Classroom of the Elite: Alter...

By Izaya-Hasegawa

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In this timeline, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka will attend the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School with... More

Vol. 1: Chapter 1.1 - A White Room Student
Vol. 1: Chapter 1.2 - The Point System
Vol. 1: Chapter 1.3 - Against the Class
Vol. 1: Chapter 1.4 - Against the System
Vol. 1: Chapter 2.1 - Small Talk
Vol. 1: Chapter 2.2 - Connections
Vol. 1: Chapter 2.3 - Freedom
Vol. 1: Chapter 3.1 - Start with the Most Troublesome
Vol. 1: Chapter 3.2 - Self-Introduction
Vol. 1: Chapter 3.3 - Class D's Foundation
Vol. 1: Chapter 4.1 - Subtle Movements
Vol. 1: Chapter 4.2 - Brother
Vol. 1: Chapter 4.3 - Uncovering
Vol. 1: Chapter 4.4 - Abilities
Vol. 1: Chapter 5.1 - Ally
Vol. 1: Chapter 5.2 - A Friend
Vol. 1: Chapter 5.3 - Karuizawa Kei's Secret
Vol. 1: Chapter 6.1 - Optimal
Vol. 1: Chapter 6.2 - Cementing a Friendship
Vol. 1: Chapter 6.3 - The Curtain Closes for the Prelude
Vol. 1: Chapter 7.1 - Swimming Class
Vol. 1: Chapter 7.2 - Limits
Vol. 1: Chapter 7.3 - One Aspect of Excellence
SS.1 - Matsushita Chiaki: What Are You Thinking About?
Vol. 1: Chapter 8.1 - Evaluation
Vol. 1: Chapter 8.2 - Past
Vol. 1: Chapter 9.1 - Classroom of the Elite
Vol. 1: Chapter 10.1 - Retreat
Vol. 1: Chapter 10.1.2 - A Tease
Vol. 1: Chapter 11.1 - The Start of the Cold War
Vol. 1: Chapter 11.2 - A Different Environment
Vol. 1: Chapter 11.3 - Where One Belongs
SS.2 - Ayanokouji Kiyotaka Fans (1)
Vol. 1: Chapter 11.4 - The Ayanokouji Group
Vol. 1: Chapter 12.1 - You Can Change
Vol. 1: Chapter 13.1 - Underneath That Mask
Vol. 1: Chapter 14.1 - To Trust Someone
Vol. 1: Chapter 15.1 - Inviting The Wolf Into Another Wolf's Den
Vol. 1: Chapter 15.2 - The Strings Have Been Tied
Vol. 1: Chapter 15.2.2 - Pulling the Strings
Vol. 1: Chapter 16.1 - Peculiar Morning
Vol. 1: Chapter 16.2 - Looking Back
Vol. 1: Chapter 16.3 - Class B's Preparation
Vol. 1: Chapter 17.1 - Midterm Exams
Vol. 1: Chapter 17.2 - Foothold
SS.3 - Kushida Kikyou: Only For This Moment
SS.4 - Ayanokouji Kiyotaka Fans (2)
SS.5 - Delinquents
Vol. 2: Chapter 1.1 - Questions
Vol. 2: Chapter 1.2 - A Tool from the Inside
Vol. 2: Chapter 2.1 - The World Discovers Light
Vol. 2: Chapter 3.1 - The Closest
Vol. 2: Chapter 3.2 - Small Steps
Vol. 2: Chapter 3.3 - Mingling Natures
Vol. 2: Chapter 3.4 - Blank Slate
SS.6 - Hasebe Haruka: Ideal
Vol. 2: Chapter 4.1 - Katabasis
Vol. 2: Chapter 4.2 - The New Targets
SS.7 - First Name
Vol. 2: Chapter 5.1 - Scheme
Vol. 2: Chapter 5.2 - Precursor
Vol. 2: Chapter 6.1 - Culling
Vol. 2: Chapter 6.2 - Calamity
Vol. 2: Chapter 7.1 - Disquieted
Vol. 2: Chapter 7.2 - Reprisal
Vol. 2: Chapter 7.3 - Always in Control
Vol. 2: Chapter 8.1 - New Card
Vol. 2: Chapter 9.1 - Just How?
Vol. 2: Chapter 10.1 - Work Behind the Scenes
Vol. 2: Chapter 11.1 - Cessation
Vol. 2: Chapter 11.2 - Shizuku
Vol. 2: Chapter 11.3 - Denouement
SS.8 - Lilac in the Shadows
Vol. 2: Chapter 12.1 - Eyes on the Future
SS.9 - Ichinose Honami: Leader
SS.10 - Ayanokouji Kiyotaka Fans (3)
Vol. 3: Chapter 1.1 - On the Way to Luxury
Vol. 3: Chapter 1.2 - Atop the Cruiser
Vol. 3: Chapter 1.3 - Special Test
Vol. 3: Chapter 2.1 - The Doors of Purgatory
Vol. 3: Chapter 3.1 - Base Camp
Vol. 3: Chapter 3.2 - Troublesome Guy
Vol. 3: Chapter 4.1 - The Leader
Vol. 3: Chapter 4.2 - The Sun is Down
Vol. 3: Chapter 5.1 - Under the Willow Tree
Vol. 3: Chapter 6.1 - Frugality and Luxury
Vol. 3: Chapter 6.2 - Ryuuen's Game
Vol. 3: Chapter 7.1 - Resolve to Protect
Vol. 3: Chapter 7.1.2 - Your Type, My Type
Vol. 3: Chapter 7.2 - Misjudge
Vol. 3: Chapter 8.1 - Taking Over The East
Vol. 3: Chapter 8.1.2 - Holding On To You
Vol. 3: Chapter 8.1.3 - Confession
Vol. 3: Chapter 9.1 - The Calm Before the Storm
Vol. 3: Chapter 9.2 - Small Blunder
Vol. 3: Chapter 9.3 - Tranquil Night
Vol. 3: Chapter 10.1 - On the Other Side
Vol. 3: Chapter 10.2 - A First for Everything
Vol. 3: Chapter 10.3 - Enemy Territory
Vol. 3: Chapter 10.4 - Vital Information
Vol. 3: Chapter 10.4.2 - Past Midnight
Vol. 3: Chapter 11.1 - Brewing Trouble
SS.11 - Kushida Kikyou: Regret and Relief
Vol. 3: Chapter 12.1 - Seeds of Chaos
Vol. 3: Chapter 12.2 - Exquisite Performance
Vol. 3: Chapter 13.1 - Let the Show Begin
Vol. 3: Chapter 13.2 - Possessing the Royal Cards
Vol. 3: Chapter 13.3 - Possessing the Ace Cards
Vol. 3: Chapter 13.4 - The Hand that Beat Four Aces
Vol. 3: Chapter 14.1 - The Magician Reveals His Trick
Vol. 3: Chapter 14.2 - The Hidden Joker Card
SS.12 - Summer Before Solace
SS.13 - Ayanokouji Kiyotaka Fans (4)
SS.14 - The Unknown Lady of the Past
SS.15 - Poolside View
SS.16 - Troubles in Paradise
SS.17 - Much To Learn
Vol. 4: Chapter 1.1 - Prelude of a New Game
Vol. 4: Chapter 2.1 - The Players on the Board
Vol. 4: Chapter 2.2 - The Zodiac Test
Vol. 4: Chapter 3.1 - The VIP in Sheep's Clothing
Vol. 4: Chapter 3.2 - I'll Win
Vol. 4: Chapter 4.1 - Conference of Dragons
Vol. 4: Chapter 5.1 - Converging Strategies
Vol. 4: Chapter 5.2 - Deadlock
Vol. 4: Chapter 6.1 - Catalyst
SS.18 - This is Only the Beginning
Special Chapter - Ideas
Vol. 4: Chapter 7.1 - Early Morning
Vol. 4: Chapter 7.2 - Scriptwriter
Vol. 4: Chapter 8.1 - How Did He?
Vol. 4: Chapter 8.2 - Ideal Results
Vol. 4: Chapter 8.3 - Parasite
SS.19 - Karuizawa Kei: What Resides Within Us
SS.20 - Relationships
Vol. 4: Chapter 9.1 - Unfamiliar Group
Vol. 4: Chapter 9.2 - Not Even You
Vol. 4: Chapter 9.2.2 - Quick Visit
Vol. 4: Chapter 9.3 - The Devil's Warning
Vol. 4: Chapter 9.4 - The Peak of a Monolith
Vol. 4: Chapter 9.5 - The Marionette
Vol. 4: Chapter 10.1 - The Final Conclave
Vol. 4: Chapter 10.2 - Closer to the Truth
Vol. 4: Chapter 11.1 - The Two of Us
Vol. 4: Chapter 11.2 - The Mind of an Elite
Vol. 4: Chapter 11.3 - Showdown
Vol. 4: Chapter 11.4 - Changes
Vol. 4: Chapter 12.1 - The Outcomes
CotE: Alter Omake - Self-Test Edition
Classroom of the Elite: Alter - Solace (Teaser)

SS.21 - Nishimura Ryuuko: A Place Next to Him

10.5K 331 18
By Izaya-Hasegawa

I've always been looking at him. Kikyou-chan is his best friend and the people from the Ayanokouji Group are his closest friends. Of course, since he was our class leader, Ayanokouji-kun was also very close with Class C's leader, Ichinose-san, who's arguably the most popular girl in our year apart from Kikyou-chan herself.

Ugh... Now that I've mentioned all of that, it sure sounded like he's someone unreachable. But fortunately, that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, I'm actually a good friend of his.

Ah, but don't misunderstand. Ayanokouji-kun, much like Hirata-kun and Kikyou-chan, is quite close with everyone in the class, so it's not like I'm special or anything like that.

"It's weird, isn't it? I wonder why you were assigned in Class D, initially...?"

Hearing his voice calms me down. I'm sure I'm not the only girl who shares the same opinion. It's different from Hirata-kun's gentle voice or Kikuchi-kun's mature voice.

Ah, no good, no good. He's talking to me right now. I should at least respond with the same amount of awareness.

"Hmm... I'm not saying that I'm worthy of Class A or anything, but the term "defect" doesn't really do well to describe a lot of us..." I mused. "For example, there's Hirata-kun and Kikyou-chan. The only "defect" that I could think of is that they were too kind and caring."

Chiaki's only flaw would be her lackadaisical attitude. Mii-chan was smart, so her shyness should be the problem. Not only them... Sana, Misaki-chan, Ueno-kun, or even Makida-kun. They had no obvious attitude problems and their basic specs were fairly balanced with no glaring weaknesses.

And in terms of being a model student who's too kind and caring, one might argue that those traits describe Ichinose-san, too, who was initially assigned in Class B.

Ayanokouji-kun stared at me with his seemingly all-knowing eyes.

"You're probably right. Maybe Chabashira-sensei was just exaggerating with the whole "defect" thing," he replied.

"Well... There's Ike-kun and Yamauchi-kun who aren't the best and most enthusiastic when it comes to studying, but that also goes for some students in the current Class D. And when it comes to me, I guess my so-called "defect" could be my weakness in athletics."

"I see. But that should be the case for most of the girls in our class-- though I can't really pinpoint how better the girls in other classes are. Just by looking at it from an outsider's perspective, the overall abilities are well-distributed."

In the grand scheme of things, I can see why they'd describe our class as inferior. Even if there were a lot of powerhouses in our class, the others were still better on paper. There were just too many students in our class who are weak in academics, athletics, or even both.

And worst of all, our class also possessed the largest number of immature students. Though of course, that's just my personal observation.

"Maybe it's temperament...?" I said.

"Well, if it's temperament alone, Horikita shouldn't be assigned in Class D. Her temperament is bad but effective at times. And people like you, Hirata, Kikyou, and Matsushita should be in Class A in terms of temperament," replied Ayanokouji-kun.

Ah-- I got complimented.

"W-Well, me aside, I do think that what you're saying is true... Horikita-san appeared arrogant during the early months and she's still quite stern in terms of nature, but that doesn't mean she's worse than those who are just straight out jerks."

And of course, the other three that he mentioned have extremely flexible temperaments.

And why would this school take that into account in the first place? I feel stupid for suggesting that answer now.

"Frankly speaking, each class should have the potential to become Class A, or the system itself would be meaningless. The established stigma against the lower classes must've been a huge factor in their downfall. After all, it was easy to get overwhelmed when you're in Class D or C, especially if the opponents have a considerable amount of lead in class points."

"A huge difference in morale, huh? I see... That makes a lot of sense. I mean we have the biggest anomaly in our class, which is you, so our class's morale is through the roof right now," I chuckled.

Ayanokouji-kun did nothing but stare back at me.

"You're prone to underestimating yourself, but you're obviously an excellent student. You're always saying that your poor social skills are the reason for your assignment in Class D, but the more I spend time with you..."

He interrupted me with a slightly teasing tone.

"You think they put me in Class D to compensate for the others?"

I could only meekly nod. It's like he could read the deepest parts of my mind.

"Hmm... I don't think the school knows that much. There's still a chance that everything's just a coincidence."

"Hihi, that's true."

The two of us were currently on the main deck's starboard hallway outside of the cabins. It's still more than an hour before the final class discussion, so I should enjoy this moment thoroughly. After all, this is one of the rare times where I could hang out with Ayanokouj-kun by myself.

"How are things in your group, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"Horikita and the others are doing a great job. There's nothing to worry about. How about you?"

"Oh, we're just tackling the exam normally. The VIP doesn't belong in the class, so we're keeping an eye out for any possible clues." I turned my attention back to his group. "That said, you're taking a step back for this special exam, right? Given how strong the opponents are, I'm sure you'd lend your team a helping hand once they find themselves in a pinch."

"I won't. That's my agreement with Horikita."

For some reason, I wasn't too surprised by his reckless answer. Ayanokouji-kun seemed piqued by my underwhelming reaction, too.

"What brought on this agreement?" I asked.

"There's a high chance that Class B will win in this exam. Once that happens, I want the three of them, especially Horikita, to get all the glory."

"Why?" I tried to sound composed, but a tiny creak in my voice made my efforts useless.

"I'll be stepping down as Class B's leader," Ayankouji-kun spoke calmly.

Hearing his answer, I turned to look at the dark horizon and the starless night sky.

"I'm tired of being the leader, so I decided to step down once we reach Class A. I've planned this a long time ago... Horikita, Hirata, and Kikyou already know about this and they agreed with my decision." Ayanokouji-kun looked at me once again. "Do you think the class would react positively?"

While he didn't look worried or anxious, it still made me happy-- that Ayanokouji-kun asked me about this. I'm sure he'd already consulted Kikyou-chan about this matter, but that doesn't make the current moment between us any less special for me.

The best I could do was answer him with a warm smile.

"Yes, I think they would. I've known our class for more than four months now. We wouldn't have stood a chance if you didn't reveal the truth about the S-System back in April. And now, we're on the verge of being Class A. If you decide to stop being our leader, none of us would have the right to complain."

Ayanokouji-kun's demeanor didn't change, I thought I could faintly see a tiny arc form from his lips.


He turned his head forward before I could confirm anything, though.

"Thanks, Nishimura."

"Ryuuko's fine."


"I said Ryuuko's fine. We've been friends since the start of school, you know? It shouldn't be weird... as long as you're fine with it."

My facial expression should be perfectly fine, but I'm sure my cheeks and ears were as red as an apple right now. Thank god the sun is down.

Gosh, I didn't expect this to be so embarrassing... I'd seriously die of shame if he says no...

"Well, I didn't really have a problem with it. I was just surprised," he said. "Then, if you'd like, you could call me by my first name, as well."

"Mn," I nodded. "I'm glad we've become closer, Kiyotaka-kun."

"Same here, Ryuuko."

"Let's hang out lots during the summer, okay?"

"Sure, I'm looking forward to it."

The only thing I'm good at is studying and taking care of my friends. I thought I'd always be fine as long as I do my best on that front... But with this, I'd seriously need to work harder. My rivals are very strong, after all. 

Author's Notes:

Class B (Kiyotaka's Class), Nishimura Ryuuko.

- Nishimura Ryuuko tentative illust. by 8103x (on Twitter).

- 8103x-sensei or やとみ-sensei is the illustrator for the light novel series: "Osananajimi kara no Renai Soudan. Aite wa Oreppoi kedo Chigaurashii" and I will use the Main Heroine, Hinagata Shiori's appearance as a stand-in for Ryuuko's tentative appearance.

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