Breath of The Sun

By WhovianJC

98K 2.1K 464

From birth Izuku was always different from his twin sister Izumi. His whole family thought him deaf because h... More

Early Life Part 1
Early Life Part 2
Rediscovery of a Lost Art
Students and Friends
The New Generation Beginnings
A Drop Out and Some Tragedy
An Explanation and a Promise
New House Mate and Great Progress
A Rocking Date
Poll Time Please Read
The Truth Reveled and a New Student
On the Villain Side of Things
UA Entrance Exam Part 1
Entrance Exam Pt.2
Entrance Exam Pt. 3
Further Investigations into Moon Breathing
Selection Ceremony
The Forging of Their Final Blades
The Quirk Apprehension Test
Our First Mission
New Poll Time : Updated
Learning Total Concentration Constant
The USJ Part 1
The USJ Part 2
The USJ Final Part
Meeting with the Teachers and Celebration
The Meeting of the Upper Moons
The Kidnapping Of Izuku Yagi
Important Announcement
Announcement 2
Izuku Tours the Village
The Meeting of The Pillars
A Bumpy Return
Izumi's New Breathing Form
Training with Zenitsu
Training with Rengoku
The Sports Festival: Obstacle Race
Sports Festival: Intermission
Sports Festival: 1v1 Eighth-finals
Sports Festival 1v1 Quarter Finals Pt. 1
Sports Festival 1v1 Quarter Finals Pt. 2
Sports Festival 1v1 Semi Finals
Sports Festival Finals
Passing out Swords to the New Recruits
Internship Hardships
A Chilling Blast From the Past
The Battles Begin
The Battle Against Stain
Medical Attention

The Breathing Forms

3.5K 56 12
By WhovianJC

          This Chapter is for information on The Moon Breathing techniques now for those who know the manga this breathing form is only seen used by the Demon Kokushibo. Something similar occurs with Thunder Breathing with several of the forms only seen used by the Demon Kaigaku. So on this chapter I request for your help in deciding how these forms would be used by a human Thunder breathing is easier because well Kaigaku's blood demon art allows him to add actual lightning to the forms. Any way I will now list all of the forms of moon breathing that we know of there are some missing so if you have any ideas to fill the spaces feel free to comment. 

          Moon Breathing 

First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace; Kokushibo quickly draws his sword and slashes swiftly in a singular horizontal motion in a crescent shape, creating numerous chaotic crescent blades. 

Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazing; Kokushibo preforms several crescent shaped slashes that defend him from incoming attacks, sending a barrage of crescent blades. 

Third Form: Loathsome Moon, Chains; Kokushibo swings his sword rapidly in two gigantic crescent slashes, from which a storm of smaller crescents spread, causing massive destruction in a small area.

Fourth Form: Evening Moon, Reversal; Kokushibo sends several simultaneous attacks that curve behind him from the front in the shapes of crescent moons. The initial crescent slashes would be used to deflect incoming attacks, and redirect them behind himself.   

Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy; Kokushibo makes multiple curved slashes layered over one another, creating a rising vortex of sword slashes and crescent moon blades. 

Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant; Kokushibo releases a wild barrage of crescent-shaped slashes several meters in front of him. 

Seventh Form: Mirror of Misfortune, Moonlit; Kokushibo swings the gigantic version of his sword in a powerful frontal crescent-shaped slashes that creates powerful multi-directional long-ranged slashes in the ground. 

Eighth Form: Moon-Dragon Ringtail; Kokushibo uses the gigantic version of his sword and creates a singular gigantic crescent-shaped slash that slowly decreases in size, creating dozens of crescent moon blades. 

Ninth Form: Waning Moon Swaths; Kokushibo creates a stream of long-ranged crescent-shaped vertical and horizontal slashes along with numerous crescent moon blades with the Gigantic version of his sword. 

Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves; Kokushibo creates a long-ranged triple-layered slash twister full of crescent moon blades with the gigantic version oh his sword. 

Eleventh Form: Eclipse - Augmenting Moon; Kokushibo produces a long ranged vertical slash to cut foes down from a distance, and then swings his sword back and forth at blinding speeds to generate an extending barrage of long ranged crescent slashes straight ahead. This attack would mow down multiple targets at once with aa multi-layered from a long range.   

Twelfth Form: Continuous Moon phase; Kokushibo generates a barrage of slashes in front of himself seemingly without moving his body. Two opposite facing crescent slashes coming from a low position. Two wide ranged slashes towards the middle, and two long ranged slashes that curve in tandem with the other four aiming to sever the opponents arms.   

Thirteenth Form: Full Moon Avicii; Kokushibo produces several large vertical, or horizontal crescent shaped rotating slashes around himself or his opponent. The slashes boomerang around the practitioner causing the attack to have a near indefinite chance of connecting. 

Fourteenth Form: Catastrophe, Tenman Crescent Moon; Kokushibo uses the gigantic version of his sword and creates a chaotic vortex of powerful extremely long-ranged omni-directional slashes that destroys whatever is caught up within its attack radius. 

Fifteenth Form: Solemn Peel Distant Moon; Kokushibo Slashes several times into the air to generate a series of Crescent shaped slashes that curve upward to point the forks down of the slash down. the motion of his blade would send the barreling at the opponent at nearly any distance in such a way that thy would be stabbed and slashed by the prongs.  

Sixteenth Form: Moonbow, Half Moon; Kokushibo creates a barrage of downward crescent slashes from extremely long and wide range, resulting in a powerful six-fold slash crashing down on his opponents.    

--- Missing forms created by Breath of the Tree over on amino, With minor adjustment by myself. ---

Thunder Breathing

Second Form: Rice spirit; Kaigaku releases five arched slashes accompanied by lightning in quick succession. 

Third Form: Thunder Swarm; Kaigaku surrounds the enemy with waves of arched lightning and attacks them from all directions. 

Fourth Form: Distant Thunder; Kaigaku generates a ball of electricity that releases waves of strong multi-directional lightning bolts from afar. 

Fifth Form: Heat Lightning; Kaigaku unleashes a long-ranged upward sword slash accompanied by lightning. 

Sixth Form: Rumble and Flash; Kaigaku releases a series of powerful long-ranged lightning attacks that strikes his opponent from afar.

          As you can see the forms despite being around for ever even known of by our resident Thunder Breather Zenitsu most of these seem used solely with Kaigaku's blood demon art. See the interesting thing about Thunder Breathing is that all the forms after First form Thunderclap and flash seemingly requires the first form. Further more much like how Zenitsu is only capable of the first form Kaigaku is only able to preform the subsequent forms i.e. two through six.

Sound Breathing 

So for this one there are at least five forms with only three of them known. 

First Form: Roar; The user lifts their twin swords above their head and slams them down with great force whilst simultaneously creating an explosion with their bombs to deal massive physical damage, causing a loud sound resembling thunder as a result. 

Second Form: Eruptive Gash; The user holds their swords apart before quickly crossing their arms as they unleash a horizontal slash which they follow up with a second horizontal slash by going back the way they they came almost instantly, all while releasing bombs at the same time to deliver massive physical damage.

Third Form: Incessant Beat of The Drum; The user continuously slams their sword downwards while simultaneously releasing bombs to throw off the opponents senses to deliver massive physical damage. 

Fourth Form: Constant Resounding Slashes; The user holds their swords apart and spins them rapidly in conjunction with releasing their bombs, creating massive explosions while defending themselves from attacks. 

Fifth Form: String Performance; The user holds one of their swords with a reverse grip and spins the other using the chain that connects them. They couple this by also releasing numerous bombs to detonate, causing great explosions that deal massive physical damage. 

--- Missing forms from ChairoSuga on Amino ---  

Flame Breathing 

First Form: Unknowing Fire; The user charges towards their opponent at high speeds and aims to decapitate them in one slash. 

Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun; The user releases an arching sword slash upwards. 

Third Form: Blazing Universe; The user swings their blade in a downwards arc. 

Fourth Form: Blooming flame undulation; The user swings their blade in a circular motion that can defend them from incoming attacks or decapitate multiple enemies at once. 

Fifth Form: Flame Tiger; The user performs a series of powerful sword slashes that seemingly takes the form of a flaming tiger. 

Sixth Form: Final Ember; The user swings their sword to the right with all of their might then lowers their blade slightly and with as much speed as possible to muster swings left. 

Seventh Form: Blinding Cinders; The user blinds the opponent with rapid sweeping sword slashes then delivers a powerful swipe decapitating their opponent.  

Eighth Form: Fire Storm; The user rapidly twists their body around while running around the opponent, periodically leaping in and delivering an attack culminating in massive damage for the opponent.  

--- Special thanks to Rai_Phoenix for coming up with these new Flame breathing techniques I hope you don't mind I Modified the names and the descriptions a bit. I went with Final Ember because First Spark felt more like a well first move and the power you had described was clearly a finisher. Lastly I just spaced out Fire and storm for more dramatic effect thank you kindly for helping out with this book. ---

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