Just Ask Me To

By Harperaus

5.8K 75 17

Louis has a brain wave but needs the other boys to agree. He hasn't seen any of them for years... he hasn't e... More

I Let


126 2 1
By Harperaus

'Lou, I'm going to fall over.'

Louis was leading a blindfolded Harry down a sandy path towards the beach. He was walking awkwardly on the side so that he could have one arm wrapped around Harry's waist and the other holding his hand.

'You're not going to fall over love. I won't let you fall, I promise.'

Louis gave Harry a slight tug around his waist to get him moving again.

'We're nearly there, come on.'

Harry let himself be led by Louis and tried his hardest not to trip on his own feet. He struggled enough with this normally let alone when he was being led blindfolded across sand.

It wasn't long before Louis stopped walking. 'We're here love, you can take off your blindfold.'

Harry took the blindfold off and blinked a little as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight glaring from the sand in front of him. As his eyes focused on the scene before him he gasped.

'Lou, this is beautiful. Did you do all this?'

Louis laughed. 'If you mean did I pay someone to set this up for me then yes, I did all this.'

In front of them on the sandy beach was a gazebo that was set up with pillows and blankets scattered everywhere. In the centre was a a low table covered in food, flowers and candles. The roof and sides of the gazebo were covered in sparkling fairy lights.

'It's beautiful, just perfect.'

Louis took Harry's hand and led him to the gazebo. 'Just like you love. Come on lets go have a drink.'

Although there were endless places to sit Louis and Harry sat together on a cushion and wrapped a blanket around their legs. Louis pulled out a bottle of champagne and poured Harry a glass.

'What, no champagne for you?'

Louis leaned over and pulled a beer out of a cooler. 'You know that I'm more of a beer man.'

Harry leaned over to place a light kiss on Louis' lips. 'I'm glad some things never change.'

Harry made to move back into his place but Louis grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him back into a deeper kiss. 'You can't get away that easily.'

Harry chuckled as he kissed Louis back. 'I'm not going anywhere unless you're with me, not ever again.'

'Do you mean that love?'

'I'll be by your side for as long as you'll have me.'

Louis smiled into another kiss. 'Forever then I guess.'


Meanwhile back at the farm Zayn, Roe, Liam and Niall were enjoying each others company sitting around a fire in the backyard as had become their habit since being at the farm.

'I think you should just do it.' Zayn was pointing his beer bottle between Liam and Niall.

Liam shrugged 'It's easy for you to say Zayn, you're not the one doing it.'

Niall put his hand on Liam's leg. 'I think he's right, we should just do it. What do we have to lose really?'

Liam turned to Niall. 'We could lose a lot, what if people don't listen to our music any more or if people don't accept us?'

Niall placed his hand on Liam's face. 'We'll still have each other and we'll still have all the people who are important to us in our lives and in the end that's all that matters.'

Liam leaned in and lovingly kissed Niall. 'You're right my darling, lets do it'.


Louis and Harry spent hours eating, drinking, talking, kissing and holding each other. They stayed encompassed in each other until it was too cold to stay outdoors any longer. Louis stood up and put his hand out to help Harry.

'Come on love lets go and set a fire and get warm inside.'

Harry took Louis' hand and stood up with him. 'What about all this, shouldn't we clean it up?'

'Haz honey, you know me, I paid someone to set this all up and I paid them extra to pack it up.'

Harry laughed. 'Of course you did.'

They mad their way back up to the yurt much easier than the way down with Harry no longer needing to be blindfolded. Once they were back in the yurt Harry pulled out his phone while Louis stared a fire.

'Holy fuck! Lou, come and look at this.'

'What is it love?'

'It's on Instagram, they did it.'

Due to the shock and urgency in Harry's voice Louis stopped what he was doing immediately and walked over to look at what had caused such a stir with Harry.

Once he saw what Harry was looking at he couldn't wipe the smile off of his face.


NiallHoran @LiamPayne I loved you then and I love you now, I'll love you forever.

LiamPayne @NiallHoran I can't believe it took us this long to get here. I love you forever.

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