more alive, he got a glass of water and went to the bedside table while digging around for his pills he found his stash of coke he thought about it but ended up just dropping it back in, downed both pills and the full glass of water then pulled out some tracksuit pants and a T-shirt it was nearly half ten, he made another coffee, he didn't feel like eating. Things had taken less time than he thought they would maybe that was down to the flat being tidy and organised, it felt strange. He got ready and sat down to wait. There was a knock on the door, it was eleven fifteen Dave was early, Liam opened the door "hey there was less traffic than I expected, quick coffee before we leave?" "Nah I've just finished one you can tho I think I might just have water" Dave stuck the kettle on, poured Liam some water and sat down "so how you feeling Liam?" "I'm cool" they finished their drinks Liam grabbed his coat and they headed to the car. They spent the drive in silence and arrived at the car park quite fast so Liam was early they decided to sit in the car for a bit, Liam had a cigarette and got out the car "ta for the lift, I'll give ya a call when I'm done" Liam shut the door "see ya" Dave shouted out the window. Liam walked up to the lift and pressed the button, there was two others in it so he kept his head down and hoped they were going to a different floor. Luckily they both got off before him. He got to the office and walked in and was really surprised to find someone else in the waiting room it was a young guy probably around Liam's age, maybe a couple of years younger, dressed in jeans, tshirt and a check shirt he was sitting with his head in his hands and didn't look up when Liam walked in, Liam sat opposite him but was unsure if he should say hi but did anyway "hi" the  guy looked up "oh hi" neither said anything else. Dr Emilie's door opened "oh hi Liam, sorry I'm running a bit late, this is Kyle I'm sure you'll both be ok sitting here for a bit and I'll speak to you soon" she closed the door again. Kyle looked up at Liam, he looked scared "hi I'm Liam" Kyle began to fiddle with his watch "I'm sorry I'm just a bit nervous you know" Liam smiled at him "it's ok I'm like that too. Is this your first appointment? If you don't mind me asking" Liam asked, then worried he asked to much, but Kyle smiled "it's my second my mom and dad made me come, they are rich and popular so a depressed son doesn't go with their image" he suddenly put his head back down "sorry bit of too much info there" he laughed "it's ok, dr Emilie always says it's good to talk" Liam laughed "it's my fourth appointment, I still get nervous and stuff. My mate made me come" he laughed.
Dr Emilie watched the security video feed, her plan seemed to be working as they were talking she knew both of them needed someone to talk to, someone not involved in sending them to therapy and she knew they were of similar personalities so had decided to time appointments and pretending to run late in order for them to meet and hopefully talk without any pressure and it seemed they were at least talking a little it was a start so fingers crossed. Kyle looked at Liam "so how you finding it the therapy? Do you get used to it being a woman? How hard does it get? Sorry I've got so many questions" "it's ok but does feel wired, she's got this way of making you talk even if you don't want to and you don't even realise she's doing it, she's nice but I'm still getting my head around her being a woman and I guess it's supposed to be hard" he laughed "I've never really spoke to anyone, not mum, dad, my brother or friends I've kinda said a couple of things to my sister but you know" he looked so sad "same I've not spoke to my mam, brothers, friends only person was my mate who made me come but he forced it out of me cos he'd sussed something was up" suddenly dr Emilie's door opened again "hi Kyle wanna come in?" Kyle stood up "well see ya Liam" "stay strong Kyle" dr Emilie came over to Liam "sorry Liam I won't be long, do you need anything? Coffee?" "Coffee would be nice" "ok I'll get you one" she walked into her office, came back five minutes later with his coffee. Liam sat looking around paying more attention than he had in the past, the room was light and airy, the seats and couch comfortable, it was posh but not stuck up posh and although the windows were big it didn't seem like anyone could see in, it still felt private. There was a few books on a shelf but no magazines or newspapers he guessed that was part of her policy relating to treating those in the public eye suddenly he thought what if Kyle recognised him, would he say anything, tell anyone, did he care, was he bothered he'd said his parents were rich so probably didn't need money and come to think of it was probably dealing with his own shit so didn't care plus he hadn't batted a eyelid when he met Liam, hadn't even seemed to know who he was. Liam had a look at the books, nothing of interesting really plus it seemed pointless to start a book he didn't know anyone who could finish a book in a day let alone a hour, not even Noel could finish one in less than a week. He put his hands in his pockets and came across some coke, oh well why not he thought. About 45 minutes later Kyle came out and sat down "it go ok?" "Ok you know, she said it be good for me to talk to someone else as well but I don't have anyone else, makes me seem bit sad really" Liam got a cigarette packet out his pocket, ripped a bit off and scribbled down his number "here if u ever fancy a drink or something, just don't give it too anyone else" "really? Thanx" dr Emilie's door opened again "Liam would you like to come in" him and Kyle said their goodbyes and Liam watched Kyle walk out the door, he hoped he never looked as sad as that. Liam walked in and sat in the usual chair "nice to see you talking to people Liam" "he looked like he needed it" Liam smiled "I know what it's like to have no one" "so maybe it will help you too" dr Emilie smiled. She got her folder out and had a quick scan through "so Liam how are you?" "Great actually, had a good tour, good spending time with friends, with Noel" "really Liam I got the feeling you were over stating it on the phone" "I wasn't, we did have a good time" "I don't doubt you had a good time but I don't think it was all perfect" "of course not and obviously we had disagreements, we're brothers but it wasn't bad" Liam was getting a bit annoyed he didn't like being called a lier, even though he was lying a bit "Look I'm not lying I don't like being treated like I am" dr Emilie wrote something down "what you writing? Tell me" "just a note for myself nothing to worry about" "tell me" she looked at him and put her pen down "just a note you got a bit defensive" Liam looked down at the floor "sorry" "so you had a good tour, how does it feel to be back?" "Only been back two days still settling back in an stuff" he thought about it for a bit "gotta get used to the quiet and not doing much" "have you not got anything on?" "Nah got a cuplo weeks off" Liam really couldn't be bothered with this today "look dr I really don't have anything to talk about, I'm tired I just wanna relax" "ok Liam I don't think we're going to get anywhere today so let's leave it for today and I'll see you next week" they made a appointment for next week and Liam called Dave to pick him up, he went to wait in the car park, he was standing to smoking when he noticed Kyle sitting on a wall, he walked over "hey you, you ok?" "I'm ok just no one would pick me up and I didn't know where to go" he looked so sad "I'm waiting for a mate to drop me home, you're welcome to come hang at mine for a bit if you want" Kyle looked up excited "oh I couldn't impose" "hey you wouldn't be, come hang out" Kyle smiled and followed Liam to wait for Dave who turned up five minutes later "hey Dave this is Kyle he's gonna come hang out with me for a bit" they all got in the car Dave told Liam he'd check in tomorrow he was going to see his parents tonight so couldn't call. Dave dropped them off and said a quick goodbye. Liam smiled "come on then, let's go have a few beers and chill" they walked up to the door.

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