Avalon Isn't What It Used To...

Af A_L_untold

8.5K 276 71

My mother says my endless curiosity and my need to venture is a curse. Though, I know she only says that beca... Mere

Chapter 1: Avalon to Otherworld
Chapter 2: Stupid Squirrels
Chapter 3: Fae-Ri
Chapter 4: What are 'Shoes'
Chapter 5: Ori-gon?
Chapter 6: Coin
Chapter 7: 2 Months
Chapter 8: The limb
Chapter 9: Grounded
Chapter 10: Grounded
Chapter 11: Moss
Chapter 12: 6 months
Chapter 13: Countdown
Chapter 14: Dancing Hearts
Chapter 15: Too Small
Chapter 16: I Missed You
Chapter 17: Broken Promises
Chapter 18: Secrets
Chapter 19: Recalling the First
Chapter 20: I love you
Chapter 21: Heaven
Chapter 22: Returned
Chapter 23: Consecration
Chapter 24: Sweetheart
Chapter 25: Twitterpated
Chapter 26: Intertwining Worlds
Chapter 27: Coming Clean
Chapter 28: More like, Peter Pan.
Chapter 29: Alm
Chapter 30: Rob
Chapter 31: Thanksgiving
Chapter 32: The Great Christmas Mage
Chapter 33: Trapped
Chapter 34: Tripped into the Past
Chapter 35: Emotional
Chapter 36: Shrunk
Chapter 38: Meeting Maya
Chapter 39: Vows
Epilogue: 2 Years Later

Chapter 37: The Dress

97 8 1
Af A_L_untold

Your portal has arrived, the beautiful voice rang in my head. Meeks was here, and it only made my nerves bounced around my stomach.

Be there momentarily! I replied, probably a bit too frantically.

"OWEN"! I yelled for him. He was doing something in the other, larger, room next to ours. The shuffling stopped, and the quiet thudding of my barefoot human carried him into our room.

"Did you say something"?

"She's here, it's time". I inhaled sharply, holding my breath nervously as he walked up to me with a small grin. I exhaled with an aggressive huff. "Are you sure you have everything taken care of, you'll remember to water the flowers"? I asked from my spot atop his dresser, my hands fiddling around at my stomach.

"Yes, Love", he chuckled out. "I will handle everything. Are you okay"? His brown irises barely moved as they flicked down to my anxious hands and then back to eyes.

My hands froze under their brief attention, only for my leg to start bouncing agitatedly as I placed my hands on my hips, "Yeah—Yes, I'll be fine".

His eyes softened knowingly as his chin dropped to his neck. "Okay, why don't we run through the plan one more time".

I looked down as I took a deep breath and started pacing. "I will be in Avalon for 2 days. No more, no less. I will bring back a few things from Avalon, including my family. Which means you will have 2 weeks to handle all the finishing touches. Which will then give us about a few days with my parents before the ceremony".

"Right", he nodded. "Your family, Mark, Meeks, and Rob. Anyone else you want to invite"? His eyes raked over my nervous frame as my pace slowed, highlighting my silence.

"You don't want to bring Marv back from Avalon"?

I pursed my lips with a silent breath. "You know I want him to be here, but I don't think he'd handle it well, especially after Alm's comment. And we already have to deal with my mother".

He gave me a patiently scolding grin, "I'm sure your mom will be fine and I think he'd be happy for you".

I rolled my eyes up at him. I really didn't want to go over it again. My firm expression was enough of a reply.

"Okay, no Marv". He chuckled before he continued, "And then, Meeks will take us to the Grove, before taking your family back to Avalon".

I bit my lip, "Do you think I should escort them home"?

His breath was warm patient, subtly blowing my loose hair from my face. "If you want to, I'm not opposed to waiting for you".

"Okay", I murmured and looked off towards the window. He leaned in down, resting his chin atop the dresser in front of me. When I pulled my eyes back to him, he just barely pouted lips. I coughed a laugh, a smile growing across my lips as I accepted his awkward invitation,  and walked towards him.

As I got closer, his chin lifted from the dresser, and I leaned into his lips closing my eyes. I nuzzled into the soft lips as the pads of his fingers slowly grazed up my legs and back before tenderly pressing me into him further. Warm wind rushed down my body and dress as he loosened his breath through his nose. I reached up to the bridge the nose and tugged. He followed my que, allowing me to pull his face down further to hug his nose. He pressed a kiss to my shins and feet as I held his nose,  his fingertips running up and down my back. 

After a moment, my nerves subsided. I pushed off his face backing away looking up to the large brown eyes, as I conjured my wings with a smile. "I'll see you in two weeks".

He tilted his head as he stepped back from me, "I'll see you in two days".

I picked up my waterproof pack and dove off the dresser, out the window, and toward the Mer waiting for me at the pond.

The blue moon was overhead but the star had not yet risen, casting a ghostly blue glow throughout the realm. With the wisps sparkling about the realm during these twilight hours, it almost seemed as though I was flying through an ocean of stars. It was almost worth the slow hour flight to Summertide. Almost.

After an hour, I made it to central Summertide and whipped around the Magnolia, up towards our level. Majority of the realm was still unconscious, except for a select few early risers, which I found included my father.

"Dad"! I whispered my exclamation, still mindful of those asleep. I landed next to him on the terrace with a large smile. His loose large tunic and shorts told me he had only recently awoken.

"Well-well, look who the moon brought home", he said as he watched me land before embracing me tightly. The embrace made the pack slide off my shoulder, only to be caught by my bent elbow. "Is it that time already"?

"Well, I plan to spend today and tomorrow here—", we pulled away from our embrace. I grabbed my pack with my other hand, allowing it to hit the floor of the terrace.

"—which is what? Almost a full moons cycle in the Otherworld"? A tired grin grew steadily across his face, the moons glow made his eyes more cerulean rather than their normal shade of teal.

"Nearly", I giggled, "About 10 to 14 days, give or take, will have passed there".

He walked me inside and leaned against the stand alone counter, as I made myself at home in my mother's kitchen, setting my pack down on the counter. I walked around the stand alone counter and grabbed a wooden cup off the shelf before pouring myself a glass of Lumen water.

"When do we leave then"? He sipped on his steaming cup.

"Tomorrow night", I said, before gulping down the lumen water and then refilling my cup. "How's mom, is she nervous"? I took a slow sip as he answered.

"Very. She was under the impression that humans looked like giant, more beastly versions of the troldfolk, without morals or predictable behavior".

"M-m", I swallowed my sip, "I've met a human female who was pretty close to that description".

He gawked with excited eyes, their normal color returning as the White star began to peak over the realm and through our terrace. "Have you really"?

"No", I chuckled out. "Maybe that's a bit dramatic to say, but now that is how I will always remember her".

He laughed, his face expressing that he didn't want further explanation. "Well, Alm and I are excited. Your Mother, on the other wing, is still wavering". He set his cup down and started to spin it round on the counter.

This was what I was so nervous about. I didn't realize how much I wanted my mom present in my life until seeing Evelyn. Owen could never talk to his mom again, and his reaction to finding out I could, broke my heart. I didn't want to withhold my life from my mother anymore or keep her at wings length. I know it was necessary before, but it was more than that; I made efforts to exclude her from my life. Mostly for fear of rejection, and fear of being her disappointment.

I huffed. "Will I need to beg her"?

His lips folded into a grin. It was answer enough. There was a high possibility I'd have to beg her and or drag her through the water gate.

"I see. Well, I have prepared the apartment for you all, unless Alm wants to sleep at the human dwelling". I said utilizing fae-terminology. Oddly, the term didn't taste as welcoming as the human term 'house'.

He nodded and was about to comment before our attention turned towards Alm trudging into the kitchen. "Morning", I chirped. I was greeted with a look of shock on his face before it quickly warped into a tired smile. His exhausted pace quickened towards me as he gave me small but excited hug.

"Morning", he said before pulling away. "Do I need to ask for Retreat Time at the mines today"?

"Yep, we leave tomorrow night".

I watched him grab a cup off the counter and fill it with Lumen water before heating it with an enchanted breath. Which was an incantation I loved, but could never seem to control. "How long will we be gone"?

"I'd ask for a weeks-worth of retreat time, just to be safe".

He nodded before taking a sip of his steaming drink, and waltzing over to the terrace to see the position of the star. After noting the time, he returned to the counter next to my father.

"So, what is the itinerary for our stay"? My father asked.

I shrugged, "I have a few things planned, but it will be mostly uneventful. I planned on letting mom get situated first before introducing her to Owen. And hopefully she can brave a trip to the coast".

His lips folded into a casual line as he nodded looking towards my brother. "Do we get to go to the social, again"? Alm asked.

My smile grew bright. "The bar, yes", I said before my excitement burst through my body with a jolt as the thought hit me. "ALSO! I've made a discovery! Do you think I should introduce Mom to Owen as our  size"?

My brother's brows creased in question, though my father's contemplation remained calm.

"I think", my dad started slow as his eyes bounced around with scenarios, "that you should introduce him as is, sweetling. She will need to be adjusted to it before meeting the others".

I puffed out my disappointment, "You're right of c—"

"—OH"! My mother's gasp interrupted from behind us, my father and brother looking towards her with comical uniformity. "Already? I just got your letter not even a week ago".

Waves of nervous distress drifted through us. I chuckled, "Mo—" But she had already spun around, retreating to her room with haste.

Alm laughed softly, "Well, I'll be taking my leave now". He set his cup down, and made for the terrace to make his way to the mines. My father, still calm, looking at me with a sigh.

I bit my lip with a parting nod and jogged after my mom. "Mom, you don't have to pack now," I said loudly, jogging down the hall towards her room, the Fae-brights slowly dimming with the rising star. I slowed my pace, sauntering into her room, and paused at the sight. My mother was anxiously going through her neat selections of clothing upon their open shelves, the silks falling out of there organized piles and onto the ground.

She caught one of her garmets, and spun around tossing a pile of fae gowns onto the large mound to our left. "I-I don't even know what to bring! I hadn't even had the opportunity to think about it"! She shook her head, her eyes widening with parental fury.

I quickly grabbed her shoulder, demonstrating a deep relaxing breath for her to follow. "That is why I'm here, Mom", I said serenely. "We won't leave until tomorrow night. And I am here to help you, and tell you what to, and how much to pack".

Her panic stilled as she stood up strait, finally following my demonstration and taking a few deep breaths. She glanced back towards the messed she had made before sighing and turning to return the silks to their former glory.

"I'm sorry, darling", she started glancing at me apologetically, refolding a few dresses. "No one has ever accused me of having a warriors heart".

I sat on her mound and began to neatly fold the dresses beside me. "I'm glad you don't", I said, pulling her wondering gaze. "Everything you are, raised me to be who I am. I don't know who I would be without you, mom, or where I'd be". I paused wistfully, but then immediately looked up to her with a lighthearted grimace, "No, I know I'd be dead by now".

She slapped my shoulder, giving me a scornful look before picking up the clothes I had folded and returned them to the shelf. "You would not be dead".

"Ehh". I shrugged, "You're the voice in my head that reminds me of the danger".

She turned to me with a gentle eyeroll before walking up to me. She joined me on the mound, gracefully adjusting her blush-colored dress as she sat down. "Your father assured me that Owen doesn't look monstrous..." She trailed off. But I knew her inviting comments all too well.

"He's gigantic", I said confirming one of her fears, but continued with soft appreciation as I described the rest of him in more detail than I had before. "To me, his eyes are almost calming in effect. They are a deep brown. His smile is nearly as gentle as his demeanor. And he moves with consideration. He knows of your apprehension, mom, and will respect whatever boundaries you set".

She nodded gently looking down into her lap with soft deliberation. I leaned against her, her arm immediately wrapping around me. "What a creature this Owen must be for my daughter to speak so fondly of him", she giggled, her hand rubbing up and down my arm.

She stilled, looking at me from the side, "So, what is the first step"?

"Actually", I stood slowly, clicking my tongue. "We need to go to the market, because I need to find a dress".


"I cannot believe it took a..." she paused and looked around at the fae that filled Summertide market. An amused grin grew on my face as I noted that she was going to say 'human'. "An Owen", she looked off discreetly, "for my daughter to want to shop for gowns with me".

I laughed as she looked back at me disapprovingly, only for a smile to break through the scowl, emphasizing her elation. "But, why white"?

"Tradition? I read that it had something to do with purity". I shrugged looking at the table of delicately woven spider silk body charms as we walked past. The star warmed the late morning air as the baked goods further down the market filled it with herby fragrance.

"Purity? Purity of what"? Her nose twitched with confusion as we strolled along the pink sand.

"Love? I'm still unsure", I laughed as I turned into towards the seamstress's shop. Her tent was the largest in Summertides Market. Gowns and clothing sets were organized by color and hung meticulously on young stems of Yarrow that bent under their weight. We maneuvered around the gallery of gowns and made our way towards the small isle of white.

She dove into the gowns, "So, What type of—"

"—Fit for a ball", I answered before she could finish, my eyes peering through the fashions before I dove in myself. She nodded and pulled one out, though it remained attached to the stem with spider silk.

"What about this one"? It was lovely, but nearly identical to the silver one I already had.

I pursed my lips, "No-o. It's too plain. And I already have one like it".

"Okay", she let the dress fall back into place.

My eye caught a dress with and that was weaved in a floral design, with the delicate flowers impressed into the silk. It's long sleeves gathered in belles at the seams. "Do you like this"?

Her eyes studied the dress, as she cocked her head. "It's beautiful", she said lightly, with a tone that gave me pause.

"What", my brows furrowed.

"Oh". She jumped reassuringly. "No it is beautiful Ri! I just wonder if it is actually something you'd want to wear"?

I looked back at the dress, She's right. The sleeves are too much, and there's too much material. I pouted, "You're right".

"Are you sure"? She set a hand on my shoulder looking at the dress, "I would pay all the light we have to see you in it". She giggled.

I couldn't help but chuckle a laugh, "No, you're right. Its too much". We both laughed as continued our search down the stream of white. They were all beautifully tailored, but... They were either too goddy, or too simple. Part of me wished Owen were here to help, since, I had no inclination of what a wedding dress looked like. I paused with a humph, I should have looked that up on the Wikipedia, or the googles of images.

I glanced beside me to see my mom had completely disappeared. My posture straightened as I backed away from the dresses. "Mom"?

After a moment I stepped further into the open, looking for her. "Over here, starling".

I stepped around a stream of blue garb, to see here wave at me from the front of the tent. She was at the front table, talking with the seamstress, who happened to be my first Mentor. I smiled as I walked up to join my mother and Mireya, who rounded the table in greeting.

"Ri-ae-ya", She gleamed with outstretched arms, "By the Fae have you sprouted up"!

I embraced the elder fae. Her hair had dulled into and ashy brown since I had last seen her and her skin seemed to have sagged and softened faintly. But she still smelled of rosemary. My smile grew wide, my heart running through the many memories of her patient teachings as I pulled away. "Mireya, you're still working hard I see".

She gave me a guilty grin, her pumpkin-colored eyes still shining with purpose. "Naturally! And what has my old apprentice been up to? I expected you to open your own shop filled with those many Travel-wears and working-garb you'd go on about making. What is it you used to say"? She looked toward my mother with a light grin before turning back to me.

"Dresses aren't practical for traveling? We should sew in pockets"? Mireya chuckled heartily as she looked down as my dress, before raising a brow at me, "Change your mind did you"?

My mother smiled gently as I giggled shaking my head, "I still believe their impractical, I just wasn't patient enough to follow through".

"Oh", my mother scoffed, "It wasn't impatience, you lack width of attention".

"Well, in any case", Mireya chuckled, knowing too well how my attention tends to wander, "What returns you to my services, youngling"?

Youngling : noun. Meaning a person between birth and full growth, Or a descendent, or adolescent. But in this instance, a term of endearment for someone younger than oneself, noting an inability to accept ones adulthood out of affection.

I sighed with a grateful smile, as my mom answered before I could. "We're in want of a white dress. Fit for a ball; elegeant, but not too...." She paused, undoubtably to find a term that didn't insult me.

"Impractical"? Mireya mused, glancing in my direction with maternal affection, and I was reminded of all the few she mentioned that I was like the daughter she never had. 

I released a quick laugh as she swiftly turned around, "I may have just the dress". She rounded the table and disappeared behind the silk blue curtains that blocked off the private tailoring area of her shop.

"Oh, I've brought it"! We heard a gleeful squeak emanate from behind the curtain. She quickly popped her head out with a huge smile and gestured for us to join her, "Come".

My mother was quick to follow her, as I followed behind my mother. We brushed past the curtains, to see a table of folded fabrics, a large bag, and a grass woven matt at the tailoring station with acorn cap stool in its center. My mother caught up to her quickly to inspect the whit silks she held in her hand. I looked around with a smile, remembering the many memories I had here, before:

"Ri"? My mother interrupted my memories before I could get lost. She gestured me to join them, "Come try this on. I think its perfect"! I had never seen her so gracefully ecstatic in the entirety of my life.

I quickly joined them, slipping out of my silver dress as I struggled to see any detail of the white garment in Mireya's hand. But it was already inside out, as I handed my dress off to my mother, and stepped onto the acorn stool. I followed Mireya's gestures, and allowed her to help me into the dress.

"I've been playing with this new weave of silk for some time", She said as he helped me into the dress. "I felt it needed something more, so I haven't yet put it out yet".

She adjusted the dress around me as I looked at the charmed light-reflection that floated before me. The silk underlay cupped my breasts with a heart lining, and hugged my bodice to my hips with a white sheen glimmering like mother of pearl. With a slit that trailed up to my thigh, it flowed out from my legs gracefully. "Its—" I started, only to be cut off.

"Hold on my dear," Mireya swiftly trotted to the table, grabbing a sheer lump of fabric. I followed her ques another time as she helped my arms into the sleeves of the gossamer covering, "I haven't finished the gown, this is supposed to drape over it. Like so".

She adjusted the overlay. The white organza gossamer knit silk hugged my shoulders below my collarbone, to my wrists, and laid daintily over the pearl silk. The trim curling and bunching intricately, in a way that reminded me of a fae dance, or even rose petals from the larger human perspective. It's curled trim danced up my thigh, delicately covering but following cuts of the opalescent silk underlay. I dare say, I looked regal. Even with my hair falling out of its messy braid.

"I have to attach the two," she noted casually, "but who better to try my latest fashion than my favorite pupil".

I gawked at my reflection as my mother spoke inspecting the gown. "Mireya what a lovely dress! You've really outdone yourself. Does the Queen know of your talents"?

"Hush", she brushed off the compliment as she retrieved the stretched spider thread. "You know as well as I, that the Queen has her own tailor and fashions".

"Even so". My mother added as Mireya proceeded to adjust and stitch the two garments together on my person.

"Even so, I've heard her highness has been preoccupied with trying to locate our young prince", She glanced towards my mother, pleased by the ability to gossip with an old trusted acquaintance.

"He's missing again"?

"Oh, not according to formal report". She tittered as she refocused on the gown, "Formally, he's off apprenticing. But between us, Maya, I think he's ran off again". Her lids fluttered knowingly. 

I couldn't help but gaze over every stitch of the dress. I had never worn anything like it. It was a gown fit for the Royal Ball. I wondered what Owen would think of it. Would he gasp? Would his eye's shine with pride? Would he even recognize me?

"Have you heard from him, Ri"? Mireya questioned, and I was yanked out of my trance to see both women's curious attention on me.

"Oh, The Prince? No. I haven't seen him in over 250 years, and he was young. I doubt he'd even remember me".

My mother caught my thoughtful expression and stepped closer to me as she looked at my reflection, her tone growing gentle with question. "Do you like it"?

"It's ethereal", I said quietly and looked down to Mireya with an approving grin. "I'll take it".

Her grin warped into a large smile, as she proceeded to the other side of the gown, sewing them together at vital points. "The lavender undertones suite your coloring exquisitely", my mother noted before we all grew silent.

After a few moments, Mireya trailed down to the train, adjusting and sewing it together. The silence was peaceful for the next minute it lasted, only to be broken by the soft questionings of my former mentor. "What event is it for"? She pried gracefully, "The royal Jubilee has already passed and there are no balls scheduled in my datebook until the lunaversary".

My mother looked at me silently, surely wondering how I'd explain this. "I've learned a lot in my travels," I said wistfully. "There is a tradition I've grown rather fond of, and it requires a white ballgown".

"Oh"? She hinted her need for elaboration. She knew I was well travelled, but she didn't know I'd mated.

"This specific tradition is a celebration of the mating bond. Where the pair confess their affections and verbally vow their love for each other".

"Oh, like the Mer. How touching. So, you're mated than? He must be handsome one to be able to capture you miss Marshley, what a lucky fae". Her tone painted the depth of her happiness.

"He is very handsome". I twisted a bit to look down at her with a bright smile, "I will bring him to meet you one of these days".

"Ri", my mom hissed quietly, as Mireya exclaimed over my mother without noticing her hush. "Oh! Fae's light. It's a bargain"! 

"A bargain"? I turned around fully, the dress swishing around me as I did so. See, Bargains are a two-way trade, normally unbreakable between the Fae, and I wasn't quite sure what we had just promised.

"Yes. The dress", she nodded happily gesturing to the gown before clamping her hands together. "In exchange for meeting the man who could tame your wild heart". She stood up and walked up to me with a soft smile.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. "Mireya! No, that's—".

"—O-oh, Hush! I believe it's perfectly suitable. Besides, that dress looks like it was made for you". She insisted.

I lunged for her, taking her into a deep embrace, and holding her tightly. "It's a bargain", I whispered.

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