I Can't Keep It A Secret Any Longer

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Narrator's POV-
*2 Months Later*

Y/n had just came back from another mission. She had only been gone for close to a week this time. The short missions were always the ones Kate liked the best, it just meant the less amount of time she'd have to spend away from Y/n.

Kate had made breakfast for Y/n's arrival, and had a very big question she wanted to ask.

"Can I ask you something?" Kate was clearly nervous as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Of course babe, what's up?" Y/n placed her hands on Kate's, and looked at her with a sincere look.

Kate took a breath and remembered how supportive Y/n was, and how she always knew what they were ready to handle. "What do you think of having a baby?"

Y/n's eyes immediately widened a bit. She wasn't scared or stressed, she was shocked. Shocked at the idea of having a little one running around. A little one, that would resemble Kate and have all of her adorable traits.

"You want to have a baby?" Y/n asked Kate with a smile, she liked the idea of having a baby with the one she loved most in the world.

"I asked you first." Kate said leaning against the table a bit more.

"How would we do it?" Y/n asked, taking Kate's hand in hers, more tightly this time.

"What if we find a donor?" Kate suggested. "I mean, only if you want to."

"Of course I want to have a baby with you." Y/n practically jumped out of her chair and hugged Kate tightly.

"Will you carry the baby?" Y/n asked, still hugging Kate tightly.

"I figured that's what you would want, and I wouldn't mind." Kate answered, a smile across her face.

"What will we name the baby?" Y/n asked another question.

"We don't have to decide anything now silly. We've got time, lots of time." Kate said, then kissing her on the cheek.

"If only it were so easy we could just have sex and get you pregnant." Y/n said, rolling her eyes, her hands on Kate's arms.

"Doesn't mean we can't have some fun." Kate said with a grin.

5 Months Later

"I can't keep it a secret any longer." Kate whispered into Y/n's ear.

"Babe are you sure you want to tell my family now? I don't want you to feel forced into telling them. We can wait longer." Y/n put her hand on Kate's stomach as they were waiting outside of the front door.

"No. We're doing it today. I'm almost 12 weeks already, the doctor said that's when I should be good to tell people." Kate was excited, Y/n's family has practically been her own since the moment they met. They were always supportive of the two.

Y/n looked up to her brothers window, feeling eyes on her. Sure enough Coop had heard their whole conversation. She put her finger up to her mouth telling Coop to keep the secret for now. He nodded.

"Okay, it's up to you babe." Y/n kissed her on the cheek then knocked on the door.

Y/n hadn't seen her family in 2 months, and she hasn't even mentioned the idea of having a baby to them yet, not even her mother knew.

"Kate, Y/n! You guys finally arrived!" Laura exclaimed, hugged them both at the same time.

"Hi Laura." Kate said, hugging her back just as tight.

The sound of footsteps running down the stairs was brought to all of their attention.

"Kate!" Nate shouted, running down the stairs. Nate had always said hi to Kate first, Y/n was used to it.

Clint walked in from the hallway, putting his watch on.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Clint said, hugging Kate and Y/n.

"Dad, that saying was never funny." Y/n said, laughing a bit.

"Everything I say is funny." Clint said squeezing her tightly.

"Where are Coop and Lila?" Kate asked, peeking around.

"Upstairs probably on their phones." Laura said, rolling her eyes. "The attitudes those two have."!

"They got it from someone." Y/n said, looking at her father.

"That someone was probably you." Kate said, elbowing her.


The table was set up neatly, with the food all laid out. Y/n and Clint brought in the bags that Y/n and Kate had brought. They were going to stay for a few days, it was a long enough flight where they didn't want to fly back to back.

After dinner, everyone sat on the couches, joking around and story telling.

Y/n having the most storied about recent missions. Clint would relate it to missions he had back in the day, and the whole run down of what went down.

"Kate, Y/n said you haven't been on any missions in the past few months. Have you already retired?" Coop asked, sipping on his drink.

Y/n gave him a look, a look that said, 'Shut the hell up'.

Kate looked at Y/n, then back at the rest of the family.

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