I'm Outta Time But Going Nowhere

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The van arrived at the hospital, it drove around the side and pulled into a small car park. Inside Liam noticed about six people waiting beside them stood Lisa. The van stopped and the police took Liam out, pulled him round to face those waiting for him.
"Here you go, we'll take him up as we need you to sign some paperwork as he has been arrested for other offences which will need to be addressed"
Lisa stepped forward and smiled at Liam
"We were worried about you"
Before Liam could say anything one of the officers spoke
"He's been a right smart arse, he was arrested for beating the crap out of someone so I wouldn't bother being nice to him and just so you know we're leaving the cuffs on until we get him upstairs"
"Is that really necessary?"
"Yes it is"
Lisa put the code into the lift and the police pushed Liam in, they seemed to be enjoying pushing him around. He was taken into his room on the ward, one of the police pushed Liam into a seat, Liam was getting sick of this but he was still handcuffed so couldn't do much. Lisa was talking to one of the detectives outside the room so in the room was just Liam and the two cops, he began to think of ways he could get them back. He managed to stand himself up.
"You enjoying yourself you twats, getting off on ya power trip"
They turned around and looked at him the younger one walked over and squared up to him
"Your the twat look at you handcuffed and locked in a hospital, I'm hardly gonna be scared of you"
Liam laughed and kneed him straight in the bollocks, as he moved due to the pain Liam managed to nut him, he fell to the floor. The other officer managed to pin Liam to the wall.
Lisa came rushing in
"Ok you get him out of those handcuffs and leave, now. Your agitating him. It's not doing him any good you winding him up, obviously you'll make him angry and he'll snap"
"We're adding assault of a police officer to his charges"
The older one said as he unlocked Liam's handcuffs and as expected Liam swung for him.
"Liam stop it. Sit down and calm down. The police are going and I'll come see you in a bit"
Liam sat down and everyone left. So here he was sitting in the place he'd tried to run away from, back with all the problems he'd tried to run away from, he put his head in his hands.
Dave felt like he could breathe again, Lisa had called to say Liam had been found and was back at the hospital, he'd got himself into a bit of trouble but they could sort that out later. She hadn't spoken to him about what happened yet and had suggested Dave come up to the hospital hospital and be there for that conversation. So he planned to pop in to check on Kelly then head up to the hospital. He'd managed to get away with not telling Kelly about Liam going missing, hopefully now he never would have to tell her. Kelly was in a state anyway, she still didn't know what to do, still didn't know what Liam wanted to do and it was getting close to the time. Dave left to go and see her, just to drop in and try to keep her calm by keeping her informed. She answered the door quite quickly.
"Is Liam ok?" Her voice panicked
"He's fine I'm just heading to see him. I'll try to find out if you can see him before they move him. I just wanted to check in and see how you are"
"I'm as ok as I can be, you know. Still worried and wondering what the hell to do"
"I know. I'll see what I can do. Anyway I'll head up to the hospital now and see what's going on"
Dave got in the car and began to drive.
Lisa came into the room and closed the door, she looked straight at him. He looked a mess, blood on his T-shirt and jeans, his hands were a mess, he was obviously still a bit drunk and she had a suspicion he was high. He looked like he hadn't slept.
"Have you slept?"
"Not really"
"Still drunk?"
Well at least he was honest. Now how to deal with it, he seemed like he didn't want to talk.
Liam couldn't be bothered with anything, he wanted to sleep he had hoped the coke would have kept him a bit more alert but it seemed to have made him more depressed and tired. He looked at Lisa
"I want to go to sleep"
"I'm sorry Liam but you can't just yet we've got a few things to sort out and I need to make sure you're settled"
"And make sure I can't escape again I'm guessing"
Lisa decided not to answer that but he was right, there was going to be a meeting to sort out a plan to keep an eye on him. She hoped Dave would hurry up she wanted to talk to Liam before Dr Barns arrived, she knew he would be hard on Liam about this. As she was thinking she heard the door it was Dave thank god.
Liam saw Dave come in he guessed Lisa had called him, this was gonna be a fun conversation
"Hey Liam, you had us worried. I checked your usual places so I'm guessing you decided to try somewhere new"
"I've got a few hiding places you don't know about. Can you get a lawyer for my friend Kyle he ended up getting arrested even though he wasn't actually involved in the fight, Lisa can tell you which police station, it's important. If you call now I'll talk to you if you don't I won't"
Dave couldn't be bothered to argue so made the call, anything to make Liam talk.
Lisa pulled some chairs up so they could all sit together instead of standing
"So Liam why did you run?"
He looked around, not wanting to answer, he wasn't even sure what the answer was. He decided to ignore the question.
"Liam answer the question. Why did you run? I'm gonna keep asking until you answer"
"Cos I wanted a drink, I was bored, going mad sitting around so decided to have some fun ok, I just wanted to hang out and enjoy myself"
"Well that's what you wanted what about what other people wanted? You are in a serious situation, people are trying to help you and you just don't care. Everyone was worried, you could have been dead for all we knew"
"I don't fucking answer to anyone except myself, no one controls me I'm an adult not a little kid it's my life I can do what I want with it"
"That's the thing it's not your life anymore you've been committed Dr Barns controls your life now and your gonna be stuck in the unit until he lets you go, you've had chances to deal with things outside hospital but you didn't take them so it's you that's got yourself in this situation. Dr Barns will come and talk to you tomorrow. It's time for me to hand over to the night shift I'll see you tomorrow. Dave you can stay for ten minutes"
She walked out the door without looking back
"Fucking bitch"
Dave rolled his eyes, Liam was in one of his moods there was no talking to him when he was like this
"She's just doing her job, trying to look after you. She's stressed, you're hard work sometimes"
Liam didn't really care, he couldn't be bothered with anything right now
"Dave why you here?"
"I wanted to make sure you were ok I've been worried."
Dave thought for a minute
"Kelly says hi"
"Oh right"
Liam sounded like he didn't care, like it meant nothing to him but Dave knew deep down he did care, that he was scared and acting like that because he didn't know what to do.
"Look I'll go and I'll pop back in tomorrow, hopefully you'll be in a better mood. Now get some sleep ok"
"Fine, whatever"
Dave knew he wouldn't get anything else out of him so just walked out of the door, went down in the lift, got in his car and went home.
Liam had been sitting there for about twenty minutes when the door opened and a nurse came in. She was beautiful. Tall, small waist but curves in the right places like her hips and ass, good size chest with her cleavage visible as her uniform had the top couple of buttons undone, her blonde hair was twisted up in a purple clip but Liam guessed it came down to the middle of her back, shorter strands fell down at the side of her head framing her face perfectly.
"Hi Liam I'm Evie. Your nurse for the night shift. Due to your escape I've been told I can't let you outta my sight so you're stuck with me, I'm just gonna chill in here, don't worry I won't disturb you, I'm just gonna read next to the lamp over there so I won't disturb your sleep or anything"
Suddenly Liam didn't feel as tired, Evie had certainly peaked his interest.
"You look a bit young to be fully trained for this ward?
"I'm twenty two, finished my nurses training. Just doing the extra stuff for this ward that's why I'm on nights but I don't mind nights especially on here. I like getting to know people"
She smiled, it reminded him of his smile, his mischievous smile. He watched as she got her book's out, nineteen eighty five and brave new world, Liam didn't read books but had heard of those ones and Noel had probably read them. Someone popped in with water and Pepsi and asked if they wanted tea, coffee or hot chocolate, she asked for a coffee, Liam for tea.
"So did you have a good time when you escaped? I found it funny to be honest, apparently they've only had five escapes non in the last two years. They were saying mainly there are two types of people on this ward the depressive, doesn't want to move, pretty much given up types and the more upbeat, active, doesn't come across as depressed types. Either can deny somethings wrong, refuse treatment or crash at any moment"
"What do they say about me?"
"Restless, can be hard to deal with, that you get bored easily and I was warned that you have a bit of a temper"
Liam laughed
"Well thanks for being honest and yes I guess they are pretty much right"
The tea and coffee arrived along with some biscuits, seeing them made Liam realise that he was hungry, he couldn't remember the last time he ate properly, it had just been toast for days.
"So you were gonna tell me if you had fun during your escape to freedom"
"You won't grass me up for some of the stuff?"
"Of course not"
"Well I had a walk around, got my friend to meet me, we went to a pub and a club, I booked a hotel, we went shopping, again went to a club then to a party got kicked outta that, had a drink somewhere else, got into a big fight then got arrested and I got sent back here. So basically I drank too much, took too many drugs, had sex with random girls, had a fight and got myself arrested. So pretty standard for me really so to be honest I don't know what all the fuss is about"
"Well I think if it's a normal, regular thing then people get worried. I mean it is pretty risky behaviour. Plus I've seen your notes and suicide attempts in between the crazy times is like one extreme to the other, it must make you tired not having any middle ground"
"That's what people seem to forget I do have middle ground"
She smiled at him, this time a caring smile.
"I'm sure you do, just not enough but I'm sure you'll get sorted, Dr Barns will help, you just need to work at it"
Liam hoped she wasn't thinking he was stupid, that she now just felt sorry for him. So he had to change that.
"Don't start feeling sorry for me. At the end of the day I'm a rock star, I'm rich, I travel the world, I can have anything I want"
"Don't worry I'd never feel sorry for you in that way. Anyway I'm gonna read, you get yourself some sleep"
She picked up her book and began to read, Liam headed over to his bed, pulled the curtain around as much as he could and changed into some shorts and a tshirt and lay down facing the window, away from Evie. He dozed for a bit then woke up, sitting up he turned to face Evie she was still reading her book he didn't really want to interrupt her but needs must. Lisa had locked the bathroom door before she left telling Liam he had to ask and be accompanied at all times and that included when he went to the toilet, he felt like a little kid, it had pissed him off no end.
"Excuse me Evie have you got the key to the bathroom?"
"Oh yes hang on"
She put her book down and went through some keys in her pocket.
"Got them. I don't know if they told you but I have to come in with you, don't worry I'll turn my back but I do have to come in I could lose my job if I don't"
Liam hated the idea. It was a different situation to normal men's toilets and it was a girl, normally the only reason he had a girl in a toilet was to shag her (that gave him an idea) not so she can keep an eye on him while he pissed. She unlocked the door and Liam let her follow him in, she shut the door leaving the key in and stayed facing it.
He flushed the toilet and walked towards the door he slipped his arm past Evie and locked the door, she turned around
"What you doing?"
"Just locking the door"
He laughed. He'd decided to have some fun
Putting his hands on her waist he pulled her a bit closer. Evie knew she should put a stop to this right now, that she should get out of the situation. She'd been told all the rules on vulnerable patients, how to treat them, how to talk to them. To never take advantage of them but Liam didn't come across as vulnerable, he seemed in control, confident. He wouldn't do anything unless he wanted to. Plus at the end of the day this was Liam Gallagher from oasis, he was sexy as hell, he was famous, would she ever get an opportunity like this again, ever
Liam decided to try his luck, to see how far he could get, a sexy nurse most guys have a bit of a thing for them. He pulled her in and kissed her, then again this time hot and hard. Undone a few more of the buttons on her uniform and moved his hand up under it, it didn't take long for him to get his hand in her knickers. Before Evie really had a chance to talk some sense into herself she found herself on her knees with his dick in her mouth and was quite happy to swallow. As he pulled her up Liam unclipped her hair as it fell loose he caught some of it and held on as he turned her around and guided her to the wall so she could lean and balance as he bent her over slightly and took her from behind. It wasn't sweet or romantic, it wasn't slow and soft it was hard and fast, she felt every thrust through her whole body, her hands and arms getting pushed into the wall, she was trying so hard not to scream too loud. Liam noticed her finding it harder to keep her balance, she was finding it difficult to keep herself steady using the wall so without even pulling out he guided her to the sink, bent her over a little further so she could hold on. Evie held on to the sink tightly she knew if she let go her legs alone wouldn't support her. She kept expecting someone to come and knock on the door, although both of them were trying to keep the noise down it wasn't exactly easy. Each thrust was hard, deep and fast and her head had hit the wall a few times. As they came he used her hair to pull her even closer to him, standing her up as he did it, then after he let her lean forward onto the sink again, pulled out and sat himself on the toilet, he lent forward and passed her some toilet tissue to clean herself up a bit. Nether of them had said a word since Liam had locked the door and as she cleaned herself up and put her knickers back on Evie didn't even know how to act then suddenly Liam started laughing
"You'd definitely get the sack for that. Don't worry I won't tell anyone"
He grinned
"It was fun though wasn't it."
She just smiled at him, she still couldn't get words out as she was still trying to catch her breath, the only way she could put it was she was well and truly fucked. Eventually she pulled herself together enough to speak
"We should not have done that"
"Well you definitely didn't argue"
"Liam seriously, I could lose my job, be struck off god I hope no one realised what was going on"
"Chill I'm not gonna tell anyone. It was just a bit of fun right. You enjoyed it"
"Yes I really enjoyed it but still"
Liam smiled as he unlocked the door before handing her the keys"
They walked out the toilet Liam headed over to his bed
"Enjoy the rest of your book"
He climbed into bed, lay down and faced the wall. Evie walked back to her seat, she didn't really know what to think she'd never done anything like that before, she'd only slept with people she had feelings for, boyfriends etc but this was nothing like that, Liam had just wanted to have a bit of fun, get what he wanted and that was that, he didn't really care, but to Evie it changed things, she looked at him differently. She had to stop overthinking. She needed to change her knickers luckily she always kept a spear set of clothes in her locker so decided to take her break to sort herself out.
"Tom can you come and watch Liam? I'm gonna take my break now"
Tom was at the nurses station so she had to shout
"Will do, just let me put this file back"
He dropped it in the cabinet and walked up stopping at the door he turned to Evie
"What's he doing? What sort of mood is he in? Anything I should know?"
"He's gone to bed so should be sleeping. He seems in a ok mood but he can change mood quickly. He likes winding people up. I think that's about it really."
Sounds simple enough but Tom knew things were never simple so it's best to just expect anything."
"Ok see you when you get back"
It looked like Liam was asleep so tom walked to the chair Evie had been sitting in and started reading the sports pages of the papers.
Liam heard the door open and Evie's voice calling for Tom, he wondered how long Evie would be gone. It sounded like Tom was reading the paper he wanted to know the Man City score. He turned around to face Tom.
"Do you know the Man City score?"
Tom jumped, he hadn't noticed Liam had woke up.
"Oh hi. Yep it should be in here give me a second"
Tom flipped through the pages.
"Two one to city"
"Great, we've had a good run of results lately. Hopefully we'll keep it up"
Liam sat himself up, he always felt better when he was talking about football. Tom walked over to Liam and sat in the chair beside him.
"Hi Liam, I'm Tom one of the other night shift nurses, Evie asked me to sit with you while she is on her break."
"Cool, nice to have a guy to talk too. I take it you like football. Who's your team?"
"I'm a spurs fan."
They spent ages talking football, Evie had just left them to it when she noticed how settled Liam was. She only went through when she realised if Liam didn't go to sleep at that point he wouldn't get any. It was going to be a hard day for him tomorrow Dr Barns was going to be talking to him about him escaping from the ward and then he was gonna be taken to the mental health unit.
Liam must have been tired, he fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. Before he knew it he was woken up, he didn't feel like he'd had any sleep. He focused his eyes and there was Lisa standing at the bottom of the bed with a coffee for him.
Liam sat up and took the coffee. He had a really bad headache and generally felt awful, it was probably from all the alcohol and coke. He drank his coffee fast hoping it might make him feel more alive.
"Can I go for a cigarette?"
"If you wait until after we've done the breakfast's and gave everyone their medication I'll send Tom down with you before he goes home"
"I can go for a cigarette on my own I'm not a child"
"We're not gonna let you outside alone how do we know you'll actually come back be thankful we're letting you outside at all"
Liam got pissed off all he wanted was a cigarette now it felt like they were even controlling when he was allowed to smoke, were they not satisfied with controlling everything else. He stood up.
"For fuck sake this is stupid you're controlling everything fucking everything I mean come on you control when I can go to the fucking toilet now you're adding on when I can have a smoke"
By this point he was shouting.
"Liam calm down I'm not trying to control when you can go it's just someone has to go with you so we have to wait until someone is available to go with you. It has to be like that so we know you'll come back. As for the toilet we had to lock it as we were worried about you using something in there to hurt yourself"
"Well it's a load of fucking bollocks"
"Now I'll get you toast and another coffee then send Tom when he's free"
Liam kicked the chair and sat down. Eventually Tom came in, he gave Liam his tablet's and they went outside. Tom also lit a cigarette telling Liam he was technically off shift so wouldn't get in trouble.
"I'm really pissed off with all this, I hate people controlling me, Noel try's to do it too I keep telling him I'm an adult not a fucking child. Thing is the more people try to control me the more I do stuff they don't like me doing like last night I was so pissed off about the toilet thing I went and shagged Evie in there"
Tom laughed he understood what Liam meant but still shagging Evie in there was a bit of a extreme reaction.
"Maybe that's why she avoided you for the rest of the night"
They laughed and went back to the ward.
Liam went back into his room where Lisa was waiting, she looked serious. Liam knew he was outta time, they were sending him to the unit today he could see it in her face. He had tried to keep it out of his mind since he got back to the hospital, he had hoped they had changed their minds. In his mind he was going nowhere except home. But he'd run out of time to convince them he was fine, plus in reality his recovery was going nowhere he hadn't even done anything about it. He assumed that if he hadn't ran away they may have tried to do something and that running away may have actually made them decide to send him to the mental health facility sooner than originally planned.
Lisa began to speak, she sounded serious and her tone made him realise arguing with her wouldn't get him anywhere.
"Liam you are being moved to the mental health facility today so you will need to pack your things you have been told the rules but I will remind you no phone calls, no visitors, nothing from the outside like papers or magazines, you won't be told the football scores, there is no tv, no video player, no stereo, no music. You will concentrate on your therapy. The plan is to have you on the intense treatment plan so you are not missing from oasis for long, so your brother doesn't miss you and to make sure you are able to do your tour in order to do that you need to cooperate and engage with it. Dave is bringing you some more clothes and things in about an hour, we've said Kelly can come with him. They can stay for an hour then Dr Barns will come to take you to the facility."
There was lots of things in that he wanted to argue about like no music, tv, phone calls. Not being able to find out the football scores. If he didn't get better would they stop him going on tour. He was pissed off they didn't ask him before they told Kelly she could come in. He didn't want to talk to anyone.
"I'm not going nowhere, I'm sick of this whole thing. I've got a tour coming up, I've got interviews and tv appearances lined up. I need to rehearse. I haven't got time for any of this bullshit"
He picked up his wash bag, walked to the bathroom, kicked the door a few times until the lock broke went in and pushed some things behind the door. He had hidden his drugs in the wash bag so got out some coke and pills. He'd had a few lines and a couple of pills before the banging on the door started Lisa telling him to come out, other voices he didn't recognise. Eventually he gave in and came out, nicely high. He sat down and put his head in his hands, he wasn't gonna get out easy, before he knew it he heard Dave's voice at the door so he sat up.
"Hey brought you some stuff, clothes and things"
Dave lent over and whispered in his ear
"I've hidden a portable radio and headphones in too so you can listen to the match"
"If I get my way I'll be watching it at home"
Dave rolled his eyes, Liam needed to realise he wasn't gonna get out of this.
"I've cleaned up your place and I've collected the stuff you had on order. Noel thinks you're visiting some friends in Norwich, since some of your school friends who Noel doesn't know have moved there. I said you went last night just in case anything appears in the press about your escapades the other day. He just said as long as you're back for the tour it's up to you who you visit. So you're covered up until the tour"
It seemed like Dave had everything sorted so Liam didn't have any excuses he could use. He was beginning to think Dave was conspiring with the doctors and he was screwed. He heard the door again and looked up, Kelly had walked in. She came and sat beside him. He noticed she looked sad and lost.
"Hi Liam. Are you doing ok?"
"I'm doing ok, how about you?"
They didn't sound like them, it felt wrong.
"You know been feeling sick, haven't been sleeping Not done much just been in the house on my own"
Liam just looked down he knew what she was talking about, he still didn't know what to do. He knew he had to decide but didn't know anyone he could ask for advice and it was time sensitive.
"Dave tells me you're going to the new unit today and we won't be able to see you until you come out"
"Aye apparently I can't get out of it"
"They are trying to help you, they don't mean to be horrible"
"I know but I'm not happy about it, it's just not me, it's not in my personality"
Dave looked at them both he knew he should give them sometime to themselves
"I'll give you guys some time on your own, give you a chance to talk"
Liam looked up panicked, he didn't want to talk. But it was too late to say anything as Dave had already walked out the door and closed it behind him. So they sat in silence for a bit.
"Liam we need to talk, we need to decide what to do. I'm nearly at the cut off point when one of our options will be gone. I want to know what you want, think and I want you to be honest"
"Kelly if I'm honest I don't have a clue and I'm finding it hard enough to deal with everything else right now that anything I can push out of my mind and not think about I'm doing exactly that."
"Liam you can't push this out of your mind now time is running out"
In some ways Liam was waiting for time to run out, he was scared, he didn't want her to feel her only choice was to get rid of the baby because if that's what she really wanted she would have done it already, no matter what he said. He knew he had to make a decision about what he wanted to do but he just couldn't, he was scared
"Look if you don't want the baby then go and do something about it, what do you want off me? You don't need my permission. Why do you care about anything I'm gonna say?"
He was losing his temper, everyone was pushing him around.
"Look I want the baby and I don't need your permission. I don't want anything off you, I'll do it all myself I don't care but I want you to decide if you wanna be involved, I'm giving you a chance to be a father, how much you want to be involved. Plus I love you, I care about you and I want to know where I stand"
Demands, fucking demands. He was getting pissed off.
"I don't know ok. All I want right now is a pint in my hand, plenty of girls around, and be as high as a kite. I want my simple life back, sex drugs and rock n roll. When all I had to care about was remembering the next tv show, interview or tour"
"Well obviously it wasn't a simple or easy life, you had problems. If you're life was perfect then why did you try and kill your self. You're relationship with your brother is fucked up, it's not normal"
"It's my life ok I'm sick of people trying to control it. I'm not fucking going to this shitty hospital and I'll tell you what I think when I've decided"
"Don't be like that, you need to start seeing things like an adult. You say your life's good but in reality bits of it are messed up. You just want to act the 'rock star', live up to all the hype and to be honest you don't think about anyone else. Yet underneath it all you do care, you're sweet and helpful. You do things for others, but you hide that side of yourself, only a select few people see it. You hide it because it doesn't fit your image. You're shouting at me, saying you don't care, that you haven't thought about things but that's bullshit you do care. So get your head on straight, be a adult and deal with stuff"
"I am a adult, it's my life I can do what the fuck I want. So what if I wanna be the 'rock star' I love the whole thing it's fun. Plus it's not an image it's me it's who I am, I don't pretend to be anything I'm not. I'm not hiding bits of me the press have no right to know everything about my personal life. You know what just fuck off I can't be arsed with this right now. So fuck off and I'll call you"
Dave could hear them arguing but didn't want to interrupt, maybe it was what they needed, maybe it would make Liam talk. He also knew it could go bad Liam could say something that could ruin everything, say something that really hurts Kelly but they had to do something. As he was thinking Lisa walked over.
"I'm going to tell you what is going to happen and maybe you can give us some advice."
"Ok I'll try my best, but you know he is hard to deal with and unpredictable."
"Right well Dr Barns is going to come down with some orderlies obviously the hope is Liam will go with him quietly without arguing. But the orderlies are there incase he's awkward, they will restrain him if it's needed, they can use force to make him go but we will get him into the ambulance no matter how we have to do it. He will be taken to the unit and put in a room. What type of room, if it's locked or at the extreme if he is restrained depends on his reaction and mood. So his reactions will make a big difference to how he is treated"
"If I'm honest I think he'll fight but the more you fight with him the worse he will get. If you lock him in a room and restrain him he will just get more angry and you'll get nowhere as he'll just fight when you take the restraint's off. My advice yes lock him in but make it a normal room and no restraints as he's more likely to calm down then"
"Ok I'll pass that on. I'm afraid you guys are going to have to go soon"
Just as Lisa said that Kelly stormed out of the room
"He's being a fucking bastard let's go"
She headed for the door. Dave decided not to say goodbye.

A image can cover so much pain (oasis/Liam Gallagher) Where stories live. Discover now