Do i have to?

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Dave had made a decision, one he knew Liam wouldn't like. He had decided it would be best to try and get Liam into therapy. He'd made the decision the day before, after the tv show. Liam had gone out drinking, had a few too many drugs, got into a fight, had a argument with Noel and stormed off to his room in the hotel, they had booked a room as it was obvious they wouldn't make it home. Dave had left it about an hour then went up to check on him. He'd been knocking for about 20 minutes with no answer but wasn't sure what to do Liam could have just been asleep sometimes after a drinking session he was impossible to wake up and when you did you better run but also he had heard the argument with Noel and Noel had said some pretty awful things admittedly Liam had gave a lot back but they knew how to push each other's buttons but still some of the words stung Liam hard. After another 5 or so minutes he decided to go make up some bullshit to see if they'd give him a key to the room.
Noel had done it again he just loved putting Liam down, Liam knew Noel loved him but he also knew Noel hated him he took every opportunity to put him down. Every time it hurt but Liam never showed that, he just gave as good as he got and it ended up a never ending circle. He'd left Noel in the bar he couldn't be bothered with Noel's shit. He'd came up to his room and started on the minibar. He was a good singer, he was a good frontman no matter what Noel said, yes he could be a pain, yes he was a little crazy but who cares, the life they had they might as well enjoy it. Maybe Noel was jealous cos Liam got all the girls, it was easy he always had girls coming on to him, he could have a different one every night sometimes he did it was never any hassle, he didn't even have to learn their names. By now Liam was starting to fall asleep he was happy about that as he knew his brain was eventually go to the depressing stage. Suddenly he heard knocking, he put the pillow over his head he couldn't be bothered with anyone then again 'knock knock' again Liam ignored it then Dave was shouting through the door still Liam ignored it hoping Dave would go away.
Dave managed to persuade a desk clerk to give him a key it had taken a while but the guy finally gave in, as he arrived at Liam's door he suddenly stopped. Only now he began to think about how Liam would react when he walked in, he was used to things getting thrown but still he worried but a worse worry came into his head, what might he find after all he'd learned over the last week or so he worried about what state Liam may be in and at worst maybe one day he'd find him dead. Dave opened the door slowly "Liam you there?, you ok? I'm coming in" he walked in slowly Liam was lying on the bed his head under the pillow Dave wasn't sure if Liam was asleep or ignoring him but then Liam stuck his two fingers up in Dave's direction "fuck off" "come on time to pull yourself together, check out time soon and I wanna get you home" Dave said as he began to pick Liam's stuff up and clicked the kettle on. Liam really couldn't be bothered to move but home sounded like a better place to be right now so he sat up and took the coffee Dave had made. "I'm guessing you left your pills at home, it's fine as long as you take them when we get there" Liam finished the coffee,, put his coat on and trudged downstairs Dave had pulled the car round the front and unfortunately the press had got wind of the fact Liam was there, as the exited about 5 photographers began pushing cameras in Liam's face, he couldn't be bothered so grabbed the nearest one and smashed it on the floor, the guy began to kick off, Liam was just about to swing for him when Dave grabbed him "come on Liam it's not worth it" with that Dave pushed Liam into the backseat and he got behind the wheel. "Liam really I know they annoy you but smashing their cameras and hitting them is not the answer it just makes them follow you more, I know you've got your image and rep to keep up but maybe sometimes just let it go" "whatever" nothing more was said for the rest of the journey. Dave stopped the car and before he had his seatbelt off Liam was out and walking to his door, Dave grabbed his stuff and followed he was beginning to feel sick he knew it was fear, fear of the conversation he was about to have. Liam wanted to be left alone, he wanted to go back to sleep but he knew Dave wouldn't just leave him without making sure things were ok, Dave cared in a way Noel didn't and it wasn't just because it was his job he was genuinely a friend which was a rare thing in the current situation. Liam dropped his stuff on the floor and collapsed on the bed, Dave followed him in dropping the rest of the stuff on the chair. "Liam we need to talk, now I know what we said earlier but I think things are a little more complicated than me just making sure you take your pills, I can't go running around getting hotel keys whenever you don't answer the door" Liam looked up at him Dave couldn't decide if he looked angry or sad. "What are you on about I'm fine, I'm not going to go talk about feelings with some stranger who'll just look at me like I'm a fucking idiot" "if we find the right therapist I'm sure you'll be fine, it will help to talk to someone who is trained to help" "nah come on they'll just look at me like I'm a Twat, some yob from Manchester, a spoiled rock star brat" "Liam their not going to judge we'll find someone who is used to treating people in the public eye, someone who's used to working with guys" Liam looked like he was thinking about it then "they'll all be posh upper class bitches, girls so far up their own arse, probably never been fucked anywhere but a nice bed, no idea about the real world" Dave started to get annoyed "Liam for fuck sake I can't be dealing with everything, worrying if I'll find you dead, in such a state I need to take you to hospital then having to go and explain everything to Noel god only knows what he'd do. Just give it a try please just try" Liam looked at Dave he could see he was serious, the pain and worry in his face, he looked up not really sure about what to do "do I have too? "Yes you do"

A image can cover so much pain (oasis/Liam Gallagher) Where stories live. Discover now