Maybe i've got a friend

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They got in Liam's flat Kyle looked around, Liam was glad he'd tidied up. "Just dump ya coat anywhere" "wow this place is tidy" Liam laughed "it's not usually like this I got back from Europe the other day and for some reason I decided I felt like tidying up, I probably only do it twice a year so ya lucky" Kyle laughed and dropped his coat on a chair. Liam got some beers out and sat down, Kyle joined him. "So Kyle what do you do?" "I was at college but dropped out cos dad stopped paying for it cos of the depression, he doesn't understand" "it's a hard thing I haven't even told my brother cos he wouldn't understand" Kyle laughed "we're a right pair so what do you do?" Liam was about to start speaking but stopped then "em....well I work in the music industry" that kinda covers it he thought. They spent the next three hours watching crap tv, drinking and laughing. Kyle got up to go pee and passed a shelf which when he looked he noticed had a Brit award on it, when he came back he didn't know if he should say anything. Liam got up and went into the bedroom to get some more cigarettes out of his bedside table, while he was in there he noticed the coke, he picked it up. Sitting back down he offered Kyle a cigarette "no thanx I don't smoke, it's one of dads rules" "guess your dad has a lot of rules" Kyle sighed "yep lots, he has expectations your expected to live up too, gotta fit in with his social circle, don't embarrass him etc he had to approve of my friends, chose my girlfriends, what I study. It's all about money and social standing so to end up with a depressed son who wanted to hang with his friends, have a few beers and go to the football was a let down, a place like this, doing what we're doing that's all I wanted. I hate the people he wants me to hang out with, the rich pricks" Liam laughed "aye I hate rich cunts too, I call the girls daddy's little princesses, all sweetness and light but turn into sluts who wanna fuck all the bad boys behind daddy's back, they usually have respectful boyfriends who buy their handbags and shoes but spread their legs for any bad boy they meet" Kyle laughed. Liam pushed some stuff aside on the table and made up some lines of coke, took two himself and offered Kyle "oh thanx, it's not something I do often but no harm in now and then" "just do one it's strong stuff, I've got some weed somewhere too" Kyle did as Liam said and only did one line. They were having a really good time, Liam hadn't had this much fun in a while hanging out with someone outside of oasis. "Liam I've still got quite a bit money left from what my dad gave me, I can get us a takeaway before I go" "don't worry bout it I'll sort that an you may as well kip on the sofa" suddenly the phone rang, they both jumped "ah let it go to voicemail if it's important they'll leave a message and I'll hear it" the answering machine kicked in and beeped "Liam ya cunt, if ya there pick up the fucking phone" it was Noel "look I know we got cuplo weeks off but I've got a song to run by you, plus I need to know if your gonna fucking show up for the tv thing so I can write a set list and there's a bloody interview it's one bastard day then you can go back to being as drunk an high as you want, punch some journalists, fuck some bitch I don't care. Just fucking turn up remember it's about the music first and the rock n roll image last not the other way round I fucking hate you sometimes" the call clicked off, Liam stuck his fingers up at the phone "fuck off ya cunt, I hate you too" Kyle laughed "as you can hear me and my brother have a great relationship" Liam smiled and took a drink, he wondered how much attention Kyle had been paying, had he picked up on the tv and interview thing he really hoped he could keep oasis out of this for as long as possible, Kyle laughed "I'm guessing you an ya brother argue a lot, the insults are a bit harsh are you always like that?" "Pretty much, sometimes we're ok but we've always argued an stuff since we were young it's kinda just more nasty now but he's my brother I love him" they decided they should get some sleep Liam headed to his bedroom Kyle bedded down on the sofa. They woke up at about midday and after a few coffees and toast Kyle suggested going to his local for a few, a nice little place in a housing estate, not many people around but still a good atmosphere. Liam stuck a shirt and jeans on and let Kyle borrow a shirt, they jumped into a taxi and headed to the quiet side of London. The pub was posh but not too posh, there was about ten people there some eating, some just drinking it seemed a place where Liam wouldn't be known. The barman looked up "hey Kyle, your dad was looking for you last night" "what did he want?" "No idea, just asked if I'd seen you" Kyle just shrugged the barman laughed. They found a seat near the back Liam made sure he could see the door and some of the windows just incase. Kyle went to the bar and came back with two pints "that's Jim he's the manager here, he's a nice guy, covered for me a few times with my dad. Sarah, you'll probably see her soon she's our age she so kind, I kinda have a thing for her and yes I know it's a bit cliché to fancy the barmaid" he laughed Liam smiled he remembered being fifteen and being in love with the barmaid at one of the Irish bars back home. Sure enough half hour later Sarah came in, dark brown hair just passed her shoulder's, black skirt, blue v neck tshirt, high heel knee high boots, a figure to die for, perfect ass and very impressive tits, not too big, not too small and her bra gave her the perfect cleavage for her necklace to sit in. Liam could see why Kyle liked her. She came over to see if they wanted another drink "hey Kyle, who's ya friend?" "This is Liam, Liam this is Sarah" Liam smiled "nice to meet you sweetheart" "you too. What can I get you both?" They both just asked for another pint which she brought over before going to talk to Jim. "I can see why you like her" "Liam it's not just her looks it's her personality too she's sweet, kind, and fun, she knows her own mind but isn't nasty she wants to be a childrens nurse but hasn't been able to get into uni yet the competition for places round here is high so she's doing a part time course to help boost her chances" Liam got the feeling she was a determined person and wouldn't give up so would get there. They were enjoying their drinks and having a laugh when Sarah came back over and sat down "break time" she laughed an took a sip of what looked like lemonade "so Liam what is it you do? How did you meet Kyle?" Liam looked at Kyle "we met in a car park, I was waiting for a lift off my mate kyles taxi hadn't turned up so I offered him a lift we got talking, got on so began to hang out" sounded ok he thought "I work in the music industry not doing owt interesting tho" she looked at him like she was sussing him out. She sat with them for a bit before heading back to work. Liam headed to the bar to get the drinks pulling out his wallet Sarah looked down and saw the amount of money Liam had in it, he quickly thought of a excuse "oh this, I sold my car the other day" he smiled and took the pints back to the table. About fifteen minutes later the door opened and a man in a posh suit walked in looking very pissed off. Kyle looked up "shit it's my dad" the man walked straight over to the table "where have you been? What are you doing?" "You wouldn't pick me up, my friend let me sleep at his place, then we came here" "your a idiot Kyle, you saying you couldn't get a bus, who's this idiot?" Kyle looked down he looked sad. Liam looked at kyles dad "hey don't call me a idiot, treating your son like that is shit, stop being a stuck up Twat Kyle can live his life how he wants if he doesn't want to fit in to your stuck up life it's his choice leave him alone" kyles dad looked straight at Liam "don't you speak to me like that young man did no one teach you to respect your elders" "I respect the ones who deserve it" Kyle stood up "I better go home" Liam pushed him back in his seat "you'll go home when you want to" kyles dad looked at them both "fine but I'm locking the door at nine" he stormed out Liam looked at Kyle "you don't have a key? Don't worry you can stay at mine if it comes to it" "I'm not allowed a key until I change, I'll go home before nine it's better that way" they continued drinking Kyle booked a taxi and left at eight Liam stayed a bit longer and talked to Sarah, then headed home a bit drunk but a line of coke picked him up enough to not fall asleep in the taxi. He got home and fell asleep. The next few days were quiet, he got worried as Kyle didn't call like he promised, Liam tried to call him but his phone just rang. He wasn't sure what to do except keep trying. Alicia hadn't called either but that wasn't a worry situation more a see what happens situation so he wasn't really bothered about that, it was just Kyle he was worried about. Though suddenly he started to think maybe Kyle was ignoring him, that he had decided he didn't like him, he didn't want to speak to him or see him again, maybe he should have impressed him with the oasis thing but he had just wanted a friend outside of the band and he'd screwed it up.

A image can cover so much pain (oasis/Liam Gallagher) Where stories live. Discover now