And why am I in trouble?

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You wake up, laying on your stomach, with the blanket over you and Kate, who is laying, facing you.

You don't want to get up so you turn to your side, just looking at Kate.

She has the most angelic face.

Kate feels someone watching her and opens one of her eyes.

"Are you watching me sleep?" She asks.

"Maybe." You say, even though you definitely were.

"Well don't, that's creepy." She says, making you laugh.

"I'd be careful with the words you choose to use, because last time I checked I was single handedly about to grab you and move you." You say, trying to intimidate her.

"Doesn't mean you're stronger." She says, finally opening her eyes.

"You want to bet?" You ask.

"I already know for a fact I'm stronger." She says.

"Prove it." You say not intimated.

She pushes you towards the edge of the bed, you grab onto the blanket.

"Ha." Kate says.

You grab her arm, pulling her off the bed with you, you manage to use her to break your fall.

She lands before you, on her back. You fall practically laying on top of her.

You sit up, not noticing the position you're in.

"Ha." You say back to her, still not noticing that you're sitting on her lap, with a knee on each side of her waist.

"Okay, if I'm being honest that actually hurt, but that was really hot." She says, sitting up, with you still on her lap.

There's a knock at the door and you quickly jump off of her.

The door opens.

"Y/n, dad said you're in trouble, he wants to talk to you." Nate says, shutting the door.

"Do you think- yesterday he..." Kate says, suggesting Clint saw the kiss between you too.

"I don't think he did. You say standing up.

You go downstairs and Kate follows you , but stays at the foot of the stairs.

"You wanted to see me? And why am I in trouble?" You ask, sitting across the table from your dad, who is sipping coffee.

"I wanted to see you, but no you're not in trouble." He partially explains.

"So why lie to Nate?" You ask.

"Because you're going on a mission." He announces.

"Really?" You ask shocked, you'd only ever been on one because of how dangerous your dad thought it was.

"I've decided it's time you really start training, because I've seen your potential." He says.

"So what's this mission?" You ask intrigued.

"You and Kate will be e-"

"Kate?" You ask, more shocked then confused.

"Is there a problem with that?" He asks.

"No, just continue." You answer.

"Get Kate so I can explain the plan to her as well." He says.

It's a long story (KateBishopxFemaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now