The Passion Rose (Clockwork x...

By LazyFoxz

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Since this is my first fanfiction, it might be bad. But I hope you enjoy it! <3 and I will most likely mak... More

~*Chapter 1*~
~*Chapter 2*~
~*Chapter 3*~
~*Chapter 4*~
~*Chapter 5*~
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

~*Chapter 6*~

492 12 13
By LazyFoxz

The time of the mission

It was time for Jack and I's mission together. I hope this mission will distract me from this Toby and Clockwork mess. To be honest, I need to stop thinking of ways of distracting myself from those two, it's only making me think about them more.

I was outside waiting for Jack, I was wearing my grey hoodie, my skinny jeans, my red converses which are hanging on by a thread (they are badly worn down),
my black mask and of course, my hammer. He came out not before long, wearing the same clothes he was wearing hours before. I didn't complain though, I honestly don't care about what Jack wears I just want this mission over with so I can go to bed.

We walked deep in the forest, heading our way to Madeline's dead daughter's home. Jack was holding a gps, which had the house's address in it, and he has his full attention on it. He didn't let his eyes off the gps, only to watch out for trees. I, on the other hand, was just whistling the whole time out of boredom.

"Hey, Y/n, can you please stop whistling? It's very distracting." I stopped whistling and rolled my eyes, it took us 20 minutes to get to the house. When I first saw it, it gave me a sense of nostalgia. Which freaked me out. I don't even remember being in this house before, like at all.

"Okay, so Boss told me that he wants you to kill Madeline. And he wants me to be on lookout. I don't know why." Jack said, taking out his own file from under his hoodie and reading through it one last time. I gave him a weird look. Usually Boss never plans who kills who and who does lookout for us, this mission is super weird.

"Oh, well... I guess I will see you after I kill her. But you're going to be the one to drag the body all the way to Boss's office, not me!" And I broke the window and climbed in before Jack responded. Serves him right for telling me to stop whistling.

I heard the muffled scream of a middle aged woman, and that told me where she was at. That wasn't smart of her. However, I knew my way around the house. It was like I lived here before... weird.

I got to the room she was at and bursted in, hammer in hand. She screamed again, tears where streaming down her face. "No! No, please don't do this! Please! I promise I won't tell the cops, just please don't hurt me!"

For the first time, I felt guilty for ending a life. It was like I knew this woman, that me and this woman had a strong bond, for some reason this is hurting my soul. What is it about her?

When she wiped her eyes and looked at me once again, she cried even harder. "Y/n? Y/n! Is that you? Please don't do this! It's me, your mother! Please put the hammer down and come back home."

I was frozen like a deer looking at headlights. What the hell is this woman talking about? "What the fuck are you talking about? And why do you know my fucking name?" Madeline sniffled once again, and wiped the tears under her eyes. She attempted to straighten herself up, but she was still too shook up to do so. "Y-You don't remember me? I'm your mother!"

Half of me wanted to believe her. I mean, well I don't even remember my parents. Boss just told me they died from a tragic car accident and that he "saved" me by taking me to the mansion. But Boss wouldn't just lie to me.. right? My parents are surely dead.

I just sighed and lowered my hammer. "My parents are dead. They died from some car accident." Madeline gave me some sort of look. It was that time of look that people give you when you say some thing that obviously wasn't true and or stupid or both. "Sweetie, what are you talking about? Part of that is true, your dad did pass from a car accident 2 weeks ago but I wasn't in the car with him when it happened. Who told you that?"

I looked away from her and scoffed, why would I tell some random crazy stranger who I'm about to kill my personal business? "Why would I tell you that? I'm about to kill you after all. Enjoy spending eternity with my 'daddy'." And I raised my hammer and smashed her against the head. I kept smashing her with the hammer until her screams died out and all there was left was a lot of blood and her lifeless body on the cold hard floor.

I stared at her body for a few seconds. Something about this murder just seems... different. Why do I feel guilty about this? Of course I don't actually believe she is my mother, right? That is just crazy talk! My parents died 5 months ago, Boss would never lie to me... right?

I picked her up bridal style and made my way to the window, Jack was there steadily looking at the window waiting for me. Of course he wanted her kidneys, that's the only reason why he loves getting assigned to missions. I handed the body to him and waited until he took out her kidneys to enjoy. Then he picked her up bridal style and we headed our way back to the mansion.

I stayed quiet all the way there, not wanting to talk or say anything to Jack right now. Right now, I'm pretty fucking disgusted that he ate this woman's kidneys, which is weird since I normally don't mind it really.

Clockwork's pov

I woke up from much needed sleep, I stretched and yawned and stretched and yawned until I was fully awake. All I remember was being in the library with Toby, until the sudden feeling of sleepiness occurs to me, and I just walk to my bedroom and slept.

I looked around the room, like how I do every morning, only to figure out this wasn't my bedroom. This was Toby's bedroom! I looked at my side to see Toby asleep next to me. The only thing he had on was his boxers. That's weird, I remember walking into my bedroom not Toby's.

I shrugged it off and thought maybe I was so sleepy I accidentally walked into his bedroom and mistook it for mine. No biggie, I like having sleepovers with him anyway! I got off his bed and headed my way to my room to get dressed. When I opened my door, my room looked like it hasn't been entered in days.

There was some dust on my desktops, the white flower I collected is dead, and my bed covers are straight... weird I made my bed a week ago. (I was living off of coffee and energy drinks since boss assigned me to kill around 100 people and it took me around a week to finish the task) Again, I shrugged it off. Maybe all of this is a misunderstanding, maybe I made my bed last night and forgot about it. I got dressed in my usual everyday clothes and walked out of my room.

I saw Y/n and I excitingly waved at her, but all she did was give me a death glare and walk off. What's her problem? I followed her, and when she realized I was behind her she walked even faster to her bedroom. "Hey, what's the matter with you? Why are you mad at me?" I asked repeatedly, which she continuously ignored my questions and tried to ignore me.

I got tired of her ignoring me and walking away from me in a fast pace, so I grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her around. "Oh my god, what do you want from me?" She snapped, still giving me that same death glare. Her words hit me like a sword to the heart, what did I do to her to piss her off that bad?

"What did I do to you? Why are you mad at me?" It was silent for a few seconds until Y/n scoffed and chuckled. "What did you do to me? Why am I mad at you? Huh, I wonder Clockwork... why am I mad at you? Maybe because you told me you chose your little boyfriend over me and for that reason you can't be my friend anymore because of that. And maybe because before that, you haven't talked to me in days and when I tried to talk to you about that behavior you told me that I am mad because no one wants me. Yeah, I wonder, why am I mad at you?"

Huh? What is she talking about? I don't even remember saying all of that. "I never said that, are you confusing me with someone else?" Y/n rolled her eyes and flipped me off, she walked in an even faster pace to her room, slammed the door, and locked it. She made sure it was Clockwork proof. I sighed, wow... I just lost my best friend over some accusation.

I held my head low, I was about to go to my room and sulk before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and I saw Toby. "What the fuck are you doing out of the bedroom?" He asked, he was wearing his normal clothes now, and he sounded pissed. I hate when he gets mad like this, but all I have to do is comply and he would calm down eventually.

"Oh, I was just getting dressed and I wanted to talk to Y/n. But I guess she doesn't want to talk to me now.. she thinks I said some things that I would never say to her." He held my shoulder even tighter, I winced. I don't think he knows how strong he actually is, and for some reason that thought scares me. "You know the rules, bitch. If you are in my bedroom and you wake up first, you are not allowed out of the bedroom until I wake up. But of course, you have to do what Clockwork wants to do. Do you even love me at this point?"

"When did you make up that rule? Why is everyone acting weird?" He growled under his breath, and I immediately regretted saying that. He forcefully grabbed me by the wrist and pretty much dragged me all the way to his room. He closed and locked his door. Why is he being so aggressive?

He grabbed me by the throat and held me down on his bed. I grabbed his hands and tried to pry them off my throat so I could get some air, but of course I failed. I was shaking out of fear. This is it... I'm going to die by the hands of my boyfriend I suppose.

"Listen here, you bitch. You have to do whatever I say, whenever I say it. It doesn't matter if you don't want to do it, if you don't want to get hurt you have to do it. Don't forget that you're just a creepypasta, I can kill you if I wanted to. But I won't, I'm way more generous than that." He chuckled, is this fucking funny to him? Then he continued,

"And no, breaking up with me will not get you out of this. It would only make your situation worse, do you hear me? I will fucking kill you if you even have one thought of breaking up with me, am I being crystal fucking clear, you whore!" I did my best nod, his hands were gripping my throat pretty tight after he said whore.

Why is he being like this? I knew Toby was a little obsessive, but I never knew he could be this obsessive! Even if he was obsessive, he was still really sweet to me. He never even had one thought of hurting me like this, in fact if anyone ever hurt me and he found out about it, he promised he would kill them and make them die a slow and painful death.

While these thoughts were circling my head like crazy, I couldn't help but not hold in my tears. I started to cry like a little bitch, I cried so much my tears fell on Toby's hands. Usually, I'm really brave in situations like these, since I can easily just kill the person and get it over with. But I care too much about Toby to hurt him, plus if I did that would be another situation with Boss... and we all know that wouldn't end pretty.

I think Toby started to soften up, since he released his hands from my throat and rested his head on my chest. He put his hand on my hair and slowly caressed it, all of a sudden he is now being very gentle with me, like I am some breakable glass object. "You know I love you more than anything, right?" He said while petting my hair, he gave me a small peck on the cheek before putting his head back on my chest.

It took me a few seconds to answer, I don't even know if he actually means it anymore, and I'm pretty sure if I said it back it would only make me feel worse. I sniffled and responded, "Mhm.. I feel the same about you, too," I put my hand on his head and rested it there. I couldn't bring myself to pet his hair like how he is doing to me right now.


Clockwork has been acting very fucking strange today. Like just yesterday, she told me she didn't want to be around me because she chooses her boyfriend over me and now she is acting like nothing happened and we are still best fucking friends. And when I asked her about it she acted like she never said it, and had the fucking audacity to ask if I mistook her for someone else!

I can't believe her right now, it's like she is a whole different person. When we were still friends, was that just all an act? Was she like this all along and I just couldn't see it because I'm so in love with her? Shit, I'm still in love with her. Why am I still in fucking love with her after everything she has done? She isn't even sorry, and I am still in love with her!

You know what, after this stink ass mission and after this Clockwork situation... all I want and need right now is rest. Yeah... rest should do me good in this situation.

At night

I woke up from my sleep, I looked at my clock and saw that my nap lasted for like.. 6 hours? Damn, I must've been very tired then. I could tell from looking at my window that it was night, so that means probably half the mansion is in bed right now and I could have the mansion all to myself until morning. Awesome!

I thought about what I could do at this time of night, and I figured maybe I should go to the library. I should find a book that suits my interest, it could be some good quality me time.

I quietly got out of bed and tiptoed all the way to the library. When I got there, I very quietly opened the door wide enough to where I could slip in, and closed it quietly when I finally entered. I was about to find a section to look at, but I heard voices.

That's weird, I thought, but my nosy ass wanted to hear what they are talking about. If they are awake and talking this late, then it should be a pretty secret important thing. I tiptoed closer to the voices, I got close enough to see who was talking and to make up what they are saying.

But I saw Toby and Clockwork facing each other. Clockwork nervously looked at Toby, and Toby was flipping through pages in a book. I tried to see what the title of the book was, but his hand was covering it so I looked at the section and saw the words Spell Books written on the shelf.

"Toby... what are you doing? I don't think this is safe," Clockwork said nervously, she was fidgeting with her fingers when she saw Toby got to the page he was looking for. Now he was finding the spell he needed to use to do whatever he wanted to the girl.

"Stay calm, babe, it will all the over soon. You won't even remember a thing!" He reached over and put a strand of Clockwork's hair to her ear. But what caught me off guard was when he reached over, she flinched. When he saw that, his expression changed and it seemed he looked for the spell even faster than he was seconds ago.

So that's the reason why she has been acting strange, why she "pretended" she didn't know the hurtful things she has said and done to me, and acting like the complete opposite of her usual self. After the thing that happened between Toby and I, he didn't trust that I wouldn't say anything to Clockwork so he put a spell on her so she would do anything he asks. One of the things he probably has told her was to not talk to anyone but him, especially me.

I can't let him do this to her any longer, he has been a shitty boyfriend to her long enough and I waited for their relationship to run it's course. But if he keeps putting spells on her, then this relationship probably won't ever end. And that is something I would never let happen.

I didn't have time to make up a plan, so I decided to see what happens and took a gigantic risk. I jumped from my hiding place and went between Toby and Clockwork. Clockwork looked at me wide eyed, and Toby looked at me full of rage.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Y/n? Can't you see we are doing something important right now? Fuck off!" I stepped closer to him, hoping I seemed threatening. But I failed to remember that he was way taller than me, and compared to him I probably looked like an angry 9 year old wanting candy.

"Don't you remember Boss saying that spell books are off limits to everyone, including proxies? You don't want me to... you know... accidentally say too much to him about tonight?" He was too busy giving me the scariest death glare in history, that he didn't realize I was slowly taking the spell book out of his hand.

When he realized the spell book was no longer in his possession, he started to freak. "We were just being curious, give me the fucking spell book right now," little did he know, I slipped the spell book under my hoodie, and my tightish pants were holding it there. "What are you talking about? I don't have it, maybe you put it back on the shelf without realizing."

I know I'm going to get in a lot of trouble for this, but while he was frantically searching the shelf, I took out the spell book and quickly opened it. I saw a spell that would put him to sleep for at least an hour and he wouldn't remember anything that happened today.

When he looked at me, before he had any time to react, I said the word to activate the spell and he flew backwards, fell on his back, and was fast asleep. I casually put the book back where it belonged, and while I was doing that Clockwork just stared at me.

I didn't know if she was staring at me because she was thankful of what I have done or she couldn't believe I had done that to her "precious little boyfriend". But to answer my question, she just ran up and hugged me tightly. It was the first real hug I got from her from so long, and I wanted to take advantage of that so I hugged her back as tight as I could.

"Thank you so much, Y/n, I owe you so much from tonight. I'm so sorry for being such an ass to you, I'm very sorry. Please give me another chance and forgive me!" I know that wasn't the best apology in the world, but her actions weren't her fault at all. Spells were being put on her back to back, and I know if she wasn't under his spell then she wouldn't have said or done any of those things.

"It's okay, Clockwork, I forgive you. None of this is your fault anyway, you have nothing to apologize for. But that scum you call a boyfriend has a lot of apologizing to do, not to me but to you." We released from the hug, she looked back at me with those emerald green eyes. That specific shine was back in those eyes again, and for some reason that gave me a sense of happiness.

She said nothing to me, but instead did something so surprising. She gently put her hand on my cheek, and gave me a quick peck on the lips. When she realized what she had done, she immediately backed away from me, her face was as red as a tomato, I didn't know if it was because she just kissed me or if it was from embarrassment or both.

"Oh my god, im so sorry! I know you're not into girls that way I'm-" I didn't want to hear anything else, I just leaned over and kissed her. It took her a few seconds to process what just happened, but she kissed me back. The kiss went on and on, and got more heated by the second.

Little did I know, Clockwork has way more experience than I do and is a fucking freak. She inserted her tongue and put it on top of mine, I wasn't completely sure on what to do so I rubbed my tongue on hers. But in a few minutes, I got the pattern and our tongues were kinda... dancing in a way?

She pushed me back while we were kissing (we didn't even let go once, it was like our faces were glued to each other) and sat me down on a very comfortable green patterned couch. She was sitting on my lap.

Finally, our lips separated so we can both catch our breath. Even after being separated for a few seconds, I was already hungry for her lips once again. "Wanna fuck right here right now?" She asked, she has her hand hovered over my right breast while waiting for my consent.

"Yeah, of course, but what about Toby?" We both looked back at Toby, he was unconscious on the wooden floor of the library. "So? Who gives a fuck about him? This is my way of breaking up with him anyway," God, I love this girl so much. I grabbed her by the cheeks and kissed her passionately, I couldn't take being separated any longer. Her soft, ruby lips gave me a feeling of comfort, and it felt fucking amazing kissing the girl who I am in love with.

She pushed me on my back, longways on the couch, I didn't know until she started massaging my breast with both hands. "Hey, um, can you undress me?" I asked, I tried not to make the atmosphere weird since this kinda is my first time, but in fact I made it the opposite of weird.

Without saying anything, Clockwork tugged on my shirt and I slipped it off and dropped it on the floor next to me, then I unclipped my bra and dropped that on the floor next to me, too. Clockwork stared at my bare tits for a few seconds before she leaned down and sucked on one of them and massaged the other.

I let out quiet moans, I put my hand over her head and gently held her hair. She let go of one of my boobs, and still sucking on the other one, she slid her hand under my pants and rested it there. Is this one of her ways of teasing? I thought, she was so close to my pussy but she wasn't trying to touch it. I'm so fucking desperate for her to touch my pussy, but I don't want to seem too desperate.

After a few seconds of her sucking one of my boobs and not touching my pussy, I put all thoughts and feelings aside and took a leap of faith. "Please touch my pussy, I can't take it anymore!" She looked up at me and smirked, she took my tit out of her mouth. "Thats exactly what I wanted to hear, cutie,"

I could feel the blush crawl up my cheeks as she went lower and slid my pants and panties down, I didn't know how wet I was until she gently started rubbing my pussy. "Aww, look at you! You're so wet right now," Right after she said that, she leaned down and licked it.

I let out a loud yet quiet gasp as she started eating me out. She started licking my clit, and I couldn't help but tug on her hair and moan her name multiple times non stop. She put her tongue inside and started licking all of my inner walls, I looked down at her to see that she was already looking up at me while eating me out. It looked like she enjoyed making me feel this good, she enjoyed being my first time.

She stopped eating me out and sat up, I was about to beg her to keep going until she whispered in my ear, "You're turn, Toby is about to get up and I would love him to see someone pleasuring me that is way better than him," I nodded and we switched places, she was laying on her back and I was behind her knees, eager for her tits to be in my mouth and to lick her pussy all over.

I tried to mimic the things she had done to me. First, I tugged on her shirt, trying to signal for her to take it off. Which she complied, she took off both her shirt and bra. Almost immediately, I leaned down and sucked on one tit and massaged the other. She let out quiet moans, which made me feel a lot more confident and I kept going.

Then, I wanted to go even further. I wanted to test my actual skills. So I gently kissed her all the way down to her chest to her lower stomach. I unbuttoned her pants and pulled down her pants and panties, and I was greeted with her dripping wet pussy. I wanted to tease her, but because I lack the experience I don't know how. So I closed my eyes, hoped that I am randomly skilled at eating pussy even if I have no idea how, and I went to hog heaven.

I looked up at her, and like she could read my mind, she said, "You know, if you don't know how to do this I can teach you?" It was like a weight was lifted off my chest, I'm so thankful that Clockwork understands it's my first time and it could mean I don't know how to do certain things.

"Like how I did with you, just start licking my pussy. Do not put it inside yet!" I followed her instructions word for word, I put my lips on her pussy and I started to lick her clit and around it. I was awarded with her quiet moans, and it encouraged me to continue. "Fuck! And start sucking a little bit, too! You're a natural!"

I licked her pussy a little bit more before I started to suck, when I started sucking she was practically yelling my name. "Fuck! Y/n! You're so much better than Toby at this, and this is your first time! Shit! More, please!"

She tasted like... cherries? Maybe not exactly, but the taste reminds me of cherries for some reason. But whatever the taste reminds me of, she tastes amazing and I want more. I was sucking and licking her juices, wanting more of that taste until she grabbed the back of my head and held my head back, taking my mouth away from her delicious pussy.

She sat up, which gave more distance from me and her pussy, and she finally let my head go, "I'm tired of foreplay, have you ever heard of scissoring by any chance?" I didn't know if I should lie or not, I never even knew the word "scissoring" was a thing until just now. I don't want to seem stupid in front of her, and I think how long it is taking me to answer her question answered the question for her.

"That's fine, I can show you what it is. And trust me, it feels so much better than being eaten out. But first you have to sit up." I sat up from my stomach and faced her, we were both not wearing any clothing, and we wanted each other more than anything right now. We don't even care if we get caught.

She put her right leg over my left, and put her left under my right. We were positioned in a scissor like position, our pussies were now inches away from each other, begging for orgasm. "Now, the next step should be self explanatory, so just follow my lead," And she pushed her pussy onto mine.

So pretty much you have to grind, right? Sounds easy enough! We started grinding into each other's pussies, moans escaping from both of us. "Fuck! Fuck, Clockwork, fuck! You're pussy feels sooooo good! Keep going, don't stop, fuck!"

Clockwork had self control, and wasn't as loud as I was, but her moans were loud enough to be heard across the library. "Mmm, yes! Y/n you are so wet right now and it makes this so much better- shit!" I held her hand so I could grind a little bit harder, and that was the best choice I had ever made in my life.

"Clockwork- fuck! I think I'm about to cum!" I could feel my high getting closer and closer, I could feel something building up right now. Clockwork's moans started to get much louder, so I'm guessing she is getting closer, too. 30 seconds later, we both came on each other's pussies, and now we were laying on our back on the couch catching our breath.

"That felt so good, Y/n.  We should do that again sometime." Clockwork said between breaths, she finally got the energy to stand up and get her clothes back on. I stood up after her, and struggled a little bit to get my clothes back on, since I didn't catch my breath fully. I wanted to tell her that I loved her, but I don't want to rush things. Maybe she is still in love with Toby, maybe she doesn't actually want to do this again, and would later regret it. Maybe the next day I will figure out that her and Toby are still together like nothing happened.

After we both got changed, I looked back over at Toby to see that he is still asleep. I checked the clock and saw that he had been asleep for a good 20 minutes. "So, what are you going to do about Toby?" I asked, I hoped that she will say that she is done with him and will break up with him when the sun gets up. 

"I'm going to break up with him as soon as possible, and I am telling him everything about what happened tonight so he will finally understand we aren't good for each other." I jerked my head at Clockwork right after I heard the words "I'm telling him everything about what happened tonight" escape her lips.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked her defensively, I could feel my rage heat up by the second. "What do you mean?" She asked, after she got done tying her shoe. "I meant what did you mean that you are telling him everything about tonight so he can finally understand that you two aren't good for each other?"

"Exactly how you said it? He hates cheaters, he cannot stand them. So if I told him I cheated on him, he wouldn't be as mad when I break up with him, in fact he might be the one to break up with me instead!" I stared at her like I had been slapped in the face, actually I would've preferred that better than this.

"So... you're telling me that the only reason why you fucked me was because you wanted to get back at Toby? Are you serious right now? I made a fucking excuse for you because you were under a spell, I actually thought this meant something, I actually thought you changed!" I paused for a few seconds, I stared Clockwork in the eyes with betrayal and rage.

She didn't know what to say, but instead just stared at me like she was afraid or some shit, when she opened her mouth I just cut her off, "You know what, forget it. Just... fuck you!" And I ran out of the library, my face already streaming with tears.

5661 words

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