If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}

Od ToniMashellCole

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Charlotte Hodges finds herself in the middle of a love triangle. One of those boys being her red-headed best... Více

How it Started
Year 5
Hogsmeade & Honeydukes
The Three Broomsticks
The Mess I Made
Birthday Gifts
The Party Pt. 1
The Party Pt. 2
A Little Privacy Please?
After the Quidditch Match
The Burrow Pt. 1
The Burrow Pt. 2
Quidditch World Cup Pt. 1
Quidditch World Cup Pt. 2
6th Year
The Goblet of Fire
The Chosen Champions
Before the First Task
The First Task
Another A/N
Preparing for the Yule Ball
A Mermaid's Song
The Yule Ball Pt. 1
The Yule Ball Pt. 2
A Few Nights In Between
The Second Task
Secret Places
The Third Task
Parting Glass
Saying Goodbye Pt. 1
Saying Goodbye Pt. 2
Back to My Roots
An Old...Friend
All In a Day's Work
Private Talks
A Night Together
Grief Isn't Linear
Start of a Much Need Conversation
A Much Needed Conversation
Before You Leave
St. Mungo's
Christmas at Headquarters Pt. 1
Christmas at Headquarters Pt. 2
One Last Drink Together
Leaving the House of Black
New Home
Another Calm Before Another Storm
Screams of Fears
Sicks & Giggles
Untold Stories Pt. 1
Untold Stories Pt. 2
A Time for Celebration
Grand Opening
6 Potters Return
The Wedding of William and Fleur
Gone Underground
War Is Coming
Confronting Snape
The Battle Pt. 1
In Between
The Battle Pt. 2
Post War

Reaching the Boiling Point

118 3 0
Od ToniMashellCole

You know I'm always gonna love you from a distance,

Even if you're with some other guy,

But when you walk down the path of least resistance

You never gave me any chance to say goodbye

Fred's P.O.V.

It was late, and the only two people still up were Hermione and me. She was busy studying for her O.W.L.S., and I reread the Daily Prophet while waiting for Charlotte to return to the common room. Just as much rage burned inside me as it did the first time I read it. Huffing, I tossed it onto the coffee table, sat back against the couch, and watched as the embers burned in the fireplace, not even realizing that I was clenching my jaw.

"I'm going to bed now," Hermione informed, closing her book, "Maybe you should try to do the same."

"Charlotte isn't back yet. She wasn't at dinner either. It's not like her to not tell us where she's going."

She shrugged, "Cedric wasn't at dinner either. Maybe she's with him?"

My fists cleaned at the mention of Cedric's name. My tight skin turned my knuckles white.

Seeing this caused Hermione to sigh, "Charlotte's a big girl, Fred. I'm sure she can take care of herself, and she would want you to do the same by getting some sleep."

My eyes cut into hers, "No offence, Hermione, but you wouldn't understand."

She leaned forward and rested her book on her knees before giving me a knowing look, "I'm pretty sure I understand a lot more than you think."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

"Fine then. Be brute for all I care," Hermione stood up and started to walk away, but she turned to me again, "Also, it's just an article. Don't let it get to you. You know how Rita is."

I just ignored her.

She walked off, and I sat alone for probably another hour when I finally heard the portrait door creak open.

Charlotte walked into the common room, wringing the ends of her wet hair in a towel, but they stayed soaked and dampened the shoulders of the shirt that she was wearing. I recognized it as one of Cedric's. I knew this because he used to wear it so much that he practically lived in the bloody thing. Her wet swimsuit bottoms underneath her shorts created a damp outline of her hips and bum. Some of the drops of water still lingered and reflected off her skin.

If not for the jealousy growing more vital inside me by the minute, I swear the sight of her this way made me want to push her against the wall and plant my lips right on hers to claim her as mine. Obviously, that would have been out of line, but the craving to get just one taste of her did nothing to stamp out this fire igniting me.

"Where were you?" I asked, trying to hide the bitterness in my voice.

Startled, she jumped back and held her chest. Since she had still been wringing the water out of her hair, she hadn't noticed that I was standing there until I spoke.

"Blimey! Are you mental? You scared the hell out of me. Honestly, Fred, with everything that goes on in this school, you ought not to sneak up on people like that," She giggled, trying to ease the rush of fear she had just experienced.

"I'm sorry," I told her earnestly, "I was just worried when I didn't see you at dinner tonight."

"Oh, I was just helping Cedric figure out the egg."

Rolling my eyes, I let out a sharp breath, "Of course you were."

Her nose scrunched up as her eyes flittered over my face, "And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, I don't know. Just that you seem to spend all your time with him now. George and I hardly ever get to see you anymore," I retorted, growing increasingly annoyed.

"That's not true! What's going on with you lately?"

"Just forget it," I looked away from her, biting the inside of my cheek. I couldn't look at her, not with the way I was feeling. She still looked so damn good, and there wasn't a single thing I could do about it.

The tension thickened as she tossed her towel to the side and crossed her arms, "Well, can you at least give me a hint? In case you're unaware, I'm not a legilimens, Fred. So, don't expect me to be able to read your mind."

I scoffed, "Honestly, I can't believe you even have to ask at this point."

Charlotte groaned and lowered her head to rub her temples, "You know what? I don't have time for this. It's been a long night, and I just want to go to bed," She stalked past me and almost reached the stairs before I called over my shoulder.

"I just thought you'd have more respect for yourself. That's all."

Every muscle in her body tensed up as she froze at the bottom of the stairs. I don't know what made me say it. Something just came over me. Everything about to be said was going to hurt her, but I didn't care. I wanted her to feel the same pain she made me feel, even if she was unaware she was doing it.

My resentment over time amplified with every time I saw her and Cedric together, every night she didn't return to the common room, and whenever I saw her wear his stupid shirt.

All those nights that I laid awake in bed with thoughts of what they could be doing on their dates, at their late-night parties, during their detentions last year, and their meeting up over the summer only added fuel to the fire raging inside of me.

When Charlotte turned to face me, her mouth hung open, and her brows were furrowed. Offence evident on her face and in her voice as it rose in pitch, "Excuse me?"

"Don't act stupid," I spat, "You heard me."

"Oh, So that's what you think of me?" She stepped closer.

"It's what everyone thinks of you now!" I yelled, getting closer to her as well. My face just meters from her, "I've heard them call you every name in the book; Trollop, Scrubber, even Slag! If you don't believe me, just read today's article!"

I stalked over to the coffee table to pick up the Daily Prophet before thrusting it into her hands. She took it from me and started to scan over it.

As she read, I continued to attack her with my words, "Just look at the third page! Rita Skeeter talks all about you and Cedric! She has all these witnesses mentioning how you constantly sneak into the Hufflepuff common room to stay the night with him! She reported rumours of a secret pregnancy and said that Cedric entered the tournament mainly for the winnings to help support the baby! She even knows how you two have been talking about getting married and insists that it's to keep you from having the child out of wedlock!"

Charlotte bit the inside of her cheek as she read over the article. Something she always did when she was angry. She gave me the dirtiest look through her lashes as she crumpled the paper with a raised fist. Her voice rose louder as she shouted, "This is what you're so hacked off about?! This stupid article. Rita is just pissed at me because of something I said to her at the first task, and now she's spewing this trash to get back at me and to get back at Cedric for laughing! This is the same woman that tried to say that Hermione and Harry are dating! Oh, and her little 'witnesses' are just Draco's groupies!

The only person who knows anything about Cedric and me discussing marriage is you because you're the only person I trusted enough to tell! Clearly, that was a mistake! Like I told you the first time, that was only talk! It's a normal conversation after a year and a half of dating! That doesn't mean we actually know if it's going to happen!

Lastly, When and how I spend my time with my boyfriend is no one else's business! But I will gladly piss in a potion to prove I'm not pregnant!"

"Yeah, I bet you know exactly how to make one, huh?! Probably make it pretty often now!" My throat tighten as disparaging remark spewed from my mouth as if it were venom, regretting it from the very moment I said it.

Charlotte fumed as the tips of her ears burned red. I'm sure she would be trying to strangle me if she hadn't been restraining herself. She took a step back without breaking eye contact with me, letting out a breathy chuckle, her chin jutting to the side. When she finally looked down, it was to rub her face in exasperation. Her shoulders started to bounce with humourless laughter.

Through these laughs, her voice was eerily calm, "You know what, Fred? You're right. I don't spend that much time with you anymore," Her eyes then blazed like the fire in the common room's chimney as they now peered into my soul as her voice rose again, "And why would I? Every time I come around you, you give me this snarky attitude! You're always shooting these horrible comments about Cedric and our relationship at me and getting angry when I try to defend him! Now you're blatantly disrespecting me! I've grown so tired of the hostility that I don't want to be around you anymore."

My heart broke more and more with every sentence, but I refused to show it. Instead, I crossed my arms and puffed out my chest, standing there with my jaw clenched as I let her continue to speak.

"And for what?! Over a stupid, fake article!" She shouted as she threw the Daily Prophet into the fire. When she turned back to look at me, I saw that her eyes mirrored my own as they threatened to spill tears at any moment, but neither of us gave in. Neither of us wanted to be the first to break.

She jabbed her finger into my chest, "And if you ask me, I find it super hypocritical of you! What about all those nights you snuck around with your exes? I never judged you for it! When someone wanted to say you were like a dog with two dicks, I always stood up for you! Even after you admitted to shagging them! Why? Because that's what friends do! Oh yeah, that reminds me: Since it seems so fucking important to you, you should know that I'm still a virgin! I hope that helps you sleep better tonight."

I knew I was in the wrong, but I couldn't calm myself down. Instead, I just hung my head and sighed, "Lettie, I'm sor-"

"Save it. I'm done with all this. You can't keep being a complete arse to me and expect me to always forgive you! The worst part is that you know who I am, yet you let yourself get wrapped up in this lie. You believed all of it. You were the one person I thought I could count on, Fred. Hell, I told you way more than I ever told George or even Cedric!"

"Ms Hodges! Mr Weasley! Surely, you know what time it is?" A shrill voice shouted from a small hallway in the common room. We both turned to see Professor McGonagall standing there dressed in night robes, "If you two don't pipe down, you'll wake up the entire castle!"

"Sorry, Professor," I told her.

"I'm sorry, too," Charlotte muttered.

When I turned back to Charlotte, I saw the tears that she had been holding back were starting to run down her cheeks. That's when all the guilt and regret engulfed me all at once. I can't believe that I just did that to her. She tried to hide it from both McGonagall and me by casting her gaze to the side as she mumbled, "I was just going to bed."

"I think that would be wise of both of you!" McGonagall stated before stalking back down the hallway.

Charlotte sniffled and wiped at her eyes, but the angry expression never left her face. I reached over to wipe away the rest of her tears, but as soon as my hand brushed against her cheek, she yanked her face away.

"Don't," her nostrils flared as she refused to meet my gaze.

"Charlotte, if you'd just let me explain-"

"I tried that at the beginning of this conversation, Fred. Remember? And frankly, I don't have the energy to care anymore. This constant back and forth is exhausting, and I just can't do it. It's too much for me."

My chest ripped open as my heart caught in my throat. This was it. I've pushed Charlotte away over and over again, and now she's cutting ties with me for good. She was doing the one thing I was trying to force to happen, but I realized as she did it, it was the last thing I wanted. Each word was a blow to the stomach that robbed me of breath. My heart is breaking, and she doesn't even know it.

"No," I shook my head and stepped closer to her. The tips of my fingers slid into her hair as I cupped her face and whispered, "Hey, we're okay...Look at me..."

But she didn't. I was only met with silence as more tears ran down her matted cheeks.

"Charlotte, just look at me."

"No," She replied sternly, pulling her face away again and stepping back.

My voice cracked as I begged softly, "Please..."

She sighed, "Maybe after we both have calmed down, we can talk about this, but right now...I just need a break."

The pain in my heart already longed for her. I wanted to take her hands and beg her to stay. I wanted to tell her how sorry I am. I can't live a life without her, and she needs to know that. She needs to know she is the best part of my days and that I regret every single comment I've made and every time I pushed her away. Never did I mean to take it this far.

But I just stood there...I just stood there without saying any of this because she was right. Although I felt remorse, there was still bitterness inside me that hadn't subsided. I could barely see past my watery vision as I tried to drink her in one more time. What if this was the last time she'll ever stand this close to me? With her arms still crossed, she kept her stare fixed on the ground. Fuck, what have I done?

I sighed and said the only thing I could think of, "Okay..."

Her shoulders lowered, still refusing to look at me as she sniffled and repeated back to me weakly, "Okay..."

She turned to walk away, and I just let her...She never even looked back. It wasn't until she disappeared up the stairs that I sat on the couch and finally allowed my tears to fall. I buried my face in my hands and felt my chest heave as I let out silent sobs.


Charlotte's P.O.V.

A few weeks passed, and I sat next to Cedric in the Great Hall. All the students that had a study period had been writing down notes for Snape for the past hour.

Fred and I haven't spoken since our fight. We couldn't avoid each other completely, but I only saw him when I spent time with Angelina and George. Sometimes when we made eye contact, he looked remorseful, but other times, he looked crossed and would immediately divert his gaze. I could never gauge his emotions, and because of this, I have yet to reach out to talk to him. I didn't want to push him to talk if he wasn't ready and to be honest, I wasn't sure If I was ready either.

Sometimes, on days like today, I would wake up and feel angry with him all over again and try to avoid him at all costs.

I was just about done scribbling down my notes when a piece of parchment floated past me and into Ron's book. The sudden movement caused me to look in the direction of where the parchment came from.

When I did so, Fred was watching Ron read aloud what was written inside it.

"Get a move on before all the good ones are gone," Ron murmured.

'All the good ones?' Really?' I thought to myself.

I tried to ignore them and jotted down my notes faster than before, but then Ron asked across the table, "Who you going with, then?"

Fred bit his bottom lip and nodded down the table. Then, he bounced his eyebrow before taking a paper ball and chucking it over at Emily Gaven, sitting just a few spaces down from me.

"Emily," He whispered as the ball hit her shoulder.

She looked annoyed as she turned and glowered at him, "What?" She hissed.

Fred acted out the words that he whispered down the table, "Will you go... to the ball... with me?" He pointed to himself with his thumbs.

"The ball?" Emily's features softened with a smile, "Yeah, I'll go with you."

Honestly, this surprised me a little. I knew they had gotten closer, but she did usually turn him down.

Cedric chuckled softly, "He's quite persistent, isn't he?"

I felt happy for Fred when he finally got a 'yes' to a date with Emily, but something about that cheeky smile and wink that he gave Ron made my eyes roll as I lifted my cheek from my palm and sighed, "Yeah..."

'He can be so cocky sometimes,' I thought to myself.

Fred chanced a glance to see if I was watching but quickly tried to hide it by looking back down at his notes.

I guess Cedric could sense how tense I was because he leaned closer and brushed his arm against mine, "You okay, Babe?"

I looked up from my notes and tried to give him and convincing smile, "I'm fine, Baby."

"Mhm," He pulled his lips into a fine line as his eyes shifted between Fred and me, "You ever going to tell me what happened between you two?"

I leaned closer to him, trying to stay quiet enough so that Snape couldn't hear us, "I'll tell you tonight."

He nodded and went back to his notes.

I don't know why I haven't told Cedric about my fight with Fred yet. I guess it was because a part of me hoped this whole thing would blow over and I wouldn't have to worry about it, but it never did.

Cedric was observant, though. How Fred and I interacted with each other now didn't go unnoticed by him. But Cedric, being who he is, always gave me time to tell him things when I was ready to talk about them, no matter how long it took.

I closed my book once I finished my notes, "I'll see you tonight," I told him before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"See you tonight, Love," He smiled before going back to his notes.

I could feel Fred watching me as I got up, but I refused to look his way and walked up to Professor Snape and held my book out.

Snape snatched it from me, and I turned and left The Great Hall with my chest puffed, and chin held high while still feeling Fred's eyes on me the whole way.

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