
By karema20

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As a little girl growing up in the small rural community of Shadow Grove, I used to always hear my mother say... More



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By karema20


Thursday: 6:00 P. M.

My dick feels like a steel pipe, straining against the material of my shorts, as I'm slouched in bed scrolling through Amanda's IG page.

Just the thought of her is enough to make me hard. So you can imagine what these pictures are doing to me.

It brings my mind back to last night and how much I wanted to fuck her, but I couldn't. I had to teach her a lesson.

One she obviously hasn't yet grasped.

Last night was the most self-restraint I had to exhibit and cope with in a long while.

All because this fucking sexy woman still doesn't know the effects she has on me.

Hey, yuh think it easy fi have pussy skin out right side a yuh, inna yuh bed, and can't touch it?

Mi a tell a man say yuh affi good like bomboclaat gold Jah Jah.

I sigh, feeling the throbbing of my dick getting more and more intense.


If mi nuh catch blue balls today, mi change mi name.

With a frustrated sigh, I click off of IG and toss the phone to the side.

My eyes catch the clock on the wall and the time makes me do a double-take.

It's after six now and yet she isn't back.

That must be some fucking meeting.

I'm tempted to call her, but I don't. If she wanted me to know her whereabouts, she would've called.

The hell is she doing though? I can't help but wonder.

The more I think about it is the more annoyed I get.

I close my eyes, and lean my head against the wooden headboard, in a desperate attempt to free my mind.

The room falls into a deep silence; not even the sound of the TV is enough to filter through the mental tranquility that immediately engulfs me.

An alert goes off on my phone, shortly after, signalling that a notification has come in.

It is the only thing that causes me to open my eyes and break free from my trance-like state.

Opening the WhatsApp message, I quickly read what it says.

Bro Bro: Closed at 135K.

I stare at the message for a few seconds well.

I've been so caught up in my own fucking thoughts that I almost forgot about that.

I chuckle, but it sounds dry even to my own ears.

ME: Ah.

So she bought it then...

Fell right for the bait.

The whole thing causes me to shake my head and click my tongue.

Ah boi.

I still can't believe she went apartment hunting without telling me. Even after I told her that I could help.

Since when did she even want to move to Kingston, anyway?

She made it clear the last time I asked that a Kingston move was way out of her budget.

So why now?

And why keep it a secret?

Sum'n nuh right.

But it's a pity shi nuh know say mi deh one step ahead.

When D'vante had ran the name of his client, with whom he had scheduled a viewing with for this morning, by me, I almost pissed myself. It's a good thing I knew how to keep my cool, so I played my part well, without raising an alarm.

He didn't know who she was, and he didn't have to know.

I'd simply asked him to list one of my apartments as well, and what a coincidence it is that she chose to settle on mine.

I'd told him to show her the ones that were out of budget first. Wear her out physically and financially then settle on the Norbrook site as I needed to get it off my hands.

I'm glad when he didn't ask any questions.

If only he knew why.

Some time during the day, he called to run the asking price by me.

I told him to drop it to 135 if she bawls the price down; nothing less. To think she could've snagged an even better deal if she'd just accepted my offer.

When woman determined, dem determined eno.

Since she wants to be independent though, I'll leave it alone. After all, I love a woman who can hold her own. Not gonna front.

What I don't like though is that she's keeping secrets from me.

Too many secrets.

First the pregnancy, now this.

It makes me wonder what else is there.

Do I really even want to know?

I'm not so confident about that, after today.

I tsk.

Amanda. Amanda. Amanda.

You're playing a dangerous game.

A game you cannot win.

It doesn't even make sense.

Just be real with me. That's all I ask.

Don't be like the others.

It never ends well.

It certainly didn't end well for Jessica...and it won't end well for anyone else either.


Feeling frustrated already, I run a hand down my face and sigh again.

Thinking about Jessica and the possibility of Amanda being like her makes me agitated.

I keep telling myself that she's nothing like Jessica. But every time I feel content with that thought, she does something to fuck it up.

ME: When's the ready date?

Bro Bro: In 2 weeks as instructed. She agreed.

I see...

ME: Ah, chop-chop, nuh say a word.

Bro Bro: Nawmal

Let's see how long she'll take to tell me about this one.

My eyes drift to the TV, and I stare at it, not really caring for what is playing on the screen.

My mind can't seem to focus on anything other than Amanda.

I don't know why the fact that she's the way she is bothers me so much.

I really need to get a grip.

This nuh look good, yute.

Another message comes in, its tone chiming loudly, and I turn over the phone and look at it. I immediately regret it, as I study the number which sits at the top of my chats.

I'd never in a million years thought I'd ever see this number pop up in my phone again.

But, here it is. And I know this can't be good.

What the fuck is this about now?

For whatever reason, Amanda is the first thing to come to mind.

With my heartbeat drumming against my eardrums, I click open the message and watch with bated breath as an attached photo loads.

Pussy Patrol: 📎 Photo. Caption: Lie with strays you're bound to catch a few flees.

My blood runs cold.

I look at the picture, but it's like my eyes have gotten foggy, and I can't see clearly.

My throat goes dry fucking instantly.

The last time I was in this position, thanks to this same number, I was viewing a video of Jessica on the receiving end of some fuckery.

That night, if you'd cut me you'd have found no blood. It's a good thing Amanda was there, else I probably would've lost all control. Because of her, I had to play it off like a random video, when I knew I was boiling inside.

Her letting me fuck the hell out of her later that night was a distraction too. Something I was glad for.

Every time I think about it, I have to thank God for self-control.

All I can say is, Jessica is a fucking lucky woman.

How convenient for her that whomever decided to leak that video did it when we were already over. Else, she certainly wouldn't have been living it up wherever the fuck she is right now.

Not after what she did.

And then she has the audacity to claim she loves me.

Fuck that shit.

I continue to stare at the photo of my woman with another man holding on to her hand in such an intimate caress.

My mouth tastes bitter, and my heart races in my chest. I suddenly feel like vomiting.

So a this she out the whole bloodclaat day a do? Then chat 'bout she ago meet with ex-mother-in-law?

I laugh again, but it still sounds dry as fuck.

It's like this woman a smoke crack.

...Or shit!

I knew her wanting to go out today was a bad idea. Now look at this shit.

And to think I was about to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Hey! Dem bomboclaat woman yah come like dem come fi mad smaddy, but a one thing mi know fi certain: them nah go mad this yah drankcro yah a rass!

Another text from DJ comes in, and I hesitantly pull down the notification bar and look at it.

Bro Bro: Yo mad dawg. Just done wid mi last client. U want link up?

Mi not even inna the mood right now, God know.

The door screeches, and I look up from my phone just in time to see Amanda walk through the door.

My eyes scan her body from head to toe and my heart skips a beat when I really take in what she's wearing.

Then a wah that Amanda inna, father?

A so she really go meet with ex? Sexy so?

No wonder the likkle wasteman felt like exalting himself.

She smiles sweetly at me when she catches me staring. "Good evening, baby."

Good evening baby mi bombopussyclaat!

The fuck yawh come from?

And wah that yuh inna?

"Where the fuck is the rest of your pants?" I say the words before I have a chance to stop myself.

I cringe inwardly, as soon as the words leave my mouth, knowing full well that this is the reaction that whomever sent the picture wanted out of me, but the damage has already been done.

I'm not usually the type of man to police my woman's choice of clothing, but, for some reason, knowing that she's been around the kind of men she has for the whole day, DJ included, dressed like that, irritates me.

And understandably so.

Amanda scrunches her nose and makes a face. "Excuse you? Wah do mi clothes?"

A joke this. Don't it?

A test she a test mi faith or sum'n?

I chuckle and shake my head. "Weh the clothes deh?"

She rolls her eyes. "Good night, Lucas. You couldn't even let me come inside properly before yuh start attack me!" she says. Then adds, "Plus, for your information, I don't have much to wear here, and I couldn't go home and change."

It's my time to roll my eyes. Why she a tell mi fuckry? Sitting up in bed, I say, pointedly, "So yuh couldn't find nothing other than pum-pum shorts fi wear?"

Yuh mussi take mi fi rassclaat idiot!

"And if not, why go?" I add, not caring how I sound.

If mi did ever see her this morning, just know say she couldn't leave the house like that.

My eyes follow her as she comes closer and walks around the edge of the bed to pick up her other handbag. "I'm honestly not in the mood to argue with you about this. I'm big enough to decide what to and not to wear. I don't need a fashion police under my tail."

So it's like that?

I shake my head and look to the ceiling, chuckling. "A that yuh make yuh mouth say?"

She doesn't answer, but takes out a toothbrush and a clean pair of underwear from her bag, instead. Her lips are puckered in a pout.

And just like that, I'm the bad guy.

My eyes stay on her as she walks to the other side of the bed and starts undressing.

I can feel my jaws ticking, and I sigh and pinch the brim of my nose.

So, she went out apartment hunting, behind my back. One.

Went to lunch with ex-mother-in-law, also behind my back. Two.

Met up with both ex-boyfriend, might I say: behind my back, although I told her how I felt about it. Motherfucking number three.

Now, she's stunting on me?

Acting as if I'm being irrational just because I'm not comfortable with the fact that she did all those things dressed like that.

Then sum'n can go so?

Mi a man, and I know how I feel , and the reaction in my shorts, seeing her come through the door in that little shorts, pussy clump up fi days, and everything. So, imagine a next man's reaction to that same sight.

And nobody can't tell mi say them nuh feel it too. Unless them a battyman, or something.

Especially the one bomboclaat DJ.

I watch her as she strips down to complete nakedness, her stiff breasts beckoning to me.

My dick stirs, but I hold the fort. I'm too fucking annoyed to be thinking about fucking her. I know that's what she's trying to get out of me. She wants me to get riled up and punish the fuck out of her. I can see it in her eyes.

Aite, see seh a spite yawh try spite mi...

Since she plans on spiting me, I'll spite her back.

Easy one, two...

I open DJ's text and type out a quick response:

ME: Ah bro bro. Pop up in 10.

I honestly wasn't even gonna go, but now I will for the sake of it.

Making up my mind, I roll out of bed and make a beeline for the door.

I'll just leave her to herself and use the other bathroom down the hall.

You can't spite me, baby girl.


When I return to the room, Amanda is sitting on the edge of the bed, wrapped in a so-so white bath towel, and rubbing lotion all over her legs.

I chuckle under my breath and walk to the other side of the room, over to my dresser, without even offering her a second glance.

I can sense her watching me like a hawk. Her eyes feel like they're boring a hole in the back of my head.

But, I don't bat an eyelash. I simply pull out a black tee with a colorful pattern on the front, and a matching pair of jeans. Shifting slightly to the right, I reach up and take down a fitted black cap and a black ski-mask from where they're hung beside the dresser.

The last time I went out with DJ my picture somehow ended up in Amanda's possession. Hence the reason for the ski-mask.

No face, no case.

Although I don't plan on doing anything out of character, you'll never know. Especially when it seems I have not only have a pussy patrol, but a cocky one too.

Mi would a really like fi know a wah sweet them 'bout me and my relationship dem so...

Wah sweet them soon sour them rass. Nah while them man. Make them gwaan have their little fun.

"Where are you going?" I hear Amanda ask, as I pull the jeans to my waist.

I still don't look at her when I say, "Ago chill with mi brethren likkle bit."

I can feel the thickness of the tension which surrounds us, but I'm not easily intimidated.

She stops rubbing the lotion on her skin, and stands. I watch her through my peripheral.

"So you're going to leave me here all alone?" she says, her voice low and mocking innocence.

This finally causes me to face her, holding her gaze. "Are you afraid?"

Amanda folds her arms across her chest and frowns. "So that's how it is? You asked me to stay over so you can lock me up in this big ole house all by myself while you go fuck around?"

The fuck this?

My voice comes out almost venomous when I answer her with a, "I was here all day by myself after you left me to go play good daughter-in-law. Remember?"

I don't even mention the most important parts.

She stands, sizing up to me. "So yuh a do this fi spite mi because wah...yuh jealous? Yuh serious?"

I step around her. "Like judgement."

The sound of her hissing her teeth is resounding. "Yuh weak!"

Retracting my steps, until I'm in front of her again, and drawing closer to her face, I say, "Like yuh idiot man stroke game..."

The fuck yuh believe?

My tone is seething. I want to hurt her feelings since she obviously has no qualms in hurting mine.

Her nostrils flare, and her face turns pink.

See all now mi nuh confront yuh 'bout none a the fuckry weh yawh do from day?


Gwaan bloodclaat tempt mi.

She pushes up on her tip toes and attempts to slap me.

But, my reflexes are swift, allowing me to grab her arm and yank her forward, before her hand connects with my face. "The fuck yuh just do!?"

A box she really just box after mi?

She mussi rassclaat mad!

Her lips part and an almost inaudible gasp escapes her supple lips.

My dick instantly gets hard.

Amanda tries to wiggle free from my hold, but I'm not playing with her.

Pulling her closer to my body, I say, in the lowest tone I can muster, "Yuh see before mi do sum'n weh mi might regret, a better mi leave this place."

She's still writhing against my body, but I don't loosen my grip.

"Yes, gwaan! 'Cause a that's all uno man good fa!" she practically screams in my face.

Jah Jah

Mi sure know how fi find them...

"Amanda, easy yuh self. That's all mi a tell yuh!"

Something within me is telling me to just bend her over and fuck her hard right here, right now, just to show her who she's really messing with. But, I won't. I won't give her the satisfaction.

She knows what she's doing. She knows just how to get under my skin.

What she doesn't seem to realize is that I know just how to get under hers as well. If not more.

My free hand trails down her towel-clad body and doesn't stop until it is buried between her legs. As expected, my fingers are coated in her juices.

Wah mi tell yuh say?

I grip the hem of her towel and yank it forcefully from her body. It falls to the floor in a careless pool of white fabric, leaving her plump breasts and clean-shaven pussy exposed for the second time tonight.

Without missing a beat, I part her legs and sink my middle finger into her tight hole which is soaking wet at this point.

My cocky is as stiff as a board, but I try my best to ignore it.

Amanda lolls her head against my chest and moans softly, biting down on her lips.

Hmm. Yea man.

Having her just where I want her, I start to move my finger in and out of her, starting off with some slow torturous strokes, before adding another finger and increasing my tempo.

Her moaning gets louder causing me to smirk.

Bringing my lips to the crook of her neck, I kiss the smooth skin there.

"Lucas," she moans, hoisting her leg and propping it up against the bed's edge, giving me the access I need to sink my fingers deeper.

An involuntary groan escapes my lips.

If I don't stop right now, this may quickly get out of control.

And that's not the intention.

"I want to feel you inside me, baby. The real you. Fuck me please!" she says, her legs buckling beneath her.

She's begging me to fuck her.


I lean over and clasp her breast, giving her stiff nipple a firm squeeze.

I know how sensitive she is to her breasts being fondled or sucked, so I focus my energy there until she starts to cry.

"Why are you crying?" I ask, my voice sounding hoarse as fuck.

I'm horny as hell, but this isn't about me.

"It feels so good," she cries.

"You like that?" I ask again, milking her reaction. "You don't want me to stop, do you?"

She shakes her head and groans.

With a flick of her nipple, I say, "Answer me. You know I like when you use your words, baby."

Among other things.

Stop, Luke, yuh ago dig yuhself inna a hole weh hard fi climb out a, bredda.

"I don't want you to stop, Lucas. I want to feel you inside me."

I smirk. Her words are turning me on even more, if that's even possible. "You wanna feel this dick in you?"

"Yes. Ah!" she moans, and starts gyrating her hips against my hand. "I miss it."

"If mi fuck yuh now yuh ago behave yuhself?" I continue, ignoring the voice in my head telling me to stop.


I feel a gush of liquid spew into my cupped palm. She's so fucking wet.

It's like a mini sprinkler has been turned on.

Shuffling on my feet, to ease myself, I whisper in her ear saying, "How yuh want mi fuck yuh?"


I chuckle against her ear. "Yuh nuh want walk tomorrow?"

That's exactly what will happen if I fuck her right now.

Can you believe this woman has the audacity to shake her head?

"Too bad, because mi not even ago fuck yuh!" I say bitterly, stopping suddenly and pulling away from her.

The suddenness of the action causes her to fall forward, but she grips the sheet just in time to steady herself.

Without giving her time to recollect, I grab my wallet and keys and head through the door, slamming it shut in my wake.

The sound of her scream meets my ears as I as descend the stairs, two at a time, and I can't do anything but shake my head.

Real fucking demon.

That doesn't stop me from sucking her juices off my hand though, as I exit the house, willing myself to cool off in the car before heading out.

It's about to be a long night.


"Yo, Luke, watch ya nuh, make mi show yuh a one vibes," Nyama says, signalling for me to lend a listening hear.

Straightening my stance, I lean against the cue stick. "Talk nuh."

I was just about to make my final strike, but that can wait.

"Yuh 'memba the B mi a tell yuh 'bout weh day say mi want make a link with?" he asks, when he has my attention. "The thickaz off a snap."

I nod, observing him. I thought that was water under the bridge. I guess not. "Ah...wah? Yuh bingo?"

"Bingo? Dawg, the catty chop mi!"

"Wah yuh mean by she chop yuh?" My eyes discreetly scan his body for any marks.

Although the tone of his voice makes me realize it's nothing serious.

"'Memba how the girl look thick up and trang? Wid a sexy piece a shape; wire waist and hips broad like pound bulla?"


I nod, already holding back the laugh in anticipation of what is to come next.

"Bomboclaat!" he exclaims. "Nuh trick the woman trick mi, highya."

I chuckle, but quirk a curious brow anyhow. "Wah yuh mean trick yuh?"

"Aite, so after all a the chattings pon the media 'bout wah and wah we ago do to each other when we meet up and shit, we set the link and thing and everything govan, yuh sight. Dawg, mi drive go all the way a Bay and thing--"

I smirk. "Dawg, yuh go all the way a Bay fi lilly pussy?"

Yo, then this real?



Drive go so far fi a one bruck? Never.

When so much pussy deh a town?

"Shut the fuck up nuh youth!" He fans me off, frowning. "A you a tell the story or me?"

I'm laughing full on now.

This bombohole want a kick. 'Bout him a go pon tour fi crotches when him have woman a him yard.

When I finally sober up, much to his annoyance, I say, "Continue man, don't mind me."

"Yawh shit house eno, yute. A wonder if yuh know that?"

"Yuh want mi stop laugh or wah?"

"SO!" he emphazises the word, "As I was saying. Yea. So as mi did a say, mi meet up with the B and spend the whole day a tour the place, go nyam some food and a hold a vibes. Whole time mi on edge eno, hood stiff up the whole time mi deh deh a think 'bout wah we ago do inna the laters. Then inna the night now, after mi did a pree fi bring her back to one a your Airbnb pon the coast, yuh nuh, catty make mi know say she had other plans.

"She invited me to her place instead. But ano that a the sweet part. Get to her place and thing and get inna the mood. Ready fi fling hood inna pussy now eno, bad man. Bloodclaat! When muma start undress and then go take off this black thing she have 'round her waist yuh see star, a lump a flesh drop out yuh see! Mi frighten yuh fuck! A fuss mi ever see so much belly pon one smaddy inna mi bloodclaat life, daddy!"


"Killa, wah yuh mean?" I say while trying to catch my breath from laughing so fucking hard. "The waist nuh bother wire again?"


"The dawg think a joke thing. Hear wah mi a say, muma belly drop out a the thing and nearly lick out mi eye dem!"

"Stop the fuckry nuh dawg," I say doubling over, holding onto the pool stick for support.

My limbs feel weak, but I can't stop laughing.

Even when I try to control myself, I only laugh harder.

Jah know star, this sweet

Holding my pointer finger up to signal for him to wait, I straighten my stance. My eyes are watery, and my throat feels dry. "So wah yuh do? Cut?"

I know he's fucked up enough to do it.

"Cut? Bredda, when mi done lift up that and get up under it, yuh would a swear think mi a mechanic."

No sah, a weh the bwoy Petrad gone? This need more than my ears to rasta Jah.

"Wah yuh say? Yuh go cut and clear and regrease?"

"And mi want tell yuh say it clean eno, mi G. Fat and pretty and shave up." He takes a sip of the Spitfire in his hand. "When I done nyam, all belch mi belch to pussyclaat. All the one Petrad a idiot 'bout if pussy can full belly or quench thirst. Him want know say all gas mi buss tha day deh."

He laughs, and so do I.

"Him want hear yuh!"

If Petrad were here, the whole place would a mash up. I know that for a fact. But I don't know where he and DJ disappeared to for over half an hour now.

Nyama hisses his teeth, but I know he knows it's true. "Ano that though eno. Now, mi inna a likkle predicament. What I thought would've been a one-time thing seems like it nah go two go so. Because the catty a make mi know say she want link up again. But, the problem now is with Meems. Is like she suspect sum'n, and a keep a close watch pon mi, dawg. Now mi nuh know wah fi do."

I try not to get too involved in this man's escapades. Mostly for Meemi's sake. Honestly, Meemi is a cool girl, and I don't like that he does some of the things he does to her, but he's my general and what he does in his relationship is his business.

Nyama looks really distressed though, which isn't normal for a man like him.

I get serious now, but the teasing smirk still lingers on my lips. "So yuh like her?"

"Kinda. Her pussy good and thing, but she nuh worth the headache. Wah yuh think?"

My phone pings, as I'm about to answer, and I pull it out of my back pocket and unlock it. With my laughter completely died down now, I look at the WhatsApp icon.

It's a message from Amanda.

Leaning onto the stick for support, I click on the chat and the attachment instantly loads, making my heart leap.

I chuckle, as I read what the caption says: 'I hope you know that while you're out in these streets, here's what you're missing.'

So she nuh get enough then. Aite.

My eyes drift back to the attached photo.

Unable to help it, I find myself staring at the picture for a while, until I can feel my dick getting hard, stretching against the confines of my jeans.


All the feelings from before rush back to the front of my mind.

I sigh, and click out of the message, leaving it on read.

Bringing my attention back to the miserable ras, on the other side of the pool table, in front of me, I say, honestly, "I don't think you should continue with that link. Some pussy a crawses eno, dawg."

It's just the truth.

No disrespect.

My mind drifts to Amanda. Case in point.

Her message lingers at the brink of my mind.

The more I think about how spiteful she is, the more I feel some type a way.

I sigh.

Have you ever been so tied up in your feelings that you can't help but feel like doing something that's way out of character? And I mean so fucking way up that, even though you know it's petty, you just want to clap back at someone for something they've done? But, then you don't bother because you're like, what's the reason? Not everything deserves a reaction. But it plays on your mind so much it consumes you? Begging for a reaction.

That's exactly how I feel right now.

To think I was here enjoying the distraction, only for her to come and hurt up my head all over again.

She's still tempting me. Testing my limits.

Dwayne nods. "That a true still. It's just that--"

She doesn't even know how petty I can get.

But, you know what? Fuck it. Amma be petty. Show her a thing or two.

I suddenly get an idea.

"Yow, mi nuh cut yuh," I say, throwing the phone at him, "but snap a picture a mi deh."

"Dawg, yuh really a interrupt mi story fi take picture right now? A who yawh try impress?"

"Bredda, just do the do nuh and shut yuh trap."

He looks at me pointedly. "Don't try programme mi eno, yute."

"Nyama, bill nuh dawg and do the thing."

He hisses his teeth and rolls his eyes. "Sorry fi yuh 'cause mi not even ago take this good."

He laughs, and I playfully roll my eyes.

He opens the camera, and I pull the mask over my face and do a quick pose for him to capture.

When he's through, he throws my phone at me, and I catch it with a laugh.

"That's why Meemi ago hang yuh by yuh tongue," I tell him, turning the phone around. "And mi ago personally give her the rope, watch pussy."

A louder hiss of the teeth is his response, before saying, "Go suck yuh gyal, drankcro!"

Smiling, I look at the picture on the screen.

Good enough.

It looks good enough to suggest it was taken by a female.

Just what I was hoping for.

Logging into Instagram, I quickly upload the photo and post it to my feed.

Caption: Unbothered 👿

It doesn't take long for another notification to pop up. This time it's from Instagram.

My frown turns upside down when I open the app.

The little heart icon has a bunch of numbers beside it. I click on it to view the likes and one in particular jumps out at me.

Instagram: Your photo has been liked by @ Mandabear.

I chuckle to myself and shake my head.

Yo. That was quick.

Fucka yuh. Run wid that now.

Coming out tonight to play pool with the guys has been a good distraction from all things Amanda, and I'm not about to spoil it.

Another notification pops up shortly afterwards. This time it's a comment bearing a simple eye emoji.

Without even an acknowledgement, I click off the app and put my phone on DND.

After a while Petrad and DJ returns with an igloo in tow.

I watch them as they make their way over to where Nyama and I are standing.

"Weh uno did deh, dawg?" I ask, looking between them.

DJ smirks and flips the igloo open putting the assortment of liquor on display.

Petrad walks over to the selector and shortly after the sound of music blares through the speakers.

Dwayne pulls a bottle of Hennessey from the ice and cracks it open, grinning from ear to ear. "This mi a talk 'bout!"

I chuckle watching them.

Shortly after, the doors open and a crowd of people, mostly girls, file through.

Leaning back against the pool table, I study the happenings going on around me.

The night has taken an unexpected turn.

This should be interesting.


When I get back to the house, Amanda is sitting up in bed waiting for me.

"Where did you go?" she pounces, as I step through the door.

"I went to play pool," is my simple response.

It's almost midnight, why isn't she asleep?

She folds her arms across her chest and quirks a brow. "With whom?"

My clothes reek of alcohol, but I'm not drunk.

I take off my shirt. "A friend."

"Which friend?"

"Petrad, Nyama, and DJ." My jeans are next to go.

"Who is DJ?"

A wah this? 20 questions?

I'm tempted to tell her that he's her realtor, but I don't.

I'll leave that revelation for later.

I can't help but smirk though. "You don't know him."

She frowns.

"Why are you up?"

"I couldn't sleep."

I bet.

"Wah? Yuh did fraid?"

"No. I was worried."

"About what?"

She rolls her eyes. "You."

I offer her a lopsided smile. "Well, I'm here now. So, you can get some rest."

I don't know if it's the liquor or what, but I'm no longer mad at her.

"I'm not sleepy. In fact, I have something to tell you."

This piques my curiosity, making me turn to face her.

She sits up in bed, and I go to sit beside her. "I'm listening."

My eyes scan her body from head to toe, appreciating her outfit...or lack thereof.

If only she knows how cute she looks right now.

"Promise you won't get mad."

This sounds good.

"I won't."

She sighs, but follows behind it with a hesitant, "I met with Odaine today."

I swallow.

Told you this would be good.

I twist my body and pull her feet into my lap, holding her in place. "Go on."

I hope she knows to tread lightly.

For both our sakes.

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