New House Mate and Great Progress

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Mikumo's POV:

          The Yagi twins gave me one of their practice blades and Izuku gave me a copy he made of the Water breathing techniques, all so I could practice at home. I went home that day to my family and informed them that I had decided to continue with my dream to be a hero. 

          "You a hero," my Father said. "How can a quirkless loser like you become a hero" 

          "Yeah we've told you time and time again to give up and choose a more realistic career," my older brother said. He was activating his quirk so his muscles were growing more pronounced. 

          "I met a friend who believes in me and is helping me to become a quirkless hero!" I said with confidence. That was a mistake because immediately my dad activated his own quirk which caused him to grow two additional arms and then all four increased in muscle mass. They both beat me and broke me this was the final straw that night I decided to run away and I knew the perfect place to go the Yagi household. 

Time skip to later that night around 11. 

          I buzzed the house, it was Mr. Yagi who answered my buzz, "Hello who is it?" 

          "Mr. Yagi I was wondering if I could stay with you guys for awhile," I said into the buzzer 

          "Akatani, what it's late here I'll buzz you in and you can explain then" Mr. Yagi said then the gate opened and I walked to the house. When I got inside Izuku was still awake reading some of the other manuscripts when I walked in he looked at me and had a face of worry. He immediately came to my side and helped me to the couch. 

          "Mikumo what happened to you?" he asked as his father rolled in on his temporary wheel chair.

          "Indeed my boy, what happened to you?" Mr. Yagi asked as soon as he was situated in front of us I recounted my tale. 

          "Those bastards they will pay," Izuku said showing a small amount of anger as he stood up. 

          "Son, calm down you know that won't due any good" his father told him. "Now Your father sounds vaguely familiar." 

          "He should he is a low class local hero my brother is his newest sidekick," I told him.

          "In that case I know just what todo and from now on you will be staying with us, not like we don't have the room" Mr. Yagi said. "Now Izuku take him to the Hot spring that should help soothe his wounds." 

          "Right, follow me Mikumo" Izuku said and he led me to a artificial hot spring they had in their house and helped me clean up and settle in the hot spring to soothe my wounds. After that he led me to a spare room that I guess will be my new room.  

Time Skip to Morning   

          In the morning I woke up and went to breakfast where there was more people than normal. There was a couple that were older who I assumed were Izuku and Izumi's grandparents as well as a very tired looking man with a scruffy beard and finally a dog mouse bear thing.

          "Ah Good morning Young Akatani Chiyo if you mind could you look him over," Mr. Yagi asked. 

          "No I don't mind Come here sunny," The old lady now named Chiyo said. "let's see Oh dear they really did a number on you yeah I am gonna have to use my quirk on him" she announced. 

          "Well let us get pictures first so we have evidence," The hobo said. 

          "Couldn't have said it better myself, Aizawa" The dog mouse bear said. 

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