The World Is A Dangerous Place

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Narrator's POV-

  The cold breeze blew through the cemetery, leaving a cold and eerie feeling lingering the funeral. Gathered around were few people who were close to Maria, mainly her opened coffin was surrounded by work colleagues.

  Clint, Laura, and the kids stood at the foot of her coffin.

  Cooper knew Maria as the funnest aunt he could ever imagine, on multiple occasions Maria would take him onto the SHIELD base without Natasha knowing, and whenever she did find out, Maria always got the worst of it.

  Lila knew of her as the silly adult in her family, when Natasha was reckless, Maria kept her grounded. But, on more occasions it was the exact opposite. Natasha was always closer to Y/n, maybe just because of her being the oldest. But Maria never forgot about the younger kids of the family.

  Nate didn't have the most memorable and funnest memories with Maria. The few things he could probably remember were Natasha's funeral, and maybe one visit after, but Maria was never the same funny self after her wife's death.

  Clint and Laura were always close to Maria. After all, Natasha was like a sister to Clint. Maria was family, and she was always going to be remembered as the loving, sweet, powerful woman she was.

  After Clint and the family walked away, Y/n stood in front of the coffin. It only took one second before she started getting flashbacks. She walked away, quickly without saying a word to anyone. Every time she had closed her eyes in the past week, she just kept seeing Maria dying, over and over and over again.

  She walked behind one of the cars parked off to the side, and sank her head into her palms.

  If only she had gotten to her quicker, she could've saved her, she wouldn't be standing here at her funeral mourning her. This was her fault. All her fault.

  "Y/n! Where are you?" Little Nate walked around the car and saw his older sister.

  Y/n sniffled. "Hey kiddo, what're you doing over here?"

  "Looking for you silly." Nate said, bringing a smile up Y/n's face.

  "Don't be sad Y/n." Nate said, hugging
Y/n around her legs.

  "She's with auntie Nat now. They get to be together again in heaven." Nate mumbled into her leg.

  Y/n picked up her brother, and hugged him tightly. He was right, she was with Nat now. Maybe it wasn't her time to go, but at least she's with the person she loved most.

  "Ow Y/n! You're squeezing me." Nate squirmed.

  Y/n put him down and grabbed his hand "Let's go find mom and dad."


  Y/n and Kate had packed they're stuff before the funeral, planning to head back to they're apartment in New York. It had been empty since the start of they're mission, and they're honeymoon.

  Kate unlocked the door of the apartment, noticing a smell, something was cooking. The faint sound of whistling and music was taking over the kitchen.

  Kate grabbed her pepper spray, which was the only thing she had on hand. Y/n followed behind her. As they turned the corner they signed in relief, but looked at each other in confusion.

"Yelena?" The both said at the same time, causing her to turn from the stove to them.

"Ohhh, the married couple is finally back from their adventures! How amazing it is to see you two." Kate gave them both a hug at the same time.

"Okay yeah. But what the hell are you doing in our apartment?" Kate asked.

"Oh well let's just say since we've last seen each other, I am now wanted in seven different countries so..." Yelena looked at them with a smile.

"So what?"

"So I have crashed here for a few weeks, and you guys need to secure your balcony door, it was so easy to get in."

"We're on the fifteenth floor!" Kate was baffled.

"Any trained spy could get through that. You need to be careful, the world is a dangerous place." Yelena took the knife from the counter and pointed it at them.

"I'm going to bed, wake me up whenever this is situated." Y/n dropped her bags on the floor, locked the door, and laid on the couch.

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