Lovesick || Fem!Reader |...

By dumbstoriesbyme

40.1K 1.6K 1.1K

This is my 2nd time writing a fanfic, so I hope this one turns out better than the other one. Y/N is a girl w... More

The Sword Part One
The Sword Part Two
The Sea Gate
System Failure
In The Shadows Of Mystacor
Princess Prom
No Princess Left Behind
The Beacon
Light Hope
The Battle Of Bright Moon
The Frozen Forest
Give Me A Name
In Love
Ties That Bind
"Aren't You My Enemy?"
Roll With It
White Out
Light Spinner
The Sidekick
The Price Of Power
Once Upon A Time In The Waste
Moment Of Truth
The Portal
The Valley Of The Lost
Horse Hero Transformation!
Princess Scorpia
Boys' Night Out
Beast Island
Destiny Part 1
Destiny Part 2
Horde Prime 1
Horde Prime 2
Save The Cat
Taking Control
Perils of Peekablue
Shot In The Dark
An Ill Wind
author's noooote

Flowers For She-Ra

1.4K 44 30
By dumbstoriesbyme

"This is awesome! I can't believe Mom agreed to let you stay in Bright Moon!" Glimmer excitedly says.

I hear Guards whispering about Adora.

"I don't trust her..." one of them says.

It started to irritate me so I just said,
"Maybe instead of gossiping to your little friends about someone's life that is clearly going better than yours, you should be protecting the castle."

The guard didn't say anything back so I caught up with the other two.

"Yeah, awesome." Adora replies.

"Okay. You've seen the dining hall, the throne room, the portrait hall. So, the last stop on our grand tour is... your new room! Ta-da!"

It has a cathedral ceiling and canopy bed.

Adora gasps.

"It's pretty standard. You've got your vanity, the bathroom, crystals, bell pull, tea nook, more crystals, bed, desk, and of course, the waterfall." Glimmer shows her the room.

"Is the waterfall for showering?" Adora asks.

"Not unless you want someone to see your naked butt." I snicker.

"Ha! Good one." Glimmer laughs.

"I'm right down the hall if you need anything. Night."

She left me and didn't even bother to ask me if I wanted to be teleported back.

"Okay. This is different than the Fright Zone, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of this in no time." Adora says.

"Good luck with that. I had to literally get on my knees and beg Angella to get me a new bed."

"Really?" she laughs.

The blonde sits on the bed and sinks into it.

Adora grunts and says,

"Maybe. Just maybe, if you'd extend your hand I'd be able to help you." I say.


She stretched our her hand I pulled her out.

"By the way, my room is literally right next to yours so if you need anything come to me and not Glimmer. She wouldn't know what it's like to move to a completely different environment." I simply said.

"Good to know."

"Anyway, I'm heading to bed. If you need anything, just ask." I wink and walk out of the room.

My Room

I enter my room and change into my pajamas.

I climb into my bed and doze off immediately.

Next Morning

I wake up in my bed.

What a shocker.

I yawn and sit up.

Scratch that.

Try to sit up.

I felt something weighing me down.

*What in the holy he- Oh my Goddess.*

I look behind me and see Adora is asleep beside me.

Naturally I freak out, I mean, waking up with a random person in your bed would freak you out, too.

I shout and fall out of my bed.

I grunt as I hit the floor.

Adora gasps,
"Y/N! Are you okay?"

"What the hell are you doing in here?"

"I'm sorry! I couldn't sleep in my room. I've never slept without any other people around before. And then I ran into the Queen, I think she doesn't like me." she explained.

"According to Glimmer her mom loves you."

"Yeah, sure. She loves She-Ra."

"She can be... a little intense. But, our weekly meeting with the Rebellion Generals is today and you're invited. She wouldn't have invited you if she didn't like you." I reassure her.

Meeting Room

Later, me, Adora, Glimmer, and Bow enter the meeting room. The walls are covered with paintings.

Adora gasps,
"Wow. Heh."

Adora touches the drawing of a figure on the wall.

"Come on. Meeting's about to start." Glimmer urges for us to sit down.

"Uh, the chairs are still empty." Adora says confused.

"Those are for the other Etherian Princesses, but... none of them have been active members since I was a kid. The Rebellion had a big defeat years ago, and most of the old Princesses gave up. Now all the kingdoms keep to themselves, and the new Princesses do the same." Glimmer calmly explained.

"Other than Spinnerella and Netossa. Hey, guys!" I wave at them.

Bow whispers,
"We're not really sure what they do."

"Who's we?" I ask.

Adora sits, and the others gasp.

"What? What? I don't understand." she says.

Angella stood next to her.

"This is not your chair."

"Sorry! First day. Won't happen again!" Glimmer teleports her next to my seat.

Adora whispers,
"What did I do?"

"You sat in the King's chair..." I explain.

"Oh... Oh. I'm sorry."

Glimmer teleports back to her seat.

"I've asked you here because I've received a distress call from Princess Perfuma. The Horde is laying siege to her kingdom. She's asking Bright Moon for assistance. General?"

The Bright Moon General starts talking,
"Perfuma's kingdom, Plumeria, is located near the front lines. The Horde has set up camp in their territory, cutting off their main supply route"

"Bright Moon will provide food and humanitarian aid." Queen Angella added.

"Ooh! I have a better idea. We can--"

"Fight the Horde?" the Queen asks.

"Glimmer, you propose this idea every meeting." I say.

"No! I was going to say, let's use aggressive fist-to-face sparkles."

"I said, no, Glimmer. Now sit down!" Angella orders her

Glimmer huffs, but sits down anyway.

"You should send me, Y/N, Glimmer, and Bow to lead the relief mission. You can send me as She-Ra. I'll make sure everyone gets there safely and protect Bow and Glimmer if the Horde attacks. I promise, I won't disappoint you."

Angella sighs.

"Very well. You will deliver food and supplies to Plumeria, and under no circumstances will you engage the Horde. You leave at dawn."


Me, Glimmer and Bow arrive in Plumeria. Trees are barren and withered.

"Wow. Mom didn't say anything about all the plants dying."

"I don't think she knows." I say.

"Wait, where's Adora?" Bow asks.

She-Ra hoists a wagon overhead.

*God damn.*

*Holy Mother of-*

"Are you gonna be She-Ra the entire time we're here?"

"I told Queen Angella I would. Besides, people like me better as She-Ra." she chuckles.

"Could Adora do this?"

*Fangirl mode is activated.*

*Oh my Goddess.*

She presses the cart.

"Hmm. Yep. Very useful to our mission." Glimmer sighs.

"Well according to Y/N's expression, it's really useful." Bow points out my face.

I snap out of my thoughts and come back to reality.

"Say what now?" I ask.

"Exactly my point." Bow says.


"Hey, guys. What is that?" Bow changes the subject and points to some smoke.

"Must be coming from the Horde camp." Adora stated.

"You're here!" Perfuma excitedly greets us.

"Princess Perfuma. I'm Commander Glimmer of--" she goes to shake her hand, but instead get a bouquet of flowers.

Bow gets a flower crown.

"Ooh, I get a hat."

And for me she gave me a beautiful flower bracelet going from my wrist to my elbow.

She gazes at She-Ra. The warrior princess is covered in golden light.

Perfuma gasps,
"Oh, my. Everyone, come quick! It's, Oh, it's... It's... " everybody shouts when they see her.

They gather around She-Ra.

"Look! The universe has heard our pleas and sent the legendary She-Ra to help us save our home."

Bow gives a thumbs up.

She-Ra sets down the cart and clears her throat.

"We heard about the blockade and we've come to help."

"We brought food and supplies for you." She-Ra continued to talk.

"Welcome to Plumeria, She-Ra." people started dragging her.

"Um, Y/N, what's happening?"

"No clue, Princess." I shrugged.

"Come with me, I'll show you around. You're gonna love it." Perfuma urges us to follow her.

She-Ra pries the clinging baby from her arm and follows Perfuma.

Perfuma leads the way to the Heart-Blossom.

"Our people have lived here in tranquility for thousands of years."

"We're known for our beautiful flowers,"

We walk past some flowers and they wilt.

"our majestic trees."

We walk past a tree and it shrivels up.

"And this is the Heart-Blossom, the center of our kingdom, and the source of all my magical powers."

She gestures to a towering tree with pink blossoms.

"At least this tree is fine. What happened to everything else?" Bow asks.

"We're going through a little rough patch, but I'm sure the universe will right itself soon." the flower princess says.

"Everything is dead or dying." I point out.

"Look, the blight hit right after the Horde arrived. We don't know why, and nothing I do stops it. But we don't dwell on the negative. Look at the positive. The Heart-Blossom is still healthy, and the She-Ra is here, and the celebration's about to begin."

She-Ra looks terrified.


Perfuma grabs She-Ra's arm.

She-Ra is seated on a platform and is surrounded by the Plumerians.

An elderly person offers her some fruit.

"No, no, no, it's okay. You need this food more than we do."

"Nonsense. It is our honor to serve the She-Ra."

Adora takes a piece of fruit and eats it.


"We are so honored to have you." Perfuma says.

"Whoa. That's She-Ra."

"Yes, I know. The She-Ra, right? I'm so happy that after all these centuries of being gone, you've finally returned. I said, break out party kale. And at our hour of greatest need, just like in the stories."

"What stories?" I ask.

"The stories we've been telling for thousands of years. She-Ra, the warrior who tamed the beasts of Beast Island with a single word."

"I beg your pardon?" I say quietly.

"That's nothing." Bow starts telling a made up story.

"What about the time She-Ra defeated a squad of Horde soldiers on a flying horse?"

"Or the time she saved Thaymor from a legion of Horde soldiers?" this one isn't so bad.

"Or the time she borrowed my toothbrush and used it to defeat an army of Horde soldiers." I call bullshit.

"And I used your toothbrush to clean my shoes." I say.

"Y/N!" Bow scolded me.

"Uh, Bow, that's not true."

"You're right. It was two armies!"

"Stop overwhelming this poor girl. I swear, at this point it feel like you're doing this on purpose." I get annoyed.

The villagers ply Adora with offerings.


"You can have this thing back." I pry a baby off of Adora's arm and hand it to a woman.

"Give her space. Let her breathe. One at a time. You, the one with the pink wind-chime, you go first." i point at a kid.

She hands Adora a wind-chime.

"Oh! Thank you for the..."

"Wind-chime" I whisper to her.

"Wind-chime." She-Ra tries to crack a smile.

"We're so excited for you to heal our land and bring all the plants back to life. Will you be doing it before the drum circle or after?"

"Say what now?" I ask.

"You want me to--You want me to heal your land?" the blonde asks worriedly.

"Yes! Like in the ancient story, “She-Ra Heals the Forest And Brings The Trees Back To Life.”"

"I've seen her do way weirder stuff. This'll be a snap." Glimmer tries to play it off, but only makes it worse.

"Wait, it's not that simple. Plus, I don't like the look of that smoke. The Horde's up to something big. Maybe we should investigate." she points to the very obvious smoke cloud.

"We? This is my power. I grow plants."

A flower wilts in Adora's hands.

"We're not strong enough to go up against the Horde. All we want is to live peacefully in our ancestral home."

"Well, if you don't want to die, then I suggest you change your plans." I blurt out.

"We need you, She-Ra."

The citizens gaze at her.

They all start chanting,
"She-Ra! She-Ra! She-Ra!"

"Yes, healing. That is a thing I know how to do. I just need to take Y/N, Bow and Glimmer over to those trees for a moment. I know what I'm doing!"

She then drags the three of us into the forest nearby.

She-Ra whispers,
"I don't know what I'm doing! I can't heal anything!"

"But, the stories say you have healing powers." Bow says.

"They also say I fought the Mantisaur. I don't even know what that is!" she throws her hands up in the air out of frustration.

"Why don't you just concentrate really hard? That seems to work whenever you need to transform."

"Last time she tried that I almost got fired because of her." I mention the whole running away from the guards incident.

"It's okay. You'll get it soon." Bow stays optimistic.

"Soon isn't good enough! These people expect me to save their land. I thought I was better as She-Ra, but I'm useless no matter what form I take." Adora says lowly.

"Don't say that. You've been doing this for how long? Less than a week. It's understandable that you're still adjusting to this new lifestyle. I assure you, you're not useless." I place a hand on her shoulder and she gives me a warm smile.

Another explosion shakes the Earth. Bow's flower crown wilts and blows away.

My bracelet completely disintegrates.

We hear an explosion nearby.

"She-Ra! Come quickly! Something absolutely terrible has happened!"

We hurry over to the Heart Blossom.

The Heart Blossom tree withers and pink leaves drift to the ground.

"The Heart-Blossom is dying. Please, She-Ra, heal our land."

She-Ra steps forward. Bow gives a thumbs up and she puts her hand on the tree and closes her eyes.

A golden light shines.

She-Ra whispers to herself,
"Oh, come on, do something."

Vines creep up the trunk and leaves fall.

She sighs and morphs back to Adora.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to heal." she says in a guilty tone.

"Who are you? And where's She-Ra?" a blonde guy asks.

"My name is Adora. I was chosen to carry the sword of She-Ra, but... I haven't been doing this for very long, and I don't know exactly how it works yet."

"She's just a girl!" an elderly woman spoke.

"No shit, Granny. Soon you'll only be ashes." I clap back.

"I never meant to deceive you. I am She-Ra, I'm just not the same She-Ra."

"Then you can't save us?" Perfuma asks.

More smoke wafts into the sky and more vines cover the Heart Blossom.

Villagers cling to each other and sob.

Adora glances around.

"Wait! There might be another way. I know the Horde. I think they're using one of their machines to poison your land. If we wanna save your home, we have to stop them!"

"You're not She-Ra from the stories. You were supposed to save us."

"Now listen up, Kenny boy. Why don't you go s-" I get cut off by Bow putting a hand on my mouth to silence me.

Perfuma stays optimistic,
"It will be all right, I promise. We will rebuild. We have to believe that the universe will repay the Horde for their evil deeds eventually."

"The universe won't heal your land! You want She-Ra to do everything for you, but won't even try to save yourselves? At least Adora's trying, unlike some of you who only know how to complain." I snap at them.

"If She-Ra can't save us, no one can. Right now, we just need to make sure our people are safe. We leave today."

Adora drops to her knees.

We all kneel down next to her.

"Are you okay?" Glimmer asks.

"I just wanted to help. But all I've done is disappoint an entire kingdom. I'm sorry I let you guys down after you talked me up."

"Who said you let us down, Princess? At this point I'm convinced you're making things up in your head. We don't like you because you're She-Ra, we like you because you're a good person." I comfort her.

"We just wanted everyone to see what an awesome person you are. I thought I was being supportive, but I was actually being terrible!" Bow's voice starts cracking.

Smoke billows up and Adora stands up.

We do the same.

"You have a plan, don't you?" I nudge her with my elbow.

"Yeah. I think I do." she replies.

We found some Horde uniforms and we put them on.

"All clear." Adora informs us.

We sneak in the camp, wearing Horde uniforms.

"Okay, we need to find the machine. Every Horde camp is laid out the same. Guard duty's in half-hour shifts, so we walk in when the shift changes in three, two, one."

Horde soldier 1 says,
"Shift change!"

Horde soldier 2 replies with,
"Finally! I swear, boring shifts go by slower."

Adora enters the base. Tubes filled with green liquid bubble and smoke.

Glimmer gasps,
"You were right. The Horde is poisoning the land."

A Horde soldier enters the room.

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

Adora scoffs,

"What are you doing here? We have security clearance, password 5-echo-niner. Now be on your way."

"We haven't used that password in months. Hands up!"

We put our hands up and Bow asks, "Adora? What do we do?"


The four of us run as Horde soldiers shoot at us.

We hide behind barrels.

Adora peaks out, then hurls a brick.

She knocks a soldier, and we flee.

The four of us leap off the side of a building.

"How many soldiers can you take?" Adora asks.

"Between one and... zero." Bow answers while panting.

"I don't know. Maybe like 5 or something?" I say as I'm catching my breath.

"I'll take them all, if you give me a minute." Glimmer says.

More soldiers surround us wielding laser guns.

We hear a horn wailing.

Perfuma rides in on a bed of vines.

"I've always said the universe will repay the Horde one day. Well, I guess that day is today!"

A Plumerian Child shouts,
"For the She-Ra!"

Perfuma knocks a soldier with her vines and another villager whacks a soldier with a flowerpot.

Glimmer appears in front of a soldier.


She vanishes, then reappears.

"Ooh." she chuckles.

I come up behind a Horde soldier and tap their shoulder.

"Hi." I wave at them.

They try to attack me, but I dodge it and they run into another soldier.


Perfuma yells,
"I've never been so alive!"

Adora shoves one soldier, then kicks another.

She glances around as the villagers battle the Horde, then runs behind a building and pulls out her sword.

Adora shouts,
"For the honor of Grayskull!"

She throws the sword and it gets lodged in the wall of the base between two boulders.

She shoves them aside then blasts it away. She jumps on a tank and stabs it.

She zaps the tank and green light floods the base and seeps into the earth outside the camp.

It runs up the Heart Blossom tree and into Perfuma's body.

A flower blooms in Perfuma's hand and she twirls around.

The Heart Blossom tree erupts with pink blossoms.

Perfuma gasps, then laughs

Horde Soldiers start saying,
"Ew! Yuck!"

Plants and flowers grow around the camp and the Horde soldiers. They run off and Perfuma hugs She-Ra.

The rest of the Horde soldiers retreat.

"Thank you so much! You inspired us to save ourselves. How can we ever repay you?" Perfuma shakes Glimmer's hand.

"Join the Rebellion, and help me reform the Princess Alliance."

"Um, are you sure? Didn't that go horribly the first time?"

"It went horribly for our parents. But we have a chance to do it right. We're clearly stronger together. Think what all the Princesses united could do."

Perfuma asks,
"Would I get to hit more people with flowers?"

"Oh, absolutely." I reply.

"You have a deal. Hey, everyone! Look at us. We're mighty rebels now." Perfuma shouts and they all cheer.

Bright Moon

Adora enters a room to find me cleaning the desk.

"Why aren't you in your room?" she asks.

"I tried to convince Queen Angella to get you a new bed, but according to her there are no more beds like mine. She said, “Unfortunately, Y/N, we don't have any more beds like yours. But I do have a suggestion. You could share a room with her.” I just looked at her blankly and she made me leave the room."

"So, what happened after that?"

"I went to my room. To my surprise. Empty. My room was EMPTY. Do you know how many valuable things I had in there? Can I sue the Queen or something?"

Adora chuckles as I said that.

We hear the door creak open and the other two come in.

"Hey, guys!" Glimmer greets us and puts sleeping bags on the floor.

"We decided to throw a sleepover!" Glimmer replies.

"We can do this tomorrow too, since Glimmer's grounded for ignoring orders." Bow explains.

"For one week. That's three weeks less than normal. And Mom said she'd consider my plan to recruit new Princesses into the rebellion!"

"Thanks, guys. I might not ever be the perfect hero everybody wants me to be, but that's okay."

"Of course it's okay. Do you know how annoying you would be if you were perfect?" I hit her with a pillow.

Me and Adora laugh, but Bow makes us stop laughing by saying,
"Aw! Best Friend Squad is having a pillow fight!"

"Yeah, we're not calling ourselves that."

"I agree." I say.

"I prefer “The Glimmer Group.”" Glimmer says.

"Of course you wanna name the group after yourself." I laugh.

"Nah. We're the Best Friend Squad." Bow says happily.

Word Count

3611 words in total.

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