By Loaenia

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" Hyung is the only one i'll love" The young Jungkook used to say to himself and his friends. everyone knew... More

Chapter one ( How i met him )
Chapter two ( Meeting)
Chapter three ( It's you)
Chapter four ( job)
Chapter five ( I missed you)
Chapter six ( you were not there)
Chapter eight ( I hate you hyung)
Chapter nine ( i'm sorry)
Chapter ten ( I used to love him)
Chapter Eleven ( what is that feeling?)
Chapter twelve ( what was that??)
Chapter thirteen ( stay away from him)
Chapter fourteen ( I used to love you)
Chapter fifteen ( good bye love )
Chapter sixteen ( love?)
Chapter seventeen ( kiss )
chapter eighteen ( the next morning)
Chapter nineteen ( mistake )
Chaptet twenty ( help me.)
Chapter twenty one ( Explanation)
Chapter twenty two ( Loveydovey)
Chapter twenty three (newly father)
Chapter twenty four ( Jeonlous)
Chapter twenty five ( Hobi )
Chapter twenty six ( Confrontation )
Chapter twenty seven ( Bestfriends)
chapter twenty eight ( memories)
Chapter twenty nine ( Date)
Chapter thirty ( nightmare)
Chapter thirty-one ( She is fine..)
Chapter thirty-two ( smile )
Chapter thirty-three ( A great new)
Chapter thirty four ( Murder )
Chapter thirty five ( what do we do?)
Chapter thirty six ( Out of sight,out of mind )
Chapter thirty seven ( could be us)
Chapter thirty eight ( Back? )
Chapter thirty nine ( elevator )
Chapter forty ( Triangle )
Chapter forty-one ( Replaced me..)
Chaptet fourty-two ( Let's make love )
Chapter fourty-three ( Talk )
Chapter fourty-four ( I'm not giving up )
chapter fourty-five ( uneasy )
Chapter fourty-six ( fight)
Chapter fourty-seven ( Baby is coming )
Chapter fourty-eight ( proposal )
Chapter fourty-nine ( Wedding )
Chapter fifty ( Happy ending )

Chapter seven ( alone )

3.4K 188 4
By Loaenia


🖤 Chapter 7🖤

Taehyung spent the rest of the day with a sad face. He couldn't believe Mrs jeon was dead. She was such a sweetie and he loved her alot..

Now, he had the feeling that Jungkook hated him because of that..

" You were not there.. You were never there " he said.

He stayed in his office all along, until Jimin came to get him out of there.

JM: Tae?  Did you have lunch ?

Tae: Ah?

Jimin entered and took a seat before him with worried eyes.
JM: What is wrong?

Tae: Nothing.

JM: Did you have lunch I asked. No one saw you getting out of this room all day  and it's already the evening.

Taehyung sniffed and rubbed his face.

JM: Did you cry'??  Ya. What happened. Jungkook again?  Huh?  This boy...

Tae: No.. It's not him.. I.. I just feel bad today and I didn't have any appetite.. Plus, I think I am sick. I have a runny nose and my chest tickles.

JM: Gosh. You got wet by the rain yesterday???

Tae: I.. I gave my umbrella to Jungkook.

JM: And why??  You are really... Now look.

Tae: No.. It's just a little cold. I'll be fine soon. But.. Jungkook , when he get a cold, he can stay home during days. I wanted to avoid that. He said wiping away his nose and took pills.

JM: What are you eating ?

Tae: It's from Jungkook. He gave it to me this morning.

JM: You didn't eat anything than that?!  Yaaa!  Come with me right now. Your stomach will hurt you too if you continue.

He grabbed Taehyung 's hand and pulled him out of there.

JM: Let's eat.
Tae: Jimin. I still have work.

JM: I am your boss dummy. So you come with me right now.

- Taehyung. Are you okay?  You look pale.

Everyone turned to him.
- yeah. What were you doing inside so long?  No one saw you all day.

Tae: I was working on something.

JM: We'll gonna eat guys. I mean i'm gonna make him eat. We'll be back soon.

- Okay.

Taehyung couldn't help but to look toward jungkook 's office. It seemed like he was not there.

JM: let's go.

They got out of the building and went to eat in the restaurant they promised to go together from now on. There was just few customers that they didn't care about but actually, Hoseok and jungkook were eating in a table near the window.

JK: He got sick because of me.

HS: That is a typical Taehyung.

JK: What do you mean?

HS: he was always like that. Don't you remember? That was the day he got hurt because he took Eunho's punch instead of you.

Jungkook lowered his head and took a sip of his wine.

HS: You know kook. You should not ha...

JK: What?  I should not hate him?  You know how I suffered right?  You saw me. So why are you on his side?

HS: I never said I was on his side jungkook. But..

JK: but?  Jungkook said as he glared at the boy.

Hoseok just stayed quiet and continued eating. Jungkook was scary when he was like that.

HS: Anyway then. He said to change the topic.


JM: Eat a lot.

Tae: I don't want to eat anything Jimin... Why are you..

Jimin shoved a spoon of rice in his mouth.

Tae: mmmml!

JM: Swallow. Aish.. You are gonna turn my hair Grey young if you always act like that. I worry about you Taehyung.

Tae: I am not a baby.

JM: Yeah. I know. So you always take things for you. You never tell anyone when something upset you.

Taehyung looked at him and chewed. Something was in his throat... He had struggle to swallow... Then,  a second after, tears began to scroll down his cheeks slowly.

Jimin who was looking outside turned to him.

JM: Tae?  Ya. What's wrong??

Taehyung covered his face and bursted in tears.

JM: Taehyung. I'm sorry. Mhm?  I didn't mean to make you cry...

Tae: I know I am an idiot sometimes.

JM: Tae...

Tae: And... You know I tried to act cool about it but.. This situation with Jungkook is very hard to bear.. He said with a broken voice. He was someone I cared about and.. I loved him alot as if he was my own family.. And... Hah.. His mom died and I was not even there to confort him when the only thing he needed was someone to lean on...

JM: .........

Taehyung removed his hand. His eyes  and nose were all red and his cheeks and hands all wet.

JM: I don't know the whole story but..That was not your fault Tae.

Tae: I promised him I'll be there and I was not.. What kind of friend is that?

JM: Why.. Where were you?

Tae sniffed and tried to breath normally.

Tae: I moved to Seoul....with Eun ho..


Tae : don't you have any homework?  Taehyung asked the young boy who was watching TV next to him.

JK: No. I finished it all. So I can spend all my time with you.

Tae: You know that you'll have to go to bed soon right?  I promised your Mom.

JK;  I am not a child anymore hyung.

Taehyung chuckled and threw a popcorn in his mouth.

Tae: I like babysitting you. You are such a good kid.

JK: hyung!

Tae: whaaaat?

JK: Don't call me like that.
Tae: How?

JK: That.. He said pouting. A"kid" . You are just 4 years older than me. And we are friends right?  I will soon be very tall, taller than you and stronger than you.

Tae: I seeeee. I look forward to see that Jungkook. So you can protect hyung.

JK : mmm

Tae: Okay okay. Haha.

Jungkook stared at Taehyung a moment and smiled. Then, he leaned his head on his shoulder.

Tae: Aren't you sleepy?

Jk: Nope. By the way Hyung.

Tae: Yes?

JK: what are you planning to do after highschool?

Tae: I will continue volleyball.

JK: Really?  So you won't go to university?

Tae: I don't know.. I will see when the time comes. And you?  What are you planning to do after ?

JK: I will be a writer. A famous writer so you can be proud of me.

Taehyung smiled and caressed his hair.

Tae: I'll be proud of you whatever you'll do jungkookie. You are smart. You will do beautiful things later.

JK: And hyung.

Tae: Yes?  Taehyung replied . eyes on the TV.

Jk: I.. I think I ..

Tae: You what?

JK: I.. Lo..

Tae: Mhm?

Jk: Aish!  Anyway. I'll tell you soon.

Taehyung bursted in laughter. Jungkook was adorable.

Tae: okay. Don't forget to tell me.

Jk: I'll tell you for sure.

Taehyung giggled and pulled him closer.

Tae: Ten more minutes and you'll go to bed.

JK: Hyuuung!

Tae: No no kookie.
JK: Mmmmmmm!

Tae: Hahahaha.


Tae: i'll use the restroom for a moment Jimin. Okay?
JM: Okay.

Taehyung stood up and went to the toilet.

Someone was peeing while he went to wash his hand.

He turned and just saw his back.

HS: Wooo!  Hoseok screamed as he turned and met Taehyung 's puzzled eyes.

HS: Oh fuck...

He fixed his pants quickly and coughed out of embarrassment.

Taehyung looked at his face in the mirror and sighed.

Hoseok approached the tap and glanced at him.

HS: You are always beautiful hyung.

Tae: Excuse me? 

hoseok smiled and made a V sign for Tae to recognize him.

Tae: Wait.. Hoseok???!

HS: Yeeeee.

Taehyung smiled widely and hugged the boy.

Tae: waaaa. You grew up so well.. I couldn't recognize you. Hobi, you grew up as a handsome man as you said!

HS: hahaha!

Tae: what's up? What are you doing here??

HS: I'm here with Jungkook.

Taehyung 's smile faded...

Tae: Jungkook is here?

HS: Yeah. We were about to leave.
Tae : ah..

HS: Hum... Give me your phone.

Tae: here.. What are you...

HS: THERE!  you have my number now. It is good to see you again hyung.

Tae: Me too.

HS: Call me soon.
Tae: Haha. Okay.

Hoseok smiled and got out of the toilets.

Tae: waaa. He is no longer a child for sure.. He said chuckling. But he still has the same energy.


HS: Let's go.

JK: Okay. Did you pay the bill?

HS: Yup.

JK: cool.

Jungkook stood up and walked out followed by hoseok who waved at Taehyung while this one was getting out of the toilets.

Tae waved back and went to Jimin. They went back home so Taehyung could rest.

The next day, everything were even worst. Taehyung was zoning out all day.

JM: So. Tae?  Did you finish the text I told you?  About the library.

Tae: .......

- Taehyung?

Taehyung suddenly came back to reality and blinked. All the eyes were on him. Jungkook crossed his arms and leaned back.

Tae: I... *cough*

JM: Are you okay?

- Your lips are very dried. oppa.

- And you are very pale. Are you feeling okay?

Tae: It's just.. My nose... And head...

- You should have stayed home. You look very sick.

- Sicker than yesterday.

JK: In short. You didn't do it.

Tae shooked his head to say no as he bite his lips.

JM: Hah.. Okay. You don't look good. You should go back home. I allow you to leave.

Tae: Thank you.. Taehyung struggled to say..

He sniffed and stood up. He took his things in his office and left.

JM: Well. The meeting is done then. Go back to work all.

They all left and jungkook felt a bit uneasy so he went to the parking lot and left with his car.

JK: Did he take the bus? 

He was on the bridge when he saw Taehyung walking slowly.

JK: Why did he... This guy seriously. He stopped his car and looked at Taehyung who Stopped walking.

Tae looked at at the sky and ahead him..

Tae: ...........

" Yeri ah! "

Tae: yeri?  Ye...

He saw a baby girl running towards him.

He smiled and was about to carry her when a woman took her first.

- yeri!  Aish. Don't run like that. Shss. Let's go. Daddy is waiting.

Taehyung looked at them leaving  and lowered his head...

Tae: Yeri... He murmured and kneeled down..

His tears fell slowly. He bursted in tears.

Tae: yeri...

Jk: ...........

Tae: ahh...

Jungkook looked at him from his car. He was about to get out but stopped himself..

To be continued...

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