The Belladonna

Von BekLittleSparrow24

129K 5.6K 706

Adventure and Romance on the seas with pirates, epic ship battles and sword fights. When Sky joins a navy Br... Mehr

Authors note
Belladonna Playlist
Chapter 1- Rendes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Brig
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Pirates
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Manor
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Bonfire
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Belladonna
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Hawk
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Man-o-war
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Karniva
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Cormornants
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Crow's Nest
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Dining Hall
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Training room
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - The Alley
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The ball
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - The Pier
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Captain's Cabin
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - On the staircase
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Cells
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Wheel
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Tavern
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48- Manor Garden
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Dining Room
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 - The Well
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Frigate
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Bow
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 - Peaks
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Across the Plank
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - Sitting Room
Chapter 69

Chapter 7 - Belladonna

2.3K 97 9
Von BekLittleSparrow24

It could have been days since Sky was thrown down here. It could have been weeks as far as the she was concerned. In reality, however, it was in fact three whole days since she had blacked out. Sky woke to the sound of waves hitting the side of the ship and was momentarily disorientated.

Where am I? Sky turned her pounding head to look around and screamed as lightening shot from the bottom of her spine all the way up to her forehead sending shocks of torture to every nerve in her body. She doubled over from the pain gasping.

Another wave hit the side and rocked the ship. The Pirate ship.

No, She begged whoever was listening, please don't let it be real. Tears sprang to her eyes as her last memories came flooding back to her. Red. Blue. Red. Blue. Red. Funny how the Kings colours were also the colours of water and blood.

The ship was pushed by yet another wave. This one stronger than the last had been as it moved the ship so far Sky rolled away from the side of the ships hull. Her weak body collided with the metal bars of her prison making her yell. She gripped the cold steel; it's surface like ice against her hands. Grinding her teeth to keep herself quiet Sky heaved her throbbing body up off the ground using the bars as support. Already sweating from the effort she rested her head between the gap and tried to breathe like a normal person.

A crack of thunder vibrated the air around her. A storm was here and from the sounds coming from all around her it was not going to be gentle.

Based on what she had seen on the Brig she knew that where she was, in the cells, was most likely under water and the thought made her feel uneasy. She was thankful that there were no port holes down here but realised how stupid of a design flaw that would be as the ship would go under before it even left the harbour.

The ship swayed dangerously almost horizontal with the water and Sky felt gravity kick in as the waves tried to pull the ship under. Around her things moved out of their correct places; barrels of either water or rum, probably the latter, rolled away and banged against one and other before hitting the portside of the ship.

There was a noise from the middle deck and the wood above her creaked with heavy footsteps. Sky considered calling out for help then realised that the only other people on the ship were pirates and they were not just going to let their prisoner out of her cell.

The ship slowly righted itself and Sky's weight was shifted back to her legs. They almost gave out from under her now that they had to bear the rest of her body. She tried to hang onto the bars in order to keep her body from falling but it was difficult as her arms were just as sore as the rest of her.

"Cap'n said not to talk to 'er." The voice drifted into the cells from the deck above.

"And who's gonna check 'er in the middle of a hurricane, eh?" A rougher voice snapped. Sky saw feet on the rungs leading down into her prison. "If we're gonna die in this fucking storm I want one last bit o' fun. If you're too much of a piss bucket then get lost."

Two men climbed down the ladder. They hadn't seen Sky yet as she hung to the bars of her cell worried she won't be able to move away from them.

The Captain has the keys, she reassured herself, He wouldn't give them to his men... would he? She swallowed as the pirates looked up and saw her standing at the edge of her sell.

"Hello there lass," If he knew that meant Captain Dustin had told them and that meant everyone knew she was the only women on a ship full of blood thirsty men. "Come to get a bit of fun, we 'ave."

The second man was hopping from foot to foot an anxious expression on his face. "Jenkin." He looked back to where they had descended his movements jittery. "If the Cap't finds out he'll hang ya by your insides from the mast." The first man whirled on him.

"It ain't fair the Cap'n gets this," He looked at Sky his eyes feral, "all to 'imself." Sky felt her stomach squirm.

"I won't do it Jenkin. You're in this one alone." The second man turned to leave and Sky watched him go with a sinking feeling. Outside thunder shook the ship and although she couldn't see it Sky imagined the horizon flaring with lightening off in the distance.

"Looks like it's just you and me Love." The man licked his lips much to Sky's disgust and reached around to something on his belt. She heard it before she saw him produce the set of keys the Captain had used to seal her down here. "I'm gonna enjoy this."

Just as the words passed his lips a huge wave hit the starboard side of the ship and knocked it down. Sky was thrown against the bars that held her suspended there. The pirate was not so lucky as he went flying back and hit the other side of the ship with a crack. His head snapped back and his eyes flew open wide with pain. Off to her side were the barrels of rum. They both realised what was going to happen next and the pirate desperately tried to move out of their path but gravity kept him still. The barrels impacted with a spinechilling crack and one broke open covering the wood with the stench of liquor.

It took longer for the ship to come upright again this time as she was only seconds away from going under. Sky looked to the pile of barrels and watched as the rolled away from the side. Beneath them lay the pirate, not dead but defiantly not conscious. Sky's head plopped forward as her neck ached with tension. She stared wide-eyed down at her feet in astonishment. Lying on the ground only feet away from the edge of her cell was the set of keys. The pirate must have dropped them as the wave hit.

Gently getting down on her knees Sky pressed herself up against the bars as possible and reached out to grab the keeps. Her fingers bushed the ring hold them together and she cursed realising they were just out of reach for her short arms. Ignoring the pain she twisted her shoulder sideways to get more length. Her middle finger wrapped around the ring and a rush of excitement filled her.

The boat rocked in the dying storm and pushed Sky against the bars once again.

"Shit." Sky bit her tongue as the pressure and awkward position threatened to snap her shoulder. She snaked her arm around but was unable to pull free from the bars with the ship on the angle it was. "Curse these damned waves!"

As soon as the pressure was gone Sky ripped her arm free from the bars and stood up rubbing her shoulder blade. She looked down at the treasure in her left hand bewildered. After a seconds hesitation due to what the crew might do to her should they find her Sky began fitting keys into the lock.

The click sounded after the fourth try and the door swung open, its old hinges groaning in protest. Sky tucked the keys into the back of her pants and shut the cell door behind her. Without even a glance at the knocked out pirate Sky ascended the ladder to the middle deck.

Before she got there she stuck her head up looking for any sign of movement. Once she had determined that the deck was empty she pulled herself up with tense muscles. Each move she made her body disagreed with and tried her out three times faster than it should have. Simply with climbing the ladder Sky's heart beat thumped in her ears and her breathing become laboured.

From the middle deck Sky could see out the portholes to the sea beyond. It was difficult to tell where the sky ended and the water began due to the purplish hue the storm cover the sea with. She was surprised that they would leave them open in a storm like this .Maybe that's what the two men were doing down here. One side of the ship was closed off to the waves but the other was only half done with four windows closest to her still up the cannons sticking out of them like poppies in the snow.

A wave splashed against the starboard side and seawater filled in through the holes in the ship. It spread across the wood and Sky cursed. She ran to the open window and removed the piece of wood holding it open. It slammed shut with a loud bang and Sky flinched at the sound. She did the same to the other three. As she was shutting the last window a crack of brilliant white light cut through the darkness making the sky flash light purple.

Less than fifty feet away Sky saw something that made her breathing hitch. The water dropped back as it if was a sheet of expensive dark silk being pulled inwards from below. Then rapidly came up into the biggest wave Sky had ever seen in all her years.

It's going to swallow the ship whole.

Her hands working fast she closed the last window and pinned it shut then scanned the area for something to hold on to. She saw the ladder that lead to the main deck. Running to it unsure of how close the wave was now she threw herself at the rungs and started to climb with all the speed she could pushing away the pain in her joints and muscles.

If she could get to the main deck she would not be trapped down here and would be less likely to drown. She could swim, her father had made sure of it, and she would rather take her chances in the open water then down here. But if the wave didn't sink the ship then she would throw herself over the side in the hope that the water would be more merciful than the pirates.

The hatch was closed and Sky had to balance herself before she opened it. Placing her hands flat against the wood she pushed groaning at the weight. When it didn't budge she panicked thinking it had been locked from above. Refusing to give up she took another step towards it in order to give herself more leverage and pushed with all her might. A sliver of light appeared as the hatch began to lift. Sky used her shoulders as well as her arms and the hatch flipped back landing with a loud crash. She stuck her head up and looked out over the main deck.

It was chaos. Pirates ran up and down the deck with ropes and others tied themselves to the main mast in the hope they wouldn't get thrown off ship by the storm. Rain pelted down, soaking Sky in seconds and chilling her to the bone.

"It's gonna hit Cap'n!" A pirate near her yelled and all eye's including Sky's when to starboard side.

Before them was a huge wall of black reaching halfway to the main mast. Sky swallowed and gripped the ladder rung with both hands squeezing her eyes shut.

"Brace!" She heard Captain Dustin yell.

The rogue wave came crashing down on the ship with a force like Sky had never felt before. It slammed against her and the rest of the men. Sky's back screamed with pain and her hands broke contact with the rungs. Saltwater filled her lungs and she was lifted up and away from the ship suspended within the wave's slower gravity. All around her dark water swirled and Sky realised the immense power of the sea.

The boat titled aggressively under the waters might. The wave carried Sky away from the hatch and dropped her down against the railings of the ship. Landing on her stomach, her face scratching against the wood of the deck, Sky felt the rest of the water roll over her. Filled with water Sky's lungs felt like they were exploding from within her chest. She pushed herself onto her hands and knees coughing up the seawater. Around her men were doing the same but there were less of them than before; the others had been swept off the ship.

Sky felt like shit. Her back throbbed and her head was spinning.

How am I even still alive? After everything that has happened she could believe she was even in this position. Technically she should have died the second she stepped on the navy Brig for lying to the men who upheld the law. But alas, she was hunched over on The Belladonna trying not to retch. To her amazement the ship was still afloat and its sails flapped in the wind as if it was laughing at the storms attempt to sink it.

The pirates raised their hands screaming with glee as the rain continued to fall lighter now; the storm moving on. Sky looked around at the men ecstasy from their brush with death clear on their faces. Letting out a shaky laugh of relief Sky watched with wonder as the pirates clapped each other on the back and she even saw the odd hug.

The sounds of joy pulled her into a false sense of safety and she almost forgot where she was; on a ship full of murderers.

"Let's hear it for the Captain!' One man yelled and all eyes went to the man standing behind the wheel. Captain Dustin took off his dark red hat and gave his crew an over dramatic bow. There was a smile on his face that made Sky's fingers tingle. It was a real smile, not the catlike one she had seen so far; this one showed all his teeth and made tine lines appear at his dark gold eyes. She watched him as he rose from his bow wrapped up in a very strange feeling she didn't particular like.

It wasn't until he put his hat back on that he noticed her standing on his deck covered head to toe in water and freezing to the bone. They made eye contact and Sky felt the blood rush to her face. Captain Dustin tilted his head to the side a confused look on his face. All eyes on the ship turned to her and Sky was rooted to the spot, partly with cold but mainly it fear that made her body unresponsive.

As the Captain descended the steps two at a time Sky's eyes flickered over to the railing. The pirates let their Captain pass and Sky looked back to see him just beyond an arm's reach. Acting fast she threw herself to the railing and climbed up attempting to jump off.

A strong arm snaked around her waist and she was pulled backwards her shoulder blades hitting the man behind her.

"Where are you going?" She felt his breathe on her ear; warm and sickly sweet. Both of his arms captured her as she was trapped against this evil man again.

"Let me go." She tried to wrestle free but with her shoulder space limited it did nothing to faze the pirate except perhaps amuse him.

"Jumping off into a storm isn't the best idea, Sweetheart." She could tell by his tone that he was enjoying this and it pissed her off.

"I'll take my chances." With more effort than she would have liked Sky twisted away from him and was shocked when she spun out of his arms. She whirled around to face him and her moment of glory died when she saw the smug look on his face.

He let me go, the bastard. Sky didn't move from her spot on the deck as they stared each other down. He broke it first. Sky allowed herself to feel pride at her tiny accomplishment.

"How in the hell did you get out of that cell?" Captain Dustin's voice was loud enough for the rest of the crew to hear and they gathered around intrigued. Wanting to mock him in the same way he had mocked her Sky reached around and produced the ring of keys holding them with one finger looped through the band of metal. She hoped her superior face matched the one he gave her before and jingled the keys.

"I see." Was all he said much to Sky's disappointment. "And how exactly did you get those?"

A man appeared from behind the Captain concerned on his face. Sky recognised him as second man she had seen down in the cells.

"Where's Jenkin?" His question was directed at his Captain who stared at him with a blank face.

"He's unconscious down in the cells under some of your rum barrels." Sky answered looking at the Captain for his reaction. She was satisfied when his eyebrows shot up in surprise. He studied her then grinned. When he spoke next his eye remained on her. "Mr. Rouge, go check that the lad's not up to his head in water."

"Aye Sir," The man from the cells left the Captain's side to go find his ship mate. Sky half hoped that the scumbag had drowned. As the thought entered her mind she regretted it; it was too dark of an idea for her to want someone to die, regardless of what he was going to do to her.

The Captain held out his hand in front of Sky. "The keys." He said.

Sky looked at his open hand before her knowing fully well what he wanted. She raised her eyes back to his and bit her bottom lip unsure of what to do. His eyes snapped down to her mouth and he moved his hand closer looking irritated.

"Give me the keys Sweetheart." He had his serious deep voice and Sky felt her courage shrivel a little. "Give me the keys before I snatch them from your hand, throw you over my shoulder and take you back to the cells myself." He snapped, his patience now gone.

Sky dropped them into his hand and took a step back from him. He did not smile at her before he turned away walking back up to the poop deck. The pirates around her watched her a mixture of emotions on their faces; confusion, hate, irritation, lust.

"Get back to work!" Captain Dustin barked at his crew. "We're not out of this storm yet. Full sails!"

The pirates mumbled and trued away from the girl. She stood in the middle of the deck confused and unsure of what to do the rain falling down on her.

If I threw myself off the ship now would anyone stop me? She doubted considering the Captain wasn't even facing her and the others were back at their posts. She leaned over the side of the ship and looked down into the murky water. Before, dying had seemed as good as it was going to get. But now something was biting away at Sky's gut.

If I die now all of this would have been for nothing. Sighing she stepped away from the side. Here on the Belladonna she had a chance at surviving and maybe, just maybe she would have a chance at finding James. All she had to do was push through and wait for her chance to escape.


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