Tranquility beyond

By Tangotkt

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A long time ago when the cold blooded King and the shape shifter King had made peace with each other having h... More

Tranquility Beyond
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 31

162 18 0
By Tangotkt

Zhavi's POV

I woke up with the smell of fresh cooked pancakes, bacon and eggs. Oh my the bacon. I love love meat, who doesn't eat meat? Mother nature should forgive me for eating her animals but she creates the best meals. The ones that bring happiness. But where is this lovely smell coming from? I know mother nature doesn't provide her babies for breakfast.

"Pecas, baby wake up. It's 6 am." A soft deep voice said followed by a warm hand brushing some of my hair away.

"No stay away." I tell him while turning my back away from him.

"So you expect me to eat all this bacon." Wait the bacon is real?

I snapped my eyes open and jumped to a seating position, I saw Shane's face looking a little more handsome or is it my eyes. Or is it last night? Either way he has this glow, his hair is tied to a tiny bun and I thought I messed it but it looks good. It looks longer than it was when I met him. He is glowing!

"Why do you look tenfold sexier than before?" My mouth speaks without my control.

"Did I also break your filter pecas?" He says with a huge grin.

Deciding to ignore what he says, I take the trey of lovely foods from him and out it on my thighs and I start digging in.

"Do you want to know how you look?" He teases me. He is so not doing this right now. I give him the stink eye not caring how I look. I always feel when I look horrible in the morning and today I'm sure I look like shit, not to mention I didn't do any small braids for when I sleep so my hair is in a position.

"You look beautiful baby." He says placing a kiss on my forehead.

"So what are we doing today?" His elbows rest on his knees and he starts to rub his hands on his face out of frustration.

"Training, I prefer you train Zafirah first before you. Holden came back and I woke up really early and so did he, we had a small talk on how we were to do things today." He looks at my reaction for a moment but he finds nothing. I can't think of focusing on anything other than food right now.

"There's something you're not telling me but I'll wait for you to tell me. You can't hide anything from me." It's the first time I actually don't stay quiet and tell him that I know he is keeping a secret. Forcing him could lead to him lying instead.

"Actually, your sister will tell you today when she trains you."

Oh? It doesn't sound pleasant so I have to physically and mentally prepare myself for what's about to come.

Shane left to give me some time to take a shower and get ready for the day. I feel very weird today like something on my body is different. I'm guessing it's because of the eggs? I haven't eaten eggs in a long time because I didn't like them anymore.

The shower was a relief and made my body relax although my tummy was still a bit upset. As I was about to step out of the shower, I felt a bile rising up my throat and I literally got out of the shower to release all of my breakfast. Last time I threw up I was 11 and I had food poisoning. My stomach is not weak so it's not common for me to puke. And this shit doesn't smell like how it smelt when I was eating it. Yuck!

I brushed my teeth so hard that it hurt my gums. I kept gagging on the toothbrush because I wanted to make sure the smell was gone. I live with freaking wolves who could smell me coming a mile away. They definitely will be picking up on my stinky mouth.

As soon as I feel like I'm good, my stomach didn't feel empty though I threw up so I decided not to eat again until training.

When I got out I'm met with my friend, Jammie sitting on the bed like she owns the place. Next to her was my fighting gear. I smile at the girl enjoying herself while watching tik toks on her phone.

"Hey," I say heading to the closet.

"Hey sugar plum! You smell good, and different. No, wait a minute!" She starts jumping up and down on the bed in excitement.

"What?" I say confused about her behaviour.

"Nothing!" She says closing her mouth. "I have to... uh, the Queen just mindlinked me. See you later!" She literally ran out of the room. Okay weird.

After getting myself dressed and braiding one side of my hair, I hear a firm knock on the door. I walk to the door and to my surprise it's my silly best friend.

"Holden!" I embraced him and he froze for a moment. That has never happened before.

"You smell weird." He says pushing me like I'm disgusting. Uhm?

"Did I do something? I thought I washed pretty well. Oh my goodness is it my mouth?" I put my hand on my mouth in embarassment.

"No not in a bad way. You smell kind of like... man I don't know but I wanted to talk to you. And incase you thought I hated you." He said squeezing me in a hug.

"Good because I thought I'd have to kick your balls or something." I joke as I retreat to my room. He chuckled at my joke.

"So what's this about?"

"Last night? I'm really sorry I said that. I don't want you to hurt and right now we are facing something that needs your mate to be there for you and all he does is blame you. If I had a choice I would've killed that disgusting Alpha." He said, I could feel the anger in his words.

"It's okay, he won't do it again. I know you're being overprotective but you don't have to be you know. When it comes to Shane I'm the last person you need to protect, I can take care of myself around him." I assured him.

"Well then why don't we go train so I can get to my mate as soon as possible." He says standing.

"Right, training. Let's go."


When we got to the arena, everyone was there already dressed and ready for training. Holden put his gear on too. Am I really that much of a threat for them? At least Christian looks better, he gave me a curt nod when we made eye contact and next to him was Jane who avoided eye contact. She seems mad and I completely understand, I'd be mad if anyone hurt Shane too.

I entered the arena and was met with Raven and Zafirah laughing about something. They're look so good together. I still find it funny how Raven only wears glasses when it's really hot, I thought she wore them all the time considering when we had just met she wore them all the time, since it's winter I guess she doesn't need them.

"Hey sis, you ready?" I asked Zafirah as soon as I got close to them.

"Yeah of course, Raven?" Raven's eyes gave a little skeptical look.

"Why do you smell weird?" Okay she is the third person to say that. "Oh Moon Goddess, you mated?" Wait what?

"What are you talking about?"

"You mated as in you know," She gives weird signs. Zafirah studies those signs until she came to a conclusion.

"You had sex! Wait you can smell that?" Zafirah shouted. Wait huh?

"Yes, every being that has strong senses can. Well you guys are superhumans so you can't but everyone can smell a newly mated wolf." Raven answered.

"Oh Lord of the chipmunks, so Jammie and Holden meant that when they said I smelt weird? I am so killing Shane for not telling me!" I am so embarrassed.

"So like you guys can smell whenever people have sex?" Zafirah asks.

"No, we can smell when people have had sex for the first time. Their scent changes and they smell completely like their significant others so unmated wolves could be warned. Hers is strongly of Shane because well, he is a King." Still, oh my goodness!

"This is weird in so many ways."

"Oh relax it's normal here." Christian said behind me.

"Yeah I was embarrassed too." Jane says.

"They did it on the first day." Raven said. What hold on a minute.

"Wait so while I was busy imitating sleeping beauty you two were plowing each other?" I asked. The two dummies just smiled and looked at each other.

"Gotta get rid of stress some way right?" Jane says.

"Wait you fucked?" Ginger said behind them. Oop-

"Let's start training!" Shane says from afar.

We all get in position although I'm still uncomfortable finding out that everyone knows I did the deed with Shane last night. This is embarrassing seriously because it feels like they are all watching and judging. At least Lydia's not here to shout about it to everyone although who says Zafirah won't?

"Okay, position!" I say and Zafirah stands on her fighting position.

She is a fast learner, she has mastered her fighting position and defence already. Now it's time for offense.

I start circling her so she doesn't expect where my blow will come from. I admire her concentration. I throw a punch and she stopped it firmly. She finds an opening to throw hers and to my surprise she was fast enough to throw one at my jaw. That hurt.

"Yes! Oh are you okay?" She sounded concerned.

I was quick to turn to her to throw a surprise lunch and she swiftly dodged it. Good! We start fighting and I am happy to say she was very good for a beginner.

Now time for weapons, we both take hand swords because actual swords are heavy and this is not the 17th century so we won't be training with swords. We both took two each since they are small.

She was first to throw swings, what I love about her is that she has flips. Doing gymnastics can be a huge advantage, I advise it.

We had a good fight for a few minutes until I finally thought it was good. Holden wants to see his mate and he was getting anxious so I thought we could do this quickly. It's my turn now. My sister and I trained for over an hour and it's 8 am now. Why they woke us up early I don't know

Just as my sister and I were a few yards away from each other, a fast car pulled up and we all turned our attention to the new arrival.

Brandon came out looking like he saw some ghost. He headed over to Holden and Shane. My sister and I stepped out of the arena and ran to see what was happening.

"What's with you? Why didn't you say you were coming?" Holden asked the very petrified Vampire. I never thought I'd see him like this.

"Damn man say something." Greyson decided to taunt the poor guy. I don't even know when he got here.

"It's uh-," He clears clears his throat.

"Brandon tell me what happened, now." Holden commands this time.

"It's, it's the Queen. They took her." Brandon finally says. Everyone went silent after that.

"What do you mean they took her?" Shane was first to speak.

"My men said they caught a familiar scent in the direction of the borders and they saw two wolves and unknown vampire. They chased them but they said they disappeared into thin air, along with their scents." He said, Holden is awfully quiet and his eyes are set on him giving a death stare. "One of their clothes got caught in a branch and ripped. We gathered a search party for her."

He brought forward a piece of clothing and Shane brought it close to his nose.

"Fucking James!" He said throwing the piece of garment on the ground.

"Oh my goodness what is that force? Anyone feel it? It's overwhelming." Jane says.

"I feel it too." Zafirah says. I feel nothing really but just the intensity of a furious Holden.

"Holden's exerting his dominance. The weaker the species the more overwhelming it will be." Christian says.

"I don't feel it and Zafirah and I are the same species." I say.

"You're mates to a King." Okay seems fair.

"Wait when a vampire of a higher rank does that to a lower that only means..." Greyson says not finishing his sentence.

"He's going to kill him." Christian finishes. Wait what?

"I told you to watch and protect my beloved and you let her get taken. Right under your nose." Holden finally says gritting through his teeth.

Brandon kneels on one knee and bows his head to him.

"What's happening?" I ask. Holden can't kill Brandon he has a mate and that's not Holden. I know it.

"It's either he runs and chases him down or he submits and accepts his fate. This way he can die with more dignity. Holden is fast." Shane says.

"No hell no!" I say running to stand in front him. He can't kill him that's not right.

"Zhavi what are you doing?!" Shane shouted noticing Holden's eyes changing colour as soon as I'm in front of him.

"Holden you can't, you know you can't. We can get Lydia back but this is not necessary. What do you think his mate is going to do if you hurt him?" His eyes move from my face down to my stomach. He tilts his head to the right as if he realised something .

"She's right Holden, you need him and he has a family. This is not you man." Shane agrees with me, I was hoping I didn't have to be mad.

Holden thinks for a moment, his eyes focused on my stomach still and I start to feel uncomfortable. He noticed that when his eyes snapped up to mine again.

"You have 10 seconds to leave." He says. Brandon wasted no time in getting back on his feet to his car. Holden is still watching me like a hawk, I know I should be scared but he would never hurt me and Shane wouldn't let him so. *Evilly laughs*

"I can find Lydia with a location spell." Raven says.

"Babe, you know you could've said that like 5 minutes before my sister decided to put herself in front of a fuming vampire?" Zafirah says.

"I thought you all knew," Raven just shrugs.

"Can you hear that?" Shane says, he and Holden flee to the direction and we follow behind.

We come across a scene of a vampire girl in a tree surrounded by wolves. I think these are the guards, she was trying to enter the territory alone. Is she insane?

"Stand down." Shane orders the wolves, they retreat back to the pack borders. The vampire jumps from the tree to the ground.

"What's your business here?" Shane asks with authority.

"I have a message," She says and her green eyes turn completely black.

"Long time son." She says, her voice was definitely not a hers.

"Uh what?" Greyson comments.

"It's dark magic." Raven answers the unasked question.

"I'm sure by now you've noticed I have your beloved. Feisty one isn't she." The girl with a man's voice says.

"What do you want father." Holden says looking like he is trying to hold himself back.

"Calm yourself son, I have the upper hand. You hid something from me for years. You were close to the daughter of Zaralena and you didn't tell me. What a shame, you could've given her to me." He says.

"You won't have my mate Killian." Shane says, I'm just standing there not knowing what to do or what to say.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Shane, oh sweet Shane. I saw something in you once boy but now? Nothing. Your mate has weakened you but this is not about you. See Holden here has a choice. Two hours, he has two hours if the girl doesn't come willingly then he will bring her to me or his mate faces death." What? No.....

Holden's head moves from the vampire girl to me. Shane grabs my hand puts me behind him. He wouldn't really do that would he?

"Don't even think about it." Shane warns the red-eyed vampire.

Holden just humpffs at Shane's threat. "I will find you and I will kill you for touching my mate father. I will make sure it's as slow as it was for your beloved." He threatened.

"Well, if you say so then I guess I will have to wait for you to bring the war to me. Just so you know, I'm not heartless. Tyler has taken a liking to your beloved, it is possible her death might be mixed with a bit of extreme pleas-" She didn't finish when Holden held her by her throat and bit her, her screams filled the Forrest but it didn't end there. He started tearing her apart like a wild animal. I didn't recognise the vampire as my good hearted and goofy friend.

He stands there with pride while wiping some of the blood on his thumb on his tongue, it looked disgustingly malicious.

"Raven start working on finding Lydia," Shane orders as he goes to stand by Holden. "We're going hunting." He says and immediately shifted and ran to the woods.

Holden took a once over at me then follows Shane into the woods. I guess the shitty starts now.


Hey lovies! This has been an interesting chapter. Poor Lydia is in the hands of the evil former Vampire King. What do you think will happen next?

Prepare yourselves for book 2.^_^

Find out more in the next chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. Xoxo꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡

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