We Have to Find Her

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Narrator's POV-

"We'll based on the security cameras, we know she left with a man, looks about 6'2. And that's all we know. And the only show up in the security camera in the parking garage, for some reason no other camera shows them." Y/n says, leaning against the table in the security room.

"Is this normal behavior of hers?" Kate asks the security guard sitting at the table.

He shakes his head 'no'.

"I can send out a digital scan to try and reveal his identity... if that's what you'd like." The security guard's tone in his voice was as if he were nervous to be talking to the two women in front of him. It was a normal thing here at the SHIELD base. 9/10 times an agent would move out of the way if Y/n or Kate were walking by, maybe it was fear, maybe it was intimidation.

"Yes that'd be great, if you could have someone give us a call when you figure it out, that'd be great. Thanks." Y/n said, gesturing to Kate to follow her.

"Where are we going now?" Kate asks, filling Y/n's strides as they went towards the parking garage.

"To go look for Maria." Y/n was set on finding Maria, and when Y/n is set on something, it's going to be done. There's nothing to do that could stop her.

"What if it's someone she knows Y/n? Sibling? Cousin? Friend? Boyfriend?"

"No, no, I doubt, and definitely not. After Natasha, Maria said she could never fall in love again. She's not close to any family either." Y/n walked towards her usual all black SHIELD undercover SUV, when she noticed something shining on the floor next to the trunk.

"She left us a sign." Y/n picked up the small piece of jewelry, holding it in the palm of her hand.

"What is it?" Kate asks, examining the ring.

"This is the engagement ring Nat gave her. She never takes it off. She must've known we'd go looking after her." Y/n said, putting the ring in her bag, making sure she wouldn't lose it.

"We have to find her."


"Honey, have you heard from Y/n recently?" Clint asks from the kitchen, directing his words to his wife.

"Not since last Tuesday, she said her and Kate have been very busy with a case." Laura responded, picking up the toys Nate had left on the floor before going to play outside with his older sister.

"She hasn't talked to us that much since starting at SHIELD." Clint said, scrubbing the dishes in the sink with a sponge.

"Now you know how it feels to be on the outside of a SHIELD agent in a relationship." Laura teased tossing the toys into a bin.

"On the outside, you know quite well you were not on the outside of SHIELD." Clint teased back, turning off the sink.

"Maybe we should call Y/n later, she's probably still working right now." Laura suggests, sitting on the couch.

"That sounds like a great idea."

Back to Y/n and Kate

"Maria's assistant sent me the information about the man in the security cam video with Maria." Y/n looked down from the road, as they were in traffic and it wouldn't do any harm to look away for a few seconds.

"Johann Otto. American name: Julian Owens. Holy shit- he's the man we saw on the steak out! He's the guy we've been looking for this whole time. He's the same height as I said he was, and he's a natural blond but dyed his hair brown for obvious spy-like reasons. From German intelligence, and look at this picture, you can clearly see his marking on his face." Y/n turned her phone to Kate, showing her the photo she had received of him, and all his information that was available to them.

"Well we definitely need to find Maria now, does he have any known property in New York?" Kate asked, prepared to look up any address in the state.

"I need to ask, but we won't be able to get anywhere unless this fucking traffic stops!" Y/n shouts, slamming her fist onto the steering wheel of the car, causing the horn to loudly blare into the street.

"Babe we have to stay calm okay, we're no help to Maria if we go nuts." Kate attempts to calm her down knowing damn well Y/n will be a mixture of pissed and stressed until they got Maria back and killed this son of a bitch.

Y/n took a deep breath and put her phone face down on the center console of the SUV. Y/n kept in traffic as if she knew where she was even going.

Kate knew there was only one thing that could help de-stress Y/n for the time being.

Kate pulled up the contact on her phone hoping she'd pick up.

She kept her hand over the speaker to cover up the ringing sound in case she didn't answer, she didn't want to disappoint Y/n.

She felt the phone vibrate twice in her hand before she picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Lila picked up not expecting a call from Kate.

"Hey Lil whatcha up to?" Kate asked using the name only she used when talking to her.

"Kate? Why you calling? Is Y/n in one of her moods again?" Lila recognized the tone of her sister's wife.

"Yeah she is." Kate said with a smile, looking over to Y/n.

Y/n looked over, shaking her head.

"Got anything you wanna say to her?" Kate asks, putting the phone on speaker.

"Yeah sure. Stop pissing off your wife." Lila and Kate got along well, both bonding over teasing and annoying Y/n.

"Whatever you say Lila, what are you brothers doing?" Y/n asks, missing her brothers.

"Me and Nate just got back from a bike ride, he's outside with Cooper now, he's trying to teach Cooper how to use a bow." Lila laughed knowing quite well that Coop could only aim as good as he could listen to instructions, which wasn't very well.

"What about mom and dad, what are they doing?"

"Mom just left to get some groceries, and Dad's on the couch reading some article in his I-Pad. Let's switch to face time so you can see how old he looks with his old man glasses." Lila switched to face time, turning the camera to her father who was sitting on the coach, reading off his I-Pad.

"Dad say hi to Kate and Y/n." Lila went up to her dad, flipping the camera to the front one to let him see his daughter on the phone.

"Y/n! Kate! Haven't heard from you two in a while, me and Laura were going to call you guys later." Clint took off his reading glasses before grabbing the phone.

"Hi dad. Hi Clint!" They both waved at the camera.

"What are you two doing right now?" Clint asked, now holding the phone in his hands.

Kate sort of looked at Y/n to see if she wanted to explain what was happening or not say anything yet.

"We're just going out for a drive." Y/n figured she shouldn't say anything and get her dad worked up over anything. And with Lila there too, Maria was basically like an aunt to her growing up, she couldn't know anything was happening, at least not now.

Word Count: 1268

It's a long story (KateBishopxFemaleReader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें