Jules' Curse (#2)

By Lolkayy69

2.8K 19 2

Can be read as a stand-alone. Jules never knew who she was. She never had time to figure out who she was. Af... More

characters aesthetic <3
Side characters. :)
The Darkness
Sweet as pie.
Peace offering.
Does anyone knock?
Valeria the therapist
Surprise... He's back.
It starts here.
The end???
Its the drugs.
Trying to move on
Aliana Delcare
Break-ups n spit-ups
Wicked witch.
Fake Date
Fake breaking up.
Malia n Kain
She's gone.
Her pain.
Gang shit
Spy shit
Ugly truth
Tag bitch
His story.
Baby daddy
Happy birthday!!
First real date
Long head
Tapes? And pickles
Ace + Valentina
Road trip
Right person wrong time
Hoe hoe bitches
Old friends
Sleeping pills
Nightmare from the past
A girl???
Princess umbrella
Wicked red head.
Suffering Silently
Ansel to the rescue
Toxic?? Yep.
Bad habits
250 on Jovian
Dream home
Just one minute
The reveal
The Agreement
Momma monster
I got y'all
Oak drive
Broken Glass
Weird man
Trouble in paradise
The letter
The end
New start
Don't leave me.
The light

Manic episode??

18 0 0
By Lolkayy69

In a span of two minutes, I was out the door with a crying baby. I have no car with me, no sort of transportation so I asked Ben if I could borrow his car and thankfully he said yes.

Rosen was crying and kicking, throwing a tantrum as I put her in the car seat. "Shit." I said as the seat belt swung back and hit rosen leg making her cries louder. I kissed her cheek before getting in the driver's seat and driving down to Jovian beach house. I was quick to get there and got Rosen, who was still crying.

"He's in the back room" Kia answered the door, taking rosen from me. I jogged to the back room not ready to uncover the sight in front of me.

Kayden looked barely alive, his body sprawled out on the bed. His clothes drenched in blood, his face had bruises all over following his knuckles. His face was pale. "Oh my-" I couldn't even finish my sentence. I slowly approached kayden. "I'm so sorry" he choked out tears falling heavily from his eyes.

"It's okay" I grabbed his cold hand in mine. "It's all okay." He's like me. He's just as messed up as I am. He's just better at hiding it.

"Jules we need to get him to the hospital, he has an um- a gun wound" Ansel said standing behind me.

"Why the fuck is he here then?? Why are you standing here? hell ,Why am I standing here? We should be at the hospital." I felt Kayden's hand tighten around mine.

"He doesn't-" Ansel cleared his throat "he refuses"

I wiped my face "does it look like he's in the state to decide if he wants to go or not?"

"Jules. No" Kayden wanted to die. He wants to stay here and bleed out. I couldn't let Kayden die, I couldn't let Kayden go. No matter how much we fight it's always been us, us against the world. Always.

He has a life he has people who love him he has a life to attend to. Realization hit me, this is how he felt all the times I've tried to kill myself. The same ache in your chest, the extreme headache. He felt it all.

Kayden eyes started to flutter. "Help me get him in the car" I told Ansel and this was final.


I've been sitting in the waiting room for two hours, Ansel stayed with me talking to me but I couldn't hear him. The thought of losing Kayden for good hurts too much to think about anything else.

"Jules" A familiar voice made my head snapped up, Jovian was walking towards us. It took everything in me not to run up to him and wrap my arms around his neck.

If anything I should choke him.

I put my head back down between my knees and slowly rocked back and forth. Everything's going to be okay.

"Is she having a manic episode or something?" Ben asked, arriving with Julius.

"Chill the only person she has left is on their deathbed" 

Finding the comedy in a dark situation is a good method, but right now I couldn't laugh. I couldn't talk. I could barely move.




I've counted one two three, two thousand times before a nurse came out.

"Who's related to the fellow patient?" The nurse asked and I shot up ignoring the fact my leg went numb.  The nurse nodded.

"The surgery went fine, everything was fine except for the fact Kayden was on a lot of  drugs when you brought him in. It's hard to keep him stabilized due to the fact the medication we have might clash with the drugs he's on. So for the next twenty four hours it might be a very slim chance he's going to survive because we needed medication to stabilize him." I blinked away the tears tired of crying.

"Can I see him?" The nurse nodded and told me to follow her. 

Seeing Kayden's body hooked up to all of these machines hurt my heart. He weakly waved at me.

"You're one stupid ass person" I said walked up to him and his hand grabbed mine.

"I'm sorry.." he said weakly "I-i was wrong. You're the-the strongest person I- I know. Mom-mom and dad would be pr-proud. "I'm-I'm proud" I gave him a sad smile.

"Kayden. No matter what happens between us, I love you too much to lose you and I really need you to push through. We need you to come back to us." It was my turn to be there for him. It's always been the other way around and I need to be here for him.

He put his head down "I can't- I'm too-tired" He sputtered out.

"I know. I know how you feel. But in the end it's worth it, I promise it's worth it because That feeling is only temporary. That feeling of being so tired you don't care anymore is temporary, I promise" I've never realized how much things had an impact on Kayden until now.

Kayden stopped responding to me and let go of my hand. He wasn't dead, he was just processing what I told him. I sat on the waiting chair in my room until the busing hours were over. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the hospital. Jovian hot on my tail.

"What do you want?" I stopped by the entrance of the hospital feeling a little chilly from the breeze.

"Are you alright?" Is he serious, I let out a not so funny laugh. Crossing my arms "I don't know- maybe I'm having a manic episode" I pushed past him ready to walk to my car.

"Tonight you can stay with me if you want, for support" Yea like I need his support.

I swung around walking up to Jovian where we are l chest to chest. "I want nothing to do with you. I don't want to see you, I don't want to be around you, I don't want to feel your presence. I want you to leave me alone"

"What if I want everything to do with you" He stared down at me with challenging eyes. I looked away, breaking the trance.

"Don't do that" I pulled at the end of my bun stressfully. "Don't toy with my feelings right now. Not when my brother is close to death and I'm close to fucking exploding." I tried to push him away from me but he didn't even budge. So I took a step back myself instead.

"You can't pick a day you decide to mess around with my feelings and think it's okay. Because news flash it isn't, and I'm so done with you. Go date what's her name. And leave me alone." Just because I'm emotionally weak doesn't mean I'm going to give into Jovian Bull shit. I've watched him play girls before and I'm not becoming a victim of that..

"I dropped the fake dating thing. I couldn't continue doing it knowing I was hurting you"  he sat there calm as ever watching me intently.

"Ok." I said before turning away and rushing to my car. Halfway to the beach house I get a call.

"Jules someone just dropped off papers, they're filing for custody of Rosen"

And it starts

This story is chaotic.

Ask me any question 🤭

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