The USJ Final Part

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Shigaraki POV: Shortly after Kurogiri Sent the Students away

          "My young Master," Kurogiri said arriving back from his part of the mission. "We have a few problems that you should know about." 

          "And those would be what Kurogiri?" I asked him annoyed and beginning to scratch my neck while watching Erasure head take out the cannon fodder. 

          "Well first and foremost a student got past me and is making his way to the school," he replied. 

          "God damn it Kurogiri if you weren't basically immortal I would decay you right now," I yelled out and scratched my neck furiously. "And the other news?" 

          "Well it would seem that several members of the class were able to recognize some of our foot soldiers, the Nomu and myself for what we are." He said pointing to the kid standing at the top of the stairs staring at me. "And frankly they seem equipped to take care of the lower level demons at least." 

          "F#*KING spectacular," I growled out. "Anything else?" 

          "Oh and All Might is not present in the building." He said, I grabbed the nearest foot soldier and began disintegrating him. 

          "So we've come to the boss room only for the boss to be in another castle," I said going back to scratching my neck. "If he isn't here then we torture those kids to draw him here, hey Eraser your so cool you know that." I rushed at him and grabbed his elbow the moment he blinked, just like everything I touched it began to decay but he kicked me away with ease. "Nomu get him,"

Izuku POV: about five minutes after Shigaraki's order 

           "Thirteen you need to protect the remaining students I should have gone down after sensei the moment I finished getting Iida out that door," I said calmly with a deadly edge to my voice. I am currently using my full powered state. 

           "But we can't defend against any of the demons up here by our self," Thirteen began to argue I threw her a small bag. 

           "That bag contains Sachets of wisteria flowers throw them at anyone who comes up here you suspect of being a demon and it should take care of them," I told her. "None of the demons present are very strong accept for those two," I said pointing in turn to the misty upper moon 4 and the hulking demon with its brain exposed with my practice blade. "If we stand a chance I need to go all out no holding back," I said throwing aside my practice blade and drawing my true charcoal black nichirin sword, I gripped the handle tightly allowing it to ignite into a bright red blade. 

         "What if your assessment is wrong we shouldn't risk it," she argued trying to keep me here. 

         "Mikumo is already heading up the stairs tell him I have ordered him to protect you all and that should do it," I told her not even turning around. With that I rushed down the stairs in a blaze of fiery speed leaving behind singed footsteps behind me I saw before me the Hulking demon moving in slow-motion to harm my greatly injured uncle, "Total Concentration, Sun Breathing: Fourth Form Burning Bones, Summer Sun modified!" I called out and slashed once vertical slicing off his arms then once horizontal slicing off his legs. I picked up Uncle and ran back to the stairs dropping him onto the back of Mikumo and back down to the battle field, I did all of that in the flash of a second. 

          The hulking demon fell face forward into the ground and began to howl in pain, "What is going on, the nomu should be regenerating by now?" a Villain with hands covering him asked the mist villain. 

Kurogiri POV:

          I looked at the child in front of me and immediately felt terrified but I don't know why, my mist dissipated because of it I looked him in the eyes and knew where the terror was coming from. "The cells they are telling me to run at all cost even though I Upper Moon 4 am immune to the sun," I said in panic "The Sun not decapitation," I saw behind him the visage of my master one I don't remember. He wore the same cloths as the child in front of me and his mark was blazing red. Behind the visage of my master stood a man wearing the same cloths as the child and my master his mark matching identically to the child's.

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