Tranquility beyond

By Tangotkt

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A long time ago when the cold blooded King and the shape shifter King had made peace with each other having h... More

Tranquility Beyond
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34

Chapter 33

156 20 0
By Tangotkt

Zhavi's POV

Holden and I stand in the middle of a field halfway away from my mate and halfway to our enemies. He refused to hold me like his prisoner so he only has his hand on my waist in a way of protecting me incase they try something. My mother's giving us a calm smile, she seems to be searching for something behind us. She's so blowing our plan but I have faith Zafirah can still hold it.

"Where is my mate." Holden demanded.

The plan is simple, the person that comes to take me from Holden will die the minute Holden gets a hold of his mate. Shane plans on using his affinity on them from the distance, he actually prefers it to be Tyler or James.

Tyler comes from behind with a very angry and shouting Lydia. "I will so kill you, you cow shit!" She said trying to break free but Tyler's grip looked tight.

Holden took a step forward and my reflexes made me stop him. It's not exactly the right time yet.

"She will walk here while Tyler meets her halfway and takes her instead." Killian says.

"We meet halfway." Holden demands.

"No, no, no, no, no son. If you do that you could kill the boy. Let the girls trade alone." He says. Okay this might have not been the plan and Shane might be hating this.

I start to walk forward and Holden holds my hand, he is scared and is in great conflict with himself. I can take this Tyler kid actually but I know him and Shane do not agree considering I am carrying another person. This is a very bad timing now I get Shane's worry.

I look at him and gently remove my hand, I'm hoping he can trust me. I walk towards them and Tyler starts to walk to me. My eyes are not on Tyler but on Zaralena and Killian, they are the threat. Not to mention a smirking James by them. He is enjoying this too much. I also saw a face I didn't think I'd see, Melissa was looking like she was having second thoughts on being on that side.

Tyler and Lydia approach me, he extended his hand and I took it and he let go of Lydia.

"Zhavi you don't have to do this." Lydia says.

"Just go to Holden. I'll be fine." I tell her as Tyler roughly pulls me to him with a smile. On our way to my mother, I turned my head and noticed Lydia was an inch away from Holden when Tyler started coughing and struggling for air, he crouched down when a huge tornado started rounding up on us. I watched as the boy's eyes turn red from the lack of air. A huge green force stroke the tornado causing it to vanish.

Without thinking, I turn on my heel and head to Holden and Lydia when a vampire tackled me on the ground and I fell hard on my back. Soon his body was removed from me and his spine was separated from his body. Blood splatted all over my face, it went in my mouth. Euwwwww!

"Thanks for the blood shower." I tell Brandon while he helps me get up from the ground.

"I'm sorry Queen Zhavi, but we need to go now." He says and then guides us to where the others are. Behind us the battle had begun, wolves and vampires fighting to the death. Some Vamps on our side some against.

Raven was holding some sort of forcefield around us that vampires couldn't reach. From a distance I saw a girl that looked to be 15 years old with her own forcefield, her eyes were glowing an emerald green all over. She seemed to be struggling just like Raven. My sister kept her eyes on our mother who is trying to distract everyone of the opposite side, I guess she's fighting her.

Everything was intense, as soon as Holden had Lydia to safety he fled to battle field. He killed every vampire in his sight that you'd think he was killing one of his own, I think he can see his own though. I never underestimated Holden but I also never thought he was a deadly killing machine, I never thought I'd see a scary side of him. Better not get on his bad list.

Then there's Shane that hasn't shifted but is already fighting with ease, he seemed to be used to it. He enjoyed the fight, to be quite honest I think it is feeding his ego.

I notice a restless Brandon beside me, why isn't he fighting there?

"Why can't you go help them?" I asked him.

"The king's orders were clear, I shall not intervene whilst they're protected by that barrier," He says pointing to the very calm vampire giving Holden a death stare.

"And it looks like it's going to take a while, that witch is too powerful!" Raven shouted.

"And because he doesn't want me to get hurt for Kylie and August's sake." He says.

"August?" I asked confused.

"Oh they have a cute little son named August." Lydia butts in. They have a kid? She tries to stand but falls again.

"Whoa stay still." Jane tells her settling her back again.

"Argh! I hate wolfsbane now I can't even help my mate!" She complains.

"They injected you with wolfsbane?" Of course, Lydia is a fighter they needed to weaken her to capture her.

"I'm getting there!" Raven shouts. "Zafirah I need a single distraction on that witch."

"Uh no babe, my mother is targeting the Kings!" Zafirah says.

"You have to try we need to break that barrier, Holden is getting restless and might try to take it down." Raven orders.

"Argh fine!" Zafirah gives in. "Christian help Shane!" Christian was quick to leave and join the battle heading over to Shane.

As soon as he reached him, Zafirah put her focus on the witch. Her emerald colour seemed to fade a little but Zafirah seemed to weaken. "She's so powerful." Zafirah said before she collapsed on Brandon's arms. Oh this is not good. At the same time Zafirah fell, the green forcefield fell with the little witch. Holden wasted no time in tackling his father, Shane followed to a newly shifted James.

Christian aimed at my mother and was stopped in his tracks, this is not good. He started kneeling on the ground and I swear I saw something like tears coming out. She must be showing him something to distract him.

"Christian!" Jane shouts behind me and leaves Lydia inside the car. As a vampire was about to kill him Brandon ran over and bit its neck ripping his throat out. Jane's situation was the same as ours, staying behind the barrier as per orders. I spotted Ginger with Melissa's wolf, he seemed to be talking to her and she wasn't attacking either.

But where was Greyson?

My mother's eyes changed and set on to me, I felt a powerful force entering me. Everything seemed to fade, the fighting slowed down and everyone looked to be in slow motion.

I noticed Holden stopped fighting his father and removed the vampires trying to get through our forcefield. Shane took over his place, part of me thinks they took turns because they both hate him. Either that or the man is powerful.

It was confirmed that he was powerful when he fought Shane but was still very calm. Shane tried using his affinity as I see the familiar tornado developing around them and then it stopped. He looked confused. Killian showed signs of laughter and saying something that I'm too far to hear.

In an instant Killian was fast enough to throw a kick at his chest where he flew off and hit his back on a huge tree leaving a dent. He struggled to get up, when the vampire ran to him he was able to dodge another attack and shift. Shane shifting means a real threat. I felt myself getting angrier at the thought of this old man beating my mate.

Shane had shifted, now as a wolf he is faster and has more strength. The vampire seems to be powerful too. Everything went so fast along with the bushes that covered them, one minute Shane has his teeth on the old man's arm, the next the Vampire bites his neck throws him on the ground. No!

The familiar headache and cold rush of wind comes to me, my vision goes white and yet I could see everything. My vision may be white but all I could see was red, I felt rage building up inside me and the next thing I know I left everyone behind Raven to Shane's direction.


Shane's POV

After Holden saw a lot of vampires approaching Raven's forcefield his eyes headed over to me, his instinct was to protect his weak mate. Taking the sign, I left James and Tyler whereas Christian took care of them. Brandon went back to the forcefield to help Holden with the other Vampires. I noticed Greyson fighting Tyler in his wolf form, that Tyler kid was lucky that annoying witch saved him. Killian brought a lot of vampires, I think Holden has been facing a lot trouble with Killian if so many have gone against him.

When I reached Killian he seemed to be too happy about fighting me with the smirk on his revolting face.

"Oh I have been wanting to see if really you can fight me Alpha King." Killian splattered. His fangs were elongated directed at me. He couldn't get the chance even if he tried.

I tried using my affinity on him but it didn't work, I was confused for a minute.

"Oh Shane, you have a hybrid in your home yet she doesn't know how to protect you from magic. Your affinity can't work on me!" He says giving a malicious laugh.

My anger started to build up, now I can't make this quick so I can get my mate out of here. Using my moment of distraction, he kicked my chest sending me flying to a tree. My back hit on the hard tree that I'm sure it left a dent. Fuck!

My senses informed me that he was coming and I dodged him. I shifted in the process, immediately when I got his arm in my mouth, someone removed me and tackled me to the ground. My wolf smelt James, fuck what is he doing here? His midnight black wolf tries to bite mine but I was quick to remove him and his figure stood by Killian. Killian grabbed him by the throat and sunk his fangs in him. His own ally tries to kill him, his growls were ignored by the Vampire feeding off of him. When he was satisfied he threw him on the ground but he was barely alive that he shifted into his human form. We are further from everyone and covered by a few bushes that people may not see the fight.

As soon as he was recharged we continued our fight, he is not the easiest to fight but he is definitely not stronger than me. What I didn't expect was my mate's strong scent getting closer to us. I got distracted trying to figure out where that scent was coming from when Killian tackled me on to another tree hitting my back. Again, fuck!

Like the speed of wind, my mate jumped over Killian, in the process grabbing his head, when her feet met the ground Killian's body was thrown to the same tree I hit causing it to break and fall down on him.

"ENOUGH!" A voice that her wasn't own said,

The battle immediately stopped, everyone stopped fighting and placed their focus on her. Her snow white curls and glowing white eyes put everyone in shock.

"Daughter!" Zaralena was first to say catching my mate's attention.

"Mother..." She said taking small steps over to Zaralena.

My wolf growls at the act knowing what this means, she can't turn on us! She's my mate and that's my baby in there! She can't turn. I hate that I can't communicate with her.

"At last you have come to rule by me. Show these peasants who is more superior." Zaralena says gloating at the success of her plans.

"With pleasure...." My mate says standing on Zaralena's left side.

"You will all listen and listen carefully," she says and starts to look around, her eyes stopped on me.

"My mother wants me to show who is superior and I know just the person to make an example of." She says.

A sword shaped ice like the ones before comes out of her left hand, her eyes locked on me. I could feel the others getting anxious and wanting to come to my side. They wait for my mate's move, she looks around and notices their reactions. She smirks then locks eyes with me once more.

Her right arm comes to her left to hold the blade by both hands. Everyone gets surprised when the blade turned to her right and pierced through Zaralena's chest.

She crouched down and couldn't even make out any words. Blood starts to come out of her mouth, as she struggled to breathe.

"You said peasants, you didn't say who." My mate whispers to Zaralena.
"You lied to me, you had my brother killed, you saw me as pathetic and weak that you were willing to dispose of me. You left me with a cruel man that has more heart than you! And you tried to use me. I am not evil mother, I'm just stronger than you." She says and grabs her chin forcing her to look at the crowd. "You see those people? They are my family, never threaten my family."

She finally lifted herself and let Zaralena's head to look on the ground still struggling to breath. She brought her blade up and decapitated her head.

People gasped at her acts, I shouldn't be happy about her killing her mother like that but knowing this is Zhavi and not some weird force trying to take over her body made me feel pride for her. It could only mean she was able to control her powers.

"If you try to run now you just might survive." She says facing the crowd and the enemy Vampires started to scatter. Oh so they fear her and not me? I'm offended.


Hey lovies! This has been an exciting chapter, Zhavi has managed to overcome her powers yayy!

Book 2 coming soon!

Find out more on the next Chapter Xoxo.(๑˙❥˙๑)

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