
由 beynikaoutsold

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Duality refers to two parts, often completely opposite. Onika and Beyoncé go to a prestigious college-they b... 更多



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由 beynikaoutsold

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles

Beyoncé opened her eyes, slowly but surely. She heard the light sound of chirps from outside her window, and the sun shined through only a little because of her dark curtains. She slept..good. Best she's slept in awhile. She noticed that—and then immediately felt a weight on her and a curly frizz in her face.

Suddenly the memories of yesterday rushed through her mind, and she looked down at Onika who was resting completely on top of her.

Beyoncé could feel—everything. Which made her way more alert.

She felt the sensation of Onikas face resting right in the crook of her neck. She could tell she was still asleep by the light breaths she felt—which made the hairs on her neck stand up.

She figured Onika moved in the middle of the night, and found a comfortable position that resulted in trapping Beyoncé under her.

She had her left hand placed on Beyoncé's chest, while the other took up the left over space of the pillow Beyoncé rested her head on. Her legs were on either side of Beyoncés hips—and she was so damn close.

But beyoncé can't say she was bothered.

But a little nervous because being this close to her made her blush.

She was just startled considering she's never shared a bed with a girl, let alone woke up to one cuddling into her.

But Onika seemed to fit like a puzzle piece, no wonder Beyoncé slept so good last night. She calmed down a bit and enjoyed her embrace.

She felt—safe with Onika cuddling into her. She felt—at peace. She didn't feel annoyed, or angry —which was so rare for her.

She'd love to start off every morning like this if she could.

And then at the thought of that she felt herself blush slightly. She definitely had a crush—and she hated to admit it so much. Because she's never had a genuine crush on a girl before.

Acknowledging this, she felt her heart beat a bit faster as Onika adjusted her position on top of her in her sleep. She calmed down again till Onika shifted her leg one last time.

And then Beyoncé noticed she was still alert in a certain area.

She looked up toward her ceiling as if God could help her in that moment. She moved her head slight to peek down—and past Onikas leg she could clearly see her little buddy standing tall and proud and she closed her eyes.

She cursed herself, she didn't wear her compression shorts in her own home. Not usually anyways.

But right at this moment she wished she did. So atleast it wouldn't be this noticeable.

She's gotten morning wood before. It was almsot ever-day during puberty for her—but nowadays wasn't as often since her hormones were a balanced mix of testosterone and estrogen. But this morning had to be the morning for it to happen.

She groaned silently.

Usually when Beyoncé woke up with morning wood she actually did one of the following.

1. Go back to sleep
2. Switch positions; then go back to sleep
3. Or take a cold shower
4. Or "take care" of it herself.
5. Wait it out

The going back to sleep option seemed the best in this situation—but she didn't know if she could risk Onika waking up before she did and noticing it.

Then a terrifying thought popped into her mind, "Does she even know I have a.." Beyoncés eyes widened and then slowly turned to the girl who was still silently sleeping.

She couldn't switch positions and then fall back asleep, it posed the same issue plus Onika was on top of her.

She couldn't "take care" of it herself because the last time she tried she couldn't even get hard—not to mention Onika was infact on top of her and in her apartment. She'd feel too guilty to first remove her from her position, just to relieve herself.

Beyoncé sighed, she knew she was going to have to take a cold shower or get up and wait it out and get Onika off of her. But she definitely did enjoy the feeling of the girl ontop of her. It felt so—domestic. Waking up to her.

She frowned thinking about what led to her being ontop of her though—Onika was definitely upset yesterday. And Beyoncé knew it had something to with Safaree and she felt her anger flare again.

She knew he said something foul, something that made her so panicked that she had to call the girl she had previously yelled at for help. Beyoncé was glad—never the less she was half that Onika contacted her.

She suddenly couldn't enjoy the moment as much  anymore, remembering that Onika wasn't there because she wanted to be there.

She directed her attention back to her little friend —she wanted it to go down so she could possibly go back to sleep and eventually ask Onika what happened. If she would even really tell her.

So she stayed wide awake in her bed praying to god Onika didn't wake up. When she finally saw the tent in her sweatshorts go down she let out a sigh of relief.

She then heard a wimper in her ear and she turned slightly and suddenly noticed Onika was shaking. She didn't know what to do.

She could visibly see it and feel it, and she felt a soft grip on her shirt.

Beyoncé never handled someone's else's distress well—she never really knew how to. She heard a mini gasp in her ear before crying into the crook of her neck. 

She gripped Beyonce's shirt tighter as she cried some more. Beyoncé was—lost. She hated knowing Onika wasn't at peace anymore—because she looked so peaceful sleeping.

Beyoncé decided to rub her back to try what her mother often did when she was crying, "Its okay. I'm here." Beyoncé mumbled and it seemed to calm her down, and after a few moments her sobs calmed themselves. And she felt soft breaths again.

Suddenly Onika pulled away slowly, and both of her hands ended up on Beyonces stomach—she was practically straddling her.

She looked worried, she appeared to be looking down at herself and then Beyoncé.

Safarees words rang through her mind, accusing Beyoncé of being a hoe—saying she breaks hearts—and claiming all she wants to do is fuck her.

But as Onika looked down at Beyonce she couldn't believe it.

Because Beyoncé, was sweet when she wanted to be. She let her stay over, she didn't care about her autism—and she could tell she had a good heart. She just was really bad at expressing her feelings. She looked into her hazel eyes for a second.

Beyoncé seemed—shyer.

She wasn't looking at Onika anymore —she was looking to the side and peering glances at Onika. She saw the beauty marks on her neck and instinctively leaned down and trailed her finger.

Beyoncé tensed up at the sudden feeling—but then relaxed. She was confused what Onika was doing, she wanted to ask her why she was crying a few moments ago—but the girl hadn't uttered a word.

After a few moments Beyoncé realized Onika was playing connect the dots on her neck. She stopped and rested her head on Beyonces chest. And the blonde was stuck.

She hated how fast her heart was beating—and Onika was so close. She was usually the nervous one—so why was Beyoncé sweating bricks?

After a few minutes—she finally decided to break their silence.

"Are you okay now?" Beyoncé asked in a soft tone and Onika nodded. Beyoncé sighed when she pulled away again.

She looked down at Beyoncé.

She wasn't talking—she wasn't uttering a single word and Beyoncé wondered how long they had spent in bed.

"Can you—try and talk to me?" Beyoncé asked and Onika wasn't looking at her. She poked her thigh, which made Onika turn to her.

Onika had heard her—she was just gathering up her words—and she wasn't sure if she wanted to speak.

She looked at Beyoncé—it was like a silent communication. "You don't have to. I understand if you can't—or if you simply don't feel like it." Beyoncé suddenly said. She had forgotten about Onikas autism till this point. And she wasn't sure if she wasn't talking because of that, or she simply didn't want to— or maybe a mix of both.

She didn't care aslong as she was okay.

And as of right now, she confirmed she wasn't.

"Do you need time?" Beyoncé asked and Onika nodded. She greatly appreciated Beyoncés patience—because when Onika was greatly upset she'd go mute at times. And she remembers how frustrated her mother would get with her for not talking.

"Do you—want anything? We can go down and ask for that spare key for your apartment." Beyoncé offered and Onika shook her head and went right back to cuddling into Beyoncé.

"You're okay right here?" Beyoncé asked and she felt and witnessed Onika nod. Beyoncé was honestly fine with this and she couldn't shake the warm feeling she felt with Onika so close with her.

She was pretty content like that.

And then she heard a sound—that she couldn't exactly describe. But she's heard it before.


"Are you sick?" Beyoncé asked and she watched Onika struggle with another sneeze. And then heard her sniffle.

Beyoncé turned her head slightly with a small smile—because she could tell Onika was embarrassed by the red tips of her ears and the way she gripped her shirt again.

Oh yeah, she was sick.

Beyoncé searched for her phone, and her moving space was limited with Onika ontop of her. Then an idea popped in her head.

She tapped Onikas back and the girl pulled away with a curious look on her face.

"You don't have school today right?


Onika Tanya Maraj

Beyoncé went out to the store—a part of Onika wanted to come so she could be near the blonde—the other part wanted to stay in her apartment because she didn't feel like getting up.

So she stayed, Beyoncé claimed she'd be back quickly so Onika rubbed her eyes and stayed in Beyonces bed.

She hated thinking about yesterday, Safaree was definitely not her friend anymore for several reasons. He basically cornered her—and he touched her where no one dared to.

She felt violated and felt nauseous each time she even thought about it. She couldn't stomach being around him anymore.

She pressed her head against Beyoncés pillows, they smelled like her which calmed her down.But she couldn't help but let out a sigh.

She was angry—at someone she never would have expected to be angry at. The women who raised her when her mother couldn't—she was mad at her. Furious even.

Because why would she keep this from her?

Onika tried to run through every rational scenario on why. She barely knew anything about her brother.

She knew that he cut off their mom when he went off to college—and visited a few times when she was a baby but..she never got to see what he looked like.

She only knew she had a big brother because they spoke about him like he was some kind of theory—Onika didn't think he was real for awhile. Along with her dad.

As she thought more about it, the only reason Onika was confused on why she had 2 women raising her was because she saw a lot of kids at her school with fathers.

She got picked on for not having a dad—and she never understood why. What's so funny about having an absent parent?

"Little kids are mean.." She mumbled snuggling herself deeper into Beyoncés bed.

She had to think of why her aunt would do that. She hadn't talked to her—and Onika knew she was scheduled for work in the afternoon but—she didn't care.

She wanted to spend the afternoon with Yonce. Because she knew if she went and saw her aunt right now she wouldn't be the calmest.

Would would she even say?

Every-time she thought about it she got angry, and Onika didn't like being angry.

She was a little bit tired but—she missed Beyonces embrace so she refused to go back to sleep. She liked having her so close—it was so comforting—especially after her nightmare that woke her up.

It was about Safaree—and his hands all over her. She couldn't stop it—she hated it. And she thought nightmares were so weird. They were never focused on what sole thing, there was always something random in there—or just as traumatic or scary to what the person was dealing about.

Not only was it Safaree—but it was the event where she saw her own mother—lifeless. Scenes of horror movies she's seen with blood and gore slashed in there—the images moved so fast in her mind and it was all so scary she couldn't help but cry.

She had forgotten she wasn't in her own room, and she was worried for a second till she saw honey blonde locks and dug herself deeper into them and let it all

Onika just whined after a few moments and placed Beyoncés duvet over her head. She didn't like thinking about all of this first thing in the morning—especially since Onika was sure she had a cold.

She stayed like that, under Beyonces covers waiting for her return for about..a whole 50 seconds before realizing she had to pee.

She took the blanket off, and sat up. She looked around Beyonces room—it was neat. She stood up, she noticed there was a bathroom right next to Beyonces room earlier.

She peeked to make sure she wasn't seeing things and slid inside the bathroom and took care of her business.

When she stood up and went to wash her hands she didn't see any hand soap—she knew her aunt always kept some in the bathroom closet or in the cabinet. She thought it was common to do so—so she went under the sink and saw soap and when she reached for it she realized something.

Beyoncés bathroom had different things than her.

Onika wasn't entirely surprised but she was a little confused. She wondered why the girl didn't have any pads or anything. She thought maybe to remind her when she came back and grabbed the soap.

When she did so her hand knocked into something else, and a bowl spilled on the bathroom floor.

It wasn't full of a liquid or anything of the sort—instead it was full of these mini packages and she read the labels on them.

"Trojan? L-Like the horse?" She asked herself.

"Why does Beyoncé have a bowl of mini packaged squares in her house labeled Trojan?"

She didn't know what they were for but she picked them up to place them back in the bowl. She didn't want Beyoncé getting mad at her for leaving a mess.

After washing her hands she closed the cabinet, fixed the little carpet she shifted and headed out of the bathroom.

She headed back into Beyonces room, and wasn't looking when she ran into a hamper. She prayed they weren't dirty—but realized they were folded so they most likely weren't.

She adjusted the hamper and noticed several pairs of boxer briefs. She tilted her head to the side.

"Are those more comfortable or something?" She wondered. She shook it off and headed back into Beyoncés bed and hugged her pillow.

She loved the way it basically smelled like her. She felt like she was surrounded by Beyoncé scented things and she didn't mind. Onika didn't realize how sick she actually was till she had a sneeze attack and felt her head get hot. She whined and pushed herself deeper into Beyoncés pillows.

Soon enough after immersing herself into Beyoncés bed again, the blonde came back. She had snacks, and when she walked back into the room she saw the little lump in her bed that was Onika.

She smiled and went around to crouch infront of her before shaking her a little. She came from under there in a second—but Beyoncé noticed how red her face was.

She placed the back of hand on her face which Onika didn't seem to mind and Beyoncé could feel how warm her face was.

"Are you okay? Physically?" Beyoncé asked and Onika nodded. She felt sick but not extremely. Beyoncé went to her fridge to get her a cold bottle of water,  and to her bathroom to get her cold medicine.

Aftee walking back into her room—asoon as Onika saw that little cup she immediately starting shaking her head.

"Onika I know it taste like shit—but I think it'll relieve any future symptoms." Beyoncé stated and Onika sighed and took it, and Beyoncé immediately handed her the juice from her bag.

Beyoncé opened up her computer to Netflix and asoon as she sat in the bed Onika clung onto her. She knew Onika was sick, and she knew she had a pretty good chance of getting sick too.

But she didn't exactly care.

She set the computer down, stacked up her pillows so she could sit up and watch her Tv and eat her snacks while Onika laid on her chest again.

She was disturbed by the ringing of her phone and she immediately saw Onika cover her ears. She felt bad and answered it immediately just to stop the noise she seemed to sensitive to. She was a little annoyed that whoever was calling her was disturbing this for her.

Beyoncé went silent and mouthing to Onika if she wanted to talk to the person who had called her and Onika shook her head. Beyoncé answered for her.

Onika didn't care that she answered her phone for her—she really just wanted to get back to being half asleep.

"Hello?" Beyoncé answered and she heard the familiar voice of the women she practically snitched on yesterday.

"Who's this?"

Beyoncés eyes cut to Onika, who was laying on her chest again—actually asleep. She didn't know if it was worth waking her up for this. And then question how she the hell she managed to pass out so fast.

"It's uh—Beyoncé. Onikas friend." Beyoncé said quietly. "Oh—well is Onika there? And is she alright? Shes an hour late for her shift and I got a little worried." Vanessa stated and Beyoncé looked down at the girl peacefully sleeping on her chest.

She didn't know if she should say yes—she was—or lie and say no she wasn't. But it wouldn't make sense because she literally had her phone—so she couldn't say no or she'd look like some serial killer trying to cover up the crime.

"She's—here. Just not available. She's okay—she's sick." Beyoncé settled on that. It wasn't a lie but it was definitely vague.

"Sick? Seriously? Does she need me to—"

"She's fine—I'm taking care of her." Beyoncé said immediately and just hoped she would take her word for it. "Are you..sure? She can get really clingy when she's sick and she may get you sick as well as a result." Vanessa stated.

"Oh she's fine she's just sleeping." Beyoncé explained. "Oh..well tell her to call me when she can." She stated and Beyoncé gave her an ok before ending the call.

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, she felt so conflicted on several things.

She's sure Vanessa had some sort of valid reason for not telling Onika about her brother, and considering she had a big fat crush on her niece she didn't want to be rude. But she already knew she was probably gonna be pissed her for telling Onika.


She looked down again at the girl on her chest—she had a crush on her. She tried to calm her nerves again because if she didn't Onika would have the soundtrack of her picked up heart rate.

After a little while, Beyonces arm started to fall asleep—she tapped Onika so she could switch positions and instead laid on her side with her arm propping her up.

Onika still managed to cling onto her, head in the crook of her neck—with her back to Beyoncé's laptop.

Beyoncé would be lying if she said she didn't like this—because she absolutely loved it. When she felt Onikas breath on her neck every now and then she blushed slightly.

She rubbed Onikas back every now—along with checking how warm her head was—and then she  she heard a mumble.

She was quiet—hoping that Onika would actually be speaking.

Maybe she was sleep talking? But it was something.

"H-Hey Bey?" She called out and Beyoncé sighed in relief hearing her voice. "Yeah?" She answered softly.


Beyonce quirked an eyebrow in confusion, "What do you mean?" She asked and Onika stayed in her position.

She heard her yawn before continuing, "I was—u-using your bathroom and you didn't have any soap on the counter so I looked in the cabinets—"

Beyoncé's heart dropped.

"I ended up finding t-the soap but I dropped these little  packages labeled trojan. Wha-what are they?" Onika asked and Beyoncé tried to come up with the most BS answer she could.

"They—are wipes. Wipes yeah." Beyoncé said quickly and Onika just nodded. She was too sick and too tired to actually care about Beyonces answer.

"Bey?" She called out again  and after a few moments she spoke up. "I-I really appreciate and you're really warm.Th-thank you for taking care of me."She said softly and Beyoncé felt the usual warm sensation she got around Onika—go up about 5 notches.

"You—uh—you're uh—you're welcome." Beyoncé stated.

"I-I really like you too Onika—in-fact I—get this warm feeling around you too—a-and—" She cut herself off when she felt soft breathes on her neck.

Onika was back asleep.

Beyoncé sighed and tried to get away from the feeling of embarrassment and being flustered.

"Wasn't a good time anyways.." She mumbled before getting back to her Netflix show.

What she didn't hear was the ringing of her own phone.

Missed Call(s): 4


Bey, It's serious. Call me when you can okay?


Hey y'all! Hehe I updated

How was the chapter?

Beyoncé and Onika?

What do you think will happen with her aunt.

Why do you think Micah cut Carol off asoon as he turned of age?

Why do y'all think Solange was calling Beyoncé?

I wanted to give y'all a cute chapter after pissing yall off and traumatizing yall for the past few.


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