Mirrored Secrets: A Miraculou...

By ladi_lara

1.1K 62 93

With the defeat of Hawkmoth, Ladybug has more free time, but Marinette has to get ready to graduate! Making h... More

Monday Night
Flashback-2 Months ago
Tuesday Night
Flashback-1 Month Ago
Wednesday Night
Flashback-3 Weeks Ago
Thursday School
Thursday Night
Flashback-2 Weeks ago
Friday School
Friday Night
Later Friday Night
Flashback-1 week ago
Saturday Night
1 Week Later- Sunday
Summer Monday
Thank you!
Sneak Peek


157 5 4
By ladi_lara

This is my first story shared with others, so tell me what you think. I've done some research, but not everything will be perfect so ignore anything not correct!

Setting: After season 4 and I reference some of the episodes so spoilers! In this world Ladybug and Chat Noir have been fighting Akumatized people who are given Miraculouses to be even stronger over the past year. They get them back from Hawkmoth and Ladybug trusts them to her friends indefinitely instead of passing them out each fight. They have thwarted Gabriel as Hawkmoth but never acquired the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculouses.

The last week of school was starting today and Marinette awoke to her alarm. She stretched and climbed down her balcony bed to get ready. Ever since the Miraculous team started sharing patrolling duties, she's had more time to sleep and has been better at being on time.

"Good morning Tikki," she said greeting the kwami.

"Nice to see you well rested Marinette," Tikki replied.

She had a relaxing morning routine eating breakfast with her mom and getting ready. Then she passed through the bakery on her way to school and she called out, "love you, dad!"

"Have a great day at school, darling," came back from the baker covered in flour.

Her best friend,  Alya, was in front of the school holding hands with Nino and standing with Adrien. They were waiting for her like they normally do because even on days when she was early they all seemed to get to school before her.

"Hey girl, you ready for our last week of school?' Alya greeted her.

"Ready as I'll ever be," she said with a bright smile.

"I'm looking forward to our big graduation party!" Nino said excitedly.

"It should be a good kick-off to the summer with everyone still around," Adrien said.

"It'll be the last time we are all together for a while," Marinette said sadly, "our class has become so close over the past years."

"Adrikinns!" A shrill voice yelled. "Eww, why are you blocking the way Maritrash," Chloe said trying to get to Adrien.

"I told you to stop treating my friends that way Chloe," Adrien said and put his hand on the blonde's shoulder to keep her from hugging him. "You need to leave."

Chloe was speechless and stomped away in shock.

"Too bad Chloe hasn't changed," Alya said when she was gone.

"Wow Adrien, you sure that wasn't too harsh?" Nino said.

"With how many times I've had to say that to her she should be used to it," he said with a sigh. "She may have been my childhood friend, but I've learned what real friends are and I will always stick up for them," he reached up to put his arm around Marinette's shoulder. He missed the blush that crossed her cheeks but felt the stiffening of her shoulders. He wasn't sure why she would be uncomfortable, but the thought that she might be caused him to pull away.

"Honestly, since she and Lila became friends and showed their true colors, it's brought everyone else closer," Nino observed. "Now come on we're gonna be late."

"Y-yeah we class have to go-I mean we have to go to class," Marinette stammered trying to recover from the physical contact from Adrien.

Adrien looked after her and felt a ping in his heart. She is one of my closest friends, but she was tense when I hugged her. Does she not want me to hug her? She's so good at supporting all her friends whenever anything happens, especially me. Without school I won't have a reason to see her anymore...that's going to suck. They sat next to each other all this year and worked together on most of their projects.

Adrien sat next to her on autopilot still lost in his thoughts, I don't need school to hang out with Marinette. I should ask if she wants to...what should we do together? Maybe I can offer to teach her more Chinese! Wait, school is over, why would she want to keep learning things. What if we go take ice skating lessons together? I would enjoy holding her hand on the ice rink...wait what? Where did that come from? We're just friends...

"Alright class, welcome to your last week of school. I have planned a very important project for you to work on this week. It will determine whether you graduate!" Mlle Bustier said but started laughing when she saw the horror on almost everyone's face. "JUST KIDDING!"

There was some laughter and sounds of relief around the room. Adrien and Marinette instinctively turned to each other laughing, as their eyes met they both blushed and quickly turned to look back to the front. Adrien was still trying not to think about holding her hand.

"With your seat partner, you need to make a creation that embodies the best parts of the last year. Use your many talents to show pictures, tell stories, and express your feelings about your classmates. Now remember that there will be no negative comments about anyone allowed," she stated giving a sharp look to Chloe and Lila sitting in the front row.

There was some excited chattering between many of the pairs who were sitting together, but they quieted when she started again.

"We finished all the other projects from the year except your paper that I assigned earlier this month so if you haven't finished that please work on that first. I've reminded you before, but it is due by the end of the day today. This whole week you will be allowed to go to the library or art rooms to work on the memory project. We will present them on Friday during my end-of-school ice cream party!"

"What!" "Ice Cream!?" "Sweet" Exclamations were heard as she finished.

"Hush hush, yes I will be bringing Andre's ice cream for everyone to celebrate how proud I am of you, and how much I will miss you as my students," the sweet teacher was feeling the glistening in her eyes as she talked about her favorite class. "Go ahead and get started."

The groups started talking and brainstorming or getting permission to go to the library or art room. Alya and Nino had turned around to start talking with their friends.

"Have you guys finished your papers?" Alya asked.

Marinette and Adrien both nodded but Nino looked down and said, "not yet."

"Babe!" Alya said looking at him.

"It's almost done, I promise. I just have to finish the conclusion," Nino said.

"Well, maybe we can take a look at it real quick. I do want to get started on our project because I have a great idea! I'm thinking we should look through our video footage and make a newscast using my journalistic talents to talk about the year." Alya said excitedly.

"That sounds awesome. I can use my talents with directing and editing. What are you guys going to do?" Nino asked Marinette and Adrien.

"I-I don't have very many talents to use..." Marinette started to say.

"Are you kidding? You are our everyday Ladybug remember? You have the best designs, your baking is incredible, you're funny, smart, and you are the kindest person I know," he said.

Marinette was shocked to hear Adrien talk about her like that and could feel a blush creep up her cheeks.

Adrien then added softly, "I'm the one with no useful talents."

"You don't really think that Adrien?" Marinette said reaching her hand across the space to place it on his. He sat quietly enjoying the comforting feeling of her hand.

"Bro, you are awesome, the best friend a guy could have," Nino added.

"You have tons of fencing trophies, you can play piano, speak Chinese, and you're a world-famous model with a fan club!" Alya stated.

"Adrien," Marinette started and he looked at her wanting to hear what she had to say most, "They are right, but the best talent you have is your character. You are trustworthy, caring, and...so much more." The blush returned to her face stronger than ever.

"Thanks, that means a lot," he flipped his hand over and placed the other on top of hers. Then he looked to his other friends, "you guys are the best. I'm sure we will do something great."

Marinette could feel the warmth of his hands and it felt like the heat in her body was rising from the affection shared between them. He loosened his grip on her hand, but didn't fully release her until she pulled her hand away and grabbed her pencil, "Let's start brainstorming!"

Alya and Nino got permission to work on Nino's paper in the library and Adrien helped Marinette make some notes. As they worked, Marinette would remember the soft yet strong hands she was holding 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes ago and would blush profusely and start stuttering. Finally, the class ended and they had come up with some good ideas and projects to work on by tomorrow.

When they met back up at lunchtime with Alya and Nino, everything seemed back to normal.

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