She was the best of the best

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You wake up to your alarm on your phone ringing. You grab the phone and hit snooze. It goes off again, snooze, again, snooze, again, snooze.

"Y'know you can't hit snooze forever." Kate says, making you jump up from your spot on the couch.

You look over to her in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee out of a mug.

You pour yourself a cup, and stare out the window, the snow is getting seriously heavy.

Kate comes up from behind you, hugging you.

"What's your plan once we finish this mission completely?" You ask Kate.

"I haven't thought that far." She admits.

"Are you going to stay with us longer?" You ask, with her still hugging you from behind.

"I don't know, Clint isn't very fond of me." She says quietly, knowing he's asleep in the room closest to them. Kate let's go of you.

"Well I'm very fond of you." You say, turning around kissing her.

"Well it's really up to your parents if they'll let me stay, since you know, it's there house." Kate responds, after the kiss.

"What if I got my own place?" You suggest.

"With what money, you don't have a job." Kate replys.

"If I start with S.H.I.E.L.D again I could work here in New York, and get my own place." You suggest again.

"And you expect me to just live with you." She jokes.

"That's what people in relashipnships do eventually right?" You play along.

"I think so." She says, putting her hand to her chin, acting as if she were thinking of an answer.

"Well I'd have to find myself a job." Kate states, sitting on the couch.

"I'm sure I could get a good word in so you can become a S.H.I.E.L.D agent." You suggest sitting next to her.

"Really?" Kate says, her face lighting up.

"It's a hell of a lot of training, you'll probably start low, but eventually with my 'expertise' in training, you'll be one of the best." You say nudging her with your shoulder.

"Sounds like a plan to me." She says, leaning against you.

"I'll talk to a friend of mine later, see if I could get things figured out." You say, grabbing your phone, looking up an old contact.

"So you worked with S.H.I.E.L.D?" Kate asks curiously.

"Only for two and a half years, from when I was eighteen to like twenty." You answer her question.

"And how was that?" She asks.

"Well I started all because of Natasha, she helped me train, she gave me some contacts, my dad was pissed, but he knew I could hold my own." You respond.

"What was Natasha like?" Kate asks.

"She was amazing, she taught me how to fight, she taught me how to shoot a gun, throw knives, so many combat moves, but she also taught me a lot of my morals and values. Her biggest thing was not to judge someone by their worst mistake." You say, smiling st the thought of her telling you that, years ago.

"She sounds amazing." Kate says, smiling as well.

"She was the best of the best." You say in response.

It's a long story (KateBishopxFemaleReader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin