แด›แดษขแด‡แด›สœแด‡ส€ ส‡ou ๊œฐแดส€แด‡แด แด‡ส€

By _Fr0sTy

1M 48.6K 36.8K

Former title: ๐—ข๐—ต ๐—บ๐˜† ๐—ช๐—ฎ๐—น๐—น๐˜€ (๐˜ผ๐™Š๐™ ๐™ญ ๐™„๐™จ๐™š๐™ ๐™–๐™ž!๐™๐™š๐™–๐™™๐™š๐™ง) [ON HOLD] [NOTICE!!!] Just on hold f... More



4.6K 285 140
By _Fr0sTy

a/n: Okay, I was supposed to put in Eren's birthday special but I changed my mind, I'm so sorry about that. Thank you for the wait and enjoy the chapter!









"Is this... Monika's house?" I muttered as I stared at the door.

I took a deep breath and slowly approached the door, placing my hand on it and shut my eyes.

"Please don't be haunted..." I pushed the door and it didn't budge. I tried pulling it to see if it works and it didn't.

I scoffed and lightly hit my forehead, "Of course it's locked."

I looked at the door lock and I don't think pins will work on these because it looked like I needed some kind of card to slide the lock open.

Sighing, I took a step back and lifted my (dominant foot) foot and kicked the door open, letting out a small grunt.

The door fell inside with a loud thud, making me slightly cringe at the sound.

"Sorry door... and sorry for the intrusion." I muttered and stepped inside.

It was a mess like on the outside, there were cracks on the walls and floor, some books were on the ground, there's also a broken lamp and some of the chairs were on the floor.

I walked around the house and found the kitchen, it was also a mess. The fruits were already rotten and some of them were on the floor, some plates were shattered on the ground and some glasses were cracked and broken.

I walked back to the living room and looked around for something suspicious.

"She better not have a basement..." I muttered and found a door.

"Must be her room... or office." I said as I fully opened the door. It looked like a workplace but it also looked like a bedroom.

"Roomfice.... roomfie... uh... moffice." I snorted and shook my head with a small smile.

There's one window next to her bed, the glass is broken as the broken glass laid on the floor. A queen sized bed on the corner covered in a pale gold colored mattress matching the color of the curtains.

There's a small nightstand on the side of the bed and on the ground next to it was a broken lamp and a picture frame.

I walked towards it and carefully picked it up, it was a photograph of Monika and... Zeke, was it?

I narrowed my eyes on the picture. Monika, who looked around 15-16, carried Zeke in her arms.

Zeke looked around 5-6 years old. Both of them were smiling, Zeke even looked like he was giggling when they took the picture.

I carefully took the picture out of the frame and looked behind it, there was something written behind it.

" 'Little Zekie <3' " I read and pursed my lips. There's another writing on the other side, it was messier than the first one but readable.

" 'Moka-chan :)' '" I read and tilted my head. It's probably Zeke's writing.

"Okay, that's an adorable nickname..." I smiled slightly and gently placed the picture on my pocket.

I looked back and saw a table on the other side of the room with books on it and there's two tall bookshelves next to it, full of books.

I walked towards it and placed the chair on the side. I grabbed one book and opened it, it was a medical book just like Grisha's.

I looked at the others and they're the same, I checked the drawers and found nothing but ink and brush.

I sighed and walked over to the bookshelf on the left, checking to see if there's anything.

I pulled and placed the books aside, looking at the end of the shelves. Finding nothing, I checked the one on the right.

I did the same on this bookshelf and groaned as I pulled the books one by one to check on them.

"Ugh, there's nothing here. It's not like I'll accidentally pull a specific book and then something will happen-"

I silently gasped when I pulled one thick book and noticed something behind it.

To be more specific, the wood on the end of the shelf doesn't look like the others. I narrowed my eyes and placed my palm on it, it felt like a button.

I gulped and pushed it, taking a step back as the bookshelf suddenly moved on the side as it created a creaking sound, showing a wooden door.

I placed the book on the table and walked towards the door, placing my hand on the knob and turned it.

It was locked.

"Of course..." I whispered and looked around the door. I checked the drawers of the nightstand and found no key, I checked outside the moffice and checked everywhere in the house and saw nothing.

I walked back into the room and decided If I should kick the door open or not. I sighed and looked at the door for a few seconds then to the bookshelves.

I tilted my head on the bookshelves and thought of something.

"Hold on..." I walked towards the table and picked up the book that was behind the button.

"There's a small chance but..." I turned the pages open one by one, carefully looking at every page.

My eyes widened and placed the open book down. There it is, there's a key inside the book.

The middle of the book was cut open and the key was there, it was deep enough to keep the key inside and since the book was thick, it wasn't that noticeable.

"Damn..." I took the key and walked towards the door. I placed it in and turned it, creating a small 'click'. I let out a sigh and turned the knob and pushed the door open.

It was dark but it's a staircase going down, "Great, another basement..."

I quickly grabbed a lantern and lit it up, I walked back and carefully lit up the stairs, extending the lantern further.

I tensed up when I felt something cold on my free hand, I looked at the side and saw Little Flower clutching my hand, her lips turned into a frown.

I tried holding her hand back but it just passed through, I sighed and slowly went down as Little Flower followed me. Reaching the end of the stairs, only to find another door with a lock.

I grabbed the lock and used the pin to open it, I heard a click and I removed the lock.

I opened the door to find... another door with another lock

"What the- Just how many doors and locks does this place need?" I huffed and placed the lantern on the floor, I grabbed the lock and looked at it.

It was a three digit combination lock.

"What the fff...duck?" I winced and glanced at Little Flower, she was looking at the lock in my hands.

"I didn't know these existed already." I muttered and turned the numbers.

I pursed my lips as my brows furrowed, "Ugh, this could be any number combination and there's like... one out of a thousand of probability I get this right. Oh great, now I'm talking about probability and all that shiii...sssz."

"Do you know this?" I asked Little Flower and she shook her head.

"Maybe they're Monika-san's favorite number?" Little Flower suggested, making me groan.

"I don't even know who Monika is! I only met her when I was nine!" I exclaimed and widened my eyes.

"I only met her when I was nine..." I muttered and looked at the lock.

I grabbed the lock and bit my lip, turning the numbers to 8, 4, and 5.

"Here goes nothing..." I muttered and pulled the lock, it opened.

I grinned and removed the lock on the door, I grabbed the lantern on the ground as I felt Little Flower grab my hand.

"I'm such a genius." I silently laughed and opened the door. It was a room almost like Grisha's, there's medicine bottles, more books on the side and a table with a chair.

I placed the lantern on the table and dragged my finger on the table, finding dust in it. I scrunched up my face in disgust and clapped my hand to remove the dust.

I opened the drawer and saw a very old diary and a fancy looking dagger sheath next to it. I carefully took the two out of the drawer and placed it on the table.

I pulled the dagger out of its sheath, checking it out. The handle was black with a gold colored pommel as the blade is silver, sharp enough to easily cut someone or something with ease.

I placed it back on the sheath and looked at the old diary. I gently grabbed it as it looked like one wrong move it'll disintegrate.

The diary cover was leather with a string, keeping it close. I carefully untied the knot and opened it on the first page.

I squinted my eyes as it was unreadable, the year had faded but there's only one sentence that was readable.

" 'She's nowhere to be found.' "

I tilted my head in confusion and flipped the page, it was also unreadable except for one thing.

" 'She's nowhere to be found.' "

"Again?" I muttered and flipped to the other pages, they all had the same sentence at the end of the page as the text slowly turned clear.

Some of the pages were torn but that specific sentence is still there.

" 'She's nowhere to be found.' "

" 'Help, please, I just want to go home...' "

" 'She's nowhere to be found.' "

" 'I don't even know her. What if she doesn't even exist?!' "

" 'She's nowhere to be found.' "

" 'Why is this happening? Why am I here?'

" 'She's nowhere to be found.' "

" 'War... There's another war...' "

" 'She's nowhere to be found.' "

" 'Just kill me already, I'm tired of this...' "

" 'She's nowhere to be found.' "

" 'I didn't think this could be true...' "

" 'She's nowhere to be found.' "

" 'Just where the hell is SHE!?' "

" 'She's nowhere to be fucking found.' "

" 'King my ass, I could just kill him right now.' "

" 'She's nowhere to be found.' "

" 'I miss them, I want to go home...' "

" 'She's nowhere to be found.' "






I stared with wide eyes at the pages as the sentence looked even more aggressive. I shakily turned to the next page and it was blank.

I furrowed my brows and flipped it again, finding a somewhat familiar handwriting, but I couldn't remember where I saw it.

My eyes widened at the sentence on the bottom of the page, it was different.

" 'I found her...' "

I swallowed the lump on my throat and continued reading.

" 'I found her... but I can't do it, I'm sorry... someone else has to do it. I'm a coward, I can't hurt her... For the next person, please forgive me...' "

"Just who is her...?" I muttered and flipped to the next page.

I scanned the page as it was readable, I slowly looked down at the page and I felt my heart sink at the sentence in the bottom of the page.

" '(Y/n) (L/n) is found.' "

I looked at the page in shock, there on the bottom of the page my name in English Alphabet.

"I am... found?" I breathed out and slowly looked at Little Flower in shock.

"Is this... your doing? How is my name here? Just- Just who are you?" I asked as my brows slowly furrowed and placed the book on the table.

"Do... Do you remember this jacket?" Little Flower asked as a jacket appeared in her hands.

My brows are still furrowed and I took a deep breath, confused on her question. I took the jacket from her hand and looked at it, it was a (f/c) colored jacket.

I blinked and looked closely, noticing it's awfully familiar. I looked at the little girl then back to the jacket, my eyes slowly widened and lowered the jacket in my hands.

"Wait... This is my favorite jacket that I gave..." I muttered and looked at Little Flower.

"You... you're that kid I found in the alleyway..."


"That was amazing!" Ally said with a laugh, I laughed along with her as Shiro shook his head with a smile.

The three of us just finished dinner at (fav restaurant) here in Tokyo and are now walking towards the bus stop to ride home.

Well the two of them were taking me there as they only needed to walk to their houses.

"I'm so sorry about your wallet, Shi-chan." I covered my mouth as I tried not to laugh at his expression.

Shiro narrowed his eyes on me, "Well, at least you're sorry. Not like someone!"

Ally rolled her eyes as her cheeks turned up, "Hey, you also liked the food there. And it's not my fault the food is just amazingly good that they kicked us out."

"Food is life!" I sighed and leaned on Shiro, who pushed me away with a scoff.

"Okay, rude. This is why you only have two friends." I crossed my arms as Ally nodded.

"And that's us. Just us." Ally added, copying my actions.

"And you guys are enough for me, more than enough." My ears twitched as I heard Shiro mutter that.

I stopped walking and looked at him with wide eyes and parted mouth. The two stopped walking and looked at me in confusion.

"Aww!" I exclaimed and jumped on Shiro, clinging to him like a koala.

"Wha-!? What the hell?!" Shiro grunted and tried to push me away.

"Ally! Did you hear that?! Shi-chan here said that we're more than enough for him! He doesn't need other friends! Just us!" I grinned when I saw Shiro blushed and tried to hide it.

"Huh!? That's not true-"

"Aw, Shiro-kun! I know you have a soft spot for us!~" Ally teased and hugged him on the other side.

"Guys! Stop- this is embarrassing! People are looking at us!" Shiro hissed and we pulled back, laughing.

I took their hands and moved away from the people slowly crowding. After a few runs, I stopped to catch our breaths.

"It's okay to be embarrassed, Shi-chan!" I giggled as he groaned and covered his face.

"I can't with you guys..." his voice is muffled because of his hands.

Ally chuckled and pulled his hands away from his face, she then pinched his cheek with a grin.

"We love you, silly. You better feel special." Ally said and pulled her hand away from his face.

Shiro rubbed his cheek and looked away with a small smile, "I... love you guys too."

Ally and I grinned at each other, even if we're wearing face masks it was noticeable and high fived.

We started to walk again as we talked about school, anime, and even some random stuff.

"Ah, we're here." I spoke up and pointed at the bus stop. Ally slapped my hand down, making me wince and wave my hand to ease the pain.

"Don't point. It's rude." Ally said as she shook her head. I heard Shiro snickered so I jabbed his stomach using my elbow with a smirk behind my mask.

Shiro grunted and bent down to hold his stomach, I side glanced at him as he glared at me.

"Yeah. Bow down, peasant." I raised my head as I smirked at him.

"Think of that as a payback for kicking me on the side earlier." I added then took a step forward, turning to them and clapped my hands.

"Welp, I think I'm good here. Thank you for accompanying me here, you guys." I said and hugged them with a smile.

"Anytime girl!" Ally responded and hugged back. Shiro didn't say anything but hugged back, making my smile widen.

We pulled back and sprayed alcohol to each other with a laugh.

Ally and Shiro then walked towards the pedestrian lane, waiting for the traffic light to go red. When it turned red as the walking sign turned green, they turned to me with a wave.

I waved back with a smile, "See you guys tomorrow!"

I watched them turn to the side and I squinted my eyes on the corner they turned at.

"There's something going on with those two." I chuckled and shook my head.

I walked towards the bus stop to sit at the bench but stopped when I heard sobbing, a child sobbing.

"Huh?" I muttered and looked at the side, seeing a small kid sitting on the ground with her knees on her chest as she sobbed.

I took a deep breath as I debated whether to approach and help her or not. People just walked past me but they also glanced at the alleyway, ignoring the kid.

I frowned and sighed, "I can't just leave and ignore this, guilt will eat me alive..."

"Ugh, fuck it." I muttered and slowly walked towards the little girl. I stood a foot away from her just in case she doesn't like close interactions.

"Kid? Oh shi- shoot." I quickly corrected myself as my eyes slightly widened. The little girl looked up at me with tears in her (e/c) colored eyes, there was blood on the side of her forehead and clothes.

She tensed up and moved back, making me raise my hands and stepped back.

"I-It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you..." I said in the softest voice I can to calm her down. I noticed her shoulders relaxed but she's still on guard.

"Hey, are... are you alright?" I silently winced at my question and she slowly shook her head.

"Oh, is it okay if I can come closer to you? I have some bandages here." I gently said and carefully removed my bag from my back, showing her some extra bandages I used to cover up Shiro's bruises earlier.

She slowly nodded, making me nod at her. I slowly approached her, making sure I won't scare her away and kneeled down in front of her.

"Can I touch your forehead? So I could cover it with bandages..." I gently said and gestured to her forehead.

I noticed how she relaxed even more and nodded, making me softly smile at her.

"Okay, this will hurt so please tell me if it's too much, alright?" I said, placing alcohol on the cotton.

I gently pushed her (h/c) on the side and carefully tapped around her wound, slowly getting to the wound itself to clean it.

I hear her hissed and gripped my clothes, making stop and blow her wound. Muttering 'sorry' over and over again as I fully cleaned her wound.

"Who did this? Who did this to you?" I asked with a frown as I put an antibiotic ointment on a separate cotton.

I gently placed her hair back and carefully tapped the ointment to her wound. I didn't hear a response, making me hum in confusion.

I looked at her and noticed she was looking down as tears filled her eyes, making me frown.

"I'm so sorry for asking but I just want to know so I can do something with them..." I said as I gently tied her hair up with my extra hair tie.

I gently placed the bandage around her head, carefully tying it not too tight but not too loose.

"There, it's done. What a brave girl." I softly said and gently placed a hand on her head.

"Are there anymore? You can tell me." I said and she shook her head.

I was about to sit next to her but she suddenly hugged me, catching me off guard.

I looked at her with wide eyes as she cried and slowly hugged back, carefully wrapping my arms on her small figure as I don't want to hurt her more.

"There, there... um, it's okay..." I said and she pulled back, wiping her tears away.

I pursed my lips as I tried to find the right words, "Um, can you not... talk?"

I saw her slightly widen her eyes and looked down with a nod. I internally panicked and sat up straight.

"Ah, it's okay! I can still talk to you and you can just nod or shake your head." I exclaimed.

I looked at her for a moment and looked at my bag, "Actually..."

"Do you know how to write?" I asked and pulled out a notebook and pen.

She tilted and shook her head from side to side, making me frown and nodded.

"Alright... uhm.. how do I do this..?" I muttered, placing my hand on my chin as my leg bounced up and down.

"Maybe I could ask online..? Yeah, yeah, maybe that'll work." I muttered and nodded.

I took my phone from my pocket as the little girl watched me curiously. I opened my phone, showing my lock screen which is an artwork of Eren with Ymir Fritz as their Titan forms showed behind them.

I heard a babble from the little kid and she pointed at my screen, well to Ymir, making me hum with a head tilt.

"Huh? You know her? Ymir Fritz?" I asked and she looked at me with furrowed brows.

She let out a questioning sound that sounded like 'Fritz?' so I nodded my head. She furrowed my brows and looked back at the picture on my lock screen.

"Wait, you know this? Aren't you too young for this? I think you're too young for this." I repeated and lightly pinched my cheek from my weirdness.

"Sorry, I just- I'm just that weird." I said and rubbed the back of my head.

She shook her head and pointed back down to Ymir with a hum.

"Um? What is it? Do you want me to open my phone?" I asked, she shook her head.

"Um, Ymir?" I asked and she nodded.

"Do you want me to tell you more about her? Attack on Titan?" I asked and she nodded slightly faster this time.

"You want me to tell you..? Erm, okay... are you sure?" I asked and she nodded again, sitting next to me with interest in her eyes.

"Alright then... about introductions to us well... I'm (Y/n). (L/n) (Y/n), but (Y/n) is fine." I told her.

"Is there a way for you to like tell me your name without actually saying it? Or maybe you do sign language?" I asked and gestured my hands.

She blinked and slowly shook her head with a frown. She then opened her mouth and pointed at herself, shaking her head from side to side.

I slightly furrowed my brows, trying to understand her gestures, "You... have no name? Is that it?"

She slightly widened her eyes and nodded, making me frown.

"No name..? Who the hell is this kid's parents?" I thought.

"I'm sorry about that. Well, about Ymir Fritz, I'll just tell you a little info about her." I said and came up with words.

"Let's see... Her village got attacked by Eldians and did bad things about her parents and made her and the other villagers to not be able to talk. One night, she opened a pig pen and let some pigs escape, the others pointed at her gesturing she did it when the annoying king found out and freed her... and then she ran."

I noticed the kid was listening carefully as she leaned in at me with her brows furrowed.

"She's not free though... They freed her only to be chased down by other Eldians. And then-" I stopped talking when I heard sobs from the little girl.

"H-Hey... Why are you crying?" I softly asked and she shook her head, wiping her tears away but it just kept streaming down in her eyes.

I gently wrapped my arms around her and I felt her hug back tightly as she cried.

"T-There, there... it'll be okay." I whispered and rubbed her back. A wind passed us and I felt her shiver, I looked down at her then to my bag.

"Here, hold on." I gently pulled back from the hug and hesitantly grabbed my favorite jacket out of my bag. looked at the girl and wrapped the jacket around her figure.

"It's pretty cold... so here. Have this, it's fine." I said when she tried to give it back. She looked down at the large jacket around her and cuddled closer to it for warmth.

"I feel bad for her, you know? I wished she could have a better life, but then again, that's why the story started." I dryly chuckled and rubbed my head.

We both flinched when my phone suddenly started ringing. I took out my phone and saw Mama's number with the nickname 'Mama (old hag >:P)'.

Mama doesn't know her nickname is like this in my phone so I better change it before she could see it.

"Ah... I need to go..." I muttered and looked at the little girl after I declined her call. She frowned and hugged the jacket closer.

I pursed my lips and frowned, "... but I can't leave you here. Alone."

I stood up and closed my bag, placing it behind my back.

"Um..." I muttered and looked back. I gently took her hand and walked out of the alleyway with her.

"You can't stay here." I said as we walked out, walking towards the bus stop and let her sit on the waiting bench.

I called 110 for the police and they picked up immediately. I informed them about a missing girl that looked around 5-6 years old and they started to ask the other department if they have some there.

They asked me about the kid but I told them that she sadly can't talk or write. They advised me to take her to the nearest police station, which I noticed only a few minutes' ride there, and let them do the rest.

I'm thinking that If I let her stay with me, my parents will do the same thing as I am right now but finding someone she knows and trusts is the best thing right now.

But if there's no one, maybe I can ask my family if we can just adopt her. I gave her an extra face mask and let her wear it, I also let her rub her hands with alcohol just in case.

I looked up and saw the bus stopped in front of us so I let her in and we sat at the end of the bus. I noticed her looking out in the window with curiosity, making me smile.

I took out extra food from the restaurant I went to and gave it to her. By the looks of it, it looked like it was her first time eating it. I also gave her water as I don't want her to choke from the food.

After a 10 minute ride, I noticed we were near the station so I gestured to her to stand up and held her hand.

I walked forward and pressed the button that let the driver know to stop. The bus slowly stopped and we walked in front, I paid for our bus fare and got off the bus.

The little girl waved goodbye at the bus, making me slightly chuckle. I gently led her towards the police station and walked inside.

They asked me if I was the one who called and I nodded, I also gestured that she's the little girl I was talking about.

I filled out some small information about me like my name and my number to let me know if someone picked her up.

After that, blah, blah, blah, I walked towards the little girl and kneeled in front of her.

"Um... I guess this is it. Stay here for now, I'll come back for you." I said and gently rubbed her hair.

"Don't leave, okay? I'll be here again tomorrow if no one comes looking for you." I said and she gripped my sleeve, shaking her head with a frown.

"Kid... I-I can't take you home with me just yet. I'm sorry, I swear I'll come back for you." I said and wiped her tears away.

"Big sis don't like promises. So, I swear. No promises." I said and she hugged me. My eyes slightly widened, a smile slowly appeared on my face as I hugged back.

"I'll be back, alright?" I said and broke from the hug. I stood up and gently patted her head one last time before walking out to the door.

I looked back at her as a female police officer gently placed a hand on her shoulder and talked to her with a soft gentle look on her face. The little girl then looked back at me with a frown.

I placed my fingers on my lips, pulling them up to a smile and waved goodbye at her. I walked out of the police station and waited at the bus stop near the station.

I looked at my phone and saw the time '8:30pm'. I froze as I saw many missed calls from Mama, Papa, even Takashi-nii-chan and Aiko-nee-chan. There's one missed call from Aren though in which I smiled at.

I bit my lip and sighed, "I'm so getting scolded at home..."


"But then after that... I came back from the station and didn't find you there..." I said and placed a hand on my head. I blinked and looked down, I didn't notice I was already crying.

"I-I tried following you! But the bus was just too fast, I got lost and I didn't know w-where to go..." Little Flower sobbed and I noticed her face slowly cleared up.

"I don't want you to leave me... I'm sorry." She cried and hugged me. I took a deep breath and slowly placed my arms around her.

"... So you've been looking for me? I have so many questions..." I muttered and I felt her nod in my abdomen.

I watched her wipe her tears away and I wrapped the jacket around her. She stopped as her face cleared up, showing her glossy (e/c) colored eyes. She then hugged the jacket around her.

"Can I ask you now your name...?" I slowly asked and she looked at me.

"It's... Eleanor. You can call me Elea... that's what nee-chan calls me." Little Flower or Elea said and wiped her tears.

"And she is..?"

Elea looked down and hugged the jacket closer, "Ymir... Fritz"

I slightly widened my eyes as she said 'Fritz' with venom and disgust. My eyes narrowed and looked down at the book.

"There should be more right..? Does- Does that mean I'm not the only experiencing this? That Monika is... like me? And the others got here just to- just to find me..? How is that even possible..? Then, before Monika, then before that person... then the person before the other... are like me..?"

"Does that mean it's my fault they got here..? Because I-..." I choked on my tears as I looked at the diary with the aggressive and messy writings, my hands trembled as I felt my knees weakening.

I kept turning the pages as fat tears fell on my cheeks. I can hear Elea talk but I was too focused on the diary.

A folded paper fell down on the diary as I watched it fall on the floor.

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