
By beynikaoutsold

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Duality refers to two parts, often completely opposite. Onika and Beyoncé go to a prestigious college-they b... More



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By beynikaoutsold

Onika Tanya Maraj

Onika marveled at her work with a wide smile, smile.

"Bey! Bey!" Onika called and Beyoncé looked up from her phone to see an excited Onika.  She directed her eyes to the piece infront of her and found herself smiling.

"You finished it?" Beyoncé asked and Onika nodded, "I did! It's dry and everything! Do you like it?" Onika asked and Beyoncé nodded, she thought it was genuinely cute.

"It's cute. It's based off you cat right? Mariposa?" Beyoncé asked and Onika nodded, she was really happy Beyoncé remembered.

"Do you think my aunt will love it as much as I do?" Onika asked a little self conscious and Beyoncé nodded immediately, "I'm sure she will. Who wouldn't? I loved that painting you made of me. You're a real artist." Beyoncé said looking at Onika.

"I'm serious you are." Beyoncé said and Onika couldn't help but smile shyly. "Thanks." She said low.

She picked up the mug and made sure to hold it upright, "Is there news paper over there? I need to protect it." Onika said and Beyoncé looked behind her in her seat to see some news paper. She got a hand full and passed it to Onika.

"Thank you!" Onika said smiling and Beyoncé admired her as she wrapped it. Onika caught her looking at her—she didn't know why she always got a little more nervous under her stare.

"Wha—what is it?" Onika asked and Beyoncé snapped out of while clearing her throat, she's been doing that alot lately.

"N-Nothing." Beyoncé mumbled scratching the back of her neck.

A question popped in Onikas mind as she was oblivious to a nervous Beyoncé.

"Wh-What do you like to do?"  Onika asked and Beyoncé looked towards her in surprise. She pointed at herself, "Me?" She asked and Onika nodded setting her news paper packaged pottery aside.

"Uh huh. F-Friends learn about each other right?" Onika asked and Beyoncé was still a little surprised at the question.

"I—like my friends. Hanging out with them I mean—they're kind of a refresher. No matter how many times you see us argue." Beyoncé admitted without looking Beyoncé in the eye.

"I-I think that's real sweet." Onika admitted. She could tell Beyoncé enjoyed hanging around her friends—and that she genuinely cared for them.

"It's whatever—I uh—I don't have a lot of hobbies. I usually don't have time during the..school year. I'm always busy with school work no matter how much I complain and pretend I don't care."Beyoncé said sighing.

Onika noticed her slight change in mood.

"What's wrong?" Onika asked and Beyoncé looked up at her hesitantly. "It's nothing." Beyoncé mumbled and Onika kept her eyes on her.

Beyoncé had no idea why she felt intimidated by those dark brown almost black eyes looking at her so innocently.

"Are you sure?" Onika asked sitting in the stool next to Beyoncé. "M-My aunt says bottling up your emotions is bad." Onika said taking Beyonce's hand again.

Beyoncé noticed how comfortable Onika had gotten being her friend—and she didn't mind. She felt herself get more nervous at Onikas touch.

She had girls touch her all the time—she never got nervous at it.

"Your aunt sounds like mom." Beyoncé mumbled.

"You did admit your mom is a smart lady." Onika said and Beyoncé sighed, with a light smile.

"It's nothing I just—get stressed out. And I start overthinking everything and instead of showing pure anxiousness I just get angry." Beyoncé groaned. Onika frowned.

"I..overthink sometimes. A-lot actually.. but—that's normal! That's what my aunt says!" Onika said enthusiastically.

"What..do you overthink about?" Onika asked and Beyoncé looked off to the side. She never really talked about stuff like—her feelings.

"Nothing serious. Just like—life—and where I'm going in it—and how mine kinda sucked—and family stuff."Beyoncé mumbled. Onikas eyes widened.

"That sounds pretty serious." Onika said and Beyoncé shook her head. "It's not. Just shit I'll deal with on my own." Beyoncé insisted.

"W-Well you don't have to. I'm here." Onika said. "I-I know it sucks talking to people but—we're friends right? Friends share their—um—feelings with each other." Onika said and Beyoncé nodded with a shrug.

"I guess.." She trailed off. She sensed Beyoncé's discomfort. She decided to change the subject.

"I—I was surprised when you were able to basically the project and present it for us.." Onika said remembering.

Yesterday, Friday afternoon.....


Onika Tanya Maraj

Onika bounced her leg in anticipation—except she want excited for anything.

It was indeed public speaking, meaning she was going to have to actually get up there and speak with Beyoncé on their presentation.

Onika wasn't sure if she could do that just yet—she had just gotten comfortable and settled with her new friends. But standing infront of a class? Way out of her comfort zone.

She looked down at her nonstop bouncing leg and she could feel sweat begin to appear despite the pound of deodorant she put on today.

"Hey—you alright?" Beyoncé asked and Onika looked toward Beyoncé—their faces were so close because Beyoncé was whispering as someone else presented.

All Onika could do was shake her head. She wasn't okay—she couldn't do this. She felt a pressure in her chest as she began breathing heavily.

What if I stuttered and they laugh?

Safaree was also in this class—what if he sees me as some weirdo?

What if I mess up so bad I ruin the whole thing for myself and Beyoncé?

Oh gosh please don't hate me forever Beyoncé. Onika whined in her head.

Beyoncé looked at her friend in worry, she heard the background noises of the rest of the class in the back.

"Alright, good presentation Safaree and Nas." He said and Beyoncé watched the two high-five each other.

"Even though I said do your presentation on an artist and you guys chose the guy who created dragon ball Z .." He mumbled.

"He's an artist!" Nas argued. "Yeah! A true masterpiece if you will." Safaree added on.

"He is an artist. Technically." Mr. Micah added. Because this was on art, their teacher invited Mr. Micah to see them.

"Whatever. B+. Now for..Onika and Beyoncé." He stated looking up and Beyoncé whispered under her breath—she was ready but as she looked at Onika who looked like she was about to cry—she sure wasn't.

Beyoncé stood up and looked her teacher in the eye, "I'll be presenting." She said and he quirked an eyebrow. "It's kinda required you both present, or both of your grades will suffer."He said and Beyoncé sighed. Mr. Micah kept his eyes on Onika with her head down.

She decided to do what got her in and out of trouble a lot through her teenage years.

Lying till it made sense.

"You see..Onikas pet dog just died." Beyoncé blurted out and she heard the whole classes sympathy.  Mr. Micah quirked an eyebrow. That didn't make sense to him.

She felt a tug on her hoodie and looked down at a nervous Onika. She started shaking her head.

"I-I'm allergic to dogs." Onika whispered and Beyoncé cursed under her breath. "Shit."

"She actually almost had a very dangerous allergic reaction to dog hair." Beyoncé said and she heard the sympathy again and Onika put her head in her hands.

"Know who also drew dogs? The dude we're presenting about." She was lying her ass off—but anything to make sure Onika doesn't have to go up there.

Mr. Micah had a smile appearing on his face.

"Are you really going to force a young sweet girl as herself to talk infront of a crowd about such a sensitive topic to her?" Beyoncé asked.

"Are you trying to—gaslight me Ms. Knowles?" He asked and Beyoncé bit her lip.

"Are you accusing a black woman in america of gaslighting? So what? We can't talk about our traumatic experiences?" Beyoncé asked and Mr Micah tried holding in his laugh.

"I-I well no—"

"Then why are you? Huh? Mr. Collins?" Beyoncé asked and he started sweating at the dirty looks he was getting.

"Okay—fine you can present for the both of you. I'm sorry—Onika." He said and Onika looked up with tears at the corner of her eyes.

She looked up at Beyoncé was smiling at her with a thumbs up.

Beyoncé was smiling in victory.


"I did feel bad. Now everyone thinks I almost died from a allergic reaction.." Onika mumbled and Beyoncé just grinned.

"Lying is my specialty." Beyoncé said shrugging.

"I don't know if that's—good or not but—it was really sweet of you. I—I felt a panic attack coming along and you—you really made it better."Onika said hugging her and Beyoncé felt a weird feeling in her chest.

She didn't exactly know how to respond—she slowly hugged Onika as well and was so surprised with how good she felt.

Onika pulled away with a smile, "You said you liked hanging out with your friends—well—my aunt needs me to get the boxes of my stuff that's apparently "cluttering" her house right now..it's just a few boxes way less than last time. And on that same day her bakery is finally fully opening!" Onika said excitingly.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to come with me.." Onika said trailing off. The more she thought about the more she got a little nervous at Beyoncé saying no.

"Sure. When?" Beyoncé asked casually. Onikas smile showed her dimples and Beyoncé couldn't help but smile but.

"The day before Halloween!" Onika said and Beyoncé hummed. "October 30th? Your aunt knows how to market. Opening the day before everyone gets sugar high." She said mumbling.

"I know right?" Onika asked, Beyoncé heard a buzz and looked toward Onikas phone. Onikas hands disappeared from hers and she frowned a bit.

"Oh! I should..get this." Onika said reaching over for her phone and Beyoncé just leaned back. She assumed it was her aunt.

"Huh? Oh yeah—I'll be there in like 40–umm—minutes.." She said and Beyoncé watched her get up and look for her bag. Beyoncé passed it to her for her.

"I—O—o-okay. I'll just meet you there—y-you don't have to. Really." She insisted and Beyoncé watched her say bye.

"Your aunt?" Beyoncé asked scrolling through her own phone, Onika shook her head. "I've just gotta get—going! I'll see you tomorrow!" She said before grabbing her news paper wrapped mug and rushing out.

Beyoncé watched her go, a little confused but it wasn't unusual behavior.

"What do you wear to a bakery opening..?" She mumbled asking herself.


Beyoncé was walking off campus—she was a little hungry and decided to go to a cafe.

She walked into a cafe that looked pretty nice, she planned on ordering and immediately getting a to-go bag.

When she walked in and saw her two bestfriends huddled in a booth together she quirked an eyebrow.

"I could mind my business, get my food, go about my way..or get involved.." Beyoncé mumbled weighing her choices.

She found herself walking to her friends; "What are you two gossip girls doing?" She asked Kelly and Michelle.

"And why are you guys dressed up like art thieves?" Beyoncé asked sliding into the booth and Kelly rolled her eyes while Michelle had out binoculars.

"Shut up whore, we're waiting for our girl to walk in and get some." Michelle said eyeing the door Beyoncé just walked through.

"Who?" Beyoncé asked looking at the two. Kelly sighed happily and turned to Beyoncé. "Our baby. Onika!" Kelly said and Beyoncé stared at her in confusion.

"What about Onika?" Beyoncé asked puzzled.

"She has a date with a maybe hot, maybe ugly guy." Michelle mumbled keeping her eyes on the door.

Beyoncé's chuckled. "This is a joke right?" Beyoncé asked and Kelly shook her head rolling her eyes.

"Hopefully they're cute together. She's so shy—her with a boyfriend would be a cute sight.." Michelle said thinking outloud.

"Oh my god Kelly what if they're both equally shy and nerdy?" Michelle asked and Kelly almost squealed.

"That would be so cute." She said and Beyoncé looked between the two like they were crazy.

"Am I high?" Beyoncé questioned.

"I heard the word high, what we talking about?" She heard just to see Abel slide in the booth. "Great now thing 1 is here." Beyoncé said slouching.

"Stop calling me that!" He said.

"Yeah stop calling him that!" Robyn said peeking up from behind them and Beyoncé jumped. "Great there's thing #2. Y'all are never not around each other." Beyoncé mumbled as Robyn scooted next to her.

"Trust me I know how much you love me. What are we talking about?" Robyn asked.

"Onika has a date!" Michelle said turning before going back to the door with her binoculars.

"A date? Seriously? Woah did not see that coming. Is he hot?" Abel asked and Michelle kicked him. "Damn bitch watch the nads.." He mumbled.

"No one said it was technically a date! But it is this guy she was super nervous about meeting." Kelly said excitingly.

"It's Onika. Onikas always nervous. Whatever weirdo she's going out ain't special." Beyoncé said and Kelly and Michelle ignored her.

"Beyoncé why are your panties in a twist? I know you've been chomping on ice cream the past week but that should make you less pissy." Robyn said.

"Are we all just loosing our minds here? I have so many questions.." Beyoncé mumbled.

"Who's she going on a date with?" Abel asked. Beyoncé tuned in for this.

"We're not sure..." Michelle said. "Then again we didn't exactly ask." Kelly added on.

"Did yall just like follow her on her date disney channel style?" Abel asked and the two nodded. "She asked us too!" Michelle said.

"No—we offered and she agreed." Kelly corrected.

"Shhh..everyone shut the fuck up! I know that short black curly hair from anywhere!" Michelle said and the whole crew directed their faces to the door.

Beyoncés eyes widened at Onika with a casual dress on—star earrings—and some low platform doc martins. She looked nervous and Beyoncé thought she looked cute. Her soft smile disappeared when she saw who was behind her.

"Holy." Kelly uttered.

"Mother."Michelle said.

"Fucking." Robyn said puzzled.

"Shit." Abel said surprised.

"Fucker.." Beyoncé finished looking at Safaree. She felt a pang of annoyance erupt deep within her body.

"Well this is a surprise." Abel said clasping his hands together.

Michelle got off the booth seat and actually properly sat in it.

"So..anyone gonna tell Oni he's a whore?" Robyn asked looking around the table and Abel interjected.

"I'm actually pretty sure Beyonces body count is higher so technically—"

"Finish that sentence and I will make sure you can't have kids." She gritted out.

"Okay..okay." Abel said slouching in his seat.

"How about we—rationalize this? Safaree isn't that bad—right? I mean to be honest all I know about him is that he's annoying and is Chris's lap dog." Kelly said shrugging.

"That's true. I haven't seen him do anything actually bad—it's just—why him? I expected a nerd." Michelle said honestly.

"Onikas too pretty for the niggas that stay inside and talk about Zelda Lore all day—I'm not surprised it's not a nerd. But I am surprised it's that bozo." Robyn said looking back at the two.

Beyoncé didn't even remove her eyes from the pair. He led her to one of the middle tables, she watched him pull her chair out for her.

"He's annoying. And a jackass. All he does is complain about not having a girlfriend." Beyoncé said still watching them.

"Oooh guys.. I don't want to ruin this for her. One date won't hurt right? Look at her! She's smiling!" Kelly said pointing at the scene, and she was indeed smiling.

Beyoncé bit the inside of her lip when she saw her dimples being directed towards him. She didn't understand why she was so—annoyed.

"I mean, looks? 2/10 for me. Personality...? What's a number lower than 0?" Michelle asked looking around the table.

"So we all disapprove of this right?" Beyoncé asked and they all kinda shrugged.

"She's an adult. She can make her own decisions. Plus one date won't hurt, it is gonna suck to have to warn her after. But it's better than her getting pregnant in college." Robyn pointed out.

"Onikas not stupid enough to let that idiot knock her up. Or at all for that matter." Kelly interjected.

"I never said she was! Im just saying rumor is he got a girl pregnant last spring break yawl.." Robyn said shrugging.

"Can we not gossip and just watch? I wanna make sure he doesn't try anything.." Michelle mumbled looking at the two and Beyoncé didn't notice how her leg was bouncing so aggressively.

She sat there for a total of 30 minutes. Listening to amateur jazz music and she was pretty satisfied when she didn't see any kind of suspicious movement from Safaree.

"He's actually..just talking to her?" Abel asked taking the binoculars.

"Guys they're like—25 feet away from us we don't even need those." Kelly mumbled.

"Yeah they are definitely just talking. And whatever he's doing is working cause she's laughing yall." Abel said.

"Oh he making her laugh? That's dangerous." Michelle said.

Beyoncé just rolled her eyes and chuckled a bit, "That nigga is so unfunny. He did a presentation on dragon ball z yesterday. There's no way she's actually gonna fall for this." Beyoncé insisted.

"I don't know guys, she told me he drove her home after that party and didn't try anything. Maybe he's just one of those annoying guys but is a decent good person?" Abel said and Beyoncé scoffed.

"He is not a good person. When he didn't know her name he kept referring to her as "hot nerd"" Beyoncé said in quotation marks.

"That's kinda how you talk about half your hook up Bey." Michelle pointed out eating some of the fries she ordered.

Beyoncé didn't hear as she continued watching him—she was annoyed. She knew how much of a weirdo Safaree was.

"Ooop yall hes wiping the side of her face for her." Abel said looking through the binoculars.

Beyoncé watched Onika take his hand as he led her out the restaurant. The friend-group sat in the booth in silence for a little. The background noise of jazz playing.

"Well—that happened." Robyn concluded.

"Are we gonna tell her he's  a jacksss or what?" Beyoncé asked, and Kelly genuinely shrugged.

"What are we gonna say? "oh yeah that guy you went out with? oh well we all think he's annoying with no actual proof of wrong doing—so drop him"" Kelly said in a mocking voice.

"Listen—I know none of really like
him. But we like Onika right?" Kelly asked and the friendgroup agreed.

"So let's all be..welcoming—while extremely cautious cause I will not hesitate to throw my stiletto at his face if he does anything to her." Kelly said crossing her arms.

"Who cares? This literally isn't going to last." Beyoncé said as if it was a fact shrugging as she was still staring at the door the two exited from.

He better be taking her home. She thought sipping her milkshake.


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