No Saints Here | 18+

By Ummmmokaybro

805K 18K 3.5K

Alexandra Abernathy is used to getting what she wants, and when she wants it. She's top of her class, a grea... More

Dedication, Aesthetics, Staples & DISCLAIMER!
CH 1 Welcome to the Neighborhood
CH 3 Liars Are The Foundation
CH 4 Lolita
CH 5 Assembly
CH 6 Looking Forward To It
CH 7 Water Under the Bridge
CH 8 Dumbfounded
CH 9 He Knows, I Know
CH 10 Can't Catch a Break
CH 11 Need A Miracle
CH 12 Stung By A Jellyfish
CH 13 Deal
CH 14 Truth or Dare.
CH 15 In Your Head
CH 16 Shaking Hands With The Devil
CH 17 Absent
CH 18 The Number
CH19 Stooping To Her Level
CH 20 The Wink
CH21 Confession
CH 22 Game On.
CH 23 Good Girl
CH 24 The Extra Credit Assignment
CH 25 The Cherry Red Camaro
CH 26 Pink
CH 27 Probably Just Friends
CH 28 Meet the Robinson's
Ch 29 My Buddy
CH 30 Didn't You Hear?
CH 31 Metal Humming Bird
Ch 32 Moving On
Ch 33 Swim Suits
CH 34 Game On
CH 35 Head in the Game
CH 36 The Burn
CH 37 The Bathroom
CH 38 Mister Perfect
CH 39 The "C"
CH 40 Luke to the Rescue
CH 41 The Returning Book
CH 42 It's Over
CH 43 The Magnolia's
CH 44 Only With You
CH 45 Doesn't Look Good
CH 46 Finding the Tarp
CH 47 All Mine for the Night
CH 48 A Great Night
Ch 49 Very Bad
CH 50 Be Smart
CH51 I Only See You
CH 52 Birthday
CH 53 Richards Was Coming Back
CH 54 Not Tonight
CH 55 You Should Go
CH 56 I'm Coming
CH 57 I Love You

CH 2 Welcome to St. Mary's

26.6K 582 74
By Ummmmokaybro

Christian's POV:

I woke up early this morning, and made my way to St. Mary's. Shaking my head at the thought of my aunt just picking up and leaving because of the divorce. She asked me, no... begged me to substitute this last term until she got back from her "sabbatical". Thankfully, the company that I work for is letting me do most of my work from home. It's not like Architects are needed every single day of the week. Plus, I have all my materials and equipment at home to submit perfectly good plans to the company. 

After college, it was simple for me to work my way up the company chain. I was simply the best architect they hired, so the thought of loosing me was something they couldn't afford. Therefore, asking to work from home wasn't difficult. On top of the fact that, I'm renting the house from one of my bosses until my aunt gets back. I was paying him more than his asking price he listed for it, so once again... He was happy to let me work from home.

My aunt's behavior though, was something I never expected to happen. It's almost like she snapped. Everyone knew John was cheating on her, and she just turned the other way and omitted it from her mind. Pretending nothing was ever happening, while living her life day by day. I thought somehow, she couldn't stand the thought of being with out him, she put up with her daily misery. It was some type of tortuous love, we all thought she was accustomed to until, she got up and left. And here we are all wondering, what straw finally broke the camels back, to get her to pick up and leave everything...


When I made my way into the school, I noticed almost no kids were here early. It was an eerie building, with old brick supporting its structural interior. It seemed appear like a religious Hogwarts from just taking two steps within it. I practically waited for a floating candle to pass me, or someone in a long robe to pull out a wooden stick...

After meeting with the Principal and lying on how often I actually attend church services, they concluded that for the short amount of time my aunt gave them to find a replacement, I was the best option. It was easy enough to certify online and become a substitute teacher, and with my recent certification the school was happy to hire me for the time being. That and my aunt, was only in communication with me. Making sure I would find her planner and instructions in the classroom, and that things would go according to her plan. 

When I finally made it into her classroom, I noticed that nearly all the teachers here were just as old as she was, if not older. Making this place seem almost like an elderly home, than a school.

I started to push out the fact that, I would now have to start trying to be active in the church again. Reminiscing on the times my parents forced me to go, and yet stopped going to church when I went to collage. God, Aunt Gina was the only one that remained a devoted catholic our family. Despite how many times we tried to prompt her to ask questions, about her faith during thanksgiving, she remained a blind follower. That was until now...

Looking at the mess on her desk, I looked at my watch. Figuring now would be a good time to write my name on the board, thanks to the two minutes left before the first bell.

Just as I finished, writing the "e" in Mr. Cole, I heard someone swing open the shut door with speed. Followed by fast footsteps. 

"Richards, I did it!" I heard, a female voice exclaim, causing me to freeze. Was I in the wrong classroom? Maybe Gina was- "Richards, I did it! I got all. I-"

I turned around slowly, only to be faced with a petite brunette, with her hands in her backpack. Frozen in her tracks with her lips slightly parted as she peered up at me. Only to then have her pink lips close as she looked at me up and down in disgust, instantly. Acting as fast as her mind worked. 

"You're not Richards." She said, defensively, as she pulled her arms out of her backpack and crossed them. Glaring at me with light brown eyes. 

"No." I said, rhetorically, as I looked at her up and down.

She was dressed perfectly in the St. Mary's female uniform. Her white socks stopping right where the end of her skirt began. While her collared shirt was tucked into the band of her skirt, as her curves hid underneath the dark blue blazer. With how her arms were crossed, her chest was pressed firmly against the collard shirt, slightly stretching at where the buttons clasped together. By the time my gaze slowly made it to her jaw, she quickly turned. Snapping me out of my gaze...

She looked around the classroom, and then look back onto the board. As she read what I wrote, and flashed her glare to me. I was put off by her confidence when she then stepped forward. Looking at me intently in the eyes, as she placed her hand softly on the edge of the desk.

"Where the hell is she?" She asked plainly, before setting a piece of paper on the corner of the desk with her other hand. 

I felt in shock, when she swore. Making my eyebrows to lift in surprise. I mean I don't blame her, this place basically was hell. But last I checked, this is a religious school, where weekly confessions actually counted toward your grade. 

"Language." I said, raising one of my eye brows as I reached for the piece of paper she just set down. "This is a catholic school." I huffed out, with an exhale. I hate that I am stuck here, I hate that I have to deal with stuck up kids, and that-

"Yeah." She laughed, "And last I checked, I wasn't a practicing catholic." She said, pulling on her backpack so it was now in front of her, while still eyeing me with skepticism. "And by the looks of it... neither are you..." she nodded, to the tattoo on the outside of my wrist, when I grasped the paper.

She's correct... I'm not. 

I furrowed my brows at her inference, and looked at the piece of paper as I spoke. "How does one go to catholic school, and not be catholic." I said, trying to read what's on the piece of paper. It looks like a bunch of messy signatures.

"Because it's a good school. My dad went here, and got into an Ivy League." She said, as I noticed she grabbed a book from her backpack, swinging it back around. "That and the fact that my dad is a sponsor for the school. Helping my cause of being a non religious student, get accepted into this hell hole." She said, placing a hand on her hip as she waited for me to look at her. 

I kept looking at the piece of paper, trying to ignore the strong presence in front of me. She was almost overly comfortable and confident with herself, that made me feel as if I should be intimidated. When she then stuck out her hand, grazing the side of the paper I was holding.

"Alex." She said, causing me to cast my gaze onto her manicured hand, and then back up to her. "This... is a handshake if you aren't familiar with it." She said, when I noticed she was subtly studying me with her gaze, as I fought the urge to do the same.

"I'm Chri- " I cleared my throat. "Mr. Cole." I said, shaking her hand. Surprised yet again at her perfect grip. Matching the confidence she carried about her.

"So..." she said, sliding her hand out of mine, making me realize that I was still holding it, after we were done shaking. "Why is a young, attractive, male subbing for Richards at St. Mary's?" She asked, placing a hand on her hip as she set the book down on the desk. Still looking at me with unsure eyes.

Her words took me by surprise, maybe she wasn't confident. Maybe she was just dumb or ignorant, calling her substitute teacher attractive and young on the first day of the new term. 

I cleared my throat. "I am not that young." I said, finding myself straightening my posture subconsciously, when she raised an eyebrow. "And it's not wise to call your teacher attractive." I said, in a firm tone, as she crossed her arms. 

"Please." She scoffed. "The only other semi-attractive teacher in this school, is the gym teacher, and he's 45." She said, looking at me like I was the one who made a mistake. "Plus, you couldn't be that much older than us, what are you 24?" She asked, plainly.

"27." I said, coldly trying not to entertain her anymore. Mainly because, I didn't want to look at how her uniform hugged her, and that our age gap was not nearly as large as the 45 year old teacher. This teaching job will be the end of me, if all the girls at the school looked like her, I might just start sinning now. She seemed so unreal, standing in front of me with sheer confidence. Looking at me plainly, not feeling intimidated by our height difference or our subtle bickering.

"Uh-hu." She said doubtfully, looking at me up and down. "Anyways... When will Richards be back?" She asked, mirroring my cold tone of voice, grasping the paper out of my hand.

"She won't." I said, looking at the book, delicately being held in her hands... LOLITA

She slowly closed her eyes, and furrowed her eyebrows, bringing her hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose. "You have got to be kidding me. I have spent-"

"Is that Lolita?" I heard myself ask, as I cut her off. She quickly removed her hand, and looked at me surprised. 

"Yes." She said, slowly. Without any thought, I reached for the book in her hold, when she then grasped it tighter. Pulling it closer to her body. "It's annotated." She said, defensively. 

My curiosity peaked even more, as I grasped the book held tight in her hands. Feeling her slight hesitation as she grabbed the book tighter. When a slight spark of heat ignited between us, and she started to let go. "What are you doing with this on school property?" I asked. Lolita would be the last book I would expect to see here, let alone twice in one week.

 I started to flip through the pages as I watched red ink dance around the printed words, some underlined, others circled. I never read Lolita, but I watch the film adaptation, and sinfully, loved it. I've never read a book based on such a taboo topic, and yet it's like god himself is sending it my way repeatedly. Taunting me with the story.

"This." She said, lifting up the piece of paper. "Is 100 signatures, of students supporting the decision to read this for this term. Richards challenged me, saying that we could read it if I got the signatures, thinking I would never be able to. However..." she said, grabbing the book back from me, before I could stop on a page and read it. "She seems to have disappeared, and you... are now in her place." She said pointedly. Disappointed about my presence. 

I watched her become more defensive, looking at me up and down with furrows brows. I couldn't help but tilt my head in curiosity, as I looked at the woman in front of me. Wondering how she could possess attraction and agitation all in a few moments.

"Richards got a divorce, and is on sabbatical. Now... why would you choose Lolita?" I asked in almost a rushed tone, placing my hands in my pocket. 

I couldn't help but watch her carefully control her emotion, something I could tell she was naturally good at. Or had spent a large amount of practice on... I watched one of her eyebrows subtly arch, as she parted her rose-tinted lips to answer, but just as she did, a few students walked into the class room. Interrupting both our thoughts.

"Hey Alex!" one of them shouted, before walking to the back of the classroom. Another one walked passed her and punched her softly on the arm. While a few girls who just walked in locked eyes with me freezing for a few seconds before they giggled and whispered. Most of them plain and none of them quite like her...

When I looked back onto the woman in front of me, she rolled her shoulders back and, set the book and piece of paper on the edge of my desk. "I'll only tell you why I chose it, if you consider having us read it this term." She said, somewhat glaring at me. No... there was a sublet smile there... She was challenging me.... "You can even read my" she paused looking down at the book, "Annotations." She said, softly, while bringing her gaze back up to mine. Making my stomach twist.

That interested me. Reading her thoughts on the books mature scenes and topics, made me want to pick it up more. Wondering just what her opinions and personal bias on the matter were. It seemed as if it was a drug deal. Tantalizing my thoughts and emotions. 

How was this possible, though?  Just from the two minutes of speaking with one another, she had me completely puzzled. She was not nervous or hesitant as most girls are when they approach me. She wasn't acting sexual or overly passive in nature either, she just was... challenging me. Not as a superior, nor as someone inferior, but as an equal. 

"It appears, you've already read it. Why would you want your class to read it too"? I asked, looking down at the book and back up to her, as more students filtered in. Trying to remain cold and indifferent, despite my primal instinct to provoke her more.

She raised her eyebrow, and placed her hand on the book. "Guess you'll never know." She said, lightly pulling the book off the desk. When I brought my hand down on top of hers, pressing into the soft skin on the top of her hand. Noticing how she was not in the least bit intimidated. Rather, letting her gaze flicked up to mine, challenging me yet again with her stare.

I felt her hand stay firm under mine as I started to pull her hand and the book back onto the desk. Trying to ignore the twinge of excitement I got from this strange encounter.

I let out a steady breath as I watch her remain perfectly in place, waiting for me to strike. She was calculated and premeditated, something I was not expecting to find in this corrupt catholic school.

 "Is there a problem Alex?" I asked, calmly. Feeling her name run off the tip of my tongue for the first time. "Nervous I'll critic your annotations?" I asked, letting an amused tone slip through.

Just when I thought, I saw a moment of weakness flash in her eyes, a smile curled onto her face. Making my nerves buzz with electricity, from the sheer intensity of our moment.

"Oh on the contrary Mr. Cole..." she said, slowly pulling her fingers out from underneath mine. Only to then set them on top of my hand, pressing her fingers firmly into my skin, while leaning forward. I couldn't help but hold my ground firm as I let her lean in even closer. Both of us ignoring the students around us as she continued... "I'm nervous for how you'll react when you realize... I love the way Lolita was written..." she said, only looking at my lips. 

When she then slowly slipped her fingers off the top of my hand. While I kept mine in place, letting the buzz of her presence, eat away at where she touched me.

 I kept my gaze, emotionless as she pulled away and raised her eyebrows. When she then turned, and walked towards one of the desks next to a group of boys, huddled in the back.

I swallowed a hard lump in my throat, as I looked down to ease my nerves. When I saw piece of paper on the desk, in dark black ink. Gina had the student roll call list, with little notes next to each one. However, I noticed one in particular stand out....

Alex Abernathy. She's a smart one... sometimes too smart. 

I have a feeling, Alex is going to be a problem. 

A big one. 

I could already tell that she was under my skin. Festering like some bacterial disease, making it impossible for me to focus on anything but her. Even after those few minutes we just shared. It was almost too natural, how we interacted with one another...

Forcing anyone else into my mind, I thought of inviting Emma over tonight. That will help center me, and get my head back on straight. I shook my head, and finally removed my hand from the well-read book with dog eared pages. Ignoring my inner thoughts, as I looked back up. Looking directly back at her. Watching a guy whine in her direction, as the other students continued to talk amongst themselves. 

"Come on X." He spoke, wrapping an arm around her, as he sat down. "What will it take to get you and me to go on a drive." He said, leaning into her face. When she then brought up her hand, pressing her fingertips into his face, to stop him from closing the distance.

"For the last time," she stated in a quieter tone, so other couldn't hear as well. "I'm not going to have sex with you, in the back of your pick-up for less than three minutes, just for me to pretend to come, so you'll get off my case." She said, in a swift breath as she pushed his face back. 

I felt a sour venom slip through my veins, as I heard such a beautiful girl say such vulgar things. When the same guy slid closer to her than before. 

"How do you know you won't like it, if you don't try it." He smiled, looking at her intently, waiting for her to react. When she stayed calm and level headed.

"Last I checked, Carson. I don't need to stick my hand in a blender to know I won't like it." She said, cocking her head to the side, looking directly at him with out any expression. 

He rolled his eyes, and slipped off of her, onto the next girl. While his face reddened with rejection.

I was shocked at what I just witness, that I didn't realize I was still looking at her. Admiring her fast wit, and superior comeback. When she saw that my eyes were on her. She raised her eyebrows and leaned back in her chair. Stating loud enough for me to hear, "Welcome to St. Mary's, Mr. Cole." She stated swiftly, before looking out the large window right next to her...

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