Pefect time for a stakeout

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Narrator's POV-

Y/n and Kate walk through the doors of the infamous SHIELD headquarters. This is where all the magic and behind the scenes happens.

And although Y/n grew up on this base, the new additions to the building made her feel as if she'd never seen this place in her life.

As if they were huge celebrities, the workers of the Shield baseball stopped in their tracks at the sight of Y/n and Kate.

"Seems like somebody's got a big reputation now." Y/n feels someone patting her back.

Y/n immediately turns around, noticing the familiar face of one of her old mentors.

Maria Hill had been with Shield sense her early adulthood, no one in this entire base knew Shield like she did.

Y/n grew up under a few agent's wings. The main, of course being her father. But no one was better at teaching Y/n the ways of being an agent like Natasha Romanoff and Maria Hill. Together they were practically an unstoppable duo.

"Maria!" Y/n shouts, hugging Maria with tight arms.

"It's great to have you back little one, if only it were under better circumstances. Follow me." Maria says, already walking urgently into another room.

"Come on." Y/n says, grabbing Kate's hand and continuing to follow Maria.

"So a lot has changed sense I left?" Y/n notices looking around.

"Yes, we finally got Fury to try something different than a plain coffee." Maria jokes.

Y/n could tell Kate was a bit nervous, although Kate seemed like she was the most confident person on the outside, only Y/n could sense the small signs of her nerves getting to her.

Kate spun the ring on her finger a few times. Y/n heard the slight sound that the anxiety ring made, she noticed, interlocking her hand with Kate's . Making sure to give her all reassurance she needed.

"So I'm sure you've heard on the news about the recent attacks in the city." Maria says, handing images to the two girls, having them take a seat to look at the pictures clearly.

"We actually haven't." Y/n says, observing the images in her hands.

"First victim, Jane Walters. She was born and raised in Manhattan, just like all the other victims. Unlike the others, she is much older. The other three victims were twenty, twenty-six, and forty-one. She on the other hand was in her seventies." Maria says, taking a seat across the married couple.

"How do we know this is the same attacker, the ages aren't very close." Kate says, looking at the file Maria had just passed to the both of them.

"All attacks were made in the same way. Middle of the night, in alleys, all burned to death." Maria says, clearing her throat before handing over the pictures of the burned bodies.

"Burned as in fires? This doesn't look like something a fire would do." Y/n says, observing the picture in detail.

"That's why we need your help. The police are terrified, because whoever or whatever is doing this, they have something much more dangerous than a lighter. This looks like it was done by some sort of bullet that burned them from the inside-out." Maria says, standing up.

"When and where do we start?" Kate asks, setting the pictures down, closing the file with them.

"The police have gathered their suspects, but honestly I don't think that will lead anywhere. Whoever is in control of this is good, they've managed to stay under our radar, and whatever triggered them must've triggered them to come out with a weapon they could lead to much more damage than four murders, they're not going to stop until their behind bars or dead." Maria says, handing another paper to Kate.

"We already have people searching out of the country databases for anything similar to this case. You both will be updated with anything new, for now I need both of you to gather up as much information about the victims as possible, did they ever cross paths, were they involved in crime we weren't sure about. Whatever it takes, this assailant has attacked in a period of every three days, according to the pattern, he'll be attacking again tonight." Maria says, standing up from her chair.

"Okay, well I guess we should start getting to work." Y/n says, grabbing the pile of files in front of her.

Three and a half hours later

"Where are you going?" Kate asks, noticing Y/n is getting up from her seat.

"It's almost dark out." Y/n says, stating the obvious.

"And-?" Kate asks with a confused look.

"Perfect time for a stakeout." Y/n says, grabbing her jacket and duffel bag.

Kate sighs, following Y/n to the door of the private office they were in for the past almost four hours.

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