That wasn't me

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Narrator's POV:

"This is where the GPS took us to?" Kate looked around at the open field of grass they were surrounded in.

"Yes, this is exactly where the pin is." Y/n looked at the GPS to make sure she had entered the correct address.

"Maybe look around, there has to be something here, a sign of a building near or something." Y/n suggested, while walked north from the car.

"I don't think we should split up." Kate worries as she follows Y/n.

"We're in an open field, as long as we don't go to far from each other, nothing can ha-"

Y/n's voice stopped mid-sentence as she took a step on the grass and heard an unexpected sound.

This wasn't the normal sound of walking through grass, dirt, or brush. As she continued to take the same step over and over again she realized it sounded as if she was stepping on wood.

Y/n and Kate both went through the grass with their hands searching for some sort of opening to whatever was under them. They suspected maybe a hole in the ground used to hide something, maybe even a secret room. What they did not expect was a ladder going down what seemed like forever.

Y/n found a small latch like handle, and yanked on it, pulling the platform that she was previously standing on, up.

"Ladies first." Kate said, staring down into the hole, a faint alarm system blaring at the bottom.

Y/n looked up at Kate then back down into the abyss under her.

"For Maria." Y/n climbed down, occasionally turning on her flashlight to see if she was anywhere closer to the bottom.

"Keep your voice down, we don't know who or what is down here." Y/n whispered to Kate who was above her on the ladder.


After a couple minutes more of climbing Y/n noticed the smallest red light under her, "looks like we're almost down to the bottom". Y/n had the sudden energy to climb down faster.

She jumped down from the end of the ladder to the floor, that has a small puddle of water. The red siren is was now brighter and louder.

She turned back around, grabbing Kate's hand to help her down.

Y/n turned her phone's flashlight on again, turning around in a circle to see her surrounding, and sure enough there was a hallway. Kate grabbed Y/n's shoulder. Y/n turned around giving her a confused look.

"Look." Up a couple feet above their heads was a camera next to the siren they had noticed coming down the ladder.

Y/n pulled out her gun from her holster. "Stay close, and do not say laddies first." Y/n turned to Kate before walking down the hall.


At the end of the hall stood a very tech savvy door that couldn't have been any lighter than a few hundred pounds. "Are we gonna stand here or..." Kate stood behind Y/n waiting for her to do or say something.

"If anything happens, run, run and don't stop until you get to the car. The. drive as far away from here as possible and call my dad. He'll know what to do." Y/n said before placing her hand on the door to open it.

The door opened silently, and revealed yet another dark, but small room. Y/n and Kate walked in, and before they could turn on their lights, the door closed behind them.

"Why'd you close it?" Y/n asked, turning around.

"That wasn't me."


The sound of lights whirring on filled the now bright room.

Y/n and Kate squinted and blinked a few times waiting for their vision to come back.

Y/n went back to the door, trying to budge it open.

"Windows." Kate ran to the glass wall that separated the room they were in from another, the one on the other side being pitch black inside. Each side of the small room they were trapped in was made of glass.

Y/n hit it a couple times with her hand. "The door is airtight, and the glass is bomb resistant, if anything my bullets and your arrows will just bounce off."

"We'll Laurie knows we're looking for her- wait, airtight? Are we going to run out of oxygen?" Kate turned to Y/n concerned.

"No, high carbon dioxide levels will kill us before low oxygen levels will." Y/n turned back to the door, noticing a digital screen with a password on it to unlock the door.

"Okay an eight letter password, can't be that difficult." Kate said, looking down at the touch pad.

"An eight letter passcode, assuming the letters are either all uppercase or all lowercase has over two hundred billion possibilities, assuming each one will take around fifteen seconds to type, not including the pain in our hands from typing it, that will take close to 50 billion hours or-"

"Over five and a half million years." Kate said with a sigh.

"Looks like it's a waiting game from here." Y/n said, taking a few steps around the room.

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