Happy for now

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Liam got home and Dave walked him in. "Liam am concerned where did you meet this girl? Who is she?" Liam knew Dave was looking out for him but he still hated these type of questions. "I met her at the hotel, she's a waitress. I liked her and she didn't care about my fame or anything we just had a good time like normal people and I like her" Dave sighed "ok Liam but be careful please" Dave put Liam's bag's down and put the kettle on "I'll make you a coffee then leave you to get some rest and I'll call you tomorrow" "ok sounds good" Liam sat down while Dave made the coffee. They drank their coffee in silence then Dave got up "right I'm off now, get some rest and I'll call you tomorrow" he headed to the door "ok see ya, speak tomorrow" Dave shut the door, Liam stood on his own he looked around his flat sighed and sat down. He began to think about Kelly, about how things were going to go, would his issues become a problem, god why did he have to think about all this, why couldn't he just be happy. As he sat he noticed the light flashing on his answering machine he went over and pressed the button "you have three new messages" "hey Liam it's Kyle just checking in to see if your ok" "next new message" "hey Liam Kyle again bit worried bout you call me" last new message "Liam it's Kyle I've just seen dr Emilie didn't go well sorry to put it on you anyway maybe we could get a drink and I do hope you're ok call me" Liam decided he should call him tomorrow, really he should have checked in earlier but he'd forgot, Kyle mentioning dr Emilie made Liam think he should call dr Emilie and say sorry for the way he behaved last time. He walked into his bedroom, lay on his bed and closed his eyes, he must have went to sleep as when he opened them it was 6am he sat up and walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on, he knew he wouldn't get back to sleep. He sat down and thought about Kelly again she made him happy, she treated him like a normal person, she just seemed to like him the real him but at the same time he knew that at some point his fame would need to be addressed. After a few hours of watching tv he decided to phone dr Emilie it was 9am she should be at work now, he picked up the phone. "Hello this is dr Emilie walters" "hi this is Liam Gallagher I'm calling to say sorry for the way I behaved last time" "ah hello Liam, it's ok therapy is hard for people sometimes these things happen I'd like you to come in to see me again" "I'm going away to play a couple of shows tomorrow but I could come in when I get back" "that would be great, call me when you get back" Liam hung up then started thinking did he really want to go to see her again especially since he had something that was making him happy but maybe he should but he had time to think about it while he was away. He decided to pack his bags he needed something to do. He emptied what was in his small one and pulled his big one out and put it in the living room. He packed his bags as best he could and decided to phone Kelly. "Hello?" "Hi it's Liam just giving you a call before I go away" "oh hey how are you? Did you get some rest? I'm off to work in a couple of hours so fun times" she laughed "I'm cool and yep I got some sleep missed waking up with you though. I'm sure work will be fine" "I missed you too strange really I'm usually so independent" "I normally don't miss people" they both laughed "when I'm back we should go for a meal I can get us into some really nice places" "I'd like that but I'm not sure I've got clothes that are posh enough" "don't worry I'll take you shopping plus I probably need to get something posh too as usually I just go in whatever I want but I'll dress up for you" she laughed but she couldn't help worrying a bit she knew when Liam said some really nice places he meant any place in London no matter how expensive or exclusive it was, she knew there would be no need to book he'd be able to get a table and when he said go shopping for posh clothes he would take them to designer shops things she never thought of, never imagined but she also knew Liam wasn't used to it really either deep down he was still the guy who grew up on a council estate in Manchester. They talked for a bit longer until she had to go to work. Liam got a beer out of the fridge and put the tv on. He picked up the phone and called Kyle "hey Kyle just Liam sorry ain't been in touch, been busy with shit and forgot" "it's ok I understand I keep forgetting that you get busy with the band, I forget it's not easy and is actually a job" Liam laughed "aye it's strange to think of it as a job but it kinda is, anyway I'm going off to play to couple of shows but we'll go for a drink when I get back" "ok just give me a call" Liam hung up and got another beer, he set up a few lines noticed a mini bouncy ball under the table so snorted the lines and began throwing the ball off the wall, he kept drinking, smoking, snorting and throwing the ball off the wall his aim getting worse he hit the mirror then the tv and eventually knocked a load of stuff of his shelf not that he cared he just watched the stuff fall, left it on the floor and kept bouncing the ball. He noticed he'd been doing it for hours but it had kept him from thinking. He wondered if he should invite Kelly to the gigs, just take her with him but it was last minute and she had a job he didn't want to interfere with that, get her sacked or put pressure on her so it was best to keep it to just calling her and seeing her while he was home, well his London home Manchester was his real home. He decided to go to the hotel to see if she wanted to come over to his after work, spend time with him before he left. He called a taxi. They pulled up in the car park, got out the car, paid and said thank you after the taxi pulled away he just stood there suddenly wondering if this was a good idea but he was here now. He walked into the bar saw Chris by the till he walked over "hi Chris right? I'm looking for Kelly" "oh yes that's me, Kelly's on her break she's through in the back cafe area I'll let you through" Liam guessed it must be a staff area as Chris had to scan his staff card to open the door. Liam walked in Kelly was in the corner in deep conversation with some guy, he walked over "hey you" she jumped "oh god Liam hi you gave me a shock" the guy just looked Liam up and down "mind if I sit down darling?" He pulled a chair over "go ahead" the guy jumped in "yes I mind fuck off" Liam laughed "what did you just say to me?" "I told you to fuck off" "well I wasn't talking to you I was talking to Kelly so shut your fucking mouth" Kelly suddenly stood up "look please both of you sit down please and be nice" Liam didn't want to back down but out of respect for Kelly he sat down. The other guy sat down too. Kelly looked at them both "dean this is Liam my......friend, Liam this is dean my ex" Liam looked at him then looked at Kelly "is he bothering you?" She looked scared "if he is I can get rid of him" dean looked at Liam but didn't say anything "he just wants some stuff back from the flat so we're trying to arrange it" she turned to dean "can we do this another day? I'd like to spend some time with Liam before I go back to work" dean looked pissed off but also looked like he knew he wouldn't win a fight with Liam if he refused to go. Dean got up and stormed off. "Sorry Liam he's a idiot, he wants some dvds and stuff back" "it's ok if he's bothering you I can sort it out you know" "no no I can handle it" she smiled "anyway what you doing down here thought you were going away tomorrow?" "Oh I am I just wanted to see if you fancied coming to mine after work and my place is nearer here so if u wanted to you could stay at mine while I'm away I can set up a account with a taxi company to get you to work" she didn't know what to say, she really wanted to say yes but decided to think for a second "em ok yeah I'd love that I finish in two hours so if you wanna wait?" "Okies I'll be in the bar" Liam walked through to the bar grabbed a beer and a table. After work Kelly came over "hey all finished now" "cool let's go get a taxi" they walked into the car park and a girl walked up "hey Kelly you off home I'm in over night" the girl then looked at Liam and took a step back "your Liam, Liam Gallagher" he laughed "em yes yes I am" she then noticed that Liam and Kelly were holding hands. She smiled at Kelly "don't do anything I wouldn't do" she laughed walked away and waved. Kelly looked at Liam "I guess it's kinda out the bag we're hanging out together" "do you care cos I don't" he said as he opened the taxi door. They pulled up outside Liam's place and he took her in, it wasn't as posh as she expected but that was good. She dropped her coat on top of his and sat down, Liam passed her a drink and sat down beside her and began to kiss her, he pulled her onto his knee, undid her shirt and ran his hands up her back, she began unbuttoning his shirt, both shirts ended up in a pile on the floor soon her bra joined them as she started on his jeans, soon his jeans and her skirt joined the pile. Then the phone rang Kelly looked over at it "no no don't the answer machine will get it" he said pulling her head back round for a kiss, as he was kissing her neck the answer machine kicked in "hi Liam it's Dave hopefully your sleeping so just to let you know I'll pick you up at one" "oh well darling we've got till one tomorrow, plenty of time to do whatever we want" he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. They woke up early both still naked she turned over and looked at him smiled and brushed some hair out of his eye. "Morning you" "morning you" Liam sat up "do you want some coffee?" "Yes please" she began to get up Liam stopped her "no no I'll bring it through" he got up, didn't bother to put any pants on "be careful you don't spill anything" she laughed. He brought the coffee through and got back into bed, they sat in silence drinking their coffee. Liam turned to her "I don't normally say stuff like this but I like you, a lot and I love spending time with you I was hoping, maybe we could try make a go of things like a relationship" Kelly sat in silence for a bit so many things were running around in her head was it a good idea to say yes, she wanted too, would it become too complicated but it could be great but she answered with her heart "I like you too, so much I'd like to try I would" he smiled they cuddled up for a bit and talked, then lay in silence for a bit. Kelly ran her hand up and down his chest and slowly climbed on top of him, they were right in the middle of it when Dave walked in "oh god I'm sorry" Dave shut the door and walked straight back in the living room expecting Liam to come straight through but he didn't Dave could hear them finishing off. Liam came through with only tracksuit pants on and Kelly came out in his tshirt "coffee Dave?" She asked "don't worry Liam's packed" "oh ok and milk no sugar please, Liam can I have a word with you" Dave dragged Liam into the bedroom "what the hell you doing?" "What did it look like I was fucking doing, did your mother not tell ya bout the birds and bees" Liam laughed "fuck sake Liam you know what I mean" Liam sat on the bed "do you have a problem with me having a girlfriend? Is it against some rule?" "No I'm just worried about you ok" Liam walked out the bedroom Dave followed, Kelly handed them coffee and sat down with hers "Liam I'm gonna have to nip home and get some clothes and probably do some shopping since all you seem to have in is beer and coffee" she laughed "ok I'll leave you some money and here's my key" Liam went into the bedroom to put his clothes on, he went into the bathroom did some lines came out and grabbed his coat. He walked over to Kelly kissed her "see you soon I've left £600 in the bedroom just get anything you need, I'll call you when I get to Glasgow, I'll miss you" "ok take care, enjoy the shows, speak soon will miss you to" Dave picked up Liam's bags and took them to the car, Liam gave Kelly one more kiss and left.
Liam jumped in the car Dave turned around "Liam are you sure you know what your doing? I want you to be happy but I worry" "I'm happy and I do know what I'm doing please just let me be happy" "ok" Dave started the car "we better get to the airport Noel will go mental if your late" they arrived ten minutes late but Noel usually gave Liam a free fifteen minutes. Liam grabbed his bags and headed in.

A image can cover so much pain (oasis/Liam Gallagher) Where stories live. Discover now