Point Zero MHA OC AU

By WeirdButK

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The Beginners Guide To Being A Hero A quirkless kid wants to be a hero and prove quirkless people have a use... More

Its Final
The Cafe on the Corner
Point Zero
Round 2
Behind Closed Doors
A Vigilante's Friend
The Quiet Cafe
Spare Parts For The Poor
The Beginners Guide To Being A Hero
A Call For Concern
The Tilted Appartment
Sugar Crystal
Loud and Clear
The Big School
The Exams
The Results
First Impressions Matter
Waiting Outside
U.S.J (Rewrite)
U.S.J. (Mega Chapter)
The Aftermath
The Sports Festival Is Comming
Stirring The Pot Of Bears With A Stick
Almost Done!
The Sports Festival (Mega Chapter P1)
The Sports Festival (Mega Chapter P2)
(Filler Chapter)
The Sports Festival 3 (Mega Chapter P3)
Sports Festival 3.5 (Mega Chapter P4)
Desicions Made
Happy New Years!!!!
Late Into The Night
The End of the Cafe
Cleaning Up What Should Be Clean
Suspicion Rise
Steps On Track
Challenge Accepted?
Friends And Foes
Well Be Right Back!
That was a minor lie

A Trio Forms

217 8 3
By WeirdButK

HEY! WEBEK BERE! Just wanna say sorry for posting late. I rewrote this last minuite and im not spell checking this. Sorry for unchecked writing today, usually I do so enjoy my shitty English skills

It was early morning, and study hall had already sarted for Andromeda. The sky was still slightly a warm yellow and blue. The grass was still slightly wet, and the air was cool but silent. Not a single gust of wind broke the restless air, gaurenteeing a hot day ahead. For now tho, it was nice and cool.

Andy sat at a bench outside the back doors, working on the little bits inside of a gauntlet. The cool, wood benches had frequent small bugs walk around the table. They would sometimes try to walk on his project, and we would gently scoop them up and place them elsewhere.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" A Indigo haired boy asked, papers in hand as he pointed to the table. He seemed tured, too tired for school and to deal with bullshit.

"Yeah sure. I might have a friend call me if you dont mind." Andy didnt spare a look to the new boy. He wasnt trying to be rude, just too enveloped in the work. His eyes were focused on the tiny details and were set on easily seeing the small. He knew that looking away would cause his whole focus to revert back to normal and it would be hard to continue.

"Its fine. Thank you" He said sitting down across from the galaxy haired boy. He laid out the papers, careful that he didnt catch any of it on fire from spark that may come from the gauntlets.

They sat in silence for a couple seconds before Andy finally broke the silence. "Are you part of the buisness courses? I have a weird peice of my brain telling me that"

"Yeah I am. I think the paperwork gave it away" the indigo boy said plainly. Although Andy was generally smart, his IQ dropped by 50% in new social situations. "Youre in support?"

"Yeah. Hoping to get to hero courses during the sport festival. Hey, whats your name?" He spared the possible new friend a glance before looking back down. By then the new friend was already working on the fake paperwork he was given.

"My names Shinso Hitoshi. Im planning on doing the same actually." He started randomly checking off boxes, his eyes bouncing between two papers. One had a set of senarios and the other with the fake paperwork he has to fill out.

"My name is Andromeda. You can just call me Andy tho" He carefully got closer to the machine to get a closer look.

"Like the galaxy? I feel that fits you too well" he knew exactly why it fits, but just wanted to joke around.

"Maybe its the space themed hair." He returned Shinso's earlier joke. His phone quickly hummed on the table, making the table echo. Andy's gaze finally changed as he blinked a couple times to reset his vision. He looked up at it and then stared at the phone, the notification displayed a message from WiCo

'Hey man, i found the place. You gotta fucking see it before some hero finds me LOL' WiCo said, the excitement in his message.

"Oh, my friend is about to call. Do you wanna join in?" He asked, making sure that he didnt want to metioned or not. Andy didnt want to put Shinso in an akward situation, but he already promised Will he would call.

"Uh. Yeah sure." Honestly Shinso didnt want to talk, but if the conversation got good he didnt just want to but in. If anything worse comes to worse hell have to make an excuse to leave.

"Sweet, hes a bit of a villain-hero. Its weird to explaim, but hes sort of a delinquent in a way. I hope you dont mind. Hes really nice, i promise." He gives his best reassuring smile, tho its hard to tell it is. Seemed more comforting than reassuring. Hell have to work on that.

"Oh. Alright" honestly that statement only made Shubso more intrigued. A wanna be hero, friends with a villain who likes chaos would be an interesting dynamic to see unfold.

Andy picked up the phone and started to call his friend. It rung a couple times before a deep voice answered. It was clear and carried well, yet wasnt intimadating. Instead their voice was smooth and almost felt like it was singing a tune, yet no song came out.

"Hello STAR BOY!" He sung through the phone. The Camera flickered on and glitched to show Will staring into the camera mennacingly, a stupid smile on his face was attempted to be hidden but was broken by a smile and then a laugh. "AH, its been too long since I called. Sorry bout that"

"Hey Will. Its ok, how are you?" He smiled at the camera, dispite his friend not being able to see it.

"Im doing alright. As good as a villain can be in America. But thats not the point. THE POINT IS, YOU MADE IT INTO THE BEST HERO SCHOOL!" He shouted, slightly squealing at the excitement for his friend. "Man! I cant wait till you show me what youre working on, im sure itll be fucking sick!"

"Im doing good. Oh! Theres someone else here too! If you wanna say hi to them of course." He looked at Shinso to see if it was ok with him and he wasnt uncomfortable.

"Hello human! Im Will, the neighborhood's quirked up white boy." He does weird modeling poses with the phone, making him just look like a weird, but fun person to be around. His words had a weird pazzaz and it was almost flamboyant, yet didnt sound right for such a deep voice.

"Im Shinso Hitoshi." He introduced himself, although he couldnt match Will's weird introduction.

"Hey, do you mind if i see what you look like? I have a feeling I know exactly what you look like" Will couldnt help but want to see what Andy's new friend looked like. He was proud of his friend finally making a friend, although it was obvious it was an accident. Andy sucks at meeting new people.

"Uh. Yeah sure. What do you mean you know what I look like?" Shinso asked as Will turned on the camera and pointed it at Shinso slowly.

"I dont mean it in a weird way, but between the way you sound, your name, and the fact you became friends with Andy tell me you have blue or purple hair." He slightly giggled to himself as Shinso's face became visable to the camera. "HOLY SHIT I GUESSED CORRECT! YOUR HAIR IS BOTH"

"Im not that predictable..... right?" Andy looked at the camera concerned. He knew that his actions were a bit predictable, but not that obvious.

"I know you better than I do this city" he pointed the camera out to the city behind him. It was a wonderful view from a skyscraper. It was quite high up and remarkably extravagant. "Oh, by the way, this is the view I talked about. I snuck up here just for this. Suprised no one saw me yet."

He panned the camera across the city and lights lit up and shined in the camera against the night sky. Lights of all different colors bursted from the streets below and shot up into the sky. Billboards displayed ads and random videos across the nearby buildings that lit up the walls of the nearby, smaller skyscrapers.

The only thing thats keeping Will from fallin off the side is a sketchy iron railing clearly not made for someone to actuallt put weight on. The area was small too, with little foot room at the top and could barely fit the kid himself.

"What the hell! Why are you up there? What if you fall?" Andys voice slightly squeaked out as he looked at the view.

"Dam, thats beautiful. How did you get up there without someone noticing?" Shinso looked in awe at the sight.

"Dont encourage him" Andy giggled and joked out of nervousness.

"One word! Keys" He lifted up a keychain and dangled it in front pf the camera, sneering and holding back a maniacal laugh. "Got it from an asleep security gaurd.  Dont try this at home"

"You stole it? How are you going to get down without getting caught?" Shinso looked in concern.

"Jump. I got my quirk to save me if my parachute doesent work"

"Whats your quirk thats will save you?"

"Synesthesia. I can turn sound into sight." Will finger gunned at the camera.

"Do you trust that parachute?" Andy interrogated Will.

"Yeah, Spik gave it to me. Of course I trust it." He smiles, fixing the parachute to his chest better. All the sudden he seems to stop and stare out into the nearby ladder by him. "And thats my queue to leave. Someones comming up and I got to go. Nice meeting you Shinso, good luck! Andy, dont get hurt!"

He spoke out before he ran back and jumped off the edge of the building, screaming something about messaging when hes excaped. The wind rushed across the camera as the call ended.

Shinso and Andy are left speachless at the conversation. Their jaws hung slightly open as if it was a good part of a movie. Andy's eyes fluttered rappidly as he stopped staring at the empty screen. Both stared at eachother like fish as they just watched a kid parachute off of a building .

About ten minuites later Andy recieves a message that only says 'still kickin' and nothing else

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