If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}

By ToniMashellCole

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Charlotte Hodges finds herself in the middle of a love triangle. One of those boys being her red-headed best... More

How it Started
Year 5
Hogsmeade & Honeydukes
The Three Broomsticks
The Mess I Made
Birthday Gifts
The Party Pt. 2
A Little Privacy Please?
After the Quidditch Match
The Burrow Pt. 1
The Burrow Pt. 2
Quidditch World Cup Pt. 1
Quidditch World Cup Pt. 2
6th Year
The Goblet of Fire
The Chosen Champions
Before the First Task
The First Task
Another A/N
Preparing for the Yule Ball
A Mermaid's Song
Reaching the Boiling Point
The Yule Ball Pt. 1
The Yule Ball Pt. 2
A Few Nights In Between
The Second Task
Secret Places
The Third Task
Parting Glass
Saying Goodbye Pt. 1
Saying Goodbye Pt. 2
Back to My Roots
An Old...Friend
All In a Day's Work
Private Talks
A Night Together
Grief Isn't Linear
Start of a Much Need Conversation
A Much Needed Conversation
Before You Leave
St. Mungo's
Christmas at Headquarters Pt. 1
Christmas at Headquarters Pt. 2
One Last Drink Together
Leaving the House of Black
New Home
Another Calm Before Another Storm
Screams of Fears
Sicks & Giggles
Untold Stories Pt. 1
Untold Stories Pt. 2
A Time for Celebration
Grand Opening
6 Potters Return
The Wedding of William and Fleur
Gone Underground
War Is Coming
Confronting Snape
The Battle Pt. 1
In Between
The Battle Pt. 2
Post War

The Party Pt. 1

189 5 0
By ToniMashellCole

You don't have to say you love me.

You don't have to say nothing.

You don't have to say you're mine.

"Lumos," I whispered while standing in the poorly lit portrait whole.

With the tip of my wand illuminated, I pointed it at the map, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," After checking if teachers were patrolling the halls, I quietly stepped out from behind the portrait.

Getting only halfway down the first hall, I paused to remove my boots that were making insufferably loud clicking noises. How am I supposed to be stealthy with these things on? I really should have thought this outfit through. I guess if Sirius Black wanted to sneak up on me, I could hit him with my shoe. Yeah, I'll just throw them at him and run. Bet that would really surprise him.

Looking back at the map, I snuck through the empty corridors, ensuring no one was coming from around the corners before tip-toeing into a new one. Pretty soon, there was a dot with the name 'Cedric Diggory' under it just right inside the kitchen. The nerves in my stomach tightened as my dot on the page glided closer to his. I stopped just outside the portrait of the fruit bowl and pointed my wand back to the map before whispering, "Mischief Managed."

When the parchment cleared, I rushed to carefully put it into my bag along with my shoes. As easy as it would be to use the map the rest of the way, I wasn't about to expose its secrets to anyone else other than Fred and George and whoever they choose to share it with.

I had just finished closing my bag when the sound of the portrait door opening creaked down the hall. Cedric was carrying a basket and a folded blanket in the crook of his elbow as he watched his feet while climbing through the door, being careful not to trip. When his eyes lifted and landed on me, my appearance made him stop in his tracks, "Wow..." He gaped with a smile and glistening eyes, "You look amazing."

I felt myself blush but played it off by winking at him, "You don't look so bad yourself, Diggory." Which was true. The light flickering for the sconces danced across his fair skin. His hair was styled to feather back in his usual effortless waves, but his bangs still fell over his forehead. His sweater was fitting and loose in all the right places, with just the collar of his shirt peeking out underneath. The jacket over it all fit him immaculately.

It could have been the poor lighting, but I could've sworn Cedric was turning red now as we checked each other out. He took in the sight of me one more time before clearing his throat, "You ready to go?" He asked, sounding kind of nervous.

"I'm ready when you are."

We only made it one step before he suddenly stopped again, "Wait, Where are your shoes?"

"Oh. I put them in my bag. They were making too much noise."

"You put them...," His brows lifted inquisitively, looking at me through his sandy colored lashes as he pointed to my bag, "in that small thing?"

"Yeah, I used an undetectable extension charm."

His curiosity peaked, "You can do that?"

With a proud nod, I added, "Hermione and I practised it together."

Cedric smirked with a flicker in his eyes, "Clever girl," He looked around before holding his hand out to me, "Now, let's get out of here before we get caught. Snape almost saw me coming out of my common room a minute ago."

My chest rose slowly, and my heart thudded as I reached for Cedric's hand; all I could think was, 'Please don't let my hand be sweaty!' If it was, he probably didn't notice because I could tell from holding his that he was as nervous as I was.

We quietly ran through the halls with interlocked fingers and giggles escaping from both of us from time to time.

"Woah. Woah. Woah," Cedric whispered as he came to a halt and peered around a corner. He quickly turned around and pulled me to hide between two columns that decorated the wall. Our chests were pressed against each other while his free arm was wrapped around my waist. We both held our breath as Firenze exited his classroom and passed the hallway we were hiding in.

"Okay, He's gone," Cedric whispered before looking down at me, "Ready?"

His breath brushed against my skin, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up as I asked, "What if he comes back?"

"We can stay like this if you'd like?" He smirked and tightened his grip around my waist.

I bit my bottom lip and playfully swatted his arm away, "Let's just get there already."

Cedric snickered before retaking my hand and leading me around the corner, "We're already here. Well, kind of," He let go of my hand to grab his wand from his back pocket and pointed it at the door that Firenze just came out of, "Alohamora."

The door unlocking echoed in the hall before Cedric pulled me into the classroom, "Firenze has been saying that he'll be gone for a week to watch the stars, something about how they're aligning and a commit falling and how it only happens once every 100 years or so. He wants to stay in the forest and watch them. So I'll have to listen to Trelawney twice a day until he gets back," He let go of my hand again, pointed his wand towards the lock, and whispered, "Colloportus...Muffiliato," Cedric used the locking and silent charm and then turned to me

"Now we don't have to whisper the whole time," Cedric said at a normal volume and tangled my fingers with his, "So, do you like it?" He led me towards the middle of the classroom, and it wasn't until then that I could take in my surroundings.

"Wow!" My jaw slacked in awe when I saw that the classroom looked exactly like a forest. I have heard about Firenze's classroom but have never actually seen it in person until now. There were trees with vines that reached down to floors covered in grass. Rocks and wooden stumps that could be used for seats were scattered across the ground. There were flowers, butterflies, and even a little stream of water that you could hear rustling in the background. And just like The Great Hall, the ceiling was charmed to reflect the night sky.

Cedric chuckled at my loss for words, "I'll take that as a yes," He beamed before sitting the basket down and swinging lightly on one of the vines with an arm held out, "And we have this place all to ourselves for the rest of the night," he then let go on the vine and landed in front of me, never lowering his smile as he looked at me, "Or at least for the next few hours, then I'll have to take you back to your common room."

I smiled back at him as his hair fell over his eyes again after his feet planted to the floor, "This is beautiful! Are you sure we won't get caught?"

"Positive," He went over to the basket and pulled the blanket off it, and laid it down on the grassy floor before grinning over his shoulder, "Question: Is a picnic under the stars too cheesy?" He held out his hand towards me.

"Yeah, kinda," I giggled bashfully and took his hand before sitting next to him, "but I love it."

I don't know how much time passed, but we spent it eating the food he brought and getting to know each other a little more than we already did. Shockingly, there was still a lot for us to learn.

"No way! Your mum was in Hufflepuff?" Cedric exclaimed before he leaned his head back and opened his mouth.

"Mmhm," I hummed and threw a grape into the air, "She was even a prefect too."

Cedric caught it in his mouth and raised his arms in victory, "Woah! 5 for 5!"

"Way to go, Ced!" I tittered and cheered for him. We had been taking turns tossing grapes to each other and catching them in our mouths for the last few minutes.

The pinkish hue returned to his cheeks as he chewed, but he ignored it by swallowing the grape before inquiring, "What was her name?"

He tossed another one in the air, and I caught it in my mouth with a clack from my teeth closing. It was the sound that happened each time we caught one. After eating it, I answered, "Allison Jimpson."

Cedric's eyebrows raised before he chuckled behind his hand that rubbed down his face, "This is going to be really embarrassing to talk about, but our parents actually dated back when they were in school."

I could feel my eyes bulge at this information, "You're kidding?"

Cedric shook his head, laughing, "I'm not. My dad always tells me stories about his adventures all over Hogwarts with his first love, never around my mum, though."

"And now here we are!" I teased cheekily, "Do you think it runs in the families?"

Earlier, he charmed the ceiling to make it look like stars were raining down. The light of the shooting stars danced across his face and reflected off his grey eyes. With his elbows resting on his knees and his fingers loosely intertwined, I saw him bite the corner of his bottom lip and watched as it turned into a smile. He had this dreamy look as he admired me and spoke with a tone to match, "I hope so."

Good thing the room was dark because I knew my face was entirely red. I swallowed and went to grab the last grape since it was my turn to toss it, but Cedric pushed my hand away.

He wagged his finger at me, "Nuh-uh-uh."

"What?" I asked with furrowed brows.

He picked up the grape and used the finger to beckon me forward.

"Ohhh, Someone's bossy," I teased to disguise the overwhelming tingling sensation in my stomach. Nevertheless, I crawled over to him. He shifted his body as we got closer, and an alluring smile spread across his face as he held the grape up to my lips. Without him having to tell me to do so, I bit down lightly on it and pulled it from his fingers.

Cedric ran his thumb along my bottom lip as his smile lingered on his lips, but then his expression became more innocent and caring, "You ever think about where we'd be now if you did get sorted into Hufflepuff like you wanted?"

"Do you?"

While still looking into my eyes, he replied, "Hasn't left my mind since you told me about it."

I blushed again and looked away to hide it. I can't explain how this boy makes me feel, but I knew I'd come undone if we held eye contact any longer.

"One more thing," Cedric turned to the basket and pulled out a single cupcake and used his wand to light the candle, "Happy Birthday, Charlotte! Make a wish!"

Giggling, I shut my eyes and blew out the small flame. When a wisp of smoke was left behind, I held up my hand up before Cedric could speak, "Don't even ask. It won't come true if I tell you."

"Damn, just ruin my plan, why don't you?" He joked.

We split the cupcake before I took a bite of my half and closed my eyes to savour the flavour, "Mmm, vanilla. My favourite."

"I know," He began, but reluctantly continued, "...Fred told me."

A wrinkle appeared between my eyebrows, "He did?"

Cedric nodded and looked as if he was in deep thought, "He really cares about you."

"Well...I would hope so. We've known each other forever."

Cedric looked back at me and smiled slightly, "C'mon. I need to get you back to Gryffindor Tower."

As badly as I didn't want this night to end, I agreed and helped him gather everything before leaving the classroom .


"Well, we're here," I told him and stopped outside the portrait of the Fat Lady.

"Maybe I can walk you in? Give you a proper goodbye?" Cedric bargained with an attractive smile and a bounce of his eyebrows.

My lips pressed together as my eyes narrowed at him, "Hmmm, bold, but we both know you're a gentleman."

"It's a blessing and a curse," He smirked and stuffed his hands in his pockets, "How 'bout just to the dorm stairs? What do you say?"

"Okay, fine," I gave in before taking his hand and giving the password to the Fat Lady. She wasn't too happy about being woken up this late, but after some angry grumbles, she didn't notice that Cedric came through the portrait with me.

"Is it always this dark in your common room?" I heard Cedric's voice through what resembled an empty void.

Just then the lights flicked on.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled. I squealed in fright and jumped back to reach for Cedric, who laughed and wrapped his arms around me, with my fist still clenching the front of his sweater, the wave of fear that had jolted through me was quickly replaced with excitement when I realised what was happening.

I loosened my grip and cupped my hand around my mouth to cover my laugh, "Oh my gosh, you guys! This is incredible!"

"Happy Birthday from your house, Charlotte," Seamus Finnigan shouted before pointing in the air and turning to Dean across the room, "Now start the music!" The common room cheered as music filled the tower and bounced off the walls.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks," Cedric spoke into my ear before kissing my cheek and walking away.

I could feel myself blushing again but shook away the nerves while scanning through the crowd to find the clear masterminds behind this. Soon my eyes landed on Fred, George and Angelina, who were watching me with big cheesy grins stretching across their faces.

"Did you guys do this?" I beamed at them, even though I didn't have to ask.

"Of course we did!" George yelled over the music.

"No one else loves you this much!" Fred teased.

Angie joined in on their taunts, "It really wasn't that hard. You can be pretty thick sometimes."

My eyes started to water, "Awe, you guys!" I was so happy that I didn't even care that they were making fun of me as I hugged each of them, "I love you three so much!"

"We love you too, Lettie. Now no crying on your birthday. Stop that right now," Fred ordered, pointing at me as he pulled away from the hug.

Cedric returned, and Fred's smile suddenly looked forced, "Thanks for distracting her for us, Ced."

"You knew?!" My eyes widened as I turned to him and swatted his arm, "You knew and didn't tell me?"

He laughed as he took the light smack to the arm before winking at me, "It's called a 'surprise' for a reason, Love."

"So that's why you wanted to come in."

"Cracked the code, did ya?" Cedric quipped as he handed me a Firewhiskey.

The night was filled with mostly talking and laughter. Angelina wanted to hear all the details about the date while George and Fred talked to Cedric. Eventually, George led Angelina to the dance floor. After a few more drinks, I could feel my nerves slipping away.

"This is probably my favourite song at the moment!" I leaned forward to tell Cedric over the music. He was sitting on a table, and I stood between his legs with one of my arms resting lazily on his shoulder. His hand rested on my waist while the other held his own cup.

"Really? In that case," He hopped off the table and held out his hand, "Would you like to dance?"

"You serious?" I giggled nervously.

"Dead serious," He took the drink from my hand and sat both our Firewhiskeys on the table.

"No one's ever asked me to dance before," I admitted bashfully.

"Well, I'm honoured to be the first," He grinned as he took my hand and led me to the dance floor.

His hands were in mine as he moved them back and forth, trying to encourage me to dance to the music.

Eventually, all the awkwardness left my body, and I started to sway my hips.

Cedric took my hand and twirled me around. Our arms extended before he pulled me close to him and wrapped his around my waist. Laughing, I fell into them as mine went around his shoulders.

"You don't have to say you love me. I just wanna tell you something. Lately, you've been on my mind," Cedric sang as we stumbled a bit. Both of us were pretty tipsy as he pulled back slightly with his hands resting on my waist as we continued to dance and sing along to the music, "Honey-"

I cut him off by singing along this time, "I'd walk through fire for you," Feeling euphoric, my hands went into the air while my hips continued to sway the beat. I brought my hands down slowly before resting them on his jawline and continued to sing to him, "Just let me adore you."

He pulled me close to him and continued the melody, "I'd walk through fire for you. Just let you adore you."

"Like it's the only thing I'd ever do."

"Like It's the only thing I'd ever do."

Cedric held my body against his as we swayed to the music with my hands linked behind his neck. As he laughed, his breath smelt of Firewhiskey and his grey eye's stared into mine. And suddenly, it felt like we were the only two people in the room with just the song echoing in the background. He bit the corner of his lip nervously as his eyes flickered to my lips, then back up again.

I couldn't help but feel we wanted the same thing right now, and as if we were reading each others' minds, Cedric leaned forward, "Is it crazy that I've been wanting to kiss you all night?" He whispered into my ear, asking for permission. It sent shivers down my whole body as his breath hit my skin.

I don't know if it was the Firewhiskey that gave me this newfound sense of courage that had seemed to escape me for most of the night that I've been with Cedric, or if it's just what because I felt so comfortable with him. I'd never been so nervous like this around any other guy before, but now I felt brave. He looked back into my eyes when he pulled away from my ear. Giving him a reassuring smile, I told him, "Then kiss me."

Our senses begged for each other as Cedric rested his hand on my cheek and leaned in again. The invisible force between us pulled us closer until, finally, his lips pressed against mine.

If I could melt, I would have done so right then and there. It felt like I was floating higher than any charm would allow as this tingling sensation spread throughout my body. We both smiled into the kiss before his fingers tangled in my hair, and his tongue ran along my bottom lip, asking for permission to deepen the kiss. I granted him access and stood on my toes to pull myself into him.

After a few minutes, we broke away to catch our breath as we let out stunned chortles. Cedric's chest rose and fell as he looked at me again with longing eyes. Mine flickered to his lips this time before he took the silent hint and pulled me into another kiss while a chorus of 'It's the only thing I'll ever do," repeated harmoniously in the background

Fred's P.O.V.

'What the fuck'.....


A/N: You may have noticed the ages do not line up with their school year. This is because I felt uncomfortable writing about these characters a certain way in later chapters if I kept the the original ages. Also, Charlotte is just slightly older than Fred by a few months. Also I know Firenze doesn't teach this year at Hogwarts, but for this chapter, it made it easier that he did.

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