Spencer Reid One Shots

By Criminalminds_fan1

104K 1.5K 98

Just a bunch of one shots. I had almost 300k views before my book got deleted. More

School Shooting
Lost and Found
Secret Fiance
Drunk 2
Wait for me
Wallet Photo
Nothing Changed
Should have Answered
Transparent Soul
Transparent Soul 2
Transparent Soul 3
Run in at the Park
Exs Wedding
It wasnt me
Already getting Lovin
Paper Airplanes
Car Crash
Im so sorry
Night In
Car Crash
I lied
Lovers of cheaters

Good to bad

8.6K 92 30
By Criminalminds_fan1

Hey everyone. idk if you all are here because you are looking for a new book or you read my one shot book before. my book was deleted and i lost a lot of my stories. i'm going to be posting what i had saved in my docs and then there should be new chapters out. Enjoy!

Spencers POV:

I walked into the office, sitting down at my desk. I opened the first case file on my desk when Morgan and Garcia walked over to my desk. They were probably coming to talk about something they were arguing about.

"Hey kid, do you think- wow." Morgan started.

"What?" I asked.

"Reid, is your nails painted?" He asked.

I looked down at my hands, smiling at the memories. You begged me to paint them yesterday so I let you.

"Yeah, my girlfriend wanted to paint them so I let her." I answered.

My eyes widened, I hadn't told them I was seeing anyone. Garcia squealed while Morgan smiled widely.

"Chocolate thunder, can I please paint your nails?" Garcia begged Morgan.

"Not a chance." Morgan answered.

Garcia huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Where can I get a Spencer Reid?" She mumbled.

That made me and Morgan laugh, Morgan rolling his eyes playfully.

"Pretty boy has a girlfriend." Morgan yelled.

That caught the attention of the rest of the team. Before I knew it the rest of the team was around my desk.

"Is that true, Reid? Do you have a girlfriend?" JJ asked.

"Yeah it's true." I answered.

"When do we get to meet her?" Hotch asked.

"I could call her and see what she is doing. Maybe she can come by the office today." I said.

"Well, get to calling, and leave it on speaker." Emily said.

I dialed Y/n's number and put it on speaker. A few rings later and you answered the phone.

"Hey bubs." You answered.

"Hey, bunny. What are you doing?" I asked.

"I am sitting on the couch. Why?" You answered.

I went to answer when I heard a faint knock on the door. I heard Y/n sigh and it sounded like she got up off the couch.

"Actually, looks like I'm babysitting Kate." You said after answering the door.

"Oh tell her I said hi." I said.

"Don't worry, you will be the first thing she asks about." Y/n said.

I heard the door open and the little pitter patter of the 5 year olds shoes.

"Hey auntie Y/n, where's uncle Spence?" Kate asked.

"See Spencer, you are her favorite person." Y/n complained.

"It's not my fault." I said.

At this point I kind of forgot about my team who was standing around my desk.

"Yes it is, stop being so likeable." You said.

"Uncle Spence, when are you coming home?" Kate's voice rang through the phone.

"How about you and aunt Y/n take a trip to come see me." I suggest through the phone.

"Really?" Kate squealed.

"Really." I answered.

"Spencer, aren't you at work?" You asked me.

"Yes I am, but my team would like to meet you." I answered.

"Ok, we will be there soon." She said.

"Ok, be safe I love you." I said.

"I love you too." She said.

I hung up, turning to look at my team. They all had smiles on their face.

"Did you call her bunny when you first answered the phone?" JJ asked.

"Yes, that's her nickname." I answered, confused to why she would care.

"That is the cutest thing ever." Garcia squealed.

"How long have you all been together?" Hotch asked.

"A year and 3 months." I answered.

"Why have you hidden her so long?" Rossi asked.

"I didn't want someone to have leverage over me." I answered.

I heard the ding of the elevator and everyone turned to look at the elevator. I saw Y/n and Kate walk in so I stood up and walked towards them. As soon as Kate saw me she was running towards me. I bent down to be eye level with her. She threw herself into my arms and I picked her up.

"How's my favorite little girl?" I asked.

I saw Y/n pout in the corner of my eye. Kate giggled at my question.

"Im good." She answered.

"Hey, she's not allowed to take my spot." Y/n exclaimed.

I laughed, walking towards her. I grabbed her chin softly, turning it so she was looking up at me.

"I said my favorite little girl, you're my favorite big girl." I said, kissing her softly.

"Fine, I will let it pass this once." She said, holding up one finger.

"Ok, let's go meet my team." I said.

She nodded and looked over in their direction. They were all staring, huge smiles on their face. We both walked over to them, standing in front of them.

"Team, this is Y/n. Y/n this is David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau or JJ, Aaron Hotchner and Penelope Garcia." I introduced.

"Hello everyone." You said, giving a small wave.

"You all are literally the cutest couple ever." Garcia squealed.

Third Person POV:

Spencer and Y/n both smiled at this. You were always getting compliments about being a cute couple. They were always just being themselves, so they never understood why they were always getting compliments.

Kate was playing with Spencer's hair. She always loved to play with his brown curls. She was trying to braid a few strands of his hair. In reality all she was doing was twisting two pieces of his hair together and hoping they would make braids. When they didn't she huffed, pulling a laugh from you and Spencer.

"Up." Kate said.

Spencer smiled, moving her off his hip and lifting her to sit on his shoulders. She squealed, letting her hands get lost into his curls. The team stared in awe at Spencer taking care of her and your smile couldn't get any bigger if you tried.

"Who's the little girl?" Derek asked.

"Oh, she's my sisters kid. Her names Kate." Y/n answered.

"She's really cute." JJ said.

"Yeah she is." You smiled.

"Well, it was really nice meeting you, but I have paperwork I have to get back to." Hotch stated.

"Ok, it was really nice meeting you too." You said.

"I have things to get back to also, so I will see you around." Rossi said, walking away.

That left you, JJ, Emily, Garcia, Morgan and Spencer. JJ, Emily, Garcia and Morgan all grabbed chairs that were near them and pulled them over to Spencer's desk. Spencer took Kate off his shoulders, sitting down in his chair. He patted his lap, signaling that you could sit in his lap. So, you sat down on his lap, his arm snaking around your waist. Kate was standing, running around and playing with things on Spencer's desk.

"Kate, don't make a mess." You told her.

Kate pouted at you but sat the thing that was in her hands down, opting to fiddle with her fingers. Spencer sighed, pulling out his phone. You had managed to talk him into buying an iphone so you all could face time while he was away. He clicked on a game he had just for Kate and handed it to her. She smiled brightly, sitting on the ground and playing on his phone.

Spencer's teammates that were still around you two started asking questions about your relationship. The usual questions you get asked like 'where did you meet' or 'who made the first move', those kind of questions. Their questions got cut short when your phone started ringing. You picked it up, reading the name that was on your screen. It was your sister calling, probably about Kate.

"Hey sis, whats up?" You asked.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"I'm at the FBI headquarters." You answered.

"W-why would y-you be at the FBI h-headquarters?" She stuttered.

She never stutters. The only time you have ever heard he stutter was when she was nervous.

"Why are you stuttering, you never stutter?" You laughed.

"Just answer the question." Your sister yelled into the phone.

You pulled the phone away from your ear, Spencer looking at you confused.

"Calm down, I'm here because my boyfriend works here." You answered.

The team was looking at you confused along with Spencer. Kate was still playing on Spencer's phone, but she took her shirt, wiping under her eye. That's when you saw she had what looked like foundation on.

"Y/s/n, why does Kate have makeup on?" You asked.

"No reason, just don't take it off." She demanded.

"Do any of you all have a makeup wipe with you?" You asked the girls that were sitting around you.

"Y/n, don't you dare." Your sister growled.

You ignored her, putting the phone on speaker. Garcia had makeup wipes with her, thank god.

"Kate, come here real fast." You said.

She stood up, running to you. You held her head gently in your hand, wiping at the makeup on her face. You gasped when it was off, tears building in your eyes. You looked over at Spencer, his jaw dropped, tears in his eyes. He sat up really fast, still holding onto you in his lap. He turned Kate's head gently towards him, examining the bruises that you just uncovered.

"Y/s/n, why does Kate have bruises on her face?" You asked.

"S-she, um, she fell." She stuttered.

"Kate, sweetheart, how did you get those bruises?" Spencer asked.

"I get them all the time. They come from mommy and daddy when we have play time. Play time with them hurt a lot more than play time with you and aunt Y/n." She answered him.

There were tears in your eyes. Spencer looked at you with the rest of his team. You were hoping that you were reading into this wrong, that all this was a misunderstanding. You didn't want what was going through your head to be the truth.

"Y/s/n, what's that about?" You asked.

"She's lying, you can't believe a five year old over me." She yelled.

"Why would a five year old be lying about something called play time with her mommy and daddy, and she gets hurt during it?" You asked.

"Y/n, I'm on my way, do not ask her any more questions." Your sister demanded.

You hung up the phone and turned to Kate.

"Kate, exactly what does mommy and daddy do during play time?" You asked softly.

"Well, mommy usually holds my hands above my hands while daddy takes off my skirt and-" She starts.

"Ok, I think that's enough Kate, thank you." Spencer rushed out.

You now had a few tears falling down your cheeks.

"Is it fine if the girls take Kate to check her for more bruising? I don't think you need to see anything else." Spencer asked.

"Yeah, it's fine, just tell me what you find." You said.

As soon as the girls took Kate you broke down. You hide your face in Spencer's chest, curling your legs up. He held you, rocking the little he could in his chair. He was running a hand through your hair, shushing you. Derek patted your shoulder, walking up the stairs and into the offices you watched Hotch and Rossi disappear into not long ago.

You stayed curled in a ball on Spencer's lap while he rocked you back and forth. Soon, the girls were coming out with Kate, their faces telling it all. When they got to you, they sat Kate down, and looked at Spencer.

"I think we need some arrest warrants." Emily said.

You started crying harder and curled farther into Spencer.

"Go tell Hotch and Rossi, I'm gonna stay right here." Spencer said.

The girls walked off and you heard the elevator open. You looked over to see your sister walking into the bullpen. You jumped up faster than Spencer could react and ran towards her. You slapped her before she could say anything. You felt arms wrap around your waist, pulling you back.

"What kind of mother are you? Helping your own daughter get sexually assaulted by her own father." You screamed.

"You have no proof." She said.

"You both are going to rot in jail. You do know that we could tell something has happened to Kate because of the marks left. They are getting arrest warrants as we speak." You spat.

Just then Hotch and Rossi walked out, walking down to where you were. Hotch put your sister in handcuffs. Hotch asked for the address of your sister so they could go arrest your brother in law. You gave it to him, disgust filling your body.

Almost an hour later Rossi and Hotch walked back in, your brother in law in handcuffs. You walked up to him, spitting in his face.

"You're a disgusting human being, you and your wife." You said.

You walked back to Spencer, wrapping your arms around him. Kate walked up to you, wrapping her little arms around your leg. You picked her up, letting her rest on your hip. She laid her head on your shoulder, letting out a sigh.

"Does this mean I never have to have playtime with mommy and daddy again?" She asked.

"Never again. They can never hurt you." You said.

"Thank you." She whispered.

Before you knew it she was asleep in your arms. Spencer let you lay her on a small couch in the round table room. You all were talking about what would happen to Kate.

"I say there are a bunch of families out there that would adopt Kate." JJ suggested.

"What, I'm not letting her be put up for adoption." You exclaimed.

"Then what are you going to do?" Garcia asked.

You looked over at the round table room, where Spencer stayed with Kate. He was reading a book with her head in his lap.

"Do you think Spencer would want to take her in?" You asked quietly.

"I think he would. I mean, look how good he is with her already." Hotch said.

"He would be a perfect father figure for her." Rossi said.

"Imagine pretty boy as a father." Morgan suggested.

You nodded, walking towards the room. When you got in the room Spencer smiled at you, putting his book down. You sat next to him, leaning against his shoulder.

"How would you feel about taking Kate in as our own?" You asked.

Spencer's head snapped to look at you, tears forming in his eyes.

"Really?" He asked.

You nodded, letting out a small laugh.

"I would love to adopt her." He said.

You smiled, kissing him softly. He pulled away, smiling down at you. Kate started to wake up, and looked up from Spencer's lap. She sat up, crawling to sit in his lap.

"Kate, how would you feel about living with me and uncle Spence?" You asked.

"Like a super long sleepover?" She asked.

"Kind of. You would stay with us everyday." You said.

"I would love to." She said.

"Good, we will start moving your stuff into our apartment soon." Spencer said.

The team was watching through the window of the round table room. They were smiling at seeing Spencer so happy with you.

"Spencer deserves to be happy." Emily said.

"I haven't seen him smile so big since Maeve." Hotch said.

Five months later

It's been a long five months but you have gotten everything worked out. You and Spencer had gotten all of Kate's things moved into your apartment and your sister and brother in law would be going to prison for a long time.

You and Spencer were watching a movie, Kate was asleep in her bedroom. You were sitting with your back to Spencer's front. He was leaving small kisses on your neck, causing you to laugh quietly. His hair was tickling the side of your face.

You grabbed one of his hands, laying it on top of your stomach under your shirt. You had taken a pregnancy test about two weeks ago, it came out positive. You had yet to tell Spencer, being too busy getting everything settled.

Spencer rubbed small circles on your stomach, thinking that it was just hurting you.

"Do you think you would still love me if I got fat?" You asked.

"Of course sweetheart, where is this coming from?" Spencer answered.

"Well, I just wanted to know for when the baby decided to show." You said.

Spencer froze, leaving his hand still on your stomach. You just sat quietly for a few seconds, listening to Spencer's heavy breathing.

"Are you serious?" He whispered.

You nodded, smiling. He jumped up, pulling you with him. He pulled you into a huge hug.

"You're pregnant?" He asked.

You nodded again.

"I'm gonna be a dad." He exclaimed.

"You're gonna be the best dad ever." You whispered.

The next day

Spencer's POV:

I walked into the bullpen, the biggest smile on my face. The team started gathering around my desk, ready to hit me with the questions.

"Pretty boy, what are you smiling so big about? Did you get some last night?" Morgan asked.

I rolled my eyes, looking down at my paperwork.

"Spencer, what are you smiling so big about?" Garcia asked.

"I'm going to be a dad." Spencer answered.

Garcia squealed while everyone else smiled. Hotch even smiled, which surprised me.

"Congratulations Spencer." Hotch said, patting my shoulder.

"You deserve to be happy." Rossi said.

"I better be the godmother." Garcia said.

"So you did get some, but it wasn't last night." Morgan mentioned.

"Garcia don't worry, I will make sure you're the godmother." I said, ignoring Morgan's comment.

"You're going to be a great father." JJ said.

I smiled, and got back to work. After hours of filling out paperwork, I was on my way home. I walked in the apartment, immediately hearing the pitter patter of Kate's feet hitting the floor. She came around the corner and made her way to me. I picked her up, squeezing her.

"How are you princess?" I asked.

"I'm good. Did you know aunt Y/n is going to have a baby?" She asked.

"I did know that. How will you feel about having a little baby around here?" I asked.

"I can't wait." She squealed.

Just then Y/n walked around the same corner, making her way over to me. I smiled, giving her a small kiss.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm good." She answered.

I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me. I smiled at her and Kate, ready to add this new addition to my family.

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