Your not here time to see Dr again

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Liam had made an appointment to see Dr Emilie today it would be the first in person one since he walked out of the last one. Dave was picking him up in two hours so he had plenty of time to slowly get ready. He pulled out some jeans and a tshirt put them on the bed and went to get a beer. He set up some lines again breaking the don't come to appointments drunk or high. Another beer while he relaxed for a bit before he grabbed a shower. He got himself ready and headed out just as Dave pulled up, Liam jumped in the car "hey. Good timing eh" "great minds Liam great minds" they were at the carpark quick due to not hitting traffic for the first time ever so Liam was early he decided to have a cigarette before he went in. The waiting room was empty so he headed straight to the toilet to do a couple of lines then sat down and waited. About ten minutes later dr Emilie opened the door "Liam come in" Liam stood up, followed her and sat in the usual chair "let me just say sorry again for last time" "it's ok Liam thing's like that are actually quite common" she got her note book and pen ready and began to look at his file so the sat in silence for a few minutes. "So Liam how are you? What have you been up too?" Liam laughed "I'm ok. I've done a few shows, had the usual arguments with Noel, and something kinda great but also terrifying" dr Emilie wrote some notes and looked straight at him "so do you want to tell me what the something is? You changed both your voice and how you acted when you mentioned it so it's seems important" Liam began to fidget and look around trying to find the words. "Well I met someone, just a normal girl she works as a waitress in a hotel I stayed in, in London. She likes me for me not the other stuff we decided to give a relationship a go" dr Emilie began to write a bit more "so that sounds good now what's the scary bit? "Well I ended up in a mood when she was there, I smashed some stuff, cut myself and was a bit of a dick, then she said she had experience with self harm etc as he sister had mental health problems and eventually killed herself. I said if she didn't want to deal with it again she could walk away but she said it was too late she'd fell in love with me so still wanted to give it go, but I'm worried she'll change her mind" again she wrote something down "so what is the worry side telling you to do?" "Well it's telling me to walk away before I hurt her" "right what about the other side" "that I really like her and she wants to give it a go so I want to too" dr Emilie sat back "Liam the hard part is out of the way, she knows but she still wants to be with you. Maybe you having a mood when you did was your way of giving you a chance to tell her which shows you really want to be with this girl" "oh come on I can't control when I have a mood and I didn't want to tell her" "Liam it was probably subconscious so you didn't know that's what you were doing" dr Emilie started writing a lot down, Liam just watched. "Liam have you addressed the oasis issue with her, because that side of you includes press harassment, fans, jealous fans, tours, the drink, drugs and fights. Also your relationship with Noel" "well not yet as we've just been alone in a hotel room or my flat, I played a couple of shows not a full tour and she didn't come with me she had work" "you need to address that as it can't be avoided" Liam looked down, he wasn't looking forward to that. "Anyway how have you been outside that? How did you feel about your fight with Noel?" "I've been ok, had a few moments worrying about Kelly and if things were going to work etc but outside that I've been good we've just had a nice time watching movies, talking etc" he took a breath and dr Emilie jumped in "have you been having sex? Is it different to your one night stands? He felt a bit wired talking about his sex life "well yes we have and yes it does normally I feel nothing, like just want them to leave but with her I didn't want her to go, I felt I wanted to see her again" dr Emilie smiled at him. "As for my arguments with Noel it's just the usual shit so I'm used to it but he did have a go at me about Kelly the cunt doesn't want me to be happy" "maybe he's just worried cos he cares" Liam laughed "maybe" she again wrote things down, he wished he could see what she was writing. "Ok not too much for us to go over today so we'll end it there but before our next appointment I want you to talk to Kelly about the oasis situation and we can address it at the appointment" Liam looked up "what I don't know how I'll do that, I don't want to do it" "just try". Liam said his goodbyes and headed to the toilet for a few more lines, then used the phone to call Dave for a lift. Liam went down to the car park, lit a cigarette and waited. Dave pulled up "hey Liam" Liam ran over to the car and jumped in "hey Dave. You wanna pop into mine for coffee, hang out for a bit?" Dave turned round "aye sure sounds good" Dave pulled off and almost immediately they were stuck in traffic "I hate London" laughed Liam. Eventually they got to Liam's place, Dave parked up and headed in. They both dropped their coats on the chair and Liam took two beers out of fridge "thought beer might be better than coffee" he laughed "sounds good" they sat down and Liam put the tv on and began to flip through the channels "loada shit on the telly like, I'll stick a video on I've got Indiana jones somewhere" Liam began digging through his videos, then put one in the player "there we go" they sat in silence for a bit then Dave spoke "so you wanna tell me about this Kelly girl? Are you in a relationship with her or just shagging her?" Liam looked at him "what?" Dave sighed "are u dating this girl or just shagging her?" "Well we have actually decided to give a relationship a go, not that it's any of your fucking business" "it is my business since I'm supposed to be looking after you" "look Dave let's just have a nice time ok" they continued to drink and chat, generally having a good laugh. Liam made himself up some lines and Dave lit a joint, Dave didn't do coke so Liam had that all to himself. They slowly got more drunk and high and were quite happy. Suddenly they heard a key in the lock both stood up to see who it was, Kelly jumped when she saw them "shit you gave me a shock. Didn't know you had company do you want me to go?" Liam went over and kissed her "no darling it's fine, get yourself a beer and join us" Kelly dropped her coat on the chair, grabbed a beer and sat on Liam's knee. "Thought you were going to see your family?" "Oh I am but my brother can't pick me up until the morning so thought I'd come here and he could pick me up here if that's ok?" "Aye that's cool, nice to have some extra time, you can get to know Dave a bit" they all sat watching the end of the film, Dave noticed Liam's hand on the top of her thigh but he was being decent and was on top of her skirt instead of under it. "So Kelly what did you do wrong to end up with this idiot?" He laughed. Kelly laughed and smiled "I'm not quite sure yet maybe it's punishment from something I did in a past life" the both laughed "Nah it's not punishment, he's a sweetheart plus I can deal with him when he's a Twat don't worry" Dave smiled they sat having a laugh and Dave and Kelly seemed to be getting on well. Kelly got up to go to the toilet Dave spoke "she's lovely Liam, you seem really happy together, what are you gonna do about your issues?" "I've told her, she's still willing to be with me, she's amazing" Kelly came back through "hope you guys were saying nice things about me" she laughed "Liam if it's ok I'm going to go to bed, early start in the morning don't worry I won't wake you" "that's fine me and Dave will probably be heading to bed soon, staying over Dave?" "Aye I'll Kip on the settee". They all headed off to bed, Dave watched Liam and Kelly head into the bedroom Dave hoped they didn't keep him awake. Liam took his tshirt off, dropped his pants and lay down in his boxers "it's hot do you mind?" "Not at all" Liam passed her one of his tshirts to wear for bed "she took her skirt, shirt and top off smiled at him "can u unclip my bra please?" Liam undid the clip and took the bra off, pulled her around and kissed her, she laughed and put his tshirt on. She got into bed next to him and put her head on his chest, they lay in silence for a bit then "Kelly when you come back from your Mam's can we talk?" Kelly looked worried "yes of course what about?" "We need to talk about the oasis issues if that's ok?" "God Liam you worried me I thought it was gonna be bad, but your right we need to talk about it, what made u decide to bring it up?" "My therapist, they made me realise it had to be done" "glad your going to therapy" they lay down and went to sleep. When Liam woke up Kelly was gone he walked into the living room to find Dave drinking coffee "morning Liam, Kelly left you a note on the table. She makes a great coffee" he laughed. Liam walked to the kitchen and picked up the note 'hey darling, had to go, didn't want to wake you, you look so peaceful when you're asleep. I'll ring you tomorrow. Look after yourself, love you Kelly xx' he smiled, got some coffee and sat down with Dave "your gonna miss her". Dave stayed another couple of days then headed home. Kelly phoned Liam one night to ask Liam to come to her mums the next day he said he would but as soon as he put the phone down he began to panic, he was scared they wouldn't like them, that he'd say something wrong, he didn't know what she had told them about him. He pulled all his clothes out to try find something to wear eventually he settled on black jeans and a blue and white check shirt so he put them to one side and tried to get some sleep. He couldn't sleep so got up, ironed his clothes, had a shower then got ready and did his hair. He made a coffee and sat for a bit, he didn't want to drink any alcohol but thought since he had over a hour till he had to be there he could get away with a few lines to calm his nerves. He called a taxi well here goes he thought. The taxi pulled up outside the address and he got out, he stood there for a bit, scared to go in. Then the door opened and Kelly came running out "hey you" she gave him a kiss and took his hand "come on in" he walked in to find her mum, her brothers and her auntie and uncle "everyone this is Liam" her mum walked forward "hello Liam I'm Cathy, these are my sons Kevin and Chris and my sister liz and her husband Carl" Liam shuck everyone's hand "nice to meet you all" Cathy told him to sit down and went to make coffee "so Liam how did you meet Kelly?" "I was staying at her hotel, she was serving me in the bar and restaurant and we got talking" Liam looked around the house it was a nice place, very homely. Chris noticed "we've lived here all our life, it's small but since our dad left it's been hard it doesn't mean we are any less than others" "oh I wasn't looking round thinking bad stuff it's a lovely place, reminds me of mine and my mums house. One of the things that me and Kelly have in common is our dads left and our mums were amazing bringing us up etc me and my two brothers grew up on a council estate in Manchester mum worked two jobs to keep us going" Chris smiled. Kevin stood up "nice to know we're on the same page. You want a beer?" "Yes please" they sat chatting about their lives and how they grew up. Liam liked her family and they seemed to be getting on. Liam had to go as he was expecting a phone call off Dave, he offered to drop Kelly home then her mum said "I'm pretty sure she'll be coming to yours instead. Liam I like you, you make Kelly happy and you obviously care about each other" both Kelly and Liam laughed and got in the taxi. They got back to Liam's, Kelly got changed to go to work and headed off. Liam grabbed a beer set up some lines and sat down suddenly there was a knock on the door, Liam answered and Kevin was there, Liam began to think of a way to hide the coke. "Hi Kevin come in" Kevin walked in and looked around, Liam decided to direct him to the kitchen "coffee?" Kevin nodded and followed Liam to the kitchen "oh two mins I've left my cup through there" Liam ran through to the living room and quickly snorted the lines and hid the rest of the evidence. He went back to the kitchen, made the coffee and they sat at the table "so how can I help you?" Kevin looked straight at him "Kelly is my little sister I'm obviously concerned when she has a boyfriend plus I didn't say it when you were at the house but I know who you are, I know your reputation but I did also notice how much you seem to care about my sister but I'm concerned about how things will affect her when the press catch on to your relationship because they will. She loved her job, her friends etc and I'm just worried about how that could change" Liam looked at him "I do care about her and yes we will have to address all that and I don't want to make her quit her job or anything and I'm worried." Kevin looked straight at him "but know if you hurt her I will beat the fuck out of you" Liam laughed "I wouldn't expect anything less" they sat for a bit just sussing each other out. As they were sitting there was a knock on the door they both went through and Liam opened the door. Pez bounced in "delivery for mr Gallagher, was passing so popped in early. Here's ya usual plus I dropped a sample of the new weed I can get and some coke that's a bit stronger, I saw ya tour dates see. Crazy shit I'm too fucking lazy for that but suppose if ya spend it drunk, high and shagging birds it can't be that bad" he laughed like a hyena took the money and bounced out the door. Liam didn't know what the hell to do. Kevin looked at him "look I know you do drugs but don't you dare get Kelly involved in that shit you do and I'll kill you" "I don't make people do what the don't want to" Liam dropped the stuff in a drawer. Kevin looked around and decided he was gonna head off Liam couldn't tell if things had gone well or not. He got another beer and set up some more lines, he knew that soon he was going to have a awkward conversation with Kelly about oasis so he decided to think about how he was going to do it. Kelly came home, kissed Liam and got changed she sat down next to him "so I guess it's time for that conversation then?" Liam sighed "ok I'm just gonna tell you straight out what the crack is, once the press gets wind of our relationship, they will follow us around, take photos, dig up or just make up stories, you'll have to put up with the fans, decide if you want to come on tour with me and I don't know how it will affect your job." "Liam I know it's gonna be hard and I'm going to have to get used to big changes in my life, and yes I'm scared but I want to give it a go, I still want to be with you." Liam smiled thankfully the conversation wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Later that day when Kelly had fell asleep something seemed to flip a switch in Liam, he began to think of the worst things, but he was thinking it from a distance, he wasn't really there. He saw photographer's chase Kelly into the road and a car hit her, he saw her getting sick of him and walking out, things just descending into arguments like what happened with Noel, his brain was running in circles fast circles, he threw his beer bottle off the wall. Kelly was woke by a smash, she ran out of the bedroom to find Liam sitting there and glass on the floor "Liam you ok?" "No I'm fucking not just let me sit alone for a bit" Kelly began to walk back to the bedroom "ok well you know where I am if you need me" she shut the door. Liam was angry with himself for being a Twat but he couldn't help it. Eventually he went through to bed, Kelly was asleep so Liam made sure he didn't wake her. When Liam woke up Kelly was making coffee, he walked through and kissed her "I'm sorry about last night" "it's ok, you had a moment" they had breakfast and Kelly spoke "I kept forgetting to tell you but me and some friends are booked for a holiday in Italy leaving in 2 days and we're away for ten days, it's been booked for ages but I'd just forgot I'm so silly" she laughed "oh right ok" he looked sad but quickly realised he was being selfish "that be nice for you, you been working loads so a break will do you good especially a girls holiday" he was proud he slipped in a way to see if any guys were going "it's just me and five other girls don't worry" she laughed "anyway I'm off to work and I'll be staying at my house tonight as I need to pack and sort things out for the holiday, I will pop over before I go. "See ya love ya" she kissed him and left. Liam sat down he couldn't understand why Kelly going on holiday upset him so much especially since he'd be leaving her to go on tour. Liam had a appointment with dr Emilie so he had to get ready, he put his clothes on, did some lines and called a taxi. He arrived at dr Emilie's he didn't even get a chance to sit down before she called him in. "Hi Liam how are you feeling?" "Sorta half and half" Liam sat down, dr Emilie didn't say anything she was waiting for him to continue "I'm jumping between happy and worry, we spoke about the oasis thing and she was totally fine it, but I'm scared she'll change her mind when she actually experiences it." "She has to experience it to make up her mind completely but now she knows what she's in for" Liam looked down "and I've had another couple moments and she told me she's going on holiday in two day to Italy with her friends for ten days and I was upset but it's stupid cos I will be leaving her when I go on tour" "yes Liam but there's a difference what is it?" Liam started to think eventually he got it "I don't have the choice to go with her but she has the choice to come with me" dr Emilie smiled "exactly" they talked for a bit longer running through his fears and then called a taxi. Kelly popped in quickly before she left and left Liam alone.

A image can cover so much pain (oasis/Liam Gallagher) Where stories live. Discover now