Sports Festival 1v1 Quarter Finals Pt. 2

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Jirou POV:

          Izumi finished her fight against Denki really fast, they need to repair some minor damages to the arena then its my fight against Mina. So I waited by the exit out to the arena for them to call us out. 

          "Now that the Arena is repaired Mic take it away," Aizawa said. 

          "Our next battle is between Class 1-A students Mina Ashido and Kyoka Jirou!" Present Mic hollered out. "These two are also students of Izuku Yagi, expect some impressive swordplay here folks!" 

          "Yeah that's true but Izuki has given permission to use their quirks as a last resort." Aizawa announced.

          'Give it your all Songbird,' I remember Izuku saying all the way back to yesterday before the sports festival. "I will," I whispered to myself. "Now is the time to show what I've been working on with Yorichi model zero."

Flash back about two weeks ago

          "Hey Izuku can you turn down the difficulty of Yorichi model Zero?" I asked. 

          "Yeah it should be possible," he said. "Why?" 

          "I and the others were curious so we could train with him." I said. 

          "Hm, I don't know it still might be a little dangerous," he said with a hand on his chin. "How has your training for Total concentration constant been coming along?" 

          "Well I've gotten it down for the most part," I lied. 

          "Right," Izuku said looking me over. "That was a blatant lie why? Are you having trouble with it?" 

            "I've been keeping up with the training just fine," I said. "But I still can't get to click I think I need to learn it in battle." I looked down fearing the worst from his mouth. 

            "Okay then,"  he said calmly patting my head. "You may train with Yorichi model Zero. I would prefer to observe you training closely so I can intervene, but I will settle for replacing the doll's blades with wooden practice ones. I hope you figure it out quickly I don't like seeing you hurt." with that he gave me his smile.

End Flashback

          "Are you both ready?" Midnight asked the two of us as we stood in our respective spot in the arena. 

          "Yeah I'm ready Midnight sensei!" Mina said rather cheerfully. 

          "Yeah I'm ready too," I said. 

          "Okay then let the third match begin!" Midnight said with a crack of her whip.

          "Butterfly Dance: Carapice!" Mina said and rushed forward slightly before leaping into the air. As she reached me she began to thrust her practice blade forward rapidly, I had just enough time to pull my blades free and block using the flat side of them.

          'Not yet,' I thought taking the blows. 'Not enough to go on for the score' I pushed back against her thrusts forcing her back. 

          When she landed she seemed winded like the backlash of just picking up total concentration breathing. She stood herself back up, "Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter!" She said sounding a tad confused, before rushing forward at blinding speeds. I blocked but she was prepared for it this thrust was pushing my blades and upper body back a bit. 

          'I see the run up was to strengthen the power of the thrust,' I thought to my self. 'Almost time to use it.' I pushed her backward again with minimal effort.  

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