It's a long story (KateBishop...

By ynmarvel07

107K 3.5K 517

When your father (Clint Barton) comes home after spending the whole week before christmas in New York, you ar... More

Merry Christmas
Have you opened it yet?
I tap out
Don't get all nervous now
Is that better for you?
And why am I in trouble?
Take care of my little girl
Follow me
The necklace you got me
Am I allowed to go now?
Oh my god, he knows now
Beg to differ
Y/n your turn to drive
Okay then, what now?
I'm down for a little challenge
Eavesdropping much?
She was the best of the best
That's not saying much
Uh oh...
My drunk self is a little crazy
He'll have to be
Take this, I wont need it
Why are you here?
I'm not going to yell at you
Author speaking
But I'm hopeful
Stay safe and don't be stupid
I want to call her
So you're with me everywhere I go
Did you get ahold of her?
What would you like to know?
I want to be with you
There's nothing to feel sorry about
Somebody help me!
Y/n what are you going to do?
Goodnight love
You know who I get that from
Not a part of the story
Not a part of the story
I don't even have my license
He's dead
Really, I had no idea
not part of story
Not part of story
Yeah, a last chapter to a book...
Not a part of the story
New Book
The end
Pefect time for a stakeout
Jump the distance
Let me make you feel better
You Make This So Difficult
What's going on?
We Have to Find Her
Fucking Police
That wasn't me
I'm reading her lips
Call 911
Just Thinking
The World Is A Dangerous Place
Someone's impatient
I Can't Keep It A Secret Any Longer
I'm 12 Weeks So Far

Not if I can help it

725 31 3
By ynmarvel07

Narrator's POV-

"Y/n look down there." Kate says, pointing down into the alley from the roof of the apartment complex they were on.

"What is he doing." Kate asks, squinting to see from the high roof they were on.

"He's on the phone." Y/n says, spotting the phone in his hand.

"I need to text Maria." Y/n says, struggling to grab her phone from her pocket.

"Y/n will you hurry up, I don't want to be here any longer than I need to be."

"I'm trying to grab my- Oh my FUCKING god." Y/n says as her phone flys from her hand down to the ground below her.

Her and Kate watch as the phone smashes into pieces next to the man below them.

"Y/n we're going to die." Kate watches as the man looks up at them.

The man runs to the fire escape, starting to climb it.

"Not if I can help it." Y/n says, shooting at the fire escape's latch holding it onto the building.

The latch breaks at the force of a few bullets, causing it to fall to the escape below.

"That'll give us some time." Y/n says, grabbing Kate's hand, pulling her back to the building.

"We'll take the elevator." Y/n says running to the elevator doors.

Y/n presses the floor one button, waiting for the elevator to ding.

Y/n heard heavy footsteps down the hall.

"Duck!" Kate says, dropping to the ground as the knife lands into the wall above them.

"Never mind, the stairs work just fine." Y/n shouts, grabbing Kate's hand and running towards the stairs.

"Unlock the car." Y/n says, running to the car.

Kate and Y/n open their doors, immediately locking them as the man exits the building behind them.

"HOLY SHIT!" Kate shouts as the man stands in front of the car.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Y/n says, reversing into a trash bin.

"Just go, go." Kate yells, watching in front of her as the man chases them.

"He stopped." Kate says, sighing once again.

"We're never doing that again." Y/n says, stopping at the light.

Kate puts her head in her hands, "You never listen Y/n."

"Now we know what the suspect looks like though." Y/n says, turning down an empty road.

Kate puts her elbow on the center console, leaning her head on her hand, closing her eyes in an attempt to calm herself down.

Y/n wraps her right arm around Kate's shoulder, massaging it with her hand.

"I should've listened to you, I'm sorry." Y/n apologizes, knowing she was wrong in the situation.

Kate doesn't respond.

"Kate?" Y/n asks, panicking a bit.

Kate pretends to be asleep with a very dramatic snore.

"You faker. Whatever, we'll be back at the base in half an hour." Y/n says, kissing Kate's forehead softly.

Y/n can feel Kate actually start to fall asleep, as she leans her head on Y/n's shoulder while she's driving.

27 Minutes Later

Y/n parks the car in the parking garage, unbuckling her seatbelt quietly.

She shuts her door, walking to the other side of the car. She opens the door, unbuckling Kate's seat belt.

"Kate." Y/n says, grabbing Kate's hand.

"Hmm?" Kate hums still with her eyes closed.

"We're her, let's go inside, you can go lay down in bed while I talk to Maria." Y/n says, getting Kate out of the car.

"Come on, I'll show you to the room." Y/n says, holding Kate's hand as they walk inside. The SHIELD base was just as busy at night as it was in the morning.

"Here." Y/n says, unlocking the door.

"Lay down. I'll be back soon okay." Y/n says, giving Kate a quick peck before laying the blanket over her.

Y/n knew she'd be gone for at least an hour. Kate would be asleep by then so she wouldn't know anyways.

Y/n shuts the door, making sure to lock it behind her.

Y/n makes her way to Maria's office.

"Y/n it's late, why are you here?" Maria asks, taking off her blue light glasses.

"I came to tell you about our suspect." Y/n says, sitting down in front of Maria.

"Keep talking." Maria says, sitting up.

"White male, mid-thirties to early-forties, brown straight and short hair. He was wearing black pants and a black hoodie, he had a scar on his face, it looked almost like a branding. I tried sketching it from my memory. It was like a like this." Y/n says, showing Maria the back of a receipt that had the sign on it.


"Like a W with quotations around it?" Maria asks, looking up at Y/n.

"Yes, his knife had the same marking on the handle." Y/n says, showing her another illustration she had made.

"You are an amazing agent Y/n, Natasha would be very proud of you." Maria says, taking the illustrations and putting them in a file.

"I could say the same about you, she'd be proud at how much you've accomplished since she's passed." Y/n says, standing up from the seat she had previously taken at Maria's desk.

"Where are you off to Y/n?" Maria asks, staying in her seat.

"I'm off to bed, I'm exhausted. And I left my wife alone, so I need to check up on her, I'll see you tomorrow Maria. Goodnight." Y/n says, opening the door to leave her office.

"Goodnight Y/n." Maria says as Y/n shuts the door. 

Y/n traces her steps back to her room on the second floor. With a small turn of her key the door opens.

Y/n notices that Kate's awake.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Y/n asks, shutting and locking the door behind her.

"Because your not next to me." Kate answers, getting Y/n to go sit next to her on the edge of the bed. 

"Lay down." Kate says, putting the other side of the bed.

"I'm still in my clothes from going out though, let me change first." Y/n says, getting up.

"Just lay down for a second." Kate pouts as Y/n did earlier.

Y/n shakes her head. "Fine."

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