By KaylaMcKenziee

168 49 238

Retreat? Experiment? Whatever the hell it is, Indigo Morgan didn't want to be apart of it. She was on track w... More

Read 9:35pm
1 | Indigo Morgan
2 | Ares Knight
3 | Indie Morgan
4 | Ares Sage
5 | Indie Morgan
6 | Ares Sage
8 | Indie Morgan
9 | Ares Sage
10 | Indigo Morgan
11 | Ares Sage
12 | Indie Morgan
13 | Ares Sage

7 | Indie Morgan

8 3 21
By KaylaMcKenziee

Week One: Friday

When I look over at the clock, it's 1 in the morning. Ares's and I's conversation hasn't dwindled yet. I'm surprised I am able to stay up. I'm putting the blame on the conversation. We've talked a little a bit about our childhoods. Not going to much in depth. Wednesday night's conversation about my father and his parents was enough deep conversation to last a while.

Never would have thought that Ares's views on relationships came from the death of his parents. When he talked about heartbreak, initially, I thought he experienced it like most people, from a relationship. I didn't know it was in fact from the broken heart left by grief.

That's a different kind of heartbreak that doesn't heal like a relationship. That kind of heartbreak sometimes can't be mended. I, no matter how sad the conversation was, am grateful that he felt like he could open up about that.

We seem to be redeeming the hard conversation two nights ago by asking each other basic, silly questions and sharing stories. Only a few minutes ago, I shared a story of when my mom and I moved to LA right before 8th grade, she had my new room made over...As a surprise.

Let's just say, I hated it.

Okay okay, what is your favorite color?

What do you think it is?

Well based on the horrid story about your room, I'm going to guess it's not pink.


Okay, I know what it is...


How the hell?

I was right!

Why is it your favorite?

Purple is the color of royalty, simple

Also, I would've accepted Blue as another answer. It's just so calming.

I'm going to take a wild guess and say your favorite color is black?

Ha Ha! Very funny. I'll give you one more try.

Damn! Okay, it's Blue?

So close!


Should have known!

Red is always guys favorites

I refuse to be offended by that

That's your choice...

Topic change!

What is your favorite food?

Mac and Cheese

Chicken Tenders

McDonald's fries

That was three...

Next time, be more specific

Oh damn, have you looked at the time?

Last time I check it was 1 am.

It's 2:30 now

Last thing before we crash?

Yea sure?

What you gotta do tomorrow/today?

I have a meeting, but I am free for the rest of the day!

I cannot wait! What about you?

I just have some workouts to do

You have multiple workouts daily huh?

I know we don't talk about what we do for work, but I'm starting to think you're a personal trainer.

Not quite, you aren't completely off though

Damn, here I was about to make some time to have you get me in shape.

You still can, I may not do it professionally, but I could still work you out...

Mmm noted, we'll have to add that to the list


Yeah, I made a list.

And what is on this list?

Tall, works out, lean/buff, older

Now, I'm adding my own personal trainer

LMAOO!! Bett

You ready to sleep?

Yeah, are you?

Mhm, I just had a massive yawn shake

Lol, I'll let you go to sleep then.

Goodnight Indie

Goodnight Ares


It's important that I have the best employees that I can working in my company. So, on Friday morning, I greet every one of the 500 employees as they walk through the door. I have Elise and Abagail at a table checking off names and handing them folders. I make sure to shake hands as they enter. The first impression is how they greet and their attire.

This is business, so I expect everyone to act as such.

In their folders there is the company handbook that has the general rules of the company of course. That is occupied by the contract for their trial term. At 9:59, I close the doors and walk up to the front of the auditorium. I had it installed to be able to have huge meetings.

"Good morning everyone and welcome!" I begin clapping along with the audience. "I am excited for you all to be apart of the company and for you all to be a first team in the Sacramento building! I have been working on this company expansion for 2 years now, and I am excited for it to come alive."

"I want to go through the contract and specific pages in the handbook. If you all could follow along via your personal copies or the screen behind me."

I move from around the podium and angle my body towards the audience and the screen. I go through the handbook pages first, making sure to highlight the sexual harassment policy and the student policy.

The sexual harassment policy speaks for itself, but I wanted to make it clear that we do take it seriously. Unfortunately, in a lot of men ran companies it's not taken as seriously as it should. As a women, I wanted to make sure my employees knew that no matter their gender, an investigation will be carried out. They just need to file a complaint.

The student policy is for those who are in college or any other higher education. It states that after the trial period and the official contract is signed, the company will take care of any in direct cost of attendance payments up front, however, if someone needed help with tuition, they need to apply to get up to half of tuition paid through the company as well.

Total, I have 100 students in my company. There is a separate fund for them that donations and my own personal money goes too in order to ensure there is more than enough for them.

"I trust that you will go through the handbook thoroughly before you sign the contract. Moving on, the contract states that each employee has a trial period of one year, after that, you will be assessed based on your work and will either proceed as an official employee or you will be let go. I will let you know now, there is no set number of who will be let go. Just do your best."

I look down at my watch and smile when I see that we are right on time. "Now we will have about an hour of question and answers before we adjourn. There is a mic up front, you may come up to speak or you can tell Abagail and Elise your questions."

I gesture towards them so that the audience knows where they are. I'm actually surprised when a good 15 people start to make their way to the mic. Three people each go to Abagail and Elise.

"When do you want the contracts signed by?"

"At the top of the contract it says that they are due by the opening of building two. This means that all contracts should be here by the end of that day. When midnight comes, any contract that isn't here will not be considered an employee."

The women who asked the question says thank you before walking away. I gesture towards Elise to ask another question. "Is their a policy on office relationships?"

I chuckle as does most of the audience. "There is nothing in place against it, I do however request that HR is let know as soon as possible so that it can be documented and to keep it professional while at work."

"I actually have a follow up question to that." Abagail says raising her hand, "What about relationships with clients?"

"As long as the relationship doesn't affect the professional. I would ask that there isn't any overlap, try not to become romantic while they are clients. However, sometimes things happen so I would also let HR know but you don't have to fill out a form. If there is a relationship before they became clients, I would prefer you still tell HR."

I continue to answer questions for the reminder of the meeting before I end it. I make sure they know that the building opening if less than a month so that's how long they have to get their contracts in.

For the rest of the day, I relax at home not once worrying about work. I've been stressing about that meeting for a while now. I think I'm allowed to have the rest of the day to not stress. The rest of the stress can come Monday when I start preparing for the opening of building two.

It's 8:00pm now, and I've been in a bath for about 10 minutes. The water is just below hot. My bubbles still go up to my chin and my wine glass is filled. My phone chimes, making me grown a little grabbing my towel and wiping my hands off.

How was your day mini me?

The text from Ares made my smile a little. I wasn't expecting it, he normally is a little later than this.

It's been good! My meeting went well and now I'm relaxing.

That's good, I hope I'm not disturbing you.

Oh no, not at all.

When I saw it was you, I was shocked. You normally text after 9.

Oh yeah, my bad.

My last workout ended early today. I'm actually just getting home really.

Oh good, I've been home for a few hours now. Had dinner with myself before I got in the bath. Now I just have my wine.

You are a wine person?

Yep! Are you? Gotta say, if you aren't, that's a huggge deal breaker my friend.

I wouldn't say I'm a wine person, I'll drink it when the occasion is right.

I like a good whiskey occasionally but regardless I rarely drink.

Okay, I can work with that.

Let me hop in the shower really quick. I'll be back in 10.

No problem, take your time.

I just happen to finish my wine as I set my phone down. I hate to say it, but this means it's time for me to take a shower myself. I drain the water before I start the shower. I take about 8 minutes to wash before I walk out.

My phone chimes and I assume its Ares. I wrap myself in my towel before grabbing my phone and leaving the bathroom. I quickly put on an oversize shirt before walking down to the kitchen to put my glass away and check to make sure the doors are locked.

On the way back up, I check my phone.

I'm back.

Welcome back lol. How was your shower?

It was pretty good. I always like to use night showers as a calming reflection of the day. I normally have some rain and thunderstorm white noise going on.

That sounds so nice! I normally just do some calm music. Nothing too upbeat but soothing.

Exactly, I'm trying to wind down after a long day lol. Nothing too hype.

Since you asked me, how was your day?

It was good but tiring like any other day of mine. On top of that, I have to be up for my own meeting tomorrow morning.

Oh damn, you wanna head to sleep then?

Nah, I haven't talked to you all day. We can talk for a little bit.

Only if you are sure

I'm sure

Okay, but as soon as you feel tired, let me know.


It's actually funny, I have a meeting tomorrow morning too.

And here you are worrying about me!

I know right!

Can I ask you something?

Of course!

I don't want to overstep or make you feel uncomfortable.

I doubt you will.

Okay, so...

How would you feel about taking this to another level?

Like what?

Maybe a phone call?

Woah! Break! Phone call?

I don't know why my mind automatically went to making this a possible relationship or something like that. I wasn't expecting phone call. Is that the next step? I know I'm not ready to show him what I look like, but I don't think I'm opposed to hearing his voice.

I don't want to misinterpret things but it seems we've been a little flirty these past two days. I wonder if that has anything to do with this. Friends can be flirty with each other. Especially friends who have no intention of being with each other or anyone else.


Sorry, if I freaked you out.

You didn't, I was just processing

I've just been thinking about it all day.

I think I want to hear your voice...

Is that weird?

Not at all

I think I want to hear your voice too.

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