I'm 12 Weeks So Far

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Narrator's POV

Kate looked from Y/n to the rest of the family. "I'm pregnant!" Kate said with a huge smile on her face, holding Y/n's hand.

"What! Since when!? How?" Laura stood up immediately with the largest smile and surprised look on her face.

She went straight to Kate to give her a hug, and put her hands on her barely noticeable bump.

"I'm 12 weeks so far." Kate answered okie question.

Clint stood up and gave Y/n and Kate a hug. "If you two need anything, and I mean anything, we're here for you two. I can't believe we're going to be grandparents." Clint hugged Laura as well.

"You should name the baby T-Rex." Nate said holding his dinosaur figurine.

"We'll definitely take that into consideration." Y/n said ruffling up his hair.

"How did you guys even-" Cooper began to ask.

"Oh my god Cooper shut up. Nobody needs to hear about that. Obviously they used a donor." Lila smacked her palm to her face.

"Yes we did use a donor." Kate said, still engulfed in Laura's arms.

"This terrific news! I'm so happy for you two. I know you'll both be fantastic mom's. Have you been keeping up with your appointments? Are you having a baby shower? What do you need us to get for the baby?"

Clint put his hand on his wife's shoulder. "Laura, give them a second to answer the first question before you ask another.

"It's alright dad. We have been going to appointments every few weeks, but we're not sure about a baby shower, and anything for the baby would be appreciated." Y/n responded, helping clean up dinner.


"Well that went really good babe." Y/n said, placing her hands on Kate's waist. They had decided to call it a night and go to their room. A few hours had passed since dinner, and everyone was heading to bed anyways.

"Yeah it went as good as it could've gone." Kate said, wrapping her arms around the back of Y/n's neck.

"How are you feeling? Any sickness today?" Y/n asked giving Kate a quick kiss.

"No I felt pretty good today. I was a little tired, but that probably had to deal with traveling." Kate answered, giving her a kiss.

"You can have sex when you're pregnant right?" Y/n asked with a smirk.

"Yes. But we're not having sex right now Y/n, not in the same house as your parents... again."

"Okay." Y/n said with an exaggerated pouty face. "Can I get some kisses then." Y/n said, pulling Kate closer.

"I thought you'd never ask." Kate leaned in for a kiss, a couple pecs turned into a hotter and steamier make out session. Kate was on top of Y/n mainly because they were to scared to switch.

Kate reached for Y/n's shirt. "What happened to no sex?" Y/n asked.

"Do you want me to rethink my decision of taking off your shirt?" Kate asked.

"Nope, keep going."

Y/n reached for Kate's shirt in return to take it off. "Don't take it off." Kate said, pushing Y/n's hand away.

"What's wrong?" Y/n asked, holding Kate's hands.

"I just... I feel gross like this, I don't want you to see me when I'm not... pretty."

"Oh baby. You're still pretty, being pregnant doesn't change that. You could gain weight, lose weight, have a baby bump or not, you could be wearing makeup or not, I think you're beautiful always." Y/n said, reassuring Kate's negative thoughts about herself.

"Okay. What if I still just don't want to?" Kate asked again, still doubting whether she was comfortable at the moment.

"Babe I'm never gonna force you to ever do anything with me. Okay? I love you no matter what. How about we go to bed now?"

"But your shirt is already off, can I keep going?" Kate asked, still on top of Y/n.

"Only if you want to." Y/n said with a grin.

"Of course babe." Kate said, kissing down Y/n's chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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