No Saints Here | 18+

By Ummmmokaybro

987K 21.3K 4.6K

Alexandra Abernathy is used to getting what she wants, and when she wants it. She's top of her class, a grea... More

Dedication, Aesthetics, Staples & DISCLAIMER!
CH 1 Welcome to the Neighborhood
CH 2 Welcome to St. Mary's
CH 3 Liars Are The Foundation
CH 4 Lolita
CH 5 Assembly
CH 6 Looking Forward To It
CH 7 Water Under the Bridge
CH 8 Dumbfounded
CH 9 He Knows, I Know
CH 10 Can't Catch a Break
CH 11 Need A Miracle
CH 12 Stung By A Jellyfish
CH 13 Deal
CH 14 Truth or Dare.
CH 15 In Your Head
CH 17 Absent
CH 18 The Number
CH19 Stooping To Her Level
CH 20 The Wink
CH21 Confession
CH 22 Game On.
CH 23 Good Girl
CH 24 The Extra Credit Assignment
CH 25 The Cherry Red Camaro
CH 26 Pink
CH 27 Probably Just Friends
CH 28 Meet the Robinson's
Ch 29 My Buddy
CH 30 Didn't You Hear?
CH 31 Metal Humming Bird
Ch 32 Moving On
Ch 33 Swim Suits
CH 34 Game On
CH 35 Head in the Game
CH 36 The Burn
CH 37 The Bathroom
CH 38 Mister Perfect
CH 39 The "C"
CH 40 Luke to the Rescue
CH 41 The Returning Book
CH 42 It's Over
CH 43 The Magnolia's
CH 44 Only With You
CH 45 Doesn't Look Good
CH 46 Finding the Tarp
CH 47 All Mine for the Night
CH 48 A Great Night
Ch 49 Very Bad
CH 50 Be Smart
CH51 I Only See You
CH 52 Birthday
CH 53 Richards Was Coming Back
CH 54 Not Tonight
CH 55 You Should Go
CH 56 I'm Coming
CH 57 I Love You

CH 16 Shaking Hands With The Devil

18.7K 395 156
By Ummmmokaybro

Alex's POV:

I felt my phone buzz a couple of times, causing me to turn over and grab it. My eyes grew wide with shock, when I saw what time it was. 


I told Sal I'd be at the shop at 9:30 for us to open at 10 and it's 9:15 right now. I leaned over and looked at Jake who was still sleeping on his side of the tent. He saw the beginning of the heated discussion between me and Christian last night, and figured I needed some space. Luckily he didn't hear a word between the two of us. Only the fact that Christian looked as if he was going to kill me. If only he knew the real intent behind those eyes...

I lightly shook Jake awake when he opened his eyes slowly. Rubbing the sleep out of his blue eyes. "I'm running late for work. I'll catch up with you guys later." I said, watching him sleepily turn towards me.

"Alright, I'll tell the guys to the clean up." He said, as he shifted, to sit up. Clearly still half asleep.

"No." I said, placing my hand on his perfectly toned bicep. "Let them sleep in, and you sleep as well. It's a Sunday, no one's going to care about a few tents up." I said, getting up from my pile of blankets.

"What about your neighbor?" He asked as he closed his eyes again, and laid back.

"He won't be a problem. Trust me." I said, opening the tent.

"What did you do? Threaten him?" He asked, as he let a tired chuckle slip through.

"Yep." I said, nonchalantly, as I heard him laugh. I would never tell the police anything regarding me and Christian. I said it from the anger and heat I felt deep down inside, and I believe in some way he knew that. He knew I would never jeopardize his job, let alone ruin my reputation at St. Mary's. But I was still mad, I still wanted to him to hurt and in someway feel the same pain I was. With my mind still on Christian, I stepped out of the tent with ease. "See ya later." I said in a near whisper, before zipping it closed.

Quickly, I grabbed my blue bikini that was air drying on the porch and ran off to my car. Pulling out of the drive way and making it to McKady's in record time. While I left a backyard full of boys behind...


As I was renting a boat to a couple, my phone kept buzzing non-stop. I sighed, and pulled it out, noticing all the texts that covered my screen.

MOM: Make sure to pack for your grandmas today, she expects you late Monday night.

MOM: I just talked to her, she said to bring a few books, you'll be going to the beach.

MOM: Did you tell your teachers that you'd be gone this week?


I mentioned it to my teachers last term, but I never said anything to Christian. My annual week in Miami was this week, and it slipped my mind to tell him. I didn't even want to see him right now.

Plus, how am I supposed to tell him I wont be at school all week? Walk over to his house, and just say, "hey, I know gave you hell last night, but I'm gonna be in Miami all week. So don't expect me?"

I started to feel the guilt rise in my chest, as I thought of how unusual it would be of me to not show up to school for an entire week. Not telling him why, or when I was planning on being back, after the argument we just had. That would be crazy, petty, and—


That's it! I won't tell Christian I'm gone. He seems hell bent on proving to himself that there's nothing between us. So it shouldn't matter if I disappear for a week... right? It would let him stew in the last words we exchanged, while I tan on a sandy white beach.  

I felt a heat flash through me, as I thought back on him watching me through his bed room window last night. I could tell that he was bordering the line of obsession, and I relished in it. I was used to having everything I wanted. However, working harder for him, made me realize how much I liked seeing him try to fight what's between us. It made me feel constantly on my toes, and excited every time I was with him. So one week wouldn't hurt the either of us. It was seven days and seven nights, something two adults could easily withstand.

This would be the easiest week in my life. No boys, no drama, no ridiculously handsome next door neighbors, no naughty thoughts about my teacher... Well, maybe the thoughts can come, but other than that I'm more than ready for my week away. 

My grandma is absolutely nuts. She's a single woman living on the Floridian coast in a nice condo, and all she does is tan, drink, and shop. Something I constantly envied while I was stuck at St. Mary's.


Christian's POV:

Alex was in my living room... standing directly across from me with one of her devilish smirks plastered on her face. When she then bit her lip, and walked towards me, confidently. I took a step back, asking what she was doing, when she stayed silent. Tilting her head just like she did last night, as she kept walking forward. Causing me to fall onto the couch, in a perfectly seated position...

I heard a light laugh escape her pouty lips, as she stepped in between my legs. The way her school stockings molded to her thick legs, as the skirt stopped right where the stocking began, made me hard just by observing her...

I looked at her up and down, when she brought her pointer finger up and touched the bottom her lip, bitting it... hard. Only to then lean over and place an arm on the couch behind me... 

Leaning in close to my lips, as she whispered for me to unbuckle my pants. I kept my hands on the sides of my thighs, as she looked down between us and back up. Her hair falling to the side of her face, as she looked at me with her challenging eyes...

She then leaned in for a kiss, as I watched her lips get close to my face. My heart racing with anticipation, as I started to lean in as well. When she then, dropped to her knees before me, while my lips buzzed at the almost kiss...

She looked up at me with her big eyes, and parted her soft lips, as she ran her hands up my thighs, making me release a groan as my erection became harder. I heard her let out a laugh, as her hands started to unbuckle my belt. Watching her with close precision as she then looked back up to me...

Asking me if I was ready...

I nodded as I closed my eyes, while her hand reached into my tailored pants. Grabbing me and immediately taking me in her mouth. I let out a groan and leaned my head against the couch, as she started to suck and take me all in...

I felt like I was going to come right when I touched the back of her throat. When she then started to pick up the pace. Only to then remove her mouth to tell me, all the times she imagined how this moment would happen...

I finally couldn't take it any longer, and grabbed her. Bringing her mouth to mine, as I touched the side of her smooth legs. Sliding my hands up her skirt. When she started to grind on me, as we sucked and pulled on each other's lips...

I felt a surge of euphoria, as I finally got to hold her in my arms...

When she then brought her hands down and moved her panties to the side as she lined me up with her entrance, moaning as she started to lower herself more. Making me moan with her, into her mouth. She was so...

"Is this for me?" I heard someone ask, making my eyes immediately spring open. 

It was Emma, propped up on one arm, as she started to slide her hand down to my less of a morning wood, and more of a full on erection. I quickly realized where I was and internally winced, realizing I was in my room. 

That was the second night in a row I had that exact same dream of Alex, except instead of wearing her bikini, she was wearing her uniform. My mind has gone completely rogue, ever since I figured out she was also my neighbor.

I inhaled a breath, as I tried to push Alex from all my thoughts. Turning to face Emma more. 

"Hey I-"

"Shhhhh." She said, finally reaching my erection, stroking it slowly, making my eyes close. Only to see the up close features of Alex again. I opened them regretfully, and looked at Emma. "Wanna have morning sex?" She asked, as she continued to stroke me. "I hear it's really good sex." She said, picking up the pace. 

I looked at the alarm clock and noticed I slept in a little later than I usually do. Looking back to Emma as she removed her hand, and reach over to her side of the night stand, turning back around with a condom. 

"I know you're going golfing with a few of your friends soon, so we have enough time for one round." She said, tearing it open.

Despite Emma's seduction, I still felt the after shock of Alex's words and body in my mind.  I felt like I was trapped in a dream, expecting Alex to turn up anywhere. Waiting for me to argue with her, approach her, or take her... all for my self...

With out any hesitation though, Emma pulled off the covers, and handed me the condom, as she took her shirt off. I needed a good distraction from Alex. So having sex with my girlfriend, would hopefully get the lustful dream I just had about my student and neighbor out of my mind. 

I put the condom on as Emma laid back on the bed, waiting for me. She always had to be on the bottom, but that meant I was mainly in control whenever we had sex. So I just had to make her come and we'd be done for the day. Luckily for me, she always came extremely fast.

She moved her blue panties off as I arched over her, sliding into her with ease, as I pulled out. She started to breath a bit heavier, and arch her back as she adjusted to my speed and size. Hopefully, washing Alex from my mind.

As I started to pull in and out, I increased my speed as I brought my thumb to her clit, circling it, as she started to moan, and look away. She was close. She grabbed one of her tits, and arched her back more, as she inhaled a sharp breath. She was seconds away from—

Distracting me from all my actions, was the familiar rattling of a run down car. Shoving Alex back to the front of my mind. I felt another surge of blood, rush to my dick, right as she came. I removed my hand from her and steadied my self on the bed, pumping into her two more times before I came. Fighting the urge to yell Alex's name in harmony to the rattling of her car...

I was breathing heavily, when Emma wrapped her arms around my neck, and pecked me on the lips, as I kept my eyes closed. Trying to focus on Emma and not Alex. Emma. Not. Alex... 

I slipped out of her, and pressed myself off the bed and made my way to the shower. 

"Gosh. I think that was the best I've ever had." I heard Emma say from the bedroom, as I started the shower. "Cosmopolitan really knew what they were talking about." 

I immediately turned the shower water cold. Fucking Alex. Of course she had to be driving her giant sound machine through the neighborhood the second I was in Emma. 

Emma was supposed to distract me and help me release some built up steam I had. Everting my attention and attraction from my student, but all she was doing the opposite. 

Every time I closed my eyes, all I saw was Alex. And if my mind tried hard enough, I imagined what it would sound like as Alex's lustful moans, and ragged breath. Making me think back to how close we were last night.

She was right about there being something that we couldn't control between us. And it wasn't just the lustful attraction between our appearances. It was her mind, her wit, her foul language, and how she carried herself. 

It was her as a whole person. A person I wanted to see right now more than anything. Just to look at, and observe. To watch with careful proximity, as she survived within her natural habitat.

I huffed out a tight breath of air, as I felt worry creep up my spine. Worry that I don't want to see her, but I actually needed to, for survival...

I wanted to see if she was embarrassed about our last encounter. To see if she would make up some excuse as to why she said the things she did, due to the alcohol. 

I wanted to take the control back. I wanted her to be the one in constant surprise, rather than becoming the confident challenging woman every single time we were alone together. I wanted her to feel my irritation, of how hard it was to stop thinking of her. I wanted her to feel what I felt every time I couldn't get her out of my mind.

Did she have sex like how I imagined in my dreams? Was she the one that needed to be on top and feel in control, or did she like being taken control of? Was she just as passionate during sex as she is in every aspect of her life? Did she need it rough? Soft? Or both? 

God. It was thoughts like this, that I tried to push out from my mind. It was thoughts like this that made me act irrational, in constant need of sex, and angry from not having her. Angry from denying myself of her more and more, because I want to be the good guy. The guy she never had second thoughts about, taking advantage of her, or leading her on. 

However, in all reality, she was the one constantly leading me on. Wanting me to take advantage of her. Wanting me to finally break the tension that was between us. It felt as if I was constantly shaking hands with the devil. Unexpectedly waiting for her to steal my soul...

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