In Your Dreams

By fhsgctcusbf

40K 1K 95

When Emma moved into her father's house she meets the kids from up the street Addie and Hunter, the trio quic... More

Cast list part 1
chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
cast list part 2
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29

chapter 9

1K 30 3
By fhsgctcusbf

*Semi edited.

When I get home I go up to my room to get the last of my things.

"How'd it go" Mom asked from the doorway.

I turned around to answer her question and she wrapped her arms around me.

"It's going to be ok honey" She said.

"I know. It's just hard."

"It always is, but just think of all the new experiences you're going to have and the new people you'll meet" She said.

"Yeah that's true."

"Come on you two, we have to get to the airport!" Dad yelled from downstairs.

"Ok baby, we're coming" Mom yelled back.

I grabbed my bags and we went to the car. The ride to the airport was quick and luckily we got through TSA in no time. Luckily we got our seats all together, us kids in one row and mom and dad across from us. At one point I fell asleep during the flight and when I woke up we were touching down in New York.

When we got off the plane the first thing I felt was the temperature difference, it was warm out, but not the heat I'm used to feeling at home.

This will definitely take sometime getting used to.

We got into our Uber and made our way to the apartment which luckily was a half hour away from the airport.

You don't realize how much you'll miss home until you go somewhere that's a total culture shock for you. No palm trees, sweltering humidity and barely anyone is friendly, just a bunch of tall buildings and busy streets and lots of honking from the cars in traffic.

When we pull up to the apartment we all grab a box and make our way up to it. My roommates sent me a key so I could get in because they said they had work, but they'd be there later.

I unlock the door and we all go inside, it's a cute 3 bedroom 1 bath apartment open floor plan with the kitchen and living room.

"Wow this is nice" Mom said.

We brought the rest of the my stuff in and then we went to grab something to eat, we ended up getting pizza and man is pizza better here.

After lunch they hung out a little bit then they had to catch their flight back home.

"Ok guys, we better get going" Dad said.

Charlotte says goodbye first, then Ace, then my dad comes over to me and he already had tears in his eyes.

"" I said hugging him.

"Sorry, I can't help it sweet pea" He said kissing the top of my head.

"I'm going to be ok."

"I know, it's just hard for a parent to let go. You be safe and if you need to talk or you miss us, give me or your mom a call" He said.

"Ok I will."

"I love you sweet pea" He said.

"I love you too dad."

He pulls away and goes over to my mom.

"I'll be in the car" He said kissing her cheek escorting my siblings to the car leaving my mom and I.

I'm not sure who cries first, but we both wrap our arms around each other.

"I'm so proud of you honey" She said.

"Thanks mom" I sniffled.

"If you ever need me you call me no hesitation, ok?" She asked.


"Well...I better get going or else we're going to miss our flight" She said.

"Ok, call me when you guys get home."

"I will, and you call me after your first day" She said.

"I will."

"I love you love bug" She said.

"I love you too mommy."

Her eyes start to water again. "Damnit you had to say that to make me start crying again" She laughed.

"Sorry" I laughed.

When she walked out of the apartment I walk over to your window to watch them leave, I wave at their car as they drive away, then once they're gone I go to my room and start unpacking.

~~~Katie's pov~~~

When you have kids you can only hope you've raised them right and they'll be good people and I know we raised her right and I can't wait to see what her adult life becomes.

"You ok Katie girl?" Josh asked.

"'s just hard" I said leaning into his side.

"I know I started to cry as soon as I hugged her" He said.

Aww my sweet husband.

Even after 14 years of marriage I still love him as I did when I was 16.

"You think she's going to be ok?" He asked.

"Yeah...I have a feeling she's going to be fine." turn my head to look at her apartment that I can barely see, I turn back to him and peck his lips.

~~~Emma's pov~~~

I just finished unpacking my things when I heard the front door open. I leave my room to meet my new roommate. When I get to the living room I see a gorgeous dark skinned girl with curly black hair. She must've heard me when I entered the room.

"Hey, I'm Lana nice to finally meet you" She said shaking my hand.

"Emma, nice to finally meet you too."

"Our other roommate grace, the one you've talked to before is on her way" She said.


" left me behind" This guy said coming into the apartment.

Damn he's cute.

He's a tall guy with short brown hair and brown eyes.

"Sorry you were going to slow" She said.

The guy looks around and notices me. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Chris, this ones best friend" He said pointing to Lana.

"Emma, I'm their new roommate."

"Nice to meet you Emma" He said shaking my hand.

"Nice meeting you too."

They start asking questions about me and I learn about them too, they both grew up here in New York and they've been best friends since middle school. After awhile my other roommate grace came in and we hit it off.

She's from North Carolina so she understands the culture shock I'm going through and she's also close with her family. She's a cute curvy girl with brown hair, green eyes and glasses. She looks like your stereotypical nerd, but she's definitely not, she reminds me a lot of Addie and I think that's why we clicked.

We still have a week until classes start so she gave me a tour around the campus, where our classes are and the best places to get good food around including an amazing Chinese place right around the corner from the apartment.

I FaceTimed Hunter and showed him around the apartment and told him about my roommates and everything then I called Addie.

Classes started and I absolutely loved my classes and my professors were amazing, after my first day I called my parents like I promised and then I called Addie and Hunter. He told me about his first day of junior year and then I called Addie to fill her in and she told me how she was doing and everything. As school went on I learned how to make different pastries and techniques, I'm learning so much and I've only been in college a month and of course

I've met some really great people and I get along with my roommates great and I've become fast friends with Chris.

I got a job at a local bakery, luckily since I had previous experience they gave me the job and I'm an assistant to my boss, who's a super sweet older woman and I'm making more than enough to support my half of the rent and have money left over.

I've come out of my comfort zone and started going to parties. I usually go to parties with Chris and Grace because Lana isn't a partier.

I talk to Hunter and Addie here or there but we're all busy so it's hard to keep in contact like we used to.

~~~Hunter's pov~~~

After Emma left it felt like my other half was missing. I'm not going to lie I went into depression for the first week, but then I got myself out of it and put all my focus into football and working out.

I was playing the best I've ever played and I had college scouts coming to watch me play. I already got offers for Duke, FSU, and Tennessee, but I'm still want to keep my options open.

I called Emma after I met with some of the coaches, she was so proud of me. She FaceTimed me and showed me her new apartment and told me all about her classes and the people she's met and she kept talking about a guy named Chris.

When I heard about him I instantly got jealous, I had no right to be since I blew my chance so many times, but I just couldn't help it.

I started getting feelings for Emma a little while before prom and I should've just asked her out, but when she told me her and Alex messed around it made me sick to my stomach and I knew I missed my chance.

I was thinking of asking her if she wanted to date for the summer and maybe we'd try long distance, but I couldn't hold her back and as sad as I am that she's met someone, I'm also happy for her.

When she came home for Thanksgiving I didn't leave her side once, we had sleepovers the whole time she was here, the first night we stayed up the whole night talking and slept most of the day and she told me she wasn't dating that guy, so maybe there was still hope for us.

We did the same thing winter break although she was home for a long time so we had way more time to hangout with each other.

Unfortunately she spent spring break with her new friends, so she didn't come home for my birthday. I was really upset I wouldn't be spending my birthday with her, but the 3 hour FaceTime made up for it.

She came home for Addie's graduation, but went back right away because she had to do something at school.

I decided that when she comes home for the summer I'm going to ask her out and see if she wants to be with me because we were flirting like crazy during Christmas break, if she doesn't feel the same way then I'll move on, but I have to at least try because there were times in the past where I almost made a move, but chickened out.

When it was finally summer I was waiting for her to come home, but she told me she got offered an opportunity to have an internship in Paris with a famous pastry chef, obviously she said yes and I couldn't be happier for her, but that also meant I wouldn't get to see if we have a chance and I won't see her until Thanksgiving.

After that I went to a football camp and that's how I spent my summer. When I came back I started my senior year and focused on my future.

~~~Emma's pov~~~

This summer was the best summer ever. Chris and I were selected for an internship in Paris at a famous pastry shop. It was an amazing experience and I learned so much.

We indulged in french cuisine and went around at the different tourist attractions.

As the weeks went by Chris and I got closer and one of the nights we were out to dinner he confessed he had feelings for me and I told him I had a crush on him. I developed a crush on him spring break when he went with us on vacation, ever since then we had been flirting like crazy, so it went from there. As soon as we got back to the apartment we were staying at, we started making out and before we knew it, we were having sex.

We started dating a week after that. Chris was a sweet guy and knew what he was doing in the bedroom.

I brought him home for Thanksgiving and my family liked him and he got along with Hunter, which I was nervous about.

We were together until a little bit before spring break. We started to drift apart in January, we acted more like friends than boyfriend and girlfriend. We talked about it and he told me he had feelings for Lana.

Considering I understood where he was coming from, I wasn't really upset, so I guess I didn't like him as much as I thought I did and just used him to get over Hunter. After we broke up him and Lana started dating and I know I should've been upset, but honestly I was fine, I haven't seen them happier, so I'm glad it worked out for them.

When I came home for spring break Hunter surprised me with his college acceptance letter, he got accepted to University of Miami on a full ride football scholarship, I couldn't be more proud of him. It was weird not being around him as much as I was, but it gave me a chance to spread my wings and experience something that didn't involve him for once.

Unfortunately school ended the same day as Hunter's graduation, so I barely made it home in time.

Knowing I was just going to make it in time for the ceremony, I got ready before my flight. I texted Addie I'm on my way when I left the airport. When I made it to the school I got there just in time to watch them walk out on the field.

"Thank God you made it or else we'd have to hear him mope all night long" Addie joked.

"Shut up" I said giving her a hug and saying hi to everyone else.

I take my seat and wait for the ceremony to begin. When they walk to their seats it doesn't take me long to find Hunter and it seems he's looking for me too because I see him looking around and when he sees me he gets a huge smile on his handsome face.

Just a smile and he can still give me butterflies.

The ceremony goes by quick and before we know it, Hunter's name is getting called.

"Hunter James Thompson" The principal said.

All of us erupt in applause. "Hell yeah, that's my best friend!" I yelled making him shake his head laughing.

When the ceremony is over all the graduates find their families and I look around, searching for Hunter.

"Are you looking for me princess?" He whispered.

I spin around and launch myself at him, wrapping my arms around him. "Congratulations."

He wrapped me up in one of his bear hugs. "Thanks princess, I missed you" He said.

"You saw me 3 weeks ago" I said rolling my eyes.

"Too long" He said releasing me from the hug.

After saying my congratulations to him, he finds the rest of his family. His grandparents are here from California along with his uncle, Aunt, and cousins.

After taking multiple pictures, we all leave to go out to dinner. After dinner I decided to go home and leave them to have their family time no matter how many times he protested.

The next day was Hunter's graduation party and we were having it at the beach house like we do with all big parties.

We left early this morning to set up everything, after we were done I got ready for the party. Since we're on the beach I'm going to wear my bikini under shorts and a tank top.

It looks like I'm not the only one going casual because Addie is wearing something similar.

A little while later the guests started arriving and Hunter invited some of the football team.

The guys were playing a game of football while I was putting out a bowl of chips. I wasn't really paying attention to them until I saw the shirts come off.

Almost all the guys were shirtless except for Hunter which was odd since he's always shirtless, but I guess I spoke too soon because he took off his tank top, leaving him in a pair of tan shorts.

Damn he's gotten hotter, he's no longer the boy I grew up with.

I guess years of football and working out has finally payed off. Perfectly defined six-pack abs and a deep v line that leads to sinful promises.

He must sense me looking at him because he looks up and gets a smirk on his face and walks over to me.

"You checking me out princess?" He smirked.

"Keep dreaming Hunt" I said rolling my eyes.

He leaned down, his breath fanning my cheek "Oh don't want to know what I dream about" He winked then walked back to his friends.

Well shit, now I do.

"You gonna play Ems?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure."

"Ok, you're on" He grinned.

Knowing I'm going to be running around in the sun I take off my tank top leaving me in my bikini top and shorts. Hunter's eyes are immediately on my chest.

Looks like he likes what he sees too.

I walk up to him. "You got some drool here" I joked, pretending to wipe drool off the corner of his mouth.

"Ok... Game on princess" He smirked.

The whole game we were messing with each other. Trying to block his throws I jumped on his back, smacked his ass, and pantsed him a few time. He threw me over his shoulder, smacked my ass and untied my bikini strings a few times. Hanging out and messing around like this felt like old times.

I've missed hanging out with him, and I'm happy that I get to spend the rest of the summer with him before he goes to college.

Wow, I can't believe he's going to college. It seems just like yesterday he was a freshman entering highschool.

Time fucking flies.


Hope you liked the chapter!

Sorry it's another filler chapter, I'm kinda running out of ideas and I figured I'd fill you in on Emma's life in college.

What did you think about Hunter's pov? Originally I was just going to have him fall for her later in life, but sometimes that's hard to pull off without it being rushed, so I figured I'd stick with a slowburn/will they won't they storyline.

Don't forget to comment, see you in the next update!👋

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