Internship Hardships

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          (Hi Author here, I am going to be adding some more to this it is at the end of the chapter please read it when you get the chance.)

Izuku POV:

          "Okay," Aizawa said walking into the class. "After the sports festival comes one of the greatest times for the Students of UA. The sponsored internships!" 

          "The what now, Sir?" Sato asked with his hand raised. 

          "Oh its quite simple," Izumi interjected. 

          "Quite right," I said standing up. "During the sports festival we were competing not only for our ultimate placement at the end of the 1v1 tournament, but also for the various heroes who attended's attention. They have the right to offer us an internship at their hero agency, in part to help us learn more while in the field but also for bragging rights to some degree." 

          "Bragging rights?" Ochacko asked. 

          "Yeah bragging rights," Katsumi said. "Those who placed higher tend to get more offers so the hero agencies fight over the top spot." 

          "Not that it maters for me," I said now having sat back down. "I will be working with my father for the duration of the internship." 

          "Yes your father has informed me," Aizawa said. "As for Izumi she said she wanted to go with Ryukyu, oh and Melissa asked for a special hero to take her under their wing as well. The rest of you will have to go over the lists provided for each of you, those of you who didn't get any offers there are several agencies that always take in our students so they aren't left out. You all have a week to decide, the week after that your internships begins."

Time skip to the Yagi Estate that afternoon.

           Izumi, Jirou, Katsumi, Mikumo, Aiba, and I walked into the living room and sat down on our multiple sofas. I had Jirou cuddled up to me laying my lap while we looked through a holographic list of the internship offers she had. Izumi and Katsumi where doing the same thing on the sofa to our left, and Mikumo and Aiba on the sofa to our right. 

           "I want to focus on my quirk for the internship what do you think about that Izu?" Jirou asked looking up to me. 

           "I think it is a great idea, though I trained you all to the best I could with your quirks I am certainly not the best option to help your individual quirks flourish" I said. "Perhaps you should set your sights on a hero who also possesses a sound based quirk. Hey right here you got an offer from Gang Orca." 

          "Yeah, your point being?" Jirou asked me. 

          "Oh, I can sense a quirk drop coming on." Mikumo said looking up from Aiba and their lists, they I think were looking for a place they could go together.

          "Defiantly a quirk drop moment coming," Izumi said not bothering to look up from Katsumi's list. "See I told you she probably offered you an internship as well." she said before kissing Katsumi on the forehead. 

          "Though Gang Orca has a mutation type quirk that many people assume as being just an appearance and strength augmentation," I began to explain. "Orcinus actually gives him the powers of a killer whale flawlessly. With that in mind he is capable of producing a Hypersonic wave that can paralyze his targets." 

           "In other words he is actually a good match for me to help train my quirk," Jirou said looking up at me. 

           "Did I give to much information again?" I asked cocking my head to the side a bit while looking down at her. 

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