Here we go

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Dave had picked up Liam's prescription they had went to his dr the day before there was a stupid amount of paperwork just so he could pick it up never mind request a refill but they'd sorted it so that was that. Oasis had a interview and TV appearance today so he was off to wake Liam up, give him his pills and get him to the interview. It had taken three days to sort his prescription so he'd been off them for four or five days so Dave had no idea what state Liam would be in, though he had sounded ok on the phone.
Liam woke up looked at the clock realised he'd slept in so jumped into the shower as quick as he could. He'd not took much notice of the damage inflicted over the last few days but now he couldn't avoid it, his hand was still a mess and both his arms were covered in cuts this confused him, he only remembered doing one arm the bruises all over he assumed came from falling over drunk. He quickly dressed Dave would be here in half a hour, luckily he had a clean shirt and jeans I must remember to do some washing he thought. There was a knock at the door "hey Liam it's just me" Dave was early but Liam let him in and smiled "got your pills, cars outside but we got plenty of time" Liam looked ok so Dave was pleased with that, he went to the kitchen got a glass of water and handed it to Liam along with his pills.
Liam took the water placed it on the table as he got the box from the bag he didn't know why but he hesitated it's not like he wasn't used to taking pills. Dave watched Liam was just looking at the box Dave walked over put his hand on his shoulder "come on Liam it'll keep you level" Liam swallowed the pill. They picked up everything he needed, Liam sorted his hair, checked his clothes, took a deep breath and walked out the door. He got in the car and Dave started to tell him the days schedule but Liam wasn't really listening really he didn't need to know it anyway Noel would just order him around anyway. As the car rolled down streets eventually getting stuck in traffic as usual Liam looked out the window and began to think. Oasis had been his band, he formed it while Noel was off seeing the world as a roadie, he got the band its first gigs, he decided he was gonna be famous, he made the effort to get the band going, it was his before it was Noel's when Noel first found out Liam was a singer in a band he laughed, he thought they were shit, he said Liam was a idiot and when they asked him to be their manager he turned it down instead accepting to join when they realised they needed another guitarist and Noel could write songs but then Noel just took over, he decided what songs they would do, he decided who did and got what, he set out the plan for the band, instead of oasis being Liam's thing it became Noel's thing Liam had wanted it to be their thing. In some ways he didn't mind he was useless at organising and dealing with paperwork and meetings but still he resented how Noel had took over. Suddenly the car stopped "Liam we're here" they'd pulled into the car park of one of London's posh hotels they were meeting the guy from NME in the bar. Liam tried to pull himself together he was feeling a bit woozy maybe it was the pills but he put on his game face and walked into the bar. Noel was already there he was sat at a table near the back already deep in conversation, bonehead was at the bar "pint Liam?" "Aye" Liam sat down next to Noel, got his cigarettes out and smiled "alright" "your late" was Noel's greeting "there was fucking traffic ask Dave it's fucking London you Twat you know what it's like" bonehead came back with the drinks and they got on with the interview as usual Noel talked on about the music, him and Liam got into a argument, the rest of the band stayed pretty quiet except for a few words when asked a direct question and by the end of it Noel had told Liam to fuck off and wasn't speaking to him. Liam often felt sorry for they guys interviewing them when things descended into just him and Noel arguing. Next was the photo shoot Liam sometimes liked them if he was in the mood but today wasn't one of those days it seemed to go on for hours "stand there" "Liam get at the front" "now Noel at the front" "let's have the brothers together" "right all of you in a line" etc etc and over and over again. After the shoot they had a couple of hours to kill before the tv show so they decided to stay in the bar Noel decided to go to the room he booked to write or something Liam couldn't see the point in the room they weren't staying at the hotel. Before he left Noel walked over to Liam "you better not get drunk and fuck everything up remember this show is important we gotta show we're the fucking best so don't be a fucking idiot" "yes sir, I'll be a good boy I won't upset chief master Noel" Liam replied everyone started to laugh "fucking cunt" Noel mumbled as he walked away. Liam and the others had a nice couple of hours having a laugh, a joke around and a few pints though Liam felt a bit drunk faster than normal but Dave had said that he shouldn't drink while on the tablets and if he did they would react with the alcohol until his body got used to it. Noel had got to his room and sat down with his acoustic guitar and notebook he thought he might try and write down some of the stuff that had been going around head he started to play and began to scribble stuff down but he couldn't concentrate this tv show was for mtv and they were planning on using it in america so it had to be good but all he could think of is the worry Liam would get drunk and fuck it up. Noel was sick of having to keep a eye on Liam all the time, he wished Liam would take things a bit more seriously like care about the music more than the 'being a rock star' Noel was pissed off he had to spend most of his time managing the rest of the band and they never thanked him for it ugh he got back to playing his guitar, back to the music.
Dave came over "come on guys time to go Noel's waiting in the car" Dave started getting them all up and started to Hurd them towards the door "Liam hang back a sec" Dave put his hand on Liam's arm holding him back letting the others walk on ahead "how you feeling? You didn't drink too much did you?" "I'm ok you know, feeling pretty level headed. I didn't drink as much as usual, took it slow, felt a bit tipsy quicker than normal" with that Dave smiled "come on we better catch up before Noel has a heart attack" they caught up with the others and jumped into the car. Noel started before Liam had even got settled into his seat "right so I've decided which songs we'll do, it's a tv show so the stage is quite small so I can sort out where is best for everyone to stand when we get there, I've asked for bottles of water, two cans of larger each, some orange juice and tea, Liam you need to tidy yourself up a bit when we get there like sort ya hair out and try to make it so your shirt at least looks like it's been hung up not left on the floor do you actually own a iron" Liam knew the question wasn't actually a question it was a statement meant to put Liam down Noel always did that always putting him down he'd do it to the others sometimes but he did it to Liam all the time. They arrived at the studio and as usual about 20 people started to fuss over them and Noel started organising stuff, Liam and the others sat themselves down in the dressing room and started to joke on about how everyone was fussing next thing Noel comes in an announces that they are doing a interview as well as a few songs they hadn't expected that so Noel was in a bit of a huff that he hadn't been informed of this. More than likely it was because he hadn't had chance to go through things with the others. Noel had picked out five songs including two new songs - live forever, supersonic, roll with it, some might say and rock and roll star. Thankfully he hadn't chosen any acoustic stuff Liam really didn't feel like singing anything like that. Noel gave the usual speech before they went on and reminded them it was live so they should watch their language.
The songs went well and the interview was a short 10 minute thing so everything went off without a hitch, which made Noel happy.

A image can cover so much pain (oasis/Liam Gallagher) Where stories live. Discover now