Avalon Isn't What It Used To...

By A_L_untold

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My mother says my endless curiosity and my need to venture is a curse. Though, I know she only says that beca... More

Chapter 1: Avalon to Otherworld
Chapter 2: Stupid Squirrels
Chapter 3: Fae-Ri
Chapter 4: What are 'Shoes'
Chapter 5: Ori-gon?
Chapter 6: Coin
Chapter 7: 2 Months
Chapter 8: The limb
Chapter 9: Grounded
Chapter 10: Grounded
Chapter 11: Moss
Chapter 12: 6 months
Chapter 13: Countdown
Chapter 14: Dancing Hearts
Chapter 15: Too Small
Chapter 16: I Missed You
Chapter 17: Broken Promises
Chapter 18: Secrets
Chapter 19: Recalling the First
Chapter 20: I love you
Chapter 21: Heaven
Chapter 22: Returned
Chapter 23: Consecration
Chapter 24: Sweetheart
Chapter 25: Twitterpated
Chapter 26: Intertwining Worlds
Chapter 27: Coming Clean
Chapter 28: More like, Peter Pan.
Chapter 29: Alm
Chapter 30: Rob
Chapter 31: Thanksgiving
Chapter 32: The Great Christmas Mage
Chapter 33: Trapped
Chapter 35: Emotional
Chapter 36: Shrunk
Chapter 37: The Dress
Chapter 38: Meeting Maya
Chapter 39: Vows
Epilogue: 2 Years Later

Chapter 34: Tripped into the Past

102 6 2
By A_L_untold

"No way", I said breathily as I spun around finding the need to double check my surroundings. Shae was still smaller, the greenery still younger. And the air, still warmer.

The excited smile steadily growing on my lips before my attention was drawn to the frantic bird songs that filled my ears. I dashed over to the safety of the canopies out of habit, landing on a high branch of one of the pines a few yards from the house, as my eyes searched the skies for what had made the birds so nervous.

No predators, I observed. But quickly came to the realization that it was I who had startled them so. I chuckled at myself with the realization as my eyes turned towards the house.

"Owen you'll never guess—", I stilled. My heart, about to plummet to my toes.

"Owen, can you hear me"?  I waited. Nothing.

My excitement shifted into something more uneasy, and I began to feel exposed. Why is it warmer here? And why is Owen's mother in the house? And who is the youngling? More importantly, why didn't Owen respond?

"This is wrong". My brain grappled for any sort of sense. It was then I realized I didn't just feel exposed, I felt uncharacteristically naked.

I gasped and smacked a hand to my chest, THE CHAIN!

I had a growing suspicion, but refused to allow myself to even think about it without further proof.

"Oh—no-no-no-no-NO"! I flew towards the house, that seemed too bare without its creeping vines, before I landed on sill outside Owen's window. Maybe it started raining, and a rain drop knocked me out? Yeah, maybe I'm dreaming. From the bottom corner of the window, I looked inside and then ducked behind the frame when I saw the youngling inside playing on the ground. I peeked over the frame again, being sure to keep hidden from the eyes of the youngling.

He looked to be around Darren's age, brown unruly hair, and dark chocolate eyes. I sighed; my eyes wide with disheartened recognition. This may have been Earth, but it wasn't my earth.

I spun around to hide myself again as I groaned, leaning against the windows frame, purposefully banging the back of my head against it. I had recognized his mother from the photo he kept on his nightstand, and my frantic suspicion was solidified when I recognized this young boy's eyes.

It was Owen. Somehow, I had been transported through time without knowledge of how to get back. Priya had warned me about this during my training. Though, I think it was safe to assume that she wouldn't have thought this would occur. 


"Celestial power is vast, and can be unpredictable. It is not like your Fae magic; it's connected to your celestial and all celestials that have ever been or will be. If you don't find control, Ri, the power will consume and control you". Priya warned with a steely voice, something she was known for.

"I controlled it just fine before", I reminded her as I floated in front of her reprimanding expression. Her dark features as strong as stone. 

"You did, but you are no longer just a channel. You need to start pushing yourself! If we don't understand what gift's your celestial grants you, you could find yourself in a precarious position without control and end up making the situation worse".

"I am pushing myself, Priya"!

"You are not",  she stated. "I felt the connection you made with us that day, and I am telling you: YOU ARE NOT THERE"!


Night was quickly approaching. The sun had set, but I couldn't bring myself to move from the limb across from Owen's window. The limb was the only thing to remain the same. It was the same distance and height from the window, and I wasn't going to leave it. Especially seeing as, if this were a dream, I would have woken up by now.

As I sat there hugging my knees and watching the young Owen, I found that even the window I was looking through had changed. His mother glided into the room to put him to bed, and after picking up a few colorful contraptions and kissing him goodnight, she cracked the window by pushing it open like a door.

She turned out the light and exited the room, shutting the door behind her. The only light in the room emanating from the bright moon above me. Crickets, and sounds of distant Owls brought the night to life, with a few squeaking bats here and there.

"Where are you Owen... Where do I even start"?   I called to the man I love, knowing he wouldn't respond which meant he, more than likely, couldn't hear me. I knew my Owen was in the future, but I had no clue how to get back. I had flown through time unknowingly, without any idea how to control it.

I thought I could hear shuffling from inside Owens room. But I immediately jumped and spun around when the loud wafting of Avine wings sounded from above me, only to disappear and be replaced with the hooting of a nocturnal predator.

My eyes grew wide as they scanned the moonlit canopy. The hooting was far too close for comfort. He'd be asleep by now, right?  I glanced back to the window before returning my sights to the trees. My thumping heart was pounding in my ears as I tried to remain silent. I jumped as the hooting sounded again directly in front of me. I knew it was watching me and about to make its move. And it knew I couldn't see it.

Within a second, I conjured my wings and darted to the safety of the cracked window. Hiding as I scoped the canopy from behind it. My wings remained at the ready as my eyes scanned the night. After a few minutes, I sighed heavily and my wings and posture relaxed. Safe. I was safe.

That was too close, Ri. I reprimanded myself for not finding shelter earlier. Owen would be furious with me if he knew I'd been so reckless.

Warm light erupted around me and I flinched covering my eyes. My eyes adjusted quickly as I blinked, and glanced behind me to see the youngling boy with his hand frozen on the lamp, eyes widening in fear.

I didn't say anything as I froze in my hunched position next to the window. I could feel his fear gently radiating off him as his eyes bounced back and forth from me to the darkness of the night. Owens god, please don't scream.

His whisper rang with the purity of an adolescent, "What are you hiding from"?

For the love of Fae, Owen. I smiled in relief, my anxiety dissipating instantly with a silent chuckle. He wasn't afraid of me, he was afraid of what I was so clearly hiding from.

My posture relaxed, "An Owl", I yelled my whisper.

He gave a short and silent gasp as he crawled out from under his blankets, "Did it try to eat you"? He whispered again, looking out the window with wide eyes.

"It was about to", I spoke with a hushed volume, turning to face him fully as he looked back to me.

"Oh", he breathed out the word, before continuing with a youthful whisper, "You sound like her".

"Like who"? I giggled.

"The lady in my head".

My brows furrowed and my head drew back in astonishment, as I allowed his words to sink in. I took a step forward, tilting my head curiously, "You can hear me"?

He nodded in response, as he sat back onto his butt. That doesn't make any sense, I thought, in his time we aren't yet mated. And why is he not scared? Even I'm scared.

"And this doesn't frighten you"? I spoke again, placing my hands on my hips.

He shook his head before whispering louder, "Na-na told me fairies visited her too".

"Sh-h". My eyes darted to his door as I hushed him, holding a finger to my lips.

"Owen, You have to whisper very quietly so we don't wake up your mom".

"Okay", he softened his whisper dramatically, before he continued, "How do you know my name"?

Oh, boy... I thought on my feet, "Because... Because I'm you're fairy"!

He gasped softly with excitement, "Do I get to name you"?

"S-sure, you do", I giggled, taking a few steps closer to him on the windowsill, though we were still several feet apart.

He looked up for a moment, "Cory—I like that name, Na-Na said mommy almost named me Cory".

Who in Avalon is this Na-na person?

"I love it". I huffed out a breath, internally admitting that I found this Owen absolutely precious, "But it's my bedtime, and I think its yours too". I said before turning back towards the window. As exciting and terrifying as this was, I felt I shouldn't talk to him. I knew I didn't understand what problems my future with Owen could hold if I messed with his past.

He shook his head quickly, fear dancing across his eyes as he whispered less gently, "But the Owl, it will try to eat you if you leave"!

I shook my head, "Don't worry, it's gone now. I'm safe". My lips folded in as I tried not to smile, Oh my heart; Even as a child he's still worrying about me.

"Are you sure-sure"? He questioned desperately.

I bowed my head confidently, "I promise".

"Okay", He nodded with a pout. "Good night, Cory", He whispered, as he crawled under blankets.

"Dream sweet, Owen". I said as I walked outside onto the windowsill. I tucked away my wings, and hid behind the frame, hoping he would think I left. I heard him rustling around and peeked back inside to see that he had turned over in his small bed, facing away from the window.

Releasing a harsh breath, I slid down the frame and onto my butt. If I knew I were a less powerful being, I would have been more excited about this opportunity. Years ago, I wouldn't have been as worried about the repercussions, but now I knew better. As a less powerful being, things happen to you; As a powerful being, things happen because of you. I knew I fell under the category of the latter.

I glanced back inside, What am I going to do? 


I groggily stretched, awaking to the loud audible breathing of my mate and a breathy chuckle that sounded from above.

"Time to get up, Love". The deep voice coaxed me into awareness. I sat up quickly, looking up at my fully grown Owen who smiled softly at my surprise.

"I'm back! Oh, thank all that is Fae"! I shouted, my smile reaching ear to pointed ear.

"Where'd you go"? He asked with amused confusion, his thumb brushing against my cheek.

"Owen! You're not going to believe it"! I grabbed his thumb and pulled myself up as I spoke animatedly, the words racing out of my mouth.

"I was on my way to the bar and then BAM! A flash of light hit me—all of sudden you're a kid—a-and your mom was there—I thought this Owl was going to attack me—"

"—Woah, woah, Cory slow down".

Shock slapped me across the face. "What did you call me"?

"Co-or-r-y". He sang out with a smile, elongating the name with a ghostly melodic tune.

No. I took a step back from the large smile looming over me. I jolted awake, finding myself high above the ground on the windowsill outside of Owens room.

"CO-OR-R-Y"! I heard the child call for me from a distance. I sat up, looking towards the pond and the young voice to see an adolescent head of brown unruly hair bouncing up and down in the meadow, calling for his fairy.

I sighed defeatedly. Well, that was almost a lovely dream. I stretched and stood up, conjuring my wings, Of course, it wouldn't be that easy.

I dove through the air, towards the child prancing around the meadow as he called out for me again. I had been stuck here two days already. Two days of horrible sleep, and two days of trying to keep my distance from him as I pondered different ways to return home.

The first full day I was stuck here, he called out for me all day, and I held strong. My meditative attempts failed to get me home. But, the second day? I had tried wishing, praying, and forcing it? And nothing. Meanwhile, Owen had gotten tired of calling for me, and snuck out of the house to look for me, without his mother's knowledge.  Of course, I followed him. It was a good thing too, because he not only he wandered past the pond and got lost, but he also tripped and fell, earning a nasty gash. I healed him, of course, and lead him home where his mother was frantically looking for him. 

Today. Today I was too exhausted to ignore him. I hardly slept all night, and the two hours I did get were riddled with nightmares.

I caught up to him and followed him from above as he made his way out to the pond. I watched as he busied himself by picking up rocks along the way. For a moment, it seemed as though he had finally forgotten about me as he threw the stones into the pond, stirring up its serene surface.

When he ran out of rocks he sighed loudly, looking at the pond before inhaling a large deep breath. "CO-RY"! He called out for me again. I couldn't help but giggle as I descended lower.

"I can hear you", I said, smiling at how he halted at the sound of my voice echoing in his head. 

"I'm here, turn around". I hovered a few feet above him, my heart beating more fearfully the closer I got. When I had first met my Owen, he respected my boundaries, and was extremely considerate of my nerves. But younglings don't respect boundaries, they test  boundaries. Making them unpredictably dangerous.

When his eyes found me, he giggled with a gaping toothy smile. "What took so long"?

"I was sleeping". I laughed, crossing my arms.

"O-h", he smiled adorably. "Well, do you want to play with me"?

I chuckled awkwardly, "A-haha—That may not be a good idea, Owen".

"Awgh.. Why"? He complained softly, as his chin defeatedly dropped to his chest.

I watched him slump to the dirt beside the pond, before looking up at me with imploring eyes. Because I'm afraid you'll hurt me, little man.

"Well, I'm very small compared to you. And, I get hurt very easily", I explained and a wave of sadness radiated towards me.

"But I'm gentle", he grumbled, fidgeting with his shoes. "Na-Na taught me. An-and fairies", he stammered endearingly, "You don't grab fairies. A-and fairies don't like people, so you can't chase, or yell, 'cause they won't like you".

My heart melted with his petitions, and who in Fae's light is this darling Na-Na!?

Keeping a safe distance, I couldn't help but descend to his eye level as he continued, "No yelling, and no grabbing", he started listing off rules with a slow naivety. I analyzed him, as I listened.

If he was taught these basic boundaries, than why is he so sad that won't play with him?

As he continued listing, I decided that something was definitely off. I drifted up into the air a bit, my gaze elevating past the bush of brown waves, towards the house. In my opinion, Owen was young enough to need supervision; So, where was his doting mother?

"a-and, no baseball... no chasing... and no basketball...or they won't like you". He said slowly, his list finally completed.

Fighting my insecurities, I descended to the ground in front of him, my heart pulsing faster as I did so. I had entered dangerous territory: grabbing range. I looked up at him, noticing his smooth cheeks looked slightly irritated under a dust of freckles and his eyes were slightly puffy, though no tears could be spotted. His nose looked pink—No. His nose looked raw. He had been crying.

"Did something happen"? I pried. He stayed silent, giving his shoes his full attention again.

"Owen"? My tone inviting him to look at me. And when he didn't, I fought my better judgment, and stepped up to his shoes looking up to his face.

"Owen, do you see how close I am to you"? I asked. He glanced at me and stopped fidgeting with his shoes as he nodded gently.

"Do you know why I am this close to you"? I asked, my cadence growing lighter.

He shook his head.

"Well, It's because I like your fairy rules. And because I can see how gentle you are now. I can trust you to be gentle, right"?

He looked down at me, and nodded as he whispered quietly, "I promise".

"Okay", I smiled and notice his lips start to curl into a grin. "Now, can you trust me, and tell me why you're so sad"?

He nodded solemnly, as I waited for him to answer.

"Daddy came home again," he whispered with a sniffle. "Mommy always gets sad when daddy comes home".

"Why is that"? I asked softly as I briefly glanced down at the unpracticed hands in front of me.

He shrugged slightly before looking off towards the pond, "Mommy says Daddy is just really grumpy".

"I see".

But I didn't; I was perplexed. Owen had told once mentioned that his Father had left him at such a young age that he didn't remember him at all. Which I was now starting to believe was a lie.   He nervously started pulling at the bushel of grass beside him as I took a step back, my thoughts drifting elsewhere. 

Owen never lied to me without reason, I felt the urge to fly back to the house and check on his mother. But I couldn't leave him unsupervised. I watched as the child seemed to have gotten distracted, as he crawled away from me and towards the dancing amphibias hatchlings in the shallows of the pond. My heart ached for him as I drifted into the air above him. I didn't know what was going on with his parents, but I knew this child was more mirthful and playful than this. I witnessed it for the past two days, and I felt it when I mated him.

"Alright, I'll play with you". I conceded, and watched his head swing up towards me. His face lit up brightly as if he hadn't been somber just moments ago.

"But you have to be careful, you could hurt me very easily", I warned again.

And he nodded in agreement.

I played with him for a hours. Racing, a few games of Find-the-hidden, and finally just throwing things at the pond just to watch what kind of splash they would make. Surprisingly, the youngling held true to his many fairy rules, and I eventually forgot why I was so afraid of him in the first place.

"Where do you live"? He asked, his eyes still looking for another stick to toss out into the water. I was hovering two feet to his right, but when he found a stick, I created a bit more distance between us as he drew his arm back to throw it.

"Far from here", I said watching the stick hit the surface of the pond, my mind filling with the dread of trying to figure out how to return home.

"It's really far"? He questioned looking at me, seemingly bored with his one-sided game of toss.

"Yeah". I nodded meeting his eyes, "I've been staying close by the past few days".

"Do you have a house"? He smiled curiously.

"Not here", I giggled with a shrug.

He gasped, making me jump, "Can we make you one"?

"Sure", I smiled and watched him set off in finding anything that would do for building me a house.

 I let him do most of the work. Especially considering that every time I tried to contribute he would mention 'that's not where it goes' or say 'no, not like that'. I sat on the ground a few feet away from where he was building my house and every couple minutes I'd have to send a small wave of wind toward a few insects that ventured to close to me. I watched and listened as he talked to me about anything on his mind, but mostly about himself. And I began to get lost in my swirling thoughts as I watched him.

It was odd to see the parallels between this Owen and the one I mated. Both pulled at the grass when they talked about something unpleasant. Both liked to worry about my safety. And this wasn't the first time we had built a house together. Or maybe this was the first and the gingerbread was the second. Time is weird, I thought drearily.

"You look mad", the child pulled me from my thoughts.

"Oh", I sat up, and looked up to the youthful brown eyes. "No, I'm not mad".

"Was I too bossy? Mommy says I can be too bossy sometimes", he lowered the leaf in his hand to the ground, waiting for my response.

"No, you weren't. I like the house better the way you make it anyway", I said as I forced a bigger smile.

"Me too", he nodded proudly. "Do you want to see inside now"? He smiled as he sat back onto his butt, looking down at the pile of sticks and leaves he fashioned into a hut. I glided up from my spot in the dirt and sighed trying to release my melancholy.

"Absolutely", I said forcing another smile. I drifted towards the hut, carefully landing a few inches from it's entrance before walking towards it.

I ducked inside the dome of piled foliage and looked around as my thoughts haunted me again. The freshly fallen leaves that made the roof coloured the dirt below me with a green hew, with rays of yellow starlight shining through a few gaps. This may have been a fun activity for a child, but I wanted to actually  build a home; Build a life, with my  Owen. 

I hadn't even started growing flowers for the wedding. And I've been here three days already. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, but my hope of finding a way home was deteriorating. At this point, I'll have to somehow find the entrance to the Grove to see if the Dagda could help me find a way back. Without my blessed chain, I wouldn't be able to contact Meeks. 

"Do you like it"? I jolted, not expecting the voice to come from directly behind me. I turned around to see that the young Owen had his face to the dirt, attempting to look inside the entrance.

"I do, its perfect", I said with a small smile. The eye squinted at me before he disappeared from view. I stepped back as the leaves of the roof were pulled away, bringing his full face back into view.

"You're sad", he said softly. My hand shot to my cheeks.

Tears. I hadn't even noticed the tears. I quickly wiped them away. "A little", I confessed as I ducked out of the hut and floated into the air in front of him.

"Did I make you sad, Cory"? His chin dipped into his chest apologetically, and I wondered if he could feel my emotion the way my mate could.

"No", I exhaled slowly. "The house you made me was so incredible that it made me miss my home. But I am so happy I got to meet you an—"

"—Owen, Baby? Who're talking to"? The gentle feminine voice surprised us both. I froze as he turned slightly to face the woman 5 yards behind him. Her gaze glided from the child, to me, before her eyes grew wide with a delicate mixture of shock and concern.

"My word ", her words breathless with astonishment, before her tone took a protective maternal tone, "Owen, come here".

He obeyed, climbing up off the ground and slowly made his way to her, hanging his head as if where in trouble.

I swallowed hard as I remained hovering in the air. There were so many times I wished I could have met her... and here she is. This was my chance, and I had so many questions for her...

 My heart ached again. No... I can't tell her anything, can I?

She quickly knelt down and whispered to him, as she turned his shoulders gently pushing him off towards the house. He hung his head, obeying his mom's instruction, as she stood up straight looking at me. After a few minutes, she turned and saw her son exit the meadow before speaking up.

"My mother told me stories about fairies," she started wistfully with a graceful laugh. "She told me to never approach the fairies; always let the Fairy approach you".

Should I? I mean, Now's my chance to meet her, but...What if she doesn't like me?

My mind flashed with memories of Owen; The first time he talked about her and how kind she was. The way his eyes lit up when talked about their dances on Christmas. How good she was, magical, even.

I gulped hard and slowly floated towards her, closing the distance between us until I hovered less than a yard away from her person. She smiled brilliantly, though somehow it seemed just as gentle as her relaxed features.

"Aren't you just lovely," she breathed, causing me to flush a smile. "He said your name was Cory? You're who he's been shouting for the past few days"?

I floated an inch closer, and spoke humbly. "Actually, my name is Ri-ae-ya". I chuckled with a shrug, "He asked if he could name me, and I couldn't say no".

"That's awfully sweet of you", she laughed softly. "Did... Did you by chance know my mother"?

I shook my head regretfully, "I don't, I'm sorry".

She nodded thoughtfully before speaking up again. "A moment a go", she pointed gently towards the house, "Owen said you were sad"?

"I am very happy to meet you", I spurt out. I bit my lip and paused. I've wanted to meet you. To talk to you. And now I have the opportunity, but I know I can't, "But I need to go home, I just.. don't know how to there".

"Oh, you poor thing. Would... This may be inappropriate, but I came to fetch Owen for lunch, would you like to join us? We can discuss how to get you home over a meal"?

"I", I sighed pausing with a smile, "Yes, that would be wonderful".

She nodded gently and started to walk back towards the house. I floated there for a second, my heart thumping with different emotions, before it sank all together. Now. Now  I wanted more than anything to see my  Owen. My Heart broke for him. I wanted to bring him to this very moment. He needed to be here. To see this. To see us. To see her. I could only imagine how much he missed her. Wouldn't that be the perfect honeymoon trip. I sighed attempting to blink away the tears that seemed to blind me just as I felt something shift beneath my feet.

"Bremuda"? Owen chuckled, the heavy voice filling my ears.

My eyes shot open, and my jaw dropped. He sat at the foot of the bed across from my closet-room. I spun around quickly, only to see that I was back on the shelf in front of my closet.

I'm back.

He gave me a confused smirk as he chuckled again, "Ri, are you talking about Bremuda"?

"I-I.." I stuttered with a nod, the air seemed crisper, even from within the house, the daylight cooler. I'M BACK! FAE'S MERCY, I'M BACK!

I dashed to him from my spot on the shelf as fast as I could, hitting his chest with a thump.

He had drawn back in surprise and cupped his hand at my back, his voice now rumbling through me. "Jesus, Ri"! He exclaimed softly with a laugh. "Did that hurt"?

But I couldn't answer him. I was hyperventilating, thrilled that by some miracle, I had made it home. I cried grabbing fistfuls of his shirt, desperately trying to burry myself deeper into his chest.

"My God-you're-shaking". My grip on his shirt was wrenched away as he quickly pulled me out in front of his face, his eyes closely examining me as his breathing became frantic. The dark brown eyes, wide with worry, taking up my vision. I stumbled up on his palm, and sprinted towards the sparkling eyes I was so desperate for just moments ago. I collapsed against the bridge of his nose, hugging it. He cupped me closer, just for a moment, allowing me to hold him before he pulled me away again.  His thumb brushed the side of my face as his pulled me away. I grabbed the thumb, not willing to allow the large digit retreat away from me. 

"What's going on, what wrong"? He said his volume louder than normal. I could feel him beginning to panic, undoubtably reacting to feeling my emotion.

I just shook my head, and clung to his thumb as I cried.

"Ri, you're scaring me", he tried to speak calmy. "What's wrong"?

I knew I needed words. I needed to calm down and find words.  He saw me visibly try to calm my breathing enough to say something.

He cupped his palms tighter around me, "That's it... Breathe..." he said encouraging me to breathe deeply. He inhaled and exhaled large breaths, egging me to follow suit. It worked. And after a few minutes, I was able to form words.

"What"? He shook his head back and forth, setting me down on the bed as he stood up uncomfortably. I had explained what I had just gone through. And he listened intently following me with stupor until... Until I mentioned his mother. Then he changed. I nodded, confirming what we had just discussed.

"You met her"? He questioned firmly. I nodded again. I could easily see agitated he was, but feeling his resentment, his anger, the pain, bloom inside my chest made me regret telling him altogether. Distant bird songs rang from the window and filled the following silence.

"You talked to her"? He inhaled sharply with one quaking breath.

I nodded. My teary eyes trying to make sense of the emotion I was getting from him. I wanted to explain that it wasn't intentional; that I didn't plan  to talk to her, or upset him. 

"I didn't—"

"—I have to go to the bar", he said interrupting my apology. He turned away, and quickly walked towards the hallway. 

"I'll go with you", I blurted quickly, conjuring my wings and following him towards the door.

"No". He said venomously as he twisted around, only to see my flight halt in surprise. I inhaled silently, his tone piercing my heart like a blade. He made an apparent effort to calm his tone as he looked down at me with unwavering eyes. "No, I really just want to be alone right now".

I held my breath. I knew he could see my surprise, but couldn't he feel me my remorse? Owen didn't wait for me to answer, as he disappeared from view.  Familiar sounds filled my ears, telling me he left the house. And I was left in silence. 

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